Relic point Vietnam

Lao Cai

Ngoi Bo Temple

Ngoi Bo Temple now belongs to Thong Nhat commune, Lao Cai city, Lao Cai province. Overlooking the river confluence - the intersection of Ngoi Bo stream and the Red River, the temple is a place to worship Tan Vien Son Thanh - one of the Four Immortals of Vietnamese folk beliefs, "the most sacred deity of Vietnam". Southern Heaven". According to the elders, when the people from the lowlands in the village came here and were attached to this land, they built shrines and temples to worship Saint Tan Vien - a Saint who is worshiped throughout the midland and Northern Delta with devout belief in His blessing and protection. That trust is the pedestal and spiritual fulcrum of those far away from home on the path to creating a life in a new land, and at the same time is a reminder and maintenance of memories of their homeland. about his ancestors' origins. Ngoi Bo Temple Festival takes place on January 11 every year. Ngoi Bo Temple was ranked as a Provincial historical-cultural relic in 2016 Source Lao Cai province electronic information portal.

Lao Cai 167 view

Rating : Provincial level relics Open door

Pho Rang Fort Historical Relic

Pho Rang Fort National Historical Site in Pho Rang town, Bao Yen district (Lao Cai) is a special testament, where the heroic and glorious historical victory of our ancestors' generation 73 years ago is engraved ( June 26, 1949 – June 26, 2022).​ According to the History of Bao Yen District Party Committee (Lao Cai), Pho Rang station was built on peak 442, with an area of ​​nearly 1 hectare; This is a strategic location, able to control the entire basin area of ​​Pho Rang town and surrounding areas. The station has almost three sides of the river, so the station can cover and monitor all activities on the river and both sides of the river. The French built a solid fortification system with many bunkers, trenches, dense sharpened bamboo fences around the base, mines, obstacles and gun emplacements were arranged around the station. The enemy also arranged 2 platoons of European and African soldiers, 1 team of red soldiers, 1 platoon of paratroopers, 1 platoon of soldiers, all kinds of weapons ready to fight back and block the progress of our military branches to liberate the region. Northwest. On June 11, 1999, Pho Rang Fort relic was recognized by the Ministry of Culture and Information (now the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism) as a National Historical Relic, according to Decision No. 38/QD-BVHTT . Source: Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

Lao Cai 171 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Historical relic of Pho Lu Fort Victory

Historical Relics The Victory Site of Fort Pho Lu is surrounded by high mountains, dense forests, steep cliffs, and deep rivers and streams. There are 2 clusters of blockhouses: the near cluster and the far cluster. The nearby cluster has 3 blockhouses: Number 1 was swept away by a flood in 1971 due to landslides. Number 2 is made of 4.5m long, 4.5m long and 3.7m wide concrete. Number 3 is 900m from Pho Lu station. The remote cluster has 2 bunkers built on top of a hill about 50 - 70m high. The center of the station is the Command Post, now house number 244 Le Hong Phong Street. There are also barracks and many solid concrete underground bunkers, currently only 5 remain. Source Lao Cai province electronic information portal.

Lao Cai 163 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Soi Co and Soi Gia relic sites

Bao Thang is a district with a long history of revolutionary tradition, a rich system of historical relics and a rich national cultural identity. On July 24, 2007, Soi Co - Soi Gia revolutionary base area in Gia Phu commune was ranked by Lao Cai Provincial People's Committee as a provincial relic. This is a relic that has existed for nearly a century, one of the important revolutionary bases located in the large operating area of ​​Cam Duong - Gia Phu - Xuan Giao. Especially in the period 1947 - 1950, Soi Co - Soi Gia built a quite solid revolutionary base, received enthusiastic response from the people, so the national revolutionary movement was strongly promoted, tour groups The raid caused many losses to the enemy army. Therefore, they organized brutal repression and killed many of our revolutionary bases in order to intimidate the struggle movement here... Soi Co - Soi Gia revolutionary base area marked the revolutionary struggle. "It is one of the important and valuable relics of Bao Thang district." Source Lao Cai province electronic information portal.

Lao Cai 158 view

Rating : Provincial level relics Open door

Pu Gia Lan historical relic site

Arriving at Van Ban, entering the town center, you will see the majestic Gia Lan mountain appearing before your eyes. At the foot of the mountain is a long valley, a dense and crowded land. Gia Lan Mountain not only has majestic and poetic beauty but is also famous because it was the secret base of Van Ban's army and people during the resistance war against the French. Today, this base has become a revolutionary historical relic area that people know as the Pu Gia Lan Guerrilla Area. Pu Gia Lan guerrilla area was formed in 1947 in the Gia Lan mountain area, Khanh Yen Thuong commune. This is a secret base in the enemy area directed by the Van Ban District Party Committee to build, contributing significantly to the liberation of Van Ban district in particular and Lao Cai province in general. When the French colonialists occupied Van Ban, the people of Lang Giang, Khanh Yen Thuong, Khanh Yen Ha communes evacuated to this mountainous area. Along the mountainside from Lang Giang to Khanh Yen Ha commune, there are displaced people everywhere. Gia Lan guerrilla zone includes the entire land of Lang Giang commune, the southern part of the communes: Khanh Yen Thuong, Khanh Yen Ha, Chieng Ken. The North borders Nam Rang commune, the South borders Nam Tha commune, the Northwest borders Duong Quy commune, the Southwest borders Nam Xe - Van Ban commune and part of Than Uyen (Lai Chau). Gia Lan guerrilla area is a place to meet officials, soldiers, and guerrillas to discuss plans to carry out short training sessions, a place to facilitate communication from Lao Cai (in the past) to other countries. outside the province. Pu Gia Lan relic site is an important revolutionary relic site that contributes to educating revolutionary consciousness for future generations, while preserving the relic site is protecting the ecological environment. On November 16, 2006, the relic was recognized by the Provincial People's Committee as a provincial relic. Gia Lan Mountain with its natural wall has witnessed the maturity of the revolution in the countryside imbued with folk culture, witnessed the achievements of the Party leading the people of all ethnic groups to fight the French, liberating the homeland of Van Ban. ./. Source: Lao Cai province electronic newspaper.

Lao Cai 176 view

Rating : Provincial level relics Open door

Ken Temple cultural and historical relic

Ken Temple located in Chieng Ken commune, Van Ban district has long been an address attracting many people to visit and worship. In 2006, Ken Temple was ranked as a provincial cultural and historical relic by the Lao Cai Provincial People's Committee. Since then, Van Ban district has been implementing plans to restore and upgrade the temple to attract tourists from all over to visit and worship. Trinh Tuong Mau Temple Festival - Spiritual tourism destination Ken Temple is located on top of Pu Dinh hill, in the heart of Ken village with a land area of ​​over 10,000 m2. The temple worships Mr. Nguyen Hoang Long and the generals of the Tay Son insurgent army who had the merit of repelling invaders in Van Ban's homeland, helping people of all ethnic groups here clear their fields and protect their villages. Every year, on January 7, people hold an incense offering ceremony to commemorate his contributions. In 2006, Ken Temple was officially renovated, rebuilt spaciously and ranked as a provincial-level historical and cultural relic by the Lao Cai Provincial People's Committee. At the end of 2012, the Provincial People's Committee approved the Ken Temple Relics Restoration Project to make the main temple more spacious and create favorable conditions for people and tourists from all over to make pilgrimages and worship. To preserve and promote the nation's sacred cultural values, the People's Committee of Van Ban district is preparing a dossier to propose upgrading Ken Temple into a national historical and cultural relic. Ken Temple currently preserves many historical relics of cultural value in the Vietnamese ethnic community. In addition, the local government also focuses on propagandizing and mobilizing people to preserve the environmental landscape, preserve and develop traditional craft villages and regional cultural identities, creating highlights for tourists when visiting the area. Come visit, experience and worship. "In the coming time, the commune hopes to receive attention from all levels and branches, especially the District Culture and Information Department to arouse and preserve the unique cultural features of the ethnic groups, thereby helping to develop Developing local spiritual tourism culture better," said Mr. Van Gia Lam, Chairman of the People's Committee of Chieng Ken commune, Van Ban district. Thanks to the strict management of departments, branches and local authorities, security, order and environmental hygiene in the temple area are guaranteed and dignity maintained. Mr. La Quoc Luu, Ken Temple Incense Master, added: "All activities in the temple must be permitted by the Temple Management Board to be carried out, to ensure organization and management as well as to avoid the situation of spirit trafficking." sacrilege in the spiritual area of ​​the temple". Not only is it a sacred place for tourists to offer incense and pray for peace, Ken Temple is also an attractive destination in the spiritual travel itinerary of many tourists. Source: Culture and tourism of Lao Cai province.

Lao Cai 259 view

Rating : Provincial level relics Open door

Trung Do Temple

Trung Do Temple is located in Trung Do village, Bao Nhai commune, Bac Ha district, Lao Cai province today, built by the people at the end of the 18th century, as a place of worship, commemorating the merits of three talented generals of the Le Dynasty - Khanh Duong Hau Vu Van Uyen (1479 - 1557); Gia Quoc Cong Vu Van Mat (1493 - 1571); General Hoang Van Thung - were the people who had the merit of commanding and leading the people to build citadels and ramparts to maintain the border areas of the Fatherland, developing the land of Trung Do and Bac Ha in the old Tuyen Quang town into an economic center. social economy at that time, and at the same time assisted the Le Dynasty in the work of building and protecting the country. According to records of old historical documents, Vu Van Mat is a historical figure who lived during the Le Dynasty (Le Mat) and was born in Ba Dong village, Gia Phuc district (now Gia Loc district, Hai Duong province). In the 30s of the 16th century, Vu Van Mat and his brother Vu Van Uyen left their homeland to defend the Dai Dong region, the ancient town of Tuyen Quang (now in Lao Cai province). After succeeding his brother Vu Van Uyen, he proclaimed himself Gia Quoc Cong, moved his base from Nghi Lang citadel and built a rampart on Mount Bau. From then on, people often called him "Lord Bau" or "The Gourd King". Vu Van Mat is a talented, courageous general who is "loyal to the army, patriotic, knows how to put the country's fortune above all else". Under the talented leadership of Vu Van Mat, the ancient land of Lao Cai has achieved a highly developed, prosperous economy, with bustling and prosperous trading activities. He was assigned by King Le Trang Tong to hold the position of General of Tuyen Quang, given the title An Tay Vuong and remained in the Dai Dong region. He gathered troops with the Le dynasty to attack the Mac dynasty to Kinh Su, causing Mac Phuc Hai to flee in defeat. Afterwards, the Mac Dynasty attacked, Vu Van Mat was unable to hold the occupied areas, so he withdrew his army to defend Tran Tuyen Quang (present-day Lao Cai) and died there. To commemorate the great contributions of the two brothers of the Vu family and the generals to the land of Dai Dong, Tuyen Quang town (present-day Lao Cai), the people built a temple to burn incense. Over time, the temple was destroyed, only a small part and some pillar stones (carved with images such as humans, apes, peacocks, unicorns...) with fine lines remained. Crafty and unique, in addition, there are bricks with wide plates and very high hardness, decorative bricks carved with elaborate patterns including leaves, spirals, return lines, winding wire shapes. ... In addition, many artifacts made from porcelain and ceramic materials were also discovered at the relic such as jars, lime jars, bowls, plates... and many artifacts whose names have not yet been determined are being kept and stored. preserved at Lao Cai Provincial Museum. All remaining traces and artifacts are traces that demonstrate the history of formation, existence and development of the Trung Do Temple relic. About 2 km north of the temple, there are vestiges of Trung Do ancient citadel made of soil and rocks covering a hill next to Nam Thin stream. Also in this area, in 1989, a villager while plowing the A cannon was discovered, weighing over 300 kg and 8 m long, currently being kept and preserved at the museum of Lao Cai province. In the forbidden forest behind the temple, there is a white stone stele. Legend has it that this is the place where soldiers gathered to take the oath before going into battle: "Death to the enemy" on the stele there are still 4 slash marks of the general's oath. command. On the left, behind the temple, in the forbidden forest is a double tomb that is said to be the tomb of General Hoang Van Thung and his wife. Because they were determined not to fall into the hands of the enemy, they sacrificed their lives and were saved by the people. The village used dirt to build a grave. Later, termites rushed up to form a large mound. Currently, the graves of the general and his wife are still worshiped here. With typical values ​​in history, culture, education and tourism development, Trung Do Temple was ranked as a national monument on August 22, 2008 by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. The temple has undergone two investments and renovations to have its present spacious appearance. Trung Do Temple has an overall architectural layout in the shape of the letter "Nhat" with the Tieu Tieu building, in front of both sides are the Left and Right Vu houses located on beautiful land, charming feng shui, gathering most of the earth's worlds. The location and direction are considered typical of geography such as: water gathering position, crouching tiger, left dragon right white tiger,... making the space here become even more sacred and pure. The temple's annual festival is held twice a year on the occasion of the Field Descent Festival on the full moon day of the first lunar month and the Khao Quan Festival held on the full moon day of the seventh lunar month. Through its history of formation and development, Trung Do Temple has become a place of spiritual and religious activities for people and tourists from all over to visit and worship, and is a place marking the heroic struggle tradition of the army. and Lao Cai people, educating national pride and the tradition of remembering the source when drinking water for today and future generations. Source: Bac Ha district electronic information portal

Lao Cai 533 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Ong Bay Bao Ha Temple

Located in the "Hoang Bay National Guard relic complex", Bao Ha temple is in Bao Ha commune, Bao Yen district, Lao Cai province. Bao Ha Temple was ranked as a national historical and cultural relic site in 1997. Bao Ha Temple, where the National Guard God Hoang Bay is worshiped, is also known by many people as Ong Hoang Bay Temple. Legend has it that at the end of the Le Dynasty (Canh Hung era 1740 - 1786), the entire land of Quy Hoa district, especially Chau Thuy Vy and Chau Van Ban, were always invaded by invaders from Yunnan (China). In the work "Dai Nam Nhat Thong Tri" of the National History Institute of the Nguyen Dynasty, it clearly states about Thuy Vy continent: "Cam Duong Cave has a gold mine, Trinh Lan Cave and Son Yen Cave in the past had copper mines. Earthly products include cardamom. Ngoc Uyen Cave has zinc and silver mines. On the An River opposite Bac Sat point, there is Tuan Ty station in Nguyen Duong area, collecting salt tax, each year one thousand taels of silver. Language and writing customs are similar to those of Van Ban province. The Nguyen family will forever serve as Tutors. The military name is called Ninh Nhat. After the chaos, the population was devastated and the land was abandoned. The old managers of Huong Son cave and Trinh Lan cave recruited green-shirted Nung people to work on mining fields to pay taxes. The chiefs gathered the Nung and Manh people to live together, but they were difficult to raise and easily followed the enemy. The road from Van Ban district to get there has to go through mountains, which is very difficult. The waterway from Thao River goes uphill, underneath the river there are many jagged and bumpy rocks." At this time, the enemy general, Phu Chan Tin Toong, regularly sent troops to attack Thuy Vy district and capture Van Ban town. Faced with that situation, the Le court sent famous generals of the Nguyen family to defend the border area and advance up the Red River to expel enemy officials to liberate Van Ban province and consolidate and build Bao Ha land into a large base. Here, the famous general Nguyen gathered local lords and chiefs and recruited soldiers to practice day and night. After that, he led the land and sea army to advance to Lao Cai, driving away the enemy troops and forcing them to retreat to the Yunnan - China border area. After liberating the Quy Hoa area, he recruited the local Thoi tycoons to organize a welcome for the Dao, Tho and especially the green-shirted Nung people to set up villages, develop fields, exploit mines and build their homeland. With the plot to take over Lao Cai, the Northern invaders often sent troops to attack the border areas, but those small invasions were fiercely resisted by the army and people in the border areas, driving them back to the country. But their intention to invade still did not stop. They sent a large army led by enemy general Ta Tu Vang Pet to invade the country. Famous general Hoang Bay once again personally sent troops to fight the enemy. However, because the enemy discovered our military secrets, on the other hand, the enemy army was large, the battle was uneven between our army and the invaders, so he and his generals heroically sacrificed their lives, and his body floated down the river. Hong reached Bao Ha commune and washed ashore. People in the area mourned him with sadness, brought his body to bury him and built a temple for people to offer incense all year round to commemorate his and his generals' contributions in fighting the enemy and defending the country. Afterwards, kings Minh Mang, Thieu Tri, and the Nguyen Dynasty bestowed upon him the title "Tran An Hinh Liet". and bestowed the title "Guardian of the Nation". Source: Electronic information portal of Bao Yen district, Lao Cai province

Lao Cai 832 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Hoang A Tuong Palace

Cat King Hoang A Tuong's palace is located in the center of Bac Ha district. The architecture is designed in a combination of Asian and European style. Cat King Hoang A Tuong's Palace was built in 1914 and completed in 1921. The owner of this Palace is Hoang Yen Chao of Tay ethnicity, father of Hoang A Tuong. After more than 80 years of existence at the same time, covered with layers of ancient moss, it still stands majestically and prominently in the middle of a densely populated place with bustling streets. The reason this place is also called the Meo King's palace is because before 1945, Bac Ha was under a semi-feudal colonial regime with a ruling and ruled class, exploiters and exploited. Among them, the exploiting class are the local tycoons, typically father and son Hoang Yen Chao and Hoang A Tuong. That's why Hoang A Tuong King Cat Palace was built to partly affirm his authority and wealth. Nearly 100 years have passed, Sa Pa King Cat Palace still stands tall amidst the vast mountains and hills, becoming a famous tourist destination of Bac Ha. Despite nearly 100 years of existence with sun and rain, the Asian - European architecture and beauty of Hoang A Tuong Palace are still the pride of the people here. The entire mansion is built in a closed rectangular shape, 4,000m² wide. To enter the palace, you have to walk up two circular stairs in front of the porch and then reach a large waiting yard. It is said that in the past, this yard was used for dancing for the king. The house consists of two floors with a main room, a common room and a private room for the wives and children. The next smaller rooms housed soldiers and servants. The entire mansion is built of terracotta bricks, bonded with lime and beeswax. Regulations on the tribute of beeswax and opium at that time were also very strict for each family on a monthly basis. The entire roof is covered with ceramic tiles, and the floor is paved with precious wood harvested from the forest. French-style tables and chairs combined with Chinese spiritual architecture. Behind the palace is the Hoang family's underground escape bunker. Hoang A Tuong Palace was ranked as a national historical relic by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism on June 11, 1999. Source: Vietnam Tourism

Lao Cai 950 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Thuong Temple - Lao Cai

Lao Cai Thuong Temple is also named Saint Tran Tu. Lao Cai Thuong Temple was built on land in Bao Thang street, Chau Thuy Vi, Hung Hoa province, now Lao Cai ward, Lao Cai city, Lao Cai province. Thuong Temple was built during the Le dynasty, Chinh Hoa era (1680 - 1705). It is a place to worship the temperate Duke Hung Dao Vuong - Tran Quoc Tuan, who made great contributions in the career of protecting the country's mountains and rivers. A great historical celebrity, a sacred and noble Saint in the minds of generations of Vietnamese people. Located on Hoa Hieu hill in Mai Linh mountain range with an altitude of 1200m above sea level. Thuong Temple was built in the ancient architectural style of the letter Cong, following feng shui theory which is both majestic and very dignified. The Thuong Temple area has a charming natural landscape and a harmonious combination of traditional architecture and indigenous culture, giving the temple a majestic and splendid appearance. Reflecting on the Nam Thi river, this place once had an extremely important position in the defense strategy against invaders. Today, near the trade gateway between the two provinces of Lao Cai (Vietnam) and Yunnan (China), this sacred land at the tip of the Fatherland welcomes tens of thousands of domestic and foreign tourists every year. commemorate the national hero. Right from the moment they step foot at the temple gate, visitors can admire the beauty of a 300-year-old banyan tree spreading its branches, under the shadow of the ancient tree is a shrine worshiping Ba Chua Thuong Ngan (Queen of the Green Forest). Legend has it that during the resistance war against foreign invaders, she contributed to fighting the enemy to protect the territory of the South. To thank her, the people built a shrine right under the banyan tree with lush branches and leaves. In the main temple area, the horizontal painting "Land of Literature" is hung in front of the Nghi gate, on both sides there are two parallel sentences: "Vietnamese spiritual spirit is not built, Dong A's spirit lasts forever", meaning: " Vietnam's sacred monument stretches across the sky, the Tran Dynasty's pride remains forever. On the back of Nghi Mon's interior, there are the words "Quoc Thai and Dan An" with two parallel sentences: "Heaven and earth are gentle, heaven and earth are old; The golden flower grass is different, the money flower grass" means: "Heaven and earth are still the same, heaven and earth are old; The grass and flowers today are different from the grass and flowers of the past." Thuong Temple was built spaciously with 7 main worship spaces including: The Palace for worshiping Buddha Shakyamuni, The Palace for worshiping the Three Courts of Thanh Mau; Altar of Saint Tran Hung Dao; The palace worships the King and his father Ngoc Hoang... and the altars on the Left Vu - Huu Vu sides worshiping Lady Nhi Son Trang, Twelve Fairies, Attending God and the Temple Boy... are all arranged. placed in order. Next to the Thuong Temple is a square communal house with 4 doors and 8 flanking dragons. In the middle of the communal house is a golden turtle with a stone stele engraved with the name "Holy Tran". This place used to be a resting place for military officers on patrol. Today, it is an ecological forest with all kinds of plants to protect the environment, serving tourists to visit and rest to enjoy the fresh climate. Thuong Temple is located in a cultural relic complex with Tan Bao pagoda, Am temple, Mau temple, Cam temple, Quan temple. In particular, Thuong Temple is one of the most famous sacred temples in the system of temples and pagodas in Lao Cai. Through many restorations and embellishments, in 1996, Thuong Temple was ranked as a National Historical and Cultural Monument. Every year, Thuong Temple holds a festival on the 15th day of the first lunar month, attracting the attention of many domestic and foreign tourists to visit and worship. Source: Vietnam Tourism

Lao Cai 890 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Ho Chi Minh Park

Located right in the center of Lao Cai city, the President Ho Chi Minh memorial site in Lao Cai is often known as "Ho Chi Minh Park", located in Lao Cai ward, Laos city. Cai, Lao Cai province. The relic site is a memorial site, marking the only visit of Uncle Ho and the government delegation to the Party Committee and people of Lao Cai. The relic's location is located on the foundation of the old Lao Cai Power Plant, where Uncle Ho spent time visiting and encouraging workers at the power plant construction project that was about to be completed. In the midst of the country's difficulties, despite being busy with thousands of jobs, President Ho Chi Minh took the time to visit and work with the Party Committee and people of Lao Cai on September 23-24, 1958. Remembering the great contributions of President Ho Chi Minh and appreciating his precious feelings for his homeland Lao Cai, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of Uncle Ho's visit to Lao Cai (1958-1998), Lao Provincial People's Committee Cai built Uncle Ho's memorial area. In 2022, the Memorial Site of President Ho Chi Minh in Lao Cai was recognized by the Ministry of Culture as a national historical relic. The construction of a memorial to Uncle Ho in Lao Cai is a work of special significance that meets the aspirations of officials, party members and people of all walks of life in Lao Cai, expressing Uncle Ho's affection for the people of Lao Cai. people here, as well as the feelings, love and gratitude of the Party Committee, government and people of all ethnic groups in Lao Cai province towards beloved Uncle Ho. This is a spiritual work for people and tourists from near and far to have the opportunity to express their gratitude, respect, and offer incense to commemorate the great President Ho Chi Minh. Besides, the Memorial Area is also a "red address" to educate young generations today and tomorrow about the nation's history, his background, and his great career. This place is always open to welcome people from all over the country to visit and pay their respects and gratitude to President Ho. Source: Lao Cai City Relics Management Board

Lao Cai 856 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Lao Cai Forbidden Temple

Cam Temple is located in Soi Muoi village, Van Hoa commune (now the group of 3 Pho Moi wards - Lao Cai), the temple is located at the foot of a low hill, surrounded by lush fruit trees, in front of the temple are 3 ancient trees: the sycamore tree. , jackfruit trees and jade trees spread shade to the temple, creating an ideal landscape. The temple was built and existed nearly 200 years ago and is associated with the history of building and defending the country of the Vietnamese people in general and Lao Cai ethnic people in particular. The temple has a legend associated with the three times of resistance against the Mongol army under the command of the Tran Dynasty's king, general Tran Quoc Tuan - who was awarded the title "Van Co heroic spirit of the highest class of blessings". . Legend has it that in 1257, Tran Quoc Tuan marched to the border to command the defense against the Mongol invaders (13th century). Many generals fell on this border land. Cam Temple was built to commemorate 5 Tran Dynasty soldiers (names unknown). At that time, the station area (today's Pho Moi) was a dense primeval forest. During an inspection and command of border defense (around 1257), General Tran Quoc Tuan chose the location of the current Cam Temple. Now working as a 2nd line military medical station in border defense. Later in the battles, wounded soldiers were brought back to be treated in this forest. The indigenous people at that time, the Vietnamese, Tay and Giay people, also brought sick people in for military medical care. Then something thrilling happened: at night there was a young girl wearing a blue dress who came to treat everyone. The girl was very good at treating everyone. Everyone who received the medicine was healthy, but the miracle doctor just appeared. at night and not seen during the day. Learning about the local people, the people said that there was no such child in any family. Afterwards, the people and soldiers believed that it was the apparition of the Holy Mother of Heaven helping the army and people protect the country. Right below Phuong Dinh next to this ancient jackfruit tree are 5 graves of military officers who sacrificed their lives for a great cause. Cam Temple is located in the center of the ancient forest, formerly a small temple created by soldiers and villagers together, then officially started construction into a temple in the 16th century, after many advances. Agarwood still retains some ancient maple trees and jackfruit trees. Today, the temple has been beautifully restored and consists of two parts: the main hall and the harem. Meeting the needs of folk beliefs not only of the city's residents but also of tourists from all over, beautifying old legends - legends of military and civil love on the border. Cam Temple holds its main festival on the seventh day of the seventh month (lunar calendar) every year, celebrating the death anniversary of 5 Tran Dynasty soldiers. People consider this the death anniversary of "erasing the sins of the dead" for the five soldiers; Therefore, together we contribute rice and meat... to the organization. The ceremony of the relic is organized quite spaciously in order. Besides the ceremony, there is also a fun festival with traditional games such as shuttlecock throwing, swallow fighting... In addition, this is also the place where the annual field festival is held. On December 27, 2001, Cam Temple was recognized as a National Historical Site. Source: Lao Cai province electronic information portal

Lao Cai 848 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Mother Goddess Temple Lao Cai

Mau Temple is located in group 4, Lao Cai ward, Lao Cai city. The temple is located at the confluence between the Nam Thi and Red rivers flowing into Vietnam. This is also the international border gate of Lao Cai (Vietnam) - He Khau (Yunnan - China) and also the 102nd milestone in the Northwest border region. Mother Temple is a place to worship the Holy Mother Princess Lieu Hanh, a compassionate deity who exorcises evil spirits, helps poor people, and helps the court fight against foreign invaders and protect the sacred border areas of the Patriarchate. country. At the same time, she is a heroic mother in the folk subconscious of the Vietnamese people. The custom of worshiping Mother Goddesses in our country has gone through a long history. This is not only a worship custom imbued with national identity, but it is a common spiritual need of our people from the early period of building and defending the country until now. until today. Beliefs and customs of worshiping the Mother Goddess originate from the sense of ancestral remembrance, respect, gratitude, trust and have a profound moral educational meaning that is still of value to our generations today. . Holy Mother Lieu Hanh has been deeply imprinted in the subconscious of Vietnamese people in general and Lao Cai in particular since the 16th century. Through the ups and downs of history until today, our Vietnamese people have named her Mother Nghi. Thien Ha, always wish the Holy Mother to help "The world is peaceful - The country is peaceful and the people are peaceful - Phong Dang is in peace". Mother Goddess Lieu Hanh is a vivid symbol in daily life, but is very sacred in the mental life of Vietnamese people. In her subconscious, she is a Fairy, so she has Fairy magic; As a Buddha, one should carry Buddha's thoughts; As a Mother, she should have the qualities of a mother; is Holy so it is sacred; He is a child of good family, so he is educated, knowledgeable in history, and good at singing and poetry. In her, she has the filial piety of Confucianism and the magic of Taoism. That's why, Holy Mother Lieu Hanh is an image, one of the Four Immortals, the Mother of Heaven who has been reminded and educated to us for many generations: "In August, the anniversary of my father's death - in March, the anniversary of my mother's death." In Lao Cai, Mau Temple is located in the Thuong Temple Relics complex - a place to worship and remember the great contributions of the National Duke of Moderation - Hung Dao Dai Vuong - Tran Quoc Tuan. Mau Temple and Thuong Temple are also places with an important strategic position, a milestone in the Northern border of the Fatherland and a red address of the nation's historical and cultural roots. Mau Temple was built in the early 18th century, located in Lao Nhai village (now Lao Cai City), behind the temple is leaning against an ancient wall built by Liu Vinh Phuc insurgents to fight against foreign invaders. protect the borders of the land. Therefore, the Mau Temple was conferred three ordinations by the Nguyen dynasties: Tu Duc in the sixth year (September 24, 1853); Tu Duc in his 33rd year (November 24, 1880); Khai Dinh's 9th year (July 25, 1924). Located at the national border gate, on the international trade route, despite going through hundreds of years with many ups and downs of history, Mother Temple has not only become a sacred border landmark. Not only is it visited by people and tourists from all over the country and internationally, it is also a spiritual cultural milestone in the northern border region of the country. Mau Temple was recognized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism as a National Historical and Cultural Relic on January 26, 2011. Source: Lao Cai province electronic information portal

Lao Cai 949 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Cam Duong revolutionary base area

Cam Duong base area is located in Da 1 village, Cam Duong commune, Lao Cai city, Lao Cai province. Cam Duong and the surrounding communes of Xuan Giao and Gia Phu are lands rich in patriotic traditions and resistance to foreign invaders. The Cam Duong - Xuan Giao - Gia Phu guerrilla area played a very important role in the resistance war against the French in Lao Cai. That is the first resilient base, the direction point for implementing the Resolutions of the Lao Cai Provincial Party Committee on Party building, establishing party cells, establishing resistance administrative committees, and building unions. patriotic, formed a guerrilla team. Cam Duong was the site of the earliest armed uprising in Lao Cai. Cam Duong revolutionary base was born during the extremely difficult period of the resistance war against the French period (1948-1950). Built in the middle of the enemy's rear area and located in an important strategic position, the Cam Duong guerrilla zone became a springboard for expanding the construction of other guerrilla zones. Delegations of cadres from the rear (Luc Yen-Yen Bai region) returning to Lao Cai used Cam Duong as a secret gathering place to sneak deep into Lao Cai town, up to Muong Bo, Binh Lu, Phong Tho or to Nam Pung, Bat Xat, built base areas, built an anti-French movement in the enemy's rear area. In particular, Cam Duong is truly a belt and buffer zone close to the enemy's headquarters in Lao Cai town. During the Le Hong Phong Campaign to liberate Lao Cai, reconnaissance forces, military intelligence and the 148th Regiment all departed from Cam Duong. Cam Duong - Xuan Giao - Gia Phu guerrilla area for a long time was also the location for the leadership agency of the Provincial Party Committee and Lao Cai Provincial Team, many important meetings of the province were held here. Cam Duong revolutionary base area was recognized as a national revolutionary historical relic in 1995. This is where Cam Duong Party Cell, the first rural Party cell, was established on October 10, 1948. The Cam Duong base area is also preserved by the people and the Commune People's Committee, such as the stilt house - where the first rural cell was established; gathering shack; gunpowder mortar; alarm drums and many guns and ammunition; swords and self-made mines of Cam Duong guerrillas. Currently, the Cam Duong revolutionary relic site has been renovated and a traditional gallery built in Cam Duong commune associated with the name of the relic to meet the people's wishes, as a place to educate about historical traditions. heroic history of fighting against foreign invaders to win national independence for the younger generation. Source: Military Region 2 Newspaper

Lao Cai 982 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Bac Ha Temple

Bac Ha Temple was built in the late 19th century to worship two brothers Vu Van Uyen and Vu Van Mat - natives of Gia Loc - Hai Duong. In the past, the two men went to Ngoc Uyen cave (present-day Bac Ha region) to build a military base and stabilize the population's life in a large border area. History books record: "In the 7th year of King Tu Duc's reign (1855), he ordained the Bau lords (brothers Vu Van Uyen and Vu Van Mat) as national heroes of Bac Ha, making this land prosperous. densely populated". The history of the Nguyen dynasty recorded, "The prestige of the Le dynasty was due to the strength of the Vu brothers who fought the enemy, the land was peaceful, and the people were happy." The Nguyen Dynasty also ordained the heroic spirits of Bau lords to be general soldiers defending Tuyen Quang. In the first year of Gia Long's national merit review, national hero Vu Van Mat was listed among the meritorious gods of Le Trung Hung's reign. To commemorate the hero who made contributions to this land, the people here together built this temple to annually commemorate the hero who made contributions to the country, once stabilizing the southern border region. Northwest of our Fatherland. Bac Ha Temple has a profound historical significance and influence on the political, cultural and social life of the ethnic people of Lao Cai province in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The main festival of Bac Ha temple is held every year on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month at the temple right in Bac Ha town, to commemorate the death of National Duke Vu Van Uyen, who had the merit of quelling the rebellion and calming the people. in the Northwest region in the 16th-17th centuries. Since then, the temple has been a place for people in the region and tourists from all over to admire those who have contributed to the people and the country. During the festival, in addition to the ceremonies, many rich cultural and sports activities imbued with local national identity are organized such as: Performing arts, Xoe dancing, cockfighting, tug of war, Chinese chess. .. Bac Ha Temple was recognized by the state as a National Historical and Cultural Relic on October 29, 2003. Source: Lao Cai Province Electronic Information Portal

Lao Cai 915 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Co Tan An Temple

Co Tan An Temple, located in Tan An commune, Van Ban district, Lao Cai province (also known as Co Be Thuong Ngan Temple), was ranked as a national historical and cultural relic in 2016, and is a place to worship a goddess. Thuong Ngan's name is Nguyen Hoang Ba Xa, she had the merit of conquering the evil enemy, keeping the land in peace, and was revered by the residents of Bao Ha and Khau Ban (ancient Van Ban places) as the Holy Mother. According to historical records, at the end of the Le dynasty, Canh Hung era (1740-1786), when the entire Qui Hoa region, especially Thuy Vy and Van Ban were always devastated by bandits, "The entire region was in chaos, the population devastated, abandoned fields". Faced with that chaos, Mrs. Nguyen Hoang Ba Xa and her father, National Guard Nguyen Hoang Bay, stood up to persuade ethnic minorities such as Dao, Giay, Nung in green shirts... to urgently exploit mining fields and drive out foreign invaders. invade, protect the territory, and regain a prosperous life for all people. When she passed away, "The fragrance was still resplendent, the halo shined everywhere", to commemorate her great contributions, people in the area carved engravings of gratitude and contributed their efforts and money to build the temple. , appoint someone to regularly look after the incense and smoke. Having gone through many ups and downs of history and changes in nature, the temple has now been embellished and rebuilt on the exact location of the ancient sacred land (on a large plot of land, right on the banks of the Red River). , looking towards the Northeast, opposite the national historical and cultural relic Bao Ha Temple), has become a majestic spiritual tourism destination that attracts a large number of tourists from all over. Source: Lao Cai province electronic information portal

Lao Cai 896 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Phuc Khanh Temple

Phuc Khanh Temple was built at the end of the 16th century, on Tap hill, Pho Rang town, Bao Yen district, Lao Cai province, with an area of ​​2.4 hectares. Phuc Khanh Temple is located in the Nghi Lang Ancient Citadel relic complex, an architecture of the Le - Mac dynasties, a place to worship Bau lords and was recognized as a National Historical and Cultural Monument in December 2001. According to legend, during the time when the Mac dynasty replaced the Le dynasty, two brothers Vu Van Mat and Vu Van Uyen from Gia Loc district, Hai Duong province went to Bao Yen (Lao Cai) to escape the Mac dynasty and built a border guard base. Northwest boundary. At that time, Vu Van Mat realized that Bao Yen had a convenient transportation location and was the gateway to Lao Cai's trade routes, so he chose this place to build ramparts and recruit soldiers to fight against the Mac dynasty. protect the border and build Bao Yen into a prosperous region. After Vu Van Mat passed away, the people here built a temple to commemorate the merits of him and the Vu family for protecting the border, the land and the good people. Through many upheavals of time and history, the architecture of Phuc Khanh Temple has been much destroyed, leaving very few traces of the Temple. In 2006, the historical and cultural relic of Phuc Khanh Temple was restored and built on the old ground according to the architecture of the Le - Mac dynasties. The layout of the temple includes: main temple house; the two families: Left and Right; Tam Quan Ngoai, armpit gate and pillar at Tam Quan Ngoai. The altars for the Lady, the Uncle, the Son Than Temple and other sub-items such as: the lord's house, the temple house, the golden house, and the garden grounds. Phuc Khanh Temple has a convenient transportation location (75km northwest of Lao Cai city, nearly 280km from Hanoi along Highway 70), every year on the Dragon day in early January, the Phuc Khanh Temple Festival is held. held, attracting a large number of tourists from all over the country to offer incense to commemorate those who contributed to protecting the border and territory, and to visit the sights and explore the artistic and military architecture of Nghi Lang Ancient Citadel. as well as Phuc Khanh Temple. Source: Lao Cai province foreign affairs portal

Lao Cai 877 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Outstanding relic site