Relics of the Southern Joint Armistice Committee

Relics of the Southern Joint Armistice Committee

Phung Hiep town, Can Tho province is the place chosen to host the headquarters of the Southern Joint Armistice Committee, with an important strategic position, this is the center of two gathering points of Can Tho and Ca Mau. The headquarters of the Southern Joint Armistice Committee was originally the house of Mr. Ha Van Phu (owner of a Vietnamese photography shop, in Phung Hiep market), built in 1928. The entire relic site was built on an area of ​​1,635 m2. Looking from the outside, in front of the headquarters' door, there is a large sign, written in both French and Vietnamese - Headquarters of the Southern Joint Armistice Committee. In front of the headquarters there are 2 flagpoles. A flagpole hangs a red flag with a yellow star - Vietnam's National Flag. The second column hangs the Tam Tai flag - the national flag of France. Under the tail of the Tam Tai flag, there is also the Ba Que flag of the puppet government, proving the humiliating dependence of the Saigon puppet government. On the left side of the headquarters is a semi-permanent stilt house built in a U-shaped style, the home of the Vietnamese delegation's security force. On the riverbank in front of the stilt house is a wooden wharf for our delegation's Hoa Binh ship to dock. Every time the Hoa Binh ship has a white dove symbol on both sides of the ship, and on the roof of the ship is a red flag with a yellow star fluttering, carrying our delegation from the base in Hang Diep to the meeting headquarters, the people Both sides of the river and Phung Hiep market happily welcomed, clapped loudly... cheered our delegation every day. Successfully ending the resistance war against the French colonial invaders, with the Dien Bien Phu victory "resplendent on five continents, shaking the earth", forcing the French colonialists to sign the Geneva Agreement on Armistice in the East Positive. The Geneva Agreement signed on July 20, 1954, includes 6 chapters and 47 articles. The important content is that France recognizes Vietnam's independence, taking the 17th parallel (Ben Hai River) as a temporary military boundary. The Vietnamese People's Army in the South gathered to the North. The French colonial army had to move to the South. The North of our country has been completely liberated and built socialism. After two years, the two regions will hold general elections to unify the country. To monitor and manage the implementation of the Armistice Agreement between the two sides, according to chapter 6 of the Agreement (from Article 28 to Article 47), it stipulates the organization and operation of the Joint Committee and the National Supervisory Committee. economy in Vietnam. From the above spirit, after the Geneva Agreement was signed, the Central Joint Armistice Committee was established with Major General Van Tien Dung as its head. At the Trung Gia Military Conference, the Central Committee decided to establish the Southern Armistice Joint Committee, signed by General Vo Nguyen Giap - Commander-in-Chief of the Vietnam People's Army on July 22, 1954, for the Joint Committee to In case of armistice, direct and monitor the implementation of the Agreement and arrange troops to mobilize and assemble on time. The French delegation was headed by Colonel Duque (later changed to Colonel Colelen Bazien), the Deputy was Lieutenant Colonel Magron. There were also a number of puppet lieutenant colonels working as translators and a French female secretary. Each side's delegation has about 5 permanent members including: Head, deputy delegation, secretary, interpreter... throughout the working time of the Southern Joint Armistice Committee, protected and guarded by the People's Army. Vietnam and the French Union Army. The historical relic of the Southern Joint Armistice Committee in Phung Hiep - Can Tho has important significance in educating revolutionary traditions and building confidence in the victory of the cause of building and defending the Fatherland. From the above meaning, the Ministry of Culture and Information recognized the headquarters of the Southern Joint Armistice Committee in Phung Hiep as a national historical relic on June 28, 1996. Source: Hau Giang province electronic information portal

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