Bai Tho Mountain

Bai Tho Mountain

Bai Tho Mountain is located in the center of Ha Long city. Three sides of the mountain are densely populated areas, the west and south of the mountain are next to beautiful Ha Long Bay. Bai Tho Mountain is a place that records historical marks, a symbol of Ha Long city, where many famous relics gather such as: Long Tien Pagoda, Duc Ong Temple, Quang Ninh Post Office Main Electric Center; Battlefield 12 mm 7; Hong Gai squad cave; Air defense caves evacuated (from cave No. 1 to cave No. 6). As a gathering place of relics of many types such as historical and scenic, Bai Tho Mountain has many historical, cultural and aesthetic values ​​(recognized by the Ministry of Culture and Information as a Historical relics and landscapes dated August 31, 1992 (Addition of Ha Long Bay scenic relics area) have become an interesting destination for historians, poets, photographers, people and visitors. travel near and far. From the top of Bai Tho mountain, we can see the entire panorama of Ha Long Bay. Bai Tho Mountain is like a living monument recording important historical marks of many eras. Hundreds of years ago, when it was still called Roi Lamp Mountain (literally called Truyen Dang Son). According to local folk legend, Truyen Dang Mountain is the highest mountain in the Cua Luc sea area, standing on the ancient maritime route from the North to the interior of our country. Feudal dynasties used Truyen Dang mountain as a typical guard post in the Northeast sea region. Every night, the garrison hung a lantern on the top of the mountain to signal that the situation in the Northeast was still quiet. But when there was an enemy, the soldiers would burn wood so that the smoke rising high would alert the mainland. From the hanging of fire lamps by the soldiers stationed on the top of the mountain, the mountain is called Doi Lamp, the literal name is Truyen Dang. In 1468, King Le Thanh Tong led his army to patrol the An Bang sea and stationed his army under Truyen Dang mountain. Moved by the magical beauty of the clouds and sky of Ha Long water, the king wrote a poem and had it engraved on the south side of the cliff and from then on the mountain was named Bai Tho. Two hundred and sixty-one years later (1729), Lord Trinh Cuong wrote a poem depicting King Le Thanh Tong's poem and had it engraved nearby... During the resistance war against the US (1968), Bai Tho Mountain was also an air defense sentry guarding the sea and sky in the mine area, an ambulance cave, serving combat and the place where the telegraph center of the Quang Ninh Provincial Post Office was located. …. In particular, the event of planting the first Party flag on Bai Tho Mountain carries great historical significance and value. On the morning of May 1, 1930, the Party flag fluttered on Bai Tho Mountain, marking an important milestone in the revolutionary process in the mine. It urged workers and laborers in the mine to step up to the battlefield to fight and fight. overthrew the brutal rule of colonialism and now that flag still flutters on Bai Tho mountain, the symbol of Ha Long city - the heroic mining land. Also during the resistance war against the Americans, Bai Tho Mountain also contributed to creating an important historical event. History also records: The militia and self-defense force of Bach Dang ward, right in the center of Hon Gai city (now Ha Long city), at the foot of Bai Tho mountain, established a 12mm 7 battery and put it on duty immediately. on Bai Tho mountain. This battery is an air defense position that stands and fights in extremely arduous conditions and actively contributes to the overall victory of the army and people in the Quang Ninh mining area. With another role, in the years 1964 - 1975, in the caves on the eastern slope of Bai Tho mountain, the main electrical center of Quang Ninh Post Office was chosen as a place to evacuate service buildings and place a microwave station to transmit The waves transmit important information, thereby not only ensuring smooth communication but also contributing to fighting back against American aircraft and protecting the safety of the broadcasting station. Bai Tho Mountain is where many important historical events of Quang Ninh province took place from the Feudal period to the anti-French and anti-American periods, if invested in embellishment, combined with relics such as the 37ly Battlefield of Vietnam. Hon Gai Coal Enterprise (Ha Long City), Dong Trieu War Zone Center (Bac Ma Pagoda) (Dong Trieu District); Son Duong revolutionary base area, Bang Ca anti-French resistance base area (Hoanh Bo district) and revolutionary historical relics of Van Don, Tien Yen, Ba Che districts, Mong Cai city will become a tour. Travel to visit the fascinating ancient battlefields of Quang Ninh province. Source: Quang Ninh cultural and sports electronic information portal

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