Relic point Vietnam

Quang Ngai

Truong Luy Quang Ngai

Truong Luy is a special relic with a total length of 127.4km, of which 113km is in Quang Ngai province. Quang Ngai Truong Luy Monument (ranked as a national relic on March 9, 2011), passes through the districts of Tra Bong, Son Tinh, Son Ha, Tu Nghia, Minh Long, Nghia Hanh, Ba To, Duc Pho. Truong Luy is a special type of large-scale relic, with closely related and inseparable relics such as ramparts - ancient roads - fortress/guard system and natural landscape. Truong Luy was built with materials mined on site such as hill soil, field soil, natural stone with many techniques of embankment, soil compaction, masonry, stone stacking... very typical of residents of the plain along the foot of the mountain. and the mountainous areas west of Quang Ngai. Because the ramparts are long and go through many different terrains, on flat terrain, the ramparts are built with soil, while on steep mountain slopes, the ramparts are built with soil on the inside and stone on the outside. Truong Luy relics in the high mountain area are still almost intact, especially the ramparts built of stone. According to researchers, across the ramparts, there are more than 70 relics of forts/fortresses built of stone or earth surrounded by moats. Most of these relics are still intact, including forts/fortresses such as Thien Xuan in Hanh Tin Dong commune (Nghia Hanh), Kim Long fort/fortress in Hanh Dung commune (Nghia Hanh) with quite large areas. According to relic records, the average height of Truong Luy Quang Ngai is 45m. Nghia Hanh district has the highest point with over 200m, mainly in passes and hills such as Phuoc Loc pass, in Hanh Nhan commune (Nghia Hanh) with 221m, Chim Hut pass in Hanh Dung commune (Nghia Hanh) with 227m... Terrain characteristics of the ramparts in Quang Ngai mainly run along the foot of the mountain and the back of the low hill. According to researchers, Truong Luy is a boundary but not a closed boundary. The floodway cuts across many rivers and streams, each crossing has a gate, guarded by a guard, allowing travel between the two sides. Travel is mainly for economic exchange purposes (Hre people buy salt, Vietnamese people buy rice, cinnamon and forest products), especially the market network located on the Vietnamese side. During peacetime, these posts/guards were the checkpoints for controlling trade and tax collection between the two regions. This is a special cultural feature of the monument. Archaeologists believe that this was not only a structure built for defense purposes, with military elements, but also a trade route between the lowlands and the uplands, between the mountains - plains and the sea. . In addition to its cultural and historical value, Truong Luy relics also have potential for tourism development, with ancient roads next to a long rampart, passing through residential communities with beautiful villages. , preserving many cultural identities of the nation. Source: Quang Ngai Electronic Newspaper

Quang Ngai 549 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Quang Ngai Cave Pagoda

Hang Pagoda (Thien Khong Thach Pagoda) also has the folk name "Kong Khong Pagoda" located northeast of Re Island (Lon Island) in An Hai commune, Ly Son island district. The unique architecture of Hang Pagoda was not built by human hands but by the magic of creation. Not built of wood, bricks, lime, or mortar, Hang Pagoda is simply a stone cave deep into the foot of Thoi Loi mountain (Ly Son district, Quang Ngai province). Hang Pagoda is the largest natural cave in the cave system in Ly Son, formed during the seaward period, about 4,500 years ago. From the wave marks around the foot of Thoi Loi mountain, rising significantly above the current tide level, especially the rocks in front of Hang Pagoda are vivid evidence of the phenomenon of ocean waves eroding into fine-grained sediment layers. , rocks and carbonate mud. The notes of French archaeologist Parmentier, oral tradition and a few remaining traces show that Hang Pagoda was originally a stone cave that the Cham people used as a place of residence or worship. before the Vietnamese set foot on Ly Son island. The genealogies and legacies of the first families to explore An Hai village show that about 4 centuries ago, during the reign of King Le Kinh Tong, Mr. Tran Cong Thanh and the ancestors of An Hai village were the initiators of this work. renovated and expanded the cave, turning this place into a Buddhist temple. Later, descendants of the Tran family added the spiritual relics of the Zen sages of Ly Hai village to the pagoda to worship. According to the genealogy of the Tran family, the family that oversees Hang Pagoda, this pagoda is about 300 years old. During the time when pirates (Tau O invaders) were harassing, Hang Pagoda was a safe hiding place for people. Inside the pagoda is a cave 24m deep, 20m wide, 3.2m high, and there are many nooks and crannies. Legend has it that in the past, this was the road to the underworld. According to the concept of good and evil going hand in hand, the main space of Hang Pagoda is for the good and those who know how to repent. On the contrary, if the guilty person refuses to turn back, they will be banished to the underworld in a smaller cave next door. Before there was a concrete road running to the top of the slope down to the pagoda, to get to the pagoda, one had to follow the difficult mountainside. The part of the mountainside facing the sea is called the meow, and is where many unfortunate people slip and fall onto the rocks and are injured or even lose their lives. From the foot of Thoi Loi mountain in the Southeast, around the mountain ridge in the Northwest, then following the stone steps down gradually, closer to sea level, visitors will see rows of banyan trees towering in front of the pagoda yard. (square almond tree) is hundreds of years old. Looking up is the windy ocean, looking back is the "heavenly rock cave", looming in the distance is Bo Bai island. In front of the majestic stone pagoda is a full-body statue of Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva with benevolent eyes facing the ocean as if containing sympathy for sentient beings. Lightly step into the temple, which is also a stone cave, amidst the faint smell of incense, a dim candle shines into the gloomy light and darkness, it takes a moment to calm down, eyes get used to the darkness, to recognize to the altar to worship Tam The Buddha, Amitabha Tam Ton, Hoa Nghiem Tam Thanh and the bodhisattvas, patriarchs, and sages who publicly destroyed An Hai village and Ly Son district. Like all other Buddhist temples, the largest number of people coming to worship and pray to Buddha at Hang Pagoda is on the occasion of Lunar New Year, Nguyen Tieu, Buddha's Birthday, Vu Lan and the days of worshiping, wishing, worshiping Buddha, Bodhisattva... Especially In particular, Ly Son fishermen, whether they are Buddhists or not, come here to worship very solemnly and seriously on Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara days or before entering the fishing season (sea gate opening). . Source: Vietnam National Tourism Administration

Quang Ngai 963 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Memorial house of late Prime Minister Pham Van Dong

Memorial area of ​​Prime Minister Pham Van Dong in Duc Tan commune, Mo Duc district, Quang Ngai. Where many high-ranking delegations from the Party and state, from Quang Ngai province and the people of the country, international friends come to commemorate and learn about Prime Minister Pham Van Dong. Prime Minister Pham Van Dong was born in Thi Pho Nhat village. Since 1925, he participated in the student movement fighting for the French to release Phan Boi Chau, and mourned Phan Chau Trinh. In 1926, he participated in a training course organized by Nguyen Ai Quoc and was admitted to the Vietnam Revolutionary Youth Association. From then on, young man Pham Van Dong embarked on the revolutionary path. The August Revolution was successful and he held the position of Minister of Finance. During the years of resistance against the French, he was a representative of the Party Central Committee and the Government in the South Central region. In 1949, he was appointed Deputy Prime Minister and from September 1954 also served as Foreign Minister and Head of the Central Foreign Affairs Commission. Then from September 1955 to December 1986, he held the position of Prime Minister. Tourists often stop for a long time at the artifacts of the late Prime Minister's daily life. A bike. One suitcase. Coffee box containing rice. Mr. Nguyen Tan Van, Former Vice Chairman of the People's Council of Mo Duc district, Quang Ngai province shared his thoughts: I visited the souvenir area many times, stopped for a long time at the bicycle and the rice cart with 4 food boxes when going. work and was touched by Uncle Ho's simplicity. Prime Minister Pham Van Dong always mingles with the people, sticks with the people, shoulders the burden, and leads the Vietnamese revolution through extremely difficult historical periods. In every position and responsibility, the Prime Minister has completed his duties excellently. During the years of resistance against the French, as a representative of the Party Central Committee and the Government, Pham Van Dong, along with martyrs Huynh Thuc Khang and Nguyen Duy Trinh, directed the fight against the French to maintain the freedom zone of Inter-Region 5. Especially , an extremely astute person in foreign affairs, was the head of the delegation of the Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam to the Fontainebleau Conference in France in 1946, and the head of the delegation to the Geneva conference in 1954. Although, busy Busy with national and people's affairs, Prime Minister Pham Van Dong always cares about the young generation and the country's education cause. Educate and cherish the future generations of the country and the nation. During 75 years of revolutionary activities, 41 years as a member of the Party Central Committee, 35 years as a member of the Politburo, 32 years as Prime Minister, 10 years as Advisor to the Party Central Committee, Prime Minister Pham Van Dong has made many great contributions. Prime Minister Pham Van Dong's life is a life of commitment to the revolutionary cause of the Party and the nation. The 115th birthday anniversary of Prime Minister Pham Van Dong is another time to remember and pay tribute to the contributions of the Prime Minister who always lives in the hearts of the people. Source: Quang Ngai province website

Quang Ngai 1083 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Son My relic site

Son My relic site, located next to Highway 24B, belongs to Tu Cung village, Tinh Khe commune, Son Tinh district, Quang Ngai province. This is a place to preserve evidence of the scene, as well as a place to display images, artifacts and place a monument commemorating the 504 victims of the Son My massacre, also known as the My Lai massacre. Son My is the name the Saigon government gave to Tinh Khe commune, while My Lai is the spelling in military documents and maps, and later in the American press, to designate Tinh Khe commune. This name originates from the name of My Lai village, one of the four villages (hamlets) of Son My. Pinkville (Pink Village) is also another name for Son My used by the US military as a nickname in combat maps. The Son My massacre occurred on March 16, 1968, on February 18, Mau Than year, according to the lunar calendar. The main unit that caused the bloody event that shocked world public opinion was the 1st platoon, 11th brigade, Army division, American expeditionary force. On that "terrible morning", after heavy rounds of artillery shelling the village, American troops landed by helicopter on the fields west of Tu Cung hamlet and Go hamlet (Co Luy hamlet) in Tinh Khe commune. The insanely brutal and destructive massacre began with American soldiers hunting down and shooting civilians. Houses and shelters were destroyed, burned, and cattle were shot and killed. The climax of the brutality was the gathering of villagers, mostly old people, women and children, into groups and then shooting and killing. 102 people were killed at Watchtower, 170 others were shot in a ditch east of Thuan Yen hamlet, Tu Cung hamlet. American soldiers did not encounter any reaction from the "enemy" side, other than the screams of panic and pain from innocent victims. Their only loss in personnel was when black soldier Herbert Carter shot himself in the leg to avoid participating in the massacre of his fellow men. Horrifying truth:. In just one morning, 504 innocent civilians were killed (407 people in Tu Cung village, 97 people in My Hoi village), including 182 women, 173 children, and 60 elderly people. There were 24 families killed, 247 houses burned down. Immediately after the massacre, the National Liberation Front Committee at all levels and the Government of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam spoke out to denounce the crimes of the American expeditionary force before domestic and foreign public opinion. However, it was not until a year and a half later that this horrifying event was revealed in America by American journalists and veterans. Americans and the whole world were shocked. The movement opposing America's involvement in Vietnam spread widely. Many prestigious figures, intellectuals, and social activists in the US and many parts of the world demand that leading figures in the White House and the Pentagon be put on trial for war crimes. After the liberation of the South, the revolutionary government protected the remaining evidence after the massacre, built a memorial for the victims and a house displaying pictures and artifacts related to the Son My massacre. In Thuan Yen hamlet, Tu Cung hamlet, next to the water canal that was once red with the blood of 107 victims who were collectively murdered. After many restorations, the evidence area now has an area of ​​2.4 hectares, including two main areas: the field evidence area (west) that has been preserved and restored and the additional exhibition area and statues. memorial, reception house (east). In addition, there are relics related to the massacre in Tu Cung village and My Lai village. There are documentary films recording the stories and images of survivors, and many scrapbooks that visitors have written in in many languages, truly expressing the feelings and attitudes of many people. people, of many generations, many different religions, ethnicities and political trends, when learning firsthand about the Son My massacre. Source: Quang Ngai Electronic Newspaper

Quang Ngai 1177 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Mo Cay Victory Monument

Mo Cay Victory Site Relic located in village 1, Duc Chanh commune, Mo Duc district, Quang Ngai province Immediately after the Ba To uprising, from March 1945 to May 1945, the Provincial Party Committee decided to move the Ba To guerrilla team to operate in the Co Nhat area of ​​the Cao Muon mountainous region (Ba To district), building Anti-Japanese war zones in Nuoc Sung and Nuoc La areas (Ba Vinh commune, Ba To district) and propagating and mobilizing local ethnic people to stand up to expel the Japanese fascists and their henchmen. From 28 soldiers trained in Nuoc Sung and Nuoc La, the Ba To guerrilla team quickly developed its force, moved to the delta to build a base in Vinh Son base area (Tinh Hiep commune, Son district). Tinh) and Nui Lon base area (Duc Lan commune, Mo Duc district), forming two revolutionary armed companies named Phan Dinh Phung and Hoang Hoa Tham. Phan Dinh Phung Company led by comrade Pham Kiet as Company Commander, comrades Phan Phong and Vo Thu as Vice Captains, comrade Ta Phuong as Political Commissioner, was staffed into 5 platoons: Am Loan, Bo Khiet, Phong Phong, Cao Thang, Tu Trong and Tu Nhai. Each Platoon has 5 squads, each squad has 12 people. Hoang Hoa Tham Company also has 5 platoons: Nguyen Nghiem, Cu Dinh, Pham Hong Thai, Ngo Dang and Tan Tu, the staff is the same as Phan Dinh Phung Company, with comrade Nguyen Don as Company Commander and Politician. member, then comrade Tran Cong Khanh returned as Company Commander to replace comrade Nguyen Don, comrades Nguyen Khoach (Thanh) and Le Van Duc as Deputy Company Commanders, comrade Nguyen Cu (Nhan) as Deputy Political Committee pellets. While the Ba To Guerrilla Team rapidly developed into the core armed force for the pre-uprising climax in Quang Ngai, on August 14, 1945, Japan surrendered to the Allies. The time has come, although we have not received the order for a general uprising from the Central Government, but after grasping the situation, at exactly 4:00 p.m. on August 14, 1945, from Thi Pho and Mo Duc, the Provincial Party Committee ordered a general uprising to seize power. throughout the province. Complying with the General Uprising order of the Provincial Party Committee and according to the agreed plan, Phan Dinh Phung Company from Vinh Son war zone launched a sortie to capture the posts of Di Lang, Ha Thanh, Tra Bong and the guard post of Chau O bridge, Then he pulled his troops back to stand at Xuan Pho, west of Quang Ngai town, waiting for orders. Hoang Hoa Tham Company from the Nui Lon war zone quickly marched to capture the posts of Ba To, Minh Long, Nghia Hanh, Mo Duc, Duc Pho, then advanced to the Lam Dien (Mo Duc) station area, then Deploying an ambush formation to attack the Japanese in Mo Cay On the morning of August 17, 1945, the unit of comrades Nguyen Hoa and Nguyen Khai arrived at Lam Dien station, after destroying the railway, digging a tunnel to wait for the Japanese to arrive, but no Japanese soldiers arrived. The comrades turned to Highway 1A and arranged an ambush at Thi Pho. When we saw a Japanese military vehicle appear, we suddenly opened fire and killed 5 people. The Japanese soldiers panicked and drove away. We recovered a Japanese Sten submachine gun and 75 bullets. After that, the unit continued to march to Mo Cay, implementing a plan to ambush the Japanese convoy from the south to pull the vehicle to Quang Ngai town. At 4:00 p.m. the same day, the Provisional Revolutionary Committee of Hoai An and An Phong communes (now part of Duc Chanh commune) organized red self-defense teams and people to dig roads and destroy sewers to create obstacles to hinder the group. Japanese military vehicles travel on Highway 1A to block the march of Japanese troops from the south toward the town. The victory of the Mo Cay Battle of the Ba To Guerrilla Team left behind a lot of valuable experience in flexibly applying ambush tactics to attack the enemy on National Highway 1A, achieving high combat efficiency and destroying many vital forces. enemy. This lesson was applied in the resistance war against America to save the country. Here, on June 7, 1966, Battalion 48, the provincial armed forces heroically blocked and attacked Battalion 3, belonging to Regiment 4, destroying 408 people, including 2 Americans, setting fire to and destroying 18 vehicles. 267 guns of all kinds. From here, Mo Cay became a place marking the victory against the Japanese and American puppets in the struggle for national liberation. Source: Collection of Quang Ngai Provincial Museum

Quang Ngai 1062 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Historical relic of the Ba To uprising

The Ba To uprising broke out on March 11, 1945 with 278 guerrilla members, two days after Japan overthrew the French in Vietnam, establishing a new government in Ba To district and Quang Ngai province. The Ba To uprising was associated with the Ba To Guerrilla Team, the first armed organization of the people of Quang Ngai province directly organized, trained and led by the Communist Party of Vietnam. The Ba To guerrilla team is one of the revolutionary armed forces born in the pre-uprising period and became the core force of the revolutionary masses in Quang Ngai during the days of the general uprising in August 1945, contributing part in building revolutionary armed forces in Thua Thien - Hue and the South Central region. Many members of the Ba To Guerrilla Team later became talented officers and excellent generals of our army in the two resistance wars against the French and the Americans. In 1980, the complex of relic sites about the Ba To uprising and the Ba To guerrilla group was recognized as a national historical and cultural relic by the Ministry of Culture and Information. In 2010, the Ba To Guerrilla Team was awarded the title of Hero of the People's Armed Forces during the anti-French period by the State. Accordingly, the special national relic site of the Ba To uprising includes 11 locations:. 1. Lieng river section (Ba To town), behind Ba To station, where revolutionary soldiers pretended to have tuberculosis, demanded to live in isolation under boats, covered the enemy's eyes to print leaflets and propaganda materials Revolution. 2. Nuoc Nang brick kiln (Ba To town), where the Quang Ngai Provincial Party Committee was established at the end of December 1944. 3. Comrade Tran Quy Hai's house (Ba To town), where the Provisional Provincial Party Committee held an extraordinary meeting (March 10, 1945) to decide to rebel and seize power. 4. Suoi Loa watchtower (Ba Dong commune), where the Quang Ngai Provincial Party Committee held an emergency meeting at noon on March 11, 1945 to decide on the direction of the uprising to seize power in Ba To district capital. 5. Ba To station, the garrison of the army commanded by the French station chief, controlling Ba To district, was captured by insurgents on the night of March 11, 1945. 6. The Procuracy Department (Ba To town) is where on the night of March 11, 1945, rebel forces rounded up Procurator Bui Danh Ngu, confiscating all seals, records, documents, and weapons; take power back to the people. 7. Ba To Stadium (Ba To town), where the Ba To guerrilla team was founded and where on the morning of March 12, 1945, the Uprising's Steering Committee organized a large rally, declaring He abolished the feudal colonial government and established a revolutionary government. 8. Hang En beach (Ba Vinh commune), at the foot of Cao Muon mountain, is where on the night of March 14, 1945, the Ba To guerrilla team held the oath "Sacrifice for the Fatherland!". 9. Ben Buon (Ba Thanh commune), this is the place to receive food and weapons donated by lowland people, transported by river to supply Ba To guerrillas to build an anti-Japanese war zone in Fig Juice, Leaf Juice. 10. Nuoc La War Zone - Voot Rep Cave (Ba Vinh commune), where the Ba To guerrilla group stationed troops, built a base, and practiced military resistance against the Japanese. 11. Cao Muon Mountain War Zone (Ba Vinh commune), one of the places where the Ba To guerrilla team based itself in the early days of the uprising, building forces and cultivating Kinh-Thuong solidarity. In August 2013, the Prime Minister decided to recognize the communes: Ba Vinh, Ba Giang, Ba Dong, Ba Chua, Ba Thanh and Ba To town as belonging to the "Central Safety Zone in Quang Ngai" during the anti-French period. On December 25, 2017, the Prime Minister decided to recognize the locations of the Ba To uprising as "Special National Monuments". Source: Collection of national monuments

Quang Ngai 1023 view

Rating : Special national monument Open door

Dang Thuy Tram Hospital

Martyr - Doctor Dang Thuy Tram was born on November 26, 1942, a son of his hometown Thua Thien Hue, born and raised in Hanoi. Father is surgeon Dang Ngoc Khue, mother is Pharmacist Doan Ngoc Tram - former lecturer at University of Pharmacy, Hanoi. In 1966, after graduating from Hanoi Medical University. Dang Thuy Tram brought with him the strength of youth, the will to fight, and the ambitions of youth, volunteering to accept the duty of a physician in the Southern battlefield. Her working place is Duc Pho district hospital, Quang Ngai province. While on duty in the area, she was ambushed by the enemy and heroically died in 1970 at a very young age, just under 28 years old with 3 years of professional experience and 2 years of Party life. Local people buried her right on the land where she sacrificed and her family reburied her at the Martyrs cemetery in Xuan Phuong commune, Tu Liem district, Hanoi capital. Dang Thuy Tram relic area includes: Dang Thuy Tram Clinic in Pho Cuong commune, Duc Pho district and historical relics associated with Dr. Dang Thuy Tram's activities during the war such as: Forward surgical station in Bong Dau mountain, Quy Thien village, Pho Khanh commune. Secret bunker in the garden of physician Ta Thi Ninh in Nga Man village, Pho Cuong commune. Duc Pho clinic at Go Chay hill, Dong Ram 1 village, Ba Kham commune. Duc Pho Clinic in Nuoc Dang village, Ba Trang commune, Ba To district. Dang Thuy Tram Clinic is located right next to National Highway 1A, about 50km south of Quang Ngai city. The clinic was built according to the wishes of Dr. Dang Thuy Tram during his lifetime. This is the first medical examination and treatment model with a special model in the nationwide community health care and examination system. In addition to performing medical examination and treatment for people in the area, the clinic is also an address that attracts tens of thousands of visitors each year. Dang Thuy Tram Clinic was built on an area of ​​3,900m², with architecture following the style of Rong house - Central Highlands so that visitors can feel the closeness and friendliness. Palm rows along the walkway and front porch make the clinic look like a resort with a garden. Prominent on the main campus is the monument of Hero and Martyr - Doctor Dang Thuy Tram, holding a hat to cover his head, striding forward, as if rushing through the forest while on duty, looking for a new location. It was safer to build an infirmary to treat wounded soldiers and avoid enemy raids. In addition to the treatment area, the clinic also has a separate display area introducing artifacts and images related to Heroes and Martyrs - Doctor Dang Thuy Tram in particular and the revolutionary struggle tradition of the Duc Pho people. (Quang Ngai) and Zone 5 in general. In particular, in the exhibition hall are the luggage left behind by Doctor Dang Thuy Tram before his death, which are two diaries that were picked up on the battlefield by an American veteran named Frederic Whitehurst, a former US military intelligence officer. and kept for 35 years until it was returned to the author's family at the end of April 2005. Due to difficulties in finding Doctor Dang Thuy Tram's family and seemingly despair, 2 diaries This document was donated by Frederic Whitehurst to the Vietnam Archives Institute at the University of Texas, Lubbock for storage and preservation. These two diaries were later published by the Writers' Association Publishing House as a book titled "Dang Thuy Tram's Diary". The works were successively translated into many languages ​​and published in many countries, making the image of Dr. Dang Thuy Tram familiar to international friends, becoming a shining symbol of the spirit of fighting against injustice. hidden and the desire for peace of the young generation of Vietnam. It can be said that with the far-reaching influence of Dang Thuy Tram's diary, it is one of the bright examples for spiritual education and revolutionary heroism in modern times... That is why today the Dang Thuy Relic Area Tram is a very famous attraction for young people every time they have the opportunity to visit Quang Ngai. Source: National Museum of History

Quang Ngai 1063 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Thien An Pagoda

Thien An Pagoda is located on top of Thien An mountain in Tinh An commune, Son Tinh district, 3 km from Quang Ngai city center. The ancient pagoda has the most beautiful and unique architecture in Quang Ngai. Thien An Pagoda was opened and formed in 1716, but at that time, this was just a small, quiet hermitage, few people frequented it. After that, the temple was restored and the number of monks, nuns and Buddhists coming here increased more and more. In 1717, this place was given a plaque by Lord Nguyen Phuc Chu with the words, "Sac Tu Thien An Tu". Over the months of experiencing wind and rain at the pagoda, the sign was seriously damaged and was recreated by Zen master Hoang Phuc in 1946. And it was not until 1964 that this place was officially restored and built. became a temple at the end of 1965. Since its inception, Thien An Pagoda has undergone 5 times of restoration, construction and expansion. To date, the temple's campus has increased to about 1 hectare. Over more than 300 years of establishment and existence, Thien An Pagoda has had about 15 abbots, of which 6 are revered as monks - sixth ancestors. With the pagoda's rich history, Thien An Pagoda was included in the list of national historical relics of the Ministry of Culture and Sports in 1990. Thien An Pagoda has a very large space with surrounding walls. Thien An Pagoda impresses with its elaborate motifs of dragons flanking the moon, along with scrolls and a system of parallel sentences. Above the three-entrance gate is a statue of the guardian god. Inside are two rows of Arhat statues on both sides of the Buddha statues. In the grounds of Thien An Pagoda, there is a large area of ​​land with ancient trees providing shade all year round. Thien An Pagoda was built in the Ruong architectural style, made entirely of wood, with the main pagoda in front and the ancestral house at the back of the temple grounds. In particular, in the temple there is a precious bell with a wide echo throughout the region. The area around Thien An Pagoda is a flower garden. Among them, the statue of Avalokiteshvara Buddha in the surrounding temple grounds is planted with flowers and many beautiful ornamental plants. To the east of the pagoda is the tomb area, this is the burial place of the abbots. To the south is Huynh Thuc Khang's tomb. In the north is a large lotus lake blooming with fragrant flowers. The water in the lake is blue and the most impressive is the rockery in the middle of the lake. Next is the monk's tomb with a lotus statue and a stupa. Thien An Pagoda is famous for having a Buddha well in the temple grounds, the well water is deep and cool all year round. The special thing about Buddha's well is that the water source in the well has never dried up and people here believe that drinking water from the well can cure all kinds of diseases. Thien An Pagoda - a pagoda with more than 300 years of history associated with many sacred and mysterious anecdotes. The temple is a place to send prayers, hoping for good things to come in the coming days. Source: People's Committee of Quang Ngai province

Quang Ngai 923 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Chau Sa ancient citadel

Chau Sa Citadel or Hoi Citadel, located in the downstream area, left bank of Tra Khuc River, in Son Tinh district, Quang Ngai province. The south borders Tra Khuc river, the north borders Ham Giang river, the east borders Dinh field and the west borders Ban Co mountain. Chau Sa ancient citadel was built by the Champa people in the 9th century to protect the south of the capital Tra Kieu. According to the information recorded on the stele, Chau Sa Ancient Citadel was built in 903. After the king of the 5th dynasty of the Champa kingdom, Java Vikrantavarman III, passed away, Sri Indravarman II became the successor. The new king moved the capital from Panduranga (now Ninh Thuan) to Amaravati (now Quang Ngai) and established the Indrapura dynasty (Cham Thanh). Then, in the south of Indrapura, the Cham people built Chau Sa citadel, an important defensive structure of the Champa empire, with the goal of preventing and preventing uprisings and invasions from other states. . Chau Sa Citadel was once the capital, economic, cultural and political center of the prosperous Champa kingdom. This was a place of bustling trade between the Champa kingdom and neighboring countries during the late 9th and early 10th centuries. After the Champa kingdom weakened, Chau Sa Ancient Citadel continued to experience many upheavals in Vietnam's history. In 1471, after King Le Thanh Tong expanded his territory to the South, Chau Sa citadel became an important military post until Quang Ngai citadel was built in 1807. Before 1975, Chau Sa citadel was officially established. Saigon government used it as a military post and named it Son Thanh post. Chau Sa ancient citadel is an architectural wonder built of earth on a large scale, including two layers of citadel: inner citadel and outer citadel. Each of these citadels has unique architectural features and plays an important role in the historical development of the Cham people and the Champa kingdom. 1. Inner citadel. The inner citadel has a total of five doors, each door is located in the East, West, South, North and Southwest directions. These gates are built of brick and have raised gazebos. In particular, the southern gate was carefully dug and reinforced and is considered the main gate of the citadel. With its special terrain and strategic location, it has created a solid defense system for Chau Sa Ancient Citadel. Chau Sa citadel also has two citadels called "crab claws", connecting the inner citadel with the largest river of Quang Ngai province, Tra Khuc river. 2. Outer city. The outer citadel was skillfully built by combining excavation and taking advantage of the natural terrain of the area. The outer citadel uses low hills, rivers, canals, and ponds in the area to create a fortified system, protecting Chau Sa Ancient Citadel from outside threats. The outer citadel was only built with three ramparts in the West, East and North directions. The western and eastern walls of the citadel were built firmly and solidly, while the northern side mainly relied on the mountains. The south side has no protective wall, overlooking the Tra Khuc River. Many ancient ceramic artifacts and Go Pho ancient tower were also found here, showing that the citadel was once a pilgrimage destination for Brahmin believers in ancient times. On the outskirts of Chau Sa, many artifacts called "quails" were also found, shaped like playing cards worn on the body. Inside the citadel there are also many beautiful Buddhist miniatures made from terracotta. In 1994, Chau Sa ancient citadel was recognized as a national relic. Source: Collection of Quang Ngai tourism newspaper

Quang Ngai 991 view

Rating : National monument Open door

An Dinh village communal house

An Dinh village communal house (An Dinh village, Hanh Dung commune, Nghia Hanh district) was built in 1820, with contributions from seven ancient families: Tran, Nguyen, Pham, Huynh, Vo, Phan, Le and villagers. to create. An Dinh village communal house not only has a rich history and is imbued with the nation's cultural identity, but is also a unique work of art. Over time and the changes of history, An Dinh village communal house has become a traditional cultural symbol of Vietnamese villages. The communal house is located on the highest and most beautiful land in the village, surrounded by rows of ancient trees, with a total area of ​​5,372 square meters. In which the construction area of ​​the communal house is 204m2. An Dinh communal house has undergone four restorations. In particular, in the second restoration period (1875), the communal house was rebuilt almost completely and has the same overall architecture as today. The communal house has a bold architectural style of the Nguyen Dynasty, reflected in a very unique wood carving technique. From the outside in, the architectural works are arranged in an inverted T-shaped axis. The main side of the communal house faces south. The embossing technique of visual art is expressed by artisans very sophisticatedly and vividly. An Dinh village communal house is one of the typical architectures in the village and commune architecture of ancient Quang Ngai people. The communal house takes on the role of both a cultural center and a common place of worship for the community, the administrative headquarters of the government, the village, and the place to handle all matters related to village members. In addition, the communal house also reflects the ability to conquer and build the homeland with the hands and creative minds of our ancestors, absorbing the knowledge of communal house building from the Red River Delta with a truss structure throughout the gong rack, stack of beds with gong shelves, developed into new structural elements with local elements, suitable for climatic conditions so that it is both dignified, spacious and unique, contributing to the traditional cultural identity of the country. Quang Ngai land. An Dinh village communal house has an important position in spiritual life, as a place to worship the ancestors of seven ancient clans that contributed to creating this land. Every year, at An Dinh village communal house, festivals take place such as: Communal ceremony with color procession (February 15), Thanh Minh (March 16), Lady Ngoc festival and harvest festival (August 2). The festival also operates according to general regulations on musical ceremonies of feudal dynasties, especially the Nguyen dynasty. But festivals also partly originate from everyday activities that suit local needs and certain cultural traditions. Furthermore, An Dinh village communal house also shows a unique, appropriate, and harmonious overall architecture from the Northern communal house style and the Central truss house style still remaining in the province. During the years of fierce war, especially during the two resistance wars against the French and the Americans, An Dinh village communal house was the site of secret activities of the revolution. This is where senior officials of the Party Committee and the Inter-Region 5 government meet to discuss battle plans. Not only that, officers, soldiers and people of An Dinh also dug a tunnel from An Dinh communal house to the riverbank to serve as a place to hide soldiers, wounded and sick soldiers. An Dinh village communal house is also a secret medical facility to treat injuries for officers, soldiers and people. An Dinh communal house has witnessed many ups and downs of history. The communal house embodies the will and strength of the Vietnamese community in building villages, and is a place where the traditional cultural beauty of the Vietnamese people converges. An Dinh village communal house has gone deep into the hearts of many generations, becoming a nostalgic memory for people living far away from home, wholeheartedly aiming for love for the Vietnamese countryside. An Dinh village communal house was recognized as a national historical, cultural, architectural and artistic relic in 2018. Source: Quang Ngai Newspaper

Quang Ngai 939 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Sa Huynh culture

Sa Huynh culture is an archaeological culture of the Metal Age, formed at the peak of civilization in the Iron Age dating from 500 BC, ending in the second century AD, originating from formed and developed from the previous pre-Sa Huynh cultures of the Early Bronze and Middle Bronze Ages. The distribution of Sa Huynh Culture is in Central Vietnam, the North intersects with Dong Son Culture in Quang Binh, the South intersects with Dong Nai Culture in Binh Thuan, the West is the edge of the Central Highlands, the valley area. East of Truong Son, the east reaches out to the island near the shore. The basic burial formula of the Sa Huynh Culture is tombs with jars buried in large cemeteries. At the same time, jar tombs and earthen tombs are also found at burial sites of the Sa Huynh Culture. Typical jewelry of the Sa Huynh Culture are two-headed animal earrings, three-pronged earrings, agate beads, bracelets made from gems, glass, and sea mollusk shells. Glass making and iron smithing are outstanding achievements of Sa Huynh civilization, playing an important role in promoting the development of Sa Huynh society. Sa Huynh culture has extensive exchanges with other cultures in mainland and island Southeast Asia. Sa Huynh cultural special national relic is a type of archaeological relic, with 6 relic sites including:. An Khe Lagoon, An Khe Creek - Cua Lo River, Phu Khuong, Long Thanh, Thanh Duc, Champa Relics Complex. The two locations Long Thanh and Phu Khuong have been decided by the Ministry of Culture and Information to be ranked as National Historical and Cultural Monuments. 1. Location of Long Thanh relic. Long Thanh relic site (also known as Go Ma Vuong) belongs to Long Thanh 2 residential group, Pho Thanh ward, Duc Pho town. Long Thanh is a pre-Sa Huynh relic of the early Bronze Age, the direct origin of the development of the Sa Huynh Culture of the early Iron Age. Long Thanh relic stands out with its egg-shaped and spherical jar coffins, with lids that are covered with bowls or pot tombs with two pots buried face down. The collection of artifacts features cat tongue-shaped stone picks, buffalo tooth-shaped stones, and nephrite gemstone jewelry including 4-point earrings, scarf-shaped earrings, bamboo-shaped chains, and shaped chains. The pillar is elaborately and delicately crafted. The Long Thanh artifact collection is notable for its ceramics. Long Thanh's ceramic containers are diverse in type and rich in pattern. Long Thanh relics are characterized by an early period, representing a cultural stage of the early bronze age progressing to the early iron stage of the Sa Huynh Culture. 2. Location of Phu Khuong Relics. Phu Khuong relic is a very large Sa Huynh Culture jar tomb, distributed on a large sandy plain of Sa Huynh sand dunes along An Khe lagoon, in Phu Long village, Pho Khanh commune, Duc Pho town. Relics belonging to the early Iron Sa Huynh period, jar tombs are always buried in clusters on sand dunes along the coast, next to freshwater lagoons and therefore somewhere nearby are the residential relics of the owners of the jar tombs. Phu Khuong. Inside the jars are many burial items, some jars contain human remains, burial relics in the jars include pots, bowls, ceramic vases, iron objects, jewelry including earrings, glass bracelets and semi-stones. precious. Phu Khuong relics are characterized by precious stone jewelry, which are dark red beads made of agate stone with many shapes such as flat squares, diamonds, diamonds, hexagonal polyhedrons, and bowls. sense. 3. Location of Thanh Duc Relics. Thanh Duc relic is the tomb site of Sa Huynh Culture jars distributed on the Sa Huynh sand dunes, between one side is the sea and the other side is the salt water lagoon of Tan Diem salt flat area, belonging to Thanh Duc residential group, Pho Thanh ward. , Duc Pho town. Thanh Duc jar tomb area has a very large number of burial jars, if we count the total number of jar tombs excavated, it reaches 175 jars. The jar contains burial relics such as bronze objects, iron tools, nephrite stone jewelry and earrings, and many ceramic containers. Thanh Duc bronzes have bronze rattles, this is evidence of exchange between Sa Huynh Culture and Dong Son Culture. Especially in Thanh Duc, there are bracelets made of copper and iron combined. This is a unique relic found for the first time in the Sa Huynh Cultural relic. 4. Champa relic complex in Sa Huynh space. The Champa relic complex in Sa Huynh space includes: Mot Mountain Tower, Go Da Tower, Stone Bridge, Champa Temple (Temple of Tho Chu), Champa inscriptions, Champa well system, ancient stone folding road (Sa Huynh - Champa - Vietnamese), Champa ancient irrigation ditch system. Regarding the current status: Champa towers such as Mount Mot tower only have ruins of the base of the tower left. Go Da Tower has traces of its base located next to Thien Ly route. Ancient stone roads, ancient irrigation ditches, and ancient stone bridges are still intact. 5. An Khe Lagoon. An Khe Lagoon is located next to National Highway 1A, in Pho Khanh commune, Duc Pho town, Quang Ngai province. An Khe Lagoon has outstanding value as the largest freshwater lake next to the sea in Vietnam, a transition place for terrestrial and marine ecosystems, coexisting in an overall ecosystem of freshwater, brackish water, and freshwater. salinity and agricultural production, playing an important role in the environment and socio-economic development of the region. 6. An Khe creek, Cua Lo river. To the east of An Khe lagoon, there is a small narrow creek draining into the sea with an area of ​​58.5 hectares. At the end of the creek is the lagoon mouth - local people often call it Cua Lo, this mouth is almost closed all year round. An Khe lagoon, creek and Cua Lo river are associated with the formation of Sa Huynh Culture, and are the basic natural conditions for the formation of Sa Huynh Culture, Champa Culture and Vietnamese Culture relics in the surrounding area. dress. Source: Duc Pho town cultural and sports information center

Quang Ngai 1027 view

Rating : Special national monument Open door

Outstanding relic site