Red Areca Garden Memorial Area

Red Areca Garden Memorial Area

Red Areca Garden is surrounded by Nhi Binh, Quoi Xuan, Thanh Loc, Tan Thoi Hiep and Dong Thanh communes. This is a place with many areca gardens and luxuriant fruit trees. In the past it was a swamp land, canals crisscrossed like spider webs, immense weeds, snakes, centipedes, mosquitoes, leeches, scorpions,... endlessly. The name Red Areca Garden was born a long time ago, no one knows its exact origin. According to veteran revolutionary comrades who once worked in this area, during the war, areca palms grew in clusters here, so they were called "Areca Garden", and the "red" color of the place name "Red Areca Garden" not only It simply means that the color of the areca trunk has discolored due to the fierce destruction of war, but also means the bloody sacrifices of generations of officers, soldiers, and people who have fallen on this land. The location of Red Areca Garden is next to and surrounded by occupied enemy military agencies. It is like a bag containing all connections from the outside, and is a base connecting the forest with the city. Losing the Red Areca Garden means losing contact with the city. Therefore, Red Areca Garden became a stepping stone between the city and the base. This place has favorable terrain in terms of visibility and maintains the element of secrecy to deploy combat formations. For us, Red Areca Garden holds an irreplaceable transit position in the northwest direction of Saigon. From an initially rudimentary "security belt", Red Areca Garden later developed into a "concave base", a revolutionary secret area, a place to stand and hide revolutionary forces. The base consists of many different "Cons" spread over a wide area, and was the starting point for resistance forces to attack Saigon in the war against the US. Since March 1945, our entire nation enthusiastically prepared for a General Uprising. Red Areca Garden became a place to gather the masses every night to practice martial arts to prepare for an uprising to seize power and expel the invaders. Not long after the success of the August Revolution, on September 23, 1945, France opened fire to attack the headquarters of revolutionary government agencies in Saigon. After 3 months, the Gia Dinh Provincial Party Committee decided to withdraw its forces to the suburbs to preserve the forces to continue fighting. On December 25, 1945, at the Red Cau Garden, comrade Pham Van Khuong - Secretary of the Gia Dinh Provincial Party Committee chaired the conference of key officials. The conference decided to choose 3 communes: An Phu Dong, Thanh Loc, Quoi Xuan to establish a resistance base with the stature of a war zone because this place is not far from the center of Saigon, although the area is small but very convenient. beneficial for the resistance, can hold on for a long time... Red Areca Garden was chosen as one of the gathering places for our officers and soldiers. Here, we have established a "Worker Reception Station" of the Southern General Trade Union to welcome technical workers from Saigon. On that basis, the War Zone Command established a military factory to produce weapons and equipment to equip the revolutionary forces. To implement the "quick fight, quick victory" strategy, the French colonialists organized many fierce raids into the Red Areca Garden, aiming to destroy the resistance headquarters of Saigon - Gia Dinh. On the full moon day of the 7th month, the year of the Dog, 1946, France sent Moroccan, Cambodian soldiers and Vietnamese traitors to surround it and suddenly attacked the Red Areca Garden. Due to the sudden attack, our forces did not have time to fight back. French soldiers brutally suppressed and killed many people, including the elderly and children. From the end of 1946, France established a dense system of blockhouses and watchtowers around and along the roads leading to the An Phu Dong war zone, organizing many raids and fierce bombardments. But our army and people still stubbornly hold on, the revolutionary forces have organized many battles against robberies, eliminated evildoers, and continued to develop the "Popular Education" movement. Thanks to the resilient will and loving support of the compatriots, the war zone still stood firm, contributing to defeating the strategy of "fighting quickly and winning quickly", causing the French colonialists to encounter many difficulties and losses. In January 1950, during the funeral procession for Tran Van On, Red Areca Garden became a transfer station for students entering the war zone. Under the US - Diem regime, Cau Do Garden was listed as a "White Area" that was free to be bombarded. They continuously organized sweeping operations to find and destroy our cadres. Go Mon District Party Committee still upholds its determination to continue fighting. Red Areca Garden was chosen to build a "concave" resistance base in Thanh Loc commune at that time. From these bases, we have built a continuous base area to house many battalion and regiment-level army units. To prepare for the general offensive and uprising during the Tet Offensive in 1968, the army forces returned to camp at Red Cau Garden. Local people provided about 2 tons of rice, more than 250 loaves of bread, and hundreds of cakes. tet... On March 10, 1968, local army forces led by comrade Sau Theo were stationed along the riverbank to ambush two companies of puppet soldiers preparing to sweep at Red Areca Garden. In this battle, our troops used B40, B41, and AK to continuously fire back, killing 26 Americans and puppets. During the period 1969 - 1973, the Nixon government advocated implementing the new strategy "Vietnamization of the war". They stepped up their raids, especially in our base areas. Our army and people stationed in Red Cau Garden fiercely resisted many of their raids, large and small. In 1971, here our soldiers destroyed the 11th parachute battalion of the Puppet. In 1973, a guerrilla squad in coordination with the Gia Dinh regiment intercepted a paratrooper squad and collected some trophies. During the Historical Ho Chi Minh campaign, Cau Do Garden was the place where units such as E115, Gia Dinh Regiment, Go Mon Soldiers... prepared to attack Saigon, liberating the South and reunifying the land. water. Although the enemy used artillery and bombers many times to sweep and fiercely attack to destroy the Red Areca Garden, the officers, soldiers and people of Thanh Loc - Thanh Xuan bravely accepted their sacrifices. arduously defend the base to the end. Source: District 12 website

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