Relic point Vietnam

Soc Trang

Chroi Tum Cha Pagoda (old Tra Tim Pagoda)

One of the oldest Khmer pagodas in Soc Trang, built around the 15th-16th centuries, is Tra Tim Pagoda. Currently, in Soc Trang city there are 3 pagodas with the same name Tra Tim that people often call Old Tra Tim, New Tra Tim and Middle Tra Tim. Based on its history, the old Tra Tim Pagoda is the oldest and most majestic. This is not only an ancient pagoda but also a revolutionary relic marking the victories of monks and Khmer people of Soc Trang town (now Soc Trang city) in the struggle against America to save the country. Tra Tim Pagoda was started construction nearly 500 years ago, on a high, dry land of 38,600 square meters located in Tam Trung hamlet, Dai Tam commune, My Xuyen district, Soc Trang, now in Tam Trung cluster, ward 10. , Soc Trang city. The pagoda has a unique location because it is adjacent to two large roads of Soc Trang city: Tran Hung Dao street and National Highway 1A. Initially, the pagoda only built a few monk houses for the senior monk and monks in the temple to temporarily rest. Next, the senior monk chose a suitable location for the ceremony to build the main temple, then the meeting house (sala), and the tower. Ash storage, crematorium... all buildings are made of wood or sand, roofed with leaves. Around the pagoda, there are hundreds of ancient oil trees and star trees over 100 years old, which not only create a cool, mysterious and sacred space but also serve to collect wood to repair the pagoda or build houses, boats, and Ngo boats when the trees have grown. old. The temple's architecture has traditional characteristics of the Khmer people, including the main hall, sala, school teaching Pali language for children in the area, crematorium, Ngo boat house of the pagoda, tower for ashes.... Currently, the pagoda still preserves a number of artifacts such as 40 statues of Sakyamuni Buddha made of wood, stone, bronze, glass, cement, 2 dragon lion statues (dragon head and lion body) made of lacquered wood. gold (also known as a deer - tea - masonry), a deer statue made of wood lacquered and gilded, used for monks to sit and preach; 9 main inauguration stele slabs.... Tra Tim Pagoda is not only an artistic architectural work of the Khmer people of Soc Trang province, but also a place marking the victories of monks and Khmer people of Soc Trang town in the direct struggle against the plot to relocate the Khmer people. The temple went elsewhere to expand the US-Diem Soc Trang airport in 1962. Since the airport was established next to the pagoda, it has affected and destroyed the pure, sacred space where the monks practice by the sound of airplane engines operating day and night. This airport location was formerly a horse racetrack for French officers and officials. In 1940, Japan occupied Indochina and in 1941 took prisoners of war and the people of Soc Trang destroyed the racetrack to build Soc Trang airport to serve as a rear base to support the Japanese air force on the Pacific front. It can be said that although the struggle of the people and monks of Tra Tim Pagoda took place within a small town and did not cause any harm, this event became a trigger for the movements. The direct struggle of monks and Khmer people everywhere in Soc Trang province, against the enemy oppressing monks, against the enemy forcing their children who are practicing monks to become soldiers. After the liberation in 1975, until now, Soc Trang airport has been used as a military school of Military Region 9, Tra Tim pagoda is still peaceful, free and is increasingly renovated more spaciously and prominently than before. With those victories, the pagoda has been classified as a revolutionary historical relic since May 12, 2004, according to the decision of the People's Committee of Soc Trang province. The pagoda is also a pioneer in mobilizing and contributing many resources to build rural transportation, great solidarity houses, build a new cultural life, eliminate illiteracy for poor children... with the intention of a good and beautiful life. religion. Source: Soc Trang Tourism

Soc Trang 378 view

Rating : Provincial level relics Open door

Serai Cro Sang Pagoda

Seray C-ro Sang Pagoda, also known as Ca Sang Pagoda - is located in Ward 2, Vinh Chau Town, about 40km East-South from Soc Trang city center. This is one of the ancient Khmer pagodas in Soc Trang province with a harmonious architectural complex, dating back over 400 years. The pagoda was built in 1576, with an area of ​​22,230 square meters. The overall architecture of the temple includes: Main hall, sala, housing for monks, Khmer literacy school, tower for ashes of the dead and crematorium,... The gate of Seray C-ro Sang pagoda is an architectural work built of dark red concrete, below the gate there are 2 square pillars that support the tower roof. The upper archway includes 3 towers embossed with Khmer patterns, on which is written the name Serai C-ro Sang pagoda in Khmer with red letters. The main hall of the pagoda faces East. According to the Khmer concept, Buddha in the West faces East to bless the people, so the pagoda must be built in the East direction to match the direction of worshiping Shakyamuni Buddha in the main hall. The main hall of the current Serai C-ro Sang Pagoda was rebuilt in 2005 under the abbot of Venerable Ly Thi. The main hall was built on two levels higher than other buildings in the temple grounds. In the middle of each edge is a Buddha sitting in meditation facing the four directions with the intention: Buddha Dharma spreads and permeates all four directions. The main hall's ground level is surrounded by fences and there are stairs leading up to the Buddha worship area on each side of the main hall. The roof structure of the main hall is a special structure consisting of 5 towers, including 4 towers located on 4 sides corresponding to the positions of 4 meditating Buddhas below. Each tower is about 5m high and 3m wide at the base. The central tower in the middle of the main hall is about 7m high and 5m wide. It is this special feature that makes the main hall's roof so massive, but it does not lose its elegance and lightness; Each roof level is decorated with stylized dragon images in Khmer culture. Inside the main hall is a large space to worship Shakyamuni Buddha and many different Buddha statues, each reflecting a certain important event in the Buddha's life. Around the inside and outside walls of the main hall are decorated with images of Shakyamuni Buddha's life from birth to nirvana. During the resistance war against foreign invaders, especially the resistance war against America to save the country, Seray C-ro Sang pagoda was both a breeding ground for revolutionary cadres and one of the spearheads for the movements. The struggle of the Khmer people against the oppression of the US-Diem puppet government until the successful revolutionary struggle to liberate the South on April 30, 1975. With that historical significance, on May 12, 2004, the Chairman of the People's Committee of Soc Trang province recognized Seray C-ro Sang pagoda as a provincial-level revolutionary historical relic. Source: Soc Trang province electronic information portal

Soc Trang 654 view

Rating : Provincial level relics Open door

Avalokiteśvara Linh Ung Pagoda (Buddhism 2)

Quan Am Pagoda located next to Dai Ngai river is associated with important historical events of Soc Trang province in particular and the country in general, and was the first place to welcome and care for Con Dao political prisoners returning to the mainland. Quan Am Pagoda is located in Ngai Hoi 2 hamlet, Dai Ngai town, Long Phu district (Soc Trang) with a long history. According to remaining documents, between 1860 and 1872, the pagoda was built and named Quan Am Co Tu. Quan Am Pagoda was initially built with simple leaves, but after many restorations and embellishments, it was completed and spacious as it is today. In particular, here on September 23, 1945, an event of important historical significance took place. Quan Am Pagoda and Buddhists along with the Party Committee, government and people of Soc Trang were honored to welcome and dedicatedly contributed to taking care of the group of loyal revolutionary soldiers of more than 1,800 people, who had just returned to the mainland after years of being imprisoned by the enemy in the "hell on earth" Con Dao. In the group of revolutionary soldiers at that time, there were comrades Le Duan, Nguyen Van Linh, Pham Hung, and many other officials present. The event of welcoming and taking care of the Con Dao political prisoners back to the mainland added strength, helping the Party Committee and people of Soc Trang overcome many difficulties in the early days of building the government and preparing for the resistance war against the colonialists. France. With these great historical meanings and values, Quan Am Pagoda was ranked by Soc Trang province as a Provincial Historical-Cultural Monument in 2004. Today, the pagoda is a place of religious activities for local Buddhists, a place of revolutionary traditional education, as well as a tourist destination for tourists from near and far. Venerable Thich Phuoc Thien - Deputy Abbot of Quan Am Pagoda said: "The pagoda not only meets the religious needs of the people but is also a place to serve the people's amenities and community activities; a place to educate local revolutionary traditions. In addition, I actively participate in social charity activities, helping many people in difficult circumstances. The pagoda connects benefactors from near and far to bring warmth and prosperity to poor people in difficult times, contributing to carrying out social charity work with the locality. The pagoda also does a good job of propagandizing the policies, guidelines, and laws of the Party and State to Buddhists." Every day, the temple welcomes visitors from all over to visit, make offerings, and study; On major holidays there are many tourists. When passing through the three-entrance gate, visitors will see the statue of Guan Yin Buddha standing on a lotus flower right in the temple yard and a few steps to the right is the Dia Mau holy temple. Inside is a stone statue of Maitreya Buddha placed right in front of the main hall. Next is the main hall that is being built, restored with 1 ground floor and 1 floor, concreted, with modern architecture, close to the people of the South. “Like the main hall of other Northern Buddhist temples, the main hall of Shakyamuni Buddha is the main Buddha worshiped. Next to the main hall, there are also Buddhas worshiping Thien Thu Thien Nhan, Tieu Diem, Ho Dharma, Tam The Buddha, and always worshiping Patriarch Dat Ma. At the top of the main hall is a stupa with unique architecture. The temple is a place where Buddhists and local people place their faith. The pagoda is the place for cultural, educational, spiritual and religious activities of the community. The pagoda is closely associated with the lives and activities of the people. In particular, this is also a place with history and revolutionary traditions, so people here are very proud. Source: Soc Trang Online Newspaper

Soc Trang 739 view

Rating : Provincial level relics Open door

Historical relic site of Victory Branch, Nga Nam Area

The victory of Nga Nam Branch has great significance, affirming the maturity of the Party Committee, army and people of Thanh Tri - Nga Nam in the resistance war against the US to save the country, reducing the morale and prestige of the enemy, causing increase the morale of our army and people. During the war against the US, because Nga Nam had a very important strategic position both militarily and economically, the US and puppet established a military zone here. Nga Nam sub-area belongs to Ba Xuyen sub-area, tactical area 4, located on the land at the beginning of a river with five branches. During Ngo Dinh Diem's ​​time, Nga Nam had many evil puppets gathered here. Among them, Muoi Hung is famous for his wickedness. They once commanded the militia and security forces to drag into the areas around the town, penetrate deep into the countryside, raid, raid, arrest, shoot, kill, imprison... causing pain and suffering to countless civilians. innocent. In early May 1962, the Provincial Party Standing Committee and the Provincial Command Committee directed the provincial armed forces to determine to destroy Nga Nam Branch. With careful preparation, we attacked and completely destroyed the branch, capturing many weapons, military equipment and supplies. Although Nga Nam Branch was destroyed by us many times, the US and puppet tried every way to recapture it, trying to consolidate and build this branch into a solid military base and rearrange the defense system. rigid. Among the attacks that surrounded Nga Nam Branch, the war in 1968 was the longest and fiercest siege. In the early days of the siege, we only used artillery and sniper fire to overwhelm the morale of the enemy soldiers, creating conditions for civil forces to focus on building two fortresses, establishing a siege and attacking more effectively. next steps. The battle to encircle Nga Nam Branch became more and more intense as time went on. When the fortresses were completed, the frightened enemy still tried to risk their lives to attack, but each counterattack was broken. After nearly a month of siege, we defeated the enemy 21 times who risked their lives to send soldiers out to counterattack. Our troops destroyed and injured more than 60 enemies, including many commanders of security forces, military security, reconnaissance and evil puppets. As a result, after 52 days and nights of the siege and invasion campaign, Thanh Tri's army and people received strong support from a part of the provincial forces, and we completely liberated Nga Nam Sub-region. The victory of Nga Nam Sub-region has an extremely great historical significance, it was the first time in the Southwest battlefield, using the siege and invasion tactics of guerrillas and local district-level soldiers (combined with a small part of the province) has completely destroyed a military zone that was among the second most solidly defended in the Mekong Delta. The victory of Nga Nam Branch was the result of determined direction, knowing how to promote the combined strength of many types of troops, in building the people's war posture; persistently cling to the people, build a solid base, be creative, and courageously continuously attack. With nearly 200 enemy soldiers killed, injured, and at the same time disarmed by nearly 100 others during the campaign, it shows that the fighting style of the people's war is correct and that the locality knows how to apply it. The winning site of Nga Nam Branch is located in Ward 1, Nga Nam town, Soc Trang province, ranked by the Ministry of Culture and Information as a National Historical - Cultural Relic, on August 23, 2004. . Source: Soc Trang Online Newspaper

Soc Trang 828 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Temple of the Lady of My Dong hamlet

My Dong Ba Chua Xu Temple is located in My Dong hamlet, My Quoi commune, Nga Nam town (Soc Trang). This place is associated with many important historical events of a heroic revolutionary land. Going back in history, My Dong hamlet, My Quoi commune was once a vast, empty land, crisscrossed with rivers and very deserted. At that time, My Dong Ba Chua Xu Temple was built on a foundation about 40cm high, with an area of ​​2,400m2. The temple is built of bricks, roofed with tiles, divided into 2 compartments, the first compartment worships Ba Chua Xu and her predecessors and descendants, the back compartment is used as a kitchen to prepare worshiping ceremonies. Before 1930, the uprising movement against the oppression and exploitation of the French colonialists and the henchmen of the American Quoi people continued but was not strong. In early 1930, comrade Quan Trong Hoang, a party member, returned to My Quoi village to organize propaganda and foster revolutionary theory for elite youth. From that human resource, in June 1930, the first Vietnamese Communist Party cell of Soc Trang province was established at My Quoi market with comrade Chau Van Phat as secretary. In a short period of time, comrade Chau Van Phat divided his thoughts, prayed for peace, was not steadfast in his stance, forgot his duties, and was disciplined. After that, the superior party organization nominated comrade Tran Van Bay as Secretary of the Party Cell and took My Dong Ba Chua Xu Temple as the location for cell cell activities. In the form of public activities such as organizing martial arts classes, teaching ancient music, teaching the national language... many secret training classes are continuously opened by the Party cell, secretly propagating the revolutionary line, recruiting many members. elite youth joined the Party, thereby promoting the growing development of the local revolutionary movement. After the uprising on November 23, 1940 throughout the provinces of Cochinchina, the French colonialists frantically launched large-scale raids to take revenge on the patriotic revolutionaries. The Temple of Ba Chua Xu in My Dong was also destroyed and leveled by them... It can be said that My Dong hamlet, My Quoi commune is not only the cradle of revolution, where the first Communist Party cell of Soc Trang province was established, but also the revolutionary base of agencies such as: District Party Committee and other organizations. Departments of Thanh Tri district, the Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Department, the Department of Military Affairs, Communications, Kinh Tai, Civil Military Medicine, the Music and Dance troupe of Soc Trang province and a number of departments of the Bac Lieu Town Party Committee. During the resistance war, many times the French colonialists and then the American imperialists poured bombs and bullets to wipe out the revolutionary forces but still could not shake the iron spirit of the soldiers and people of this heroic countryside. The revolutionary base here was still maintained until April 30, 1975. According to the uncles at the Veterans Association of My Quoi commune, through the two resistance wars against the French colonialists and the American imperialists, many outstanding children of My Quoi's homeland were awarded and posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Strength by the State. People's Armed Forces, with more than 100 heroic Vietnamese Mothers. Through the rain of bombs and bullets during the war years, after the country was at peace, people in My Dong hamlet together rebuilt a temple made of bamboo, wood and thatched with leaves to worship and pray for their homeland. With favorable weather and wind, everyone has a peaceful and prosperous life. In 1997, the province invested funds to build a memorial stele where the first Vietnamese Communist Party cell of Soc Trang province was established. Every year, My Quoi people organize the Ba festival on the 16th day of the second lunar month. On November 27, 2003, Ba Chua Xu Temple in My Dong was ranked by the Ministry of Culture and Information as a National Historical-Cultural Monument. Source: Soc Trang Online Newspaper

Soc Trang 1478 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Temple of President Ho Chi Minh

Uncle Ho's temple is located in Temple hamlet, An Thanh Dong commune, Cu Lao Dung, Soc Trang. On December 28, 2001, Uncle Ho's Temple was recognized as a national historical and cultural relic by the Ministry of Culture and Information. While our people's resistance war against America to save the country was at its fiercest and most difficult, sad news came: our beloved Uncle Ho fell ill and passed away. This is an indescribably great pain for the people of the country in general and for the military and people of the river and island region in particular. The district Party Committee, the National Liberation Front of Long Phu district and the island's army and people (at this time Cu Lao Dung was divided into 4 communes under Long Phu district) organized a memorial service for President Ho Chi Minh and his funeral. At the ceremony, the leader of the Long Phu District Party Committee read a eulogy about Uncle Ho's great gratitude to the country and people, and called on all compatriots, officers and soldiers to endure their pain and suffering. turned into a force of solidarity through concrete revolutionary actions to carry out his will to liberate the South and unify the Fatherland. "There is nothing more precious than independence and freedom." After that oath and determination, there were hundreds of opinions from soldiers and people requesting to build a temple on the island to remember and worship Uncle Ho day and night. With great determination, the Party Committee of Long Phu district and the army and people of the island communes actively mobilized to donate human and material resources so that on February 3, 1970, on the anniversary of the Party's founding, the project was completed. Uncle Ho's temple was started. During the construction of Uncle Ho's temple, many difficulties were encountered due to enemy raids and raids. Despite the difficulties and dangers, the workers worked quickly in the evening and at night. The project also takes advantage of wood and trusses left behind by a landlord's house and uses mangroves, melaleuca, bamboo, and leaves that are cut, trimmed, and packed at home for quick assembly while avoiding crowds. . When the construction of the temple was basically completed, an additional difficulty was that there was no image of Uncle Ho to worship. Fortunately, at that time, people found Uncle Ho's photo printed in the province's Fighting Newspaper (the predecessor of today's Soc Trang Newspaper). They cut it out and put it in a frame. It still looks beautiful, even though the size is a bit small. . After nearly 3 months, the project was completed. On May 19, 1970, on the 80th anniversary of Uncle Ho's birth, which was also the day the Uncle Ho Temple was completed, officials and thousands of people eagerly gathered to attend the ceremony, despite the danger from bombs and bullets. enemy artillery. The temple was completed with contributions from the people of the island communes and money donated by the people of the communes and towns in the mainland of Long Phu district. After many times of repair, restoration and embellishment, in 2010, Soc Trang started construction of the project "Renovate and embellish Uncle Ho's Temple Historical Relic Area" with items such as: memorial house , exhibition house, meeting house, ceremony yard, lotus pond, fence, internal roads, trees... on an area of ​​2.2 hectares. After nearly 3 years of construction, Uncle Ho's Temple was completed and put into use, meeting the expectations and being the pride of the people of Soc Trang. Uncle Ho's temple is a red address, where many local people, tourists inside and outside the province, especially union members and young people, often come here to visit and burn incense to commemorate their beloved Uncle Ho. Source: Soc Trang Online Newspaper

Soc Trang 661 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Bat Pagoda historical site

Bat Pagoda's name is Wathseraytêchô - Mahatup (transliterated from Khmer). Later, the Kinh and Chinese people read the word Mahatup as "Ma Toc". That's why many people call it: "Ma Toc Pagoda". In addition, people also call it Bat Pagoda because there are many bats in this pagoda. The word "Ma Toc" is also the place name (from the road junction to the turn to Chua Bat Pagoda) as a small village. The population here has 3 ethnic groups (Kinh, Chinese, Khmer) living together. Bat Pagoda is an architectural complex including: The main hall, the Sala (assembly house of monks and followers), the monk's house and the abbot, the towers for storing ashes of the dead, the living room... All the works Located in a large campus with many ancient trees, an area of ​​about 4 hectares. Bat Pagoda is located in Soc Trang city, cluster 9, ward 3, Soc Trang city. According to Khmer people, Mahatup is a big battle (Tup: battle; Maha: big). This was where a fierce battle of the peasant uprising against the feudal lords of the past took place. After that battle, the displaced people returned to live. They thought that this land had good omens (good land) so they built a temple to worship Buddha. As if there was a supreme being to protect them (because the battles of the peasant movement in other places were failed, but here the battle was fierce and won). According to the ancient bibliography left behind by the Pagoda, it is recorded: The pagoda was started construction in 1569 of the solar calendar. Bat Pagoda architecture is similar to other Khmer Pagoda architecture in the Mekong Delta. Decorative motifs, sculptures, and paintings have Khmer cultural nuances. From the almost mystical phenomena of the bats at "Bat Pagoda", rumors spread far and wide, and visitors from all over wanted to visit to see for themselves. Since the anti-American war, "Bat Pagoda" has been famous for its mysteries, so the Pagoda's campus at that time was very strange to outside society. Therefore, our cadres often go to revolutionary activities. To this day, Bat Pagoda is very famous, because of its charming landscape, closeness to nature, the official religious architectural complex of the Khmer people and the mysterious bat colony (according to the beliefs of each ethnic group). ) has inspired more and more visitors to visit the pagoda. Currently, the artifacts in the bat pagoda are mainly statues of Buddhas such as: the 2m high statue of Shakyamuni Buddha sitting in meditation made of cement and many other small statues made of cement and other materials offered by Buddhists. pagoda. There is also a hammock door frame made of wood lacquered with gold and carved with images of birds, flowers, and especially with motifs of bats; a bed carved with delicate flowers and leaves, painted in red and gold; Two large cabinets have carved patterns following traditional Khmer motifs. Most especially, in the abbot's hall and living room, there is also a statue of a deceased monk, the same size as a real person in a meditating position made of cement that was made for the room. Cozy, lively and attractive. On February 12, 1999, the Ministry of Culture and Information recognized Bat Pagoda as a national monument. Source: Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Soc Trang province

Soc Trang 1113 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Dinh Hoa Tu

Hoa Tu communal house is in Hoa Tu 1 commune, My Xuyen district (Soc Trang). Hoa Tu Communal House, is an artistic architectural work with traditional characteristics of Vietnamese national culture associated with many heroic historical periods, especially the people's uprising on November 23. /1940. According to local elders, in the past, Hoa Tu village was very prosperous, the villagers were harmonious, and business was peaceful. King Tu Duc praised and ordained the village on November 29, 1852. From then on, the villagers contributed to building a beautiful, spacious and spacious communal house to invite people to worship. The first communal house has a very large area, more than 360 square meters, including 3 parallel rooms, arranged in the Northeast and Southwest directions, the gate faces the Northeast, the roof is covered with yin and yang tiles, and the pillars are made of solid wood. . In the communal house, the pillars, tablets, altars, and tureens are all skillfully carved. The first room is a martial arts house, the middle room is a guest house, the second room is a shrine to worship gods and the founding fathers... In 1938, comrade Pham Hong Tham and comrade Tu Boi returned to Hoa Tu to build the Party base, then Hoa Tu Cell was established with 3 party members. Under the leadership of Hoa Tu Party Cell, anti-imperial organizations of farmers, youth, women... Hoa Tu village was born and developed rapidly. On November 23, 1940, the uprising order from the Party Committee was received by Hoa Tu Cell, full of people from hamlets in the village with rudimentary weapons clutched in their hands: sticks, spears, spears, spears, hammers... gathered in front of the communal house to prepare for the uprising. At 2 a.m. on November 24, 1940, the uprising of Hoa Tu village was successful, for the first time the red flag with yellow star appeared flying in Hoa Tu village... Throughout history, although affected and devastated by war, the soul of Hoa Tu communal house is still cared for and preserved by local people. Before 1945, the communal house was renovated and the plank walls were replaced with brick walls plastered with lime. In 1946, when the French enemy returned, determined not to let the enemy have a place to camp, the people were forced to dismantle the communal house. By 1957, the communal house was rebuilt, however, due to damaged columns and lost altar items, the communal house was no longer as intact as before. After the complete liberation of the South and unification of the country (April 30, 1975), the communal house was restored many times, most recently in 2010. The current status of the communal house is that the foundation is 112m2 wide, with two rooms. The front is a martial arts hall, the back is a shrine. In the temple, there is an altar to the God in the middle of the hall built of bricks plastered with cement. On the wall in the middle of the pedestal there is a red background with the word God in gold painted wood. The altar is a set of three monks including 1 ceramic vase with incense in the middle and 2 Wooden candlesticks on both sides depict a pair of cranes standing on the backs of turtles painted with oil paint. On the left of the shrine is the altar of comrade Van Ngoc Chinh and the martyrs who died in the Cochinchina uprising in Hoa Tu in 1940; The pedestal on the right corner worships the martyrs and Hoa Tu people who sacrificed their lives in the resistance war against the French colonialists and American imperialists. 14m from the communal house gate, there is a memorial stele erected. The front of the stone-washed stele is decorated with a red flag with a yellow star in an embossed circle. Under the flag is a concave square temporarily attached to a tin board with the words "Hoa Tu Tradition November 23, 1940". Currently, the communal house still preserves many precious items such as 2 wooden turtle shells, 2 wooden crane backs engraved with Han Nom texts, rectangular wooden tablet feet with carved patterns around the edges, 1 A piece of wood carved with the image of a dragon gliding in the clouds and a piece of wood carved with the image of a dragon's face spraying water, ordained as a deity of Hoa Tu village by King Tu Duc, a double-barreled gun is a relic of the Cochinchina Uprising in Hoa Tu village in 1999. 1940. As usual, on the full moon day of the second lunar month each year, Hoa Tu communal house will hold a worshiping ceremony to worship the gods, attracting a large number of people to visit and worship. Hoa Tu communal house was recognized as a national historical relic on June 16, 1992. Source: Soc Trang Online Newspaper

Soc Trang 662 view

Rating : National monument Open door

TaBerd School historical site

Taberd Soc Trang School's historical and cultural relic site is today located on the campus of Ischool High School located at 19, Ton Duc Thang, Ward 6, Soc Trang city, Soc Trang province. The reason the relic is called Taberd School is because in the past this was a boarding elementary school of a French Catholic organization, built in 1912. The school has a campus of 11,128 square meters, accommodating several thousand people. . This place marked an important revolutionary event, recognizing the great contributions of the Party Committee, army and people of Soc Trang in the resistance war against the French. After the victory of the August Revolution in 1945, our Party quickly consolidated and built the revolutionary government, stabilized society, and took care of the people's lives. At the same time, deal with the French colonialists' plot to return to invasion. In the South, the Nam Ky Provincial Party Committee assigned the Soc Trang Provincial Party Committee an important and urgent task, which is to organize the reception of officers and soldiers returning from Con Dao. At 7:00 pm on September 23, 1945, a boat carrying about 2,300 people, including more than 1,800 political prisoners from Con Dao, arrived in Soc Trang and arrived at Cau Noi wharf, also Cau Tau port in six provinces. And Taberd School with its spacious campus and next to Noi Bridge was chosen as a place to stop and rest for Con Dao political prisoners from September 23 to September 30, 1945. Here, Con Dao political prisoners were enthusiastically welcomed by thousands of Soc Trang compatriots amid a forest of torches, flags and banners. Tens of tons of rice, salt sugar, hundreds of pigs, chickens, ducks and thousands of clothes, blankets, mats, mosquito nets, boards... were donated by the people to prepare to welcome the group, a service team consisting of hundreds of men. The young woman was in a ready position to serve. After September 30, 1945, the group of Con Dao political prisoners departed for Can Tho to receive new tasks. By welcoming and taking care of Con Dao political prisoners, the Party Committee and people of Soc Trang have successfully completed an important and meaningful task, contributing to building and firmly protecting the achievements of the revolution, bringing The Vietnamese revolution went from victory to victory. With the meaning and importance of the event, on June 11, 1992, the Ministry of Culture and Information decided to recognize Taberd School in Soc Trang as a national historical relic, a type of revolutionary historical relic. . The showroom is arranged with 6 major contents: The first content is "Con Dao Prison - Hell on Earth": includes a number of images of Con Dao prison and prisoners taken, showing a part of the torture and brutal torture of political prisoners. treatment in colonial prisons. The second content is the successful August Revolution of 1945: The third content is: The event of welcoming a group of Political prisoners from Con Dao to the mainland. The fourth content is: The 7-day process of taking care of officers and soldiers at Taberd School. The fifth content is: Typical characters. Source: Electronic information portal of Soc Trang City People's Committee

Soc Trang 1144 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Historical relic of Soc Trang Provincial Party Committee Base

Soc Trang Provincial Party Committee Base Relic has an area of ​​281 hectares, located in My Phuoc Melaleuca forest, in My Phuoc commune, My Tu District, Soc Trang province. The center of the relic site is the Hall, where thousands of meetings of the Party Committee and the Executive Committee of the Soc Trang Provincial Party Committee took place during the resistance war. Previously, the Hall was temporarily built with materials available in the forest such as: Melaleuca, nipa palm leaves, etc. After the year Mau Than 1968, to adapt to the new situation, and at the same time build a solid base to hold on. Long-term resistance pillar, the Hall was rebuilt with square oilwood, split-leaf roof, 4.7m high, 20m long, 4m wide and divided into 5 equal compartments. On both sides of the Hall, there are 4 concrete bunkers, used to hide when enemy aircraft or artillery bombard them. There are 2 floating bunkers, 1 can hold 10 to 15 people and 2 submerged bunkers, 1 can hold 20 to 25 people. In particular, to ensure the safety of the core leadership force, the Base is also equipped with 2 additional secret bunkers about 300m away from the Conference Hall, in which reserve food and necessary items are prepared, each day. The bunker holds about 10 to 13 people. In addition, the Base Area also has the Secretary's office and many camps of affiliated agencies built in field form. The Soc Trang Provincial Party Committee base area was also called My Phuoc Base by the people during the war because this base was formed and built in the cajuput forest in My Phuoc commune. Previously, this area was just a desolate field full of weeds, tens of thousands of acres wide, then people came here to explore, settle and establish hamlets. In the early 20th century, after occupying 6 Southern provinces including Bien Hoa, Gia Dinh, Dinh Tuong, Vinh Long, An Giang, Ha Tien - Soc Trang area in An Giang province, France promoted resource exploitation and land occupation. agricultural products, forcing people to dig canals and grow melaleuca. At that time (1926), Soc Trang province had 4 districts: Chau Thanh, Ke Sach, Long Phu and Phu Loc. At that time, My Phuoc belonged to Chau Thanh district. By August 25, 1945, after the people of Soc Trang successfully seized power, this Melaleuca forest was the property of the people. After the success of the August Revolution, the whole country urgently built and strengthened its forces to prepare resistance plans to continue fighting against the French colonialists. The Soc Trang Provincial Party Committee advocated expanding the workshop to manufacturing weapons to equip the armed forces and serve the resistance war, so in April 1946 the Soc Trang engineering factory was born in the Melaleuca forest. To contribute to the failure of the French strategy of "fighting quickly, winning quickly" and preserving long-term resistance forces, in September 1947 the Soc Trang Provincial Party Committee decided to move the Base from Cu Lao Dung (at that time in Long district). Phu) to My Phuoc cajuput forest. Here, the Provincial Party Executive Committee implemented the Resolution of the Party Central Committee, directly directing combat strategies for the army and people of Soc Trang on all fronts from armed to political. It can be said that My Phuoc Base at that time was the guiding headquarters of the Soc Trang Provincial Party Committee, making an important contribution to the country's common resistance war to defeat French colonialism. After 1954, when the US pushed France to occupy Indochina, under the puppet government of Ngo Dinh Diem, on October 20, 1956, Soc Trang province was renamed Ba Xuyen province. With the policy of "denounce the public, destroy the communists", the puppet government brutally murdered communists. Faced with that situation, thoroughly grasping the ideology in Resolution 15 of the Party Central Committee (1959), from the My Phuoc Melaleuca Forest Base, the Soc Trang Provincial Party Committee launched a co-insurgency movement throughout the province, starting the revolutionary path. violence against US imperialism and its henchmen. From here, the Soc Trang Provincial Party Committee continued to bring the struggle movement of the army and people from victory to victory until the day Soc Trang province was completely liberated (May 1, 1975). With those values ​​and meanings, on June 16, 1992, the Ministry of Culture and Information recognized the Provincial Party Committee Base as a national-level Revolutionary Historical Relic. Source: Soc Trang Tourism Promotion Center

Soc Trang 711 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Khleang Pagoda

Khleang Pagoda is located right in the city center, located on Ton Duc Thang Street, Group 5, Ward 6, Soc Trang City. The pagoda was built nearly 500 years ago, associated with the legends of Soc Trang. The main hall of the pagoda is built on high and wide ground, the space is clear and green, especially there are many palm trees, a typical tree of the Khmer people. The pagoda has been restored many times, but it was not until 1918 that the Main Hall and Sala were rebuilt and all materials were replaced. Still an architectural characteristic of the Southern Khmer people with the dragon image on the roof. In Buddhist stories, Khmer people often say that: Dragon is a sacred animal, it turns itself into a boat to take Buddha across the sea to places to preach sutras and save sentient beings. Therefore, the Dragon was brought to the roof of the temple with the intention of hoping that Buddha would stop and save them from their damnation. Adjacent to the roof of the main hall is the image of the god bird Krud strongly supporting the roof. According to Khmer folk legend, the god bird Krud is the king of birds. In front and behind the main hall of the pagoda, there is the image of Chan standing to protect the pagoda. In Khmer fairy tales or in Du-Ke, the character Chan is a symbol of evil and ugliness, causing suffering for people. everybody. However, in Khmer visual art, Chan was conquered by Buddha. Placing the Chan statue outside the main hall implies that evil and ugliness have been transformed to serve and protect beauty and goodness. Inside the main hall is a large room reserved for ceremonies. In addition to the 12 round columns, the most important part inside the main hall is the altar of Shakyamuni Buddha statue, a 2.5m high statue placed in the middle of the two innermost rooms, not only precious in terms of materials but also in terms of sculptural art. On the altar, there are dense patterns with delicate sculptures and flame-shaped patterns that are very typical of Khmer culture. A refined aesthetic sense emerges into inspiration. Because they follow the Theravada Buddhist system, the pagodas of the Southern Khmer people only worship Shakyamuni Buddha in many different positions: meditating, newly born, begging for alms, at nirvana, etc. The interior of the main hall of the pagoda is the intersection of three cultures: Kinh, Khmer, Chinese in an architectural space, clearly shown on wooden pillars: Vietnamese lacquer art, traditional color coordination. Khmer traditions and typical Chinese drawings, creating a masterpiece that perhaps only exists at Khleang Pagoda. In addition to its role as a religious base, the main hall of the pagoda also stores and preserves a collection of Buddha statues with many different postures, sizes, and materials, likened to an ancient art museum of artifacts. These artifacts have been preserved by many generations of monks for hundreds of years, with contributions from many Buddhists. Since the beginning of the temple's construction until now, Khleang Pagoda has had 21 abbots and the current abbot is Venerable Tang No (1943). Some not only took care of building pagodas but also actively participated in revolutionary activities such as preventing conscription, nurturing famous revolutionary cadres... some had to sacrifice themselves before the enemy's guns like Dai Duc. Tran Ke An, the head monk, was murdered by enemies right in the back of the temple. Therefore, during the years of the resistance war against America to save the country, the pagoda was both a place for organizing religious activities and the most effective place for revolutionary activities of the Party. Over the years, with its important historical significance and preserved architectural value, Khleang Pagoda was recognized by the Ministry of Culture as a national historical and cultural relic on April 27, 2019. 1990. Source: Electronic information portal of Soc Trang City People's Committee

Soc Trang 691 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Outstanding relic site