Tourist destination

Dong Sen Thap Muoi ecological area

When mentioning Dong Thap, people immediately remember the poem "Thap Muoi is the most beautiful lotus". Pink lotus flowers with yellow pistils, raised sepals and lush green leaves create a strangely peaceful scene. Among the lotus fields in Dong Thap, the most prominent is Thap Muoi Lotus Field in My Hoa commune, Thap Muoi district, Dong Thap province. Coming to Dong Sen Thap Muoi tourist area, watching lotus and enjoying Western river specialties is a wonderful and exciting experience for visitors. Thap Muoi lotus field, about 35 km from Cao Lanh city, about 150 km from Ho Chi Minh City. The road to this place is also very convenient, without many crowded vehicles often found in tourist areas. If you come here from Ho Chi Minh City, you can go towards An My town, cross My An bridge and turn left. With an area of ​​nearly 20 hectares, no crowded traffic, no dust, no jostling or noise often found in tourist destinations, Thap Muoi lotus field is strangely peaceful and close! With a large area, when coming to Thap Muoi lotus field, visitors will have private space without having to jostle or compete to see the lotus. Cool green lotus fields mixed with pink lotus flowers gently swaying in the wind captivate visitors. Traveling to Dong Thap in any season is beautiful and the air is fresh. However, Dong Sen Thap Muoi is most beautiful in the summer, when the lotuses are in full bloom, one flower squeezing another flower to reach the sun. Dong Thap Muoi lotus begins to bloom in the morning. The lotus flower is white at first, then turns pink at noon. At around 3:00 p.m., the lotus turns dark pink, then turns red as the sun sets. The next day, the lotus continues to bloom and change color in this cycle for 3 days, then turns dark purple and fades. As this flower fades, another flower grows and blooms, this is something only the Thap Muoi lotus can do. Visitors can also walk around to admire the lotus, breathe in the scent of pink lotus... or can transform into village girls or garden boys when returning to the lotus field. The tourist area also has a page rental service. Dressing in ao dai, ao dai... saves beautiful moments beside the lotus petals with friends and relatives. This is also an ideal location for couples choosing to take wedding photos. Visitors can take a canoe to move deep inside, admiring the countryside and feeling the closeness and peace of nature. Inhale the fresh, cool air of the morning, gently touch each leaf, each flower, gently stroke the cool water with your hand. The boat drifts slowly and takes you inside. As you go, you can admire the scenery on both sides of the river and experience a day of being a "real" farmer by leaning on the boat to pick lotus and fish. To create a space to stop and rest for tourists, people built leaf huts and in these leaf huts, people can enjoy local specialties, in which of course the presence of tourists is indispensable. lotus. lotus. Grilled snakehead fish rolled in young lotus leaves, chicken salad with lotus roots, lotus sticky rice, lotus sweet soup... Especially, when coming to the lotus field during the flood season, visitors can also eat flexible fish, sesbania flowers, grilled field mice, roasted mice. ...All are prepared according to a very unique method of the people here, so they have a very unique flavor that cannot be found anywhere else. The special dish here is snakehead fish grilled with lotus leaves and served with young lotus leaves. Young lotus leaves are a clean vegetable, grown in clean, unpolluted water. The distinguishing characteristic is that the lotus leaf just rises above the water's surface, with the two edges of the leaf curled into the middle. Grilled snakehead fish with old lotus leaves because the fish is too thick and takes too long to burn, so people often roll many layers of lotus leaves when grilling. Grilled snakehead fish is served with raw vegetables, vermicelli and tamarind fish sauce. It's still a plate of raw vegetables, bananas, and sour star fruit, but the special thing is that this dish has young lotus leaves to roll with the fish. Young lotus leaves have a sweet taste and are rolled together with grilled snakehead fish, vermicelli, bananas, and star fruit dipped in tamarind fish sauce. The flavor bursts in the mouth, creating a unique and delicious taste that is typical of the Dong Thap Muoi region.

Dong Thap

From January to December

800 view

Gao Giong eco-tourism area

Gao Giong tourist area is an ideal place for you to take a sightseeing tour and enjoy garden life in the West. This is one of the few ecological areas that still retains almost all the wild characteristics of the Southern region and is known as "miniature Dong Thap Muoi". Gao Giong eco-tourism area is located in hamlet 6, Gao Giong commune, Cao Lanh district, Dong Thap province, only about 17 km from Cao Lanh city center. From Cao Lanh city, follow the route towards Tan Nghia commune, then continue to Gao Giong commune, you will see a sign leading to Gao Giong tourist area. Previously, Gao Giong was a deserted land, heavily contaminated with alum, with only a few species of flora and fauna living. But thanks to the investment and renovation process, Gao Giong has developed into a familiar resort destination for tourists from all over. The scenery here is still wild and quiet, very suitable for visitors to immerse themselves in nature and enjoy fresh air. The ideal time to travel to Gao Giong is from September to November when the West is in flood season. During the flood season, the water covers the fields, turning Gao Giong into an oasis amid the vast sky and water. The yellow of the Sesbania flower, the purple of the water lily mixed with the pink of the lotus petals, and the lush green of the Melaleuca forest emerge. In the fields, white storks diligently search for food, creating a breathtaking scene. The lotus fields - where thousands of red comb herrings gather here to dance and bustle all day long. On the herb feeding grounds, thousands of bold birds with red combs on their blue feathers leisurely pluck fresh stems. Sometimes they crow with beautiful dances. If you want to visit the bird garden, visitors can go on small boats down the green canal with village girls in Southern-style Ba Ba dresses or ride bicycles around the fields. But tourists often prefer to visit by waterway so that they can weave through the canals to admire the scenery, enjoy the feeling of floating on the water, weaving through each cajuput forest, listening to the welcoming sounds of birds singing. … Those who have been to Gao Giong tourist area have the overwhelming feeling of being lost in the land of birds. This is home to 15 bird species and hundreds of aquatic species. The birds pose gracefully, spread their wings and then land quickly, so visitors have to quickly take pictures to capture those beautiful moments. Not only that, Gao Giong is also covered by the vast green of thousands of hectares of forest with all the typical tree species of flooded areas such as: cajuput, gao, sesbania, reeds, wild rice, etc. You will feel excited when you see with your own eyes precious birds such as the copper-billed herring, teal, gong, mallard, heron... living and nesting. Most numerous is still a flock of tens of thousands of white storks, making this Melaleuca forest considered the largest stork garden today in the Dong Thap Muoi region. At dawn or dusk, Gao Giong Melaleuca forest is lively and bustling with the sounds of birds calling and flocks of white storks returning to their nests from all four directions. After hours of canoeing, you can climb up to the 18m high observation deck to see the surrounding panorama and admire the vast green of cajuput, rice, energy forests... Spread your arms wide, breathe the fresh air. peaceful, and you will feel like you are holding a beautiful natural picture in your heart, an indescribable feeling of peace. In Gao Giong, there are also many folk games that help Dong Thap tourists understand more about a part of Southern cultural life. If you come here in a group or group of friends, don't miss the opportunity to 'play hard, laugh freely' with the games. For those who like quiet, you can choose the elegant hobby of fishing to both get results and peacefully enjoy the wonderful atmosphere here. When visiting Gao Giong eco-tourism area, don't forget to go to the food court to enjoy all the Western specialties. Typical dishes include imitation worm leaves dipped in tamarind sauce, grilled mice, flexible fish cooked in sour sesban soup, grilled snakehead fish with lotus buds, cool vegetables, braised fish sauce dipped in coconut vegetables, steamed snails with pepper, pancakes... Especially The rice dish wrapped in lotus leaves is delicious and rich in the flavor of the lotus lagoon. Sitting in the middle of the lagoon having lunch is an extremely enjoyable experience. There is nothing better than delicious food, cool breeze, and the faint scent of lotus. The dishes will become a little more flavorful with a glass of sticky rice wine mixed with cajuput honey. If you have the opportunity to travel to Dong Thap, do not miss a visit to the Gao Giong eco-tourism area, this "green oasis" will give you typical experiences of the southern region of the river and downstream areas. will take you on a tour through the Melaleuca forest, relaxing with the sound of birds chirping or delicious garden dishes will be things you will never forget about this wonderful tourist area.

Dong Thap

From January to December

847 view

Xeo Quyt relic site

Dong Thap has many historical relics, of which Xeo Quyt is one of the meaningful tourist destinations, leaving many beautiful impressions in the hearts of visitors. Xeo Quyt relic area with an area of ​​about 50 hectares, including 20 hectares of primary cajuput forest, belongs to 2 communes My Hiep and My Long, Cao Lanh district, Dong Thap province. The historical relic combined with the Xeo Quyt ecological area will give visitors the feeling of being lost in a primeval forest with wild natural scenery. Visiting Xeo Quyt tourist area in the dry season, you will weave along zigzag trails more than 1.5km long under cool cajuput trees to get deep into the base. During high water season, on dinghies, guerrillas in ba ba shirts, bandannas, and duck-eared hats take tourists through small, pristine canals to reach relics hidden in the vast melaleuca forest. If you go during the lotus blooming season, you will be able to see a beautiful natural picture typical of Dong Thap Muoi. Xeo Quyt was the Revolutionary base (from 1960-1975) of the Dong Thap Provincial Party Committee that led the people in the resistance war against the US. During the resistance war, Xeo Quyt suffered many bombs and bullet storms from the enemy. But with national spirit, courage, endurance of danger and strategic intelligence, the army and people of Dong Thap turned the situation around, overcame difficulties, and brought victory to their homeland and country. Recognized as a national historical site in 1992, Xeo Quyt is a tourist destination that contains many interesting things of pristine nature and is a place that preserves traces of the arduous struggle period of Dong Thap's army and people. . After sightseeing and having fun, the Xeo Quyt food court and restaurant with a strong rural feel will be an ideal stop for you to enjoy the famous specialties of this country, such as: Grilled snakehead fish with lotus, and mice. Grilled fields, sour eels, grilled frogs, fish hotpot... What could be more interesting than eating rice while enjoying and exchanging amateur music, then freely exploring and visiting the primeval cajuput forest and fishing? entertainment, or hang a hammock to lie down under the smooth green canopy of Melaleuca forest... With the strength of natural conditions, Xeo Quyt still retains its wild features and idyllic rural setting. Xeo Quyt is truly a very special stop and is suitable for those who want to temporarily get away from modern life, full of busy pressures and tensions, to find a quiet, rustic place. At the same time as a cultural and historical destination, Xeo Quyt is also a place that connects past eras, increasing pride and love for the homeland and country.

Dong Thap

From January to December

787 view

Tram Chim National Park

Tram Chim National Park is a land located in the territory of 7 communes (Tan Cong Sinh, Phu Duc, Phu Tho, Phu Thanh A, Phu Thanh B, Phu Hiep), Tram Chim town in Tam Nong district. Tram Chim National Park has a total area of ​​more than 7,500 hectares and is a typical miniature model of the Dong Thap Muoi region, with a diverse ecosystem, where visitors discover the characteristics of the Mekong River Delta. This land of "six months the fields are dry and the grass burns, six months the fields are flooded with white water" is where rich vegetation grows with more than 130 different species. The fauna here stands out with a rich water bird system including 233 species, belonging to 25 genera and 49 families. Of these, 88% were found in the dry season, accounting for 1/4 of the total number of bird species discovered in Vietnam. And especially the Red-crowned Crane, the largest in the Crane family - an invaluable natural asset of Tram Chim National Park in Dong Thap. The fish system in Tram Chim National Park is equally rich, playing both an ecological balance and a food source for birds. Among them, there are a number of fish species in the Vietnam Red Book such as: Com fish, Tiger Cobra fish, Male Seahorse fish, Flying fish, Euc fish, Ho fish... Tram Chim National Park is located about 160km from the center of Ho Chi Minh City and the road is quite easy to travel. From Saigon, you just need to go straight along Trung Luong - Tan An - Tan Thanh highway. When you reach the My An - Moc Hoa intersection, you turn to Truong Xuan and drive a little further to reach Tram Chim town. Then you will see many signs leading to Tram Chim National Park. Just follow the signs and you'll get there. Located about 35 km away from Cao Lanh city center, the road to Tram Chim National Park is quite easy. You can refer to the following suggested travel routes. Start at Cao Lanh city center (Cao Lanh City children's park, April 30 street) - follow National Highway 30 (NH30) to the intersection near Thanh Binh district medical center - continue to turn right. all the way to Tram Chim following the road signs. From Tam Nong district of Dong Thap province, you run straight across Tram Chim bridge and then continue about 800m to reach the conservation center of Tram Chim National Park. Remember to look on the left side. The reasonable time to travel to Tram Chim is the floating water season from August to November of the lunar calendar (around September - December of the solar calendar) which is the tourist season to Tram Chim National Park. The landscape is flooded, lush green, dotted with pink lotus flowers and blooming water lilies. The source of produce becomes abundant and birds seem to gather here to party. Around this time, it is also the bird breeding season. Here, visitors have the opportunity to witness firsthand the life and proliferation of birds, which is an interesting thing. Thousands of birds compete to feed each other (typically the red sandpiper and the gong), demonstrating sacred motherly love and bringing environmental education to the forefront for tourists from near and far, while also having the opportunity to preserve the image forever. Beautiful photos of good land where birds roost. This season is also an opportunity for you to participate in interesting activities such as: Rowing a dinghy to experience life in flooded areas, you will be able to personally carry out the livelihood work of flood zone residents such as setting nets, setting Roofing, sheltering, or trying your hand at Tram Chim Tam Nong fishing... especially, there is also the pleasure of hunting field mice, a specialty of this country. In particular, visitors can participate in harvesting sky rice, also known as ghost rice, a very special rice species because during the flooding season, other herbaceous plants will be submerged by the water, only sky rice will flourish. develop, wherever the water rises, the rice grows there. This will be a memory of the ancient life of Dong Thap Muoi residents. In addition, in the dry season from December to May of the lunar calendar (around January to June of the solar calendar) is the season to watch the dance of red-crowned cranes in Tram Chim National Park. Because unlike many species of birds in the area, red-crowned cranes only forage on the ground, so during the flood season in Dong Thap Muoi, they have to go looking for food elsewhere. Therefore, red-crowned cranes can only be seen in the dry season, most easily seen from February to May every year. You will have the opportunity to sit on a canoe (tac tong) weaving along the cool green canals, watching all kinds of birds flying around looking for prey, calling out to the noisy flock throughout the space. Flocks of hundreds of birds spreading their wings create a peaceful and charming scene. The boat follows the water, taking you to admire the beauty of fields of pink lotus, white lotus, heavenly rice, golden rice... stretching in the sunshine. A few robins, with bright red crests, dark green feathers, and fluttering tails, kept hiding and appearing in the grass as if they were playing hide and seek with tourists. The boat rowed through a small canal, weaving through the cajuput trees. Between the cajuput forests, a vast green grassland sways with the wind. The feeling of being in harmony with nature is wonderful. When you reach the lookout platform, the boat will stop completely so you can climb to the upper deck, enjoy the panoramic view of the immense green of Tram Chim National Park, relax with the caressing gentle breezes, and feel the closeness. with nature and feel strangely peaceful. Another very interesting thing at Tram Chim is watching the royal soul. The sun is like a silver-coated ball surrounded by colorful halos that slowly sink to the horizon. The entire river area suddenly turned pink and radiant. The afternoon sun splashes on the water's surface with variegated colors created by a magical, multi-colored mixture: bright yellow, orange-pink, bright white... truly a masterpiece of nature. After the journey to explore Tram Chim National Park, you will have the opportunity to sit on a cool thatched house in the middle of the forest or on floating rafts, enjoying delicious rustic dishes with country flavors such as: grilled snakehead fish, braised fish. water lily, snails steamed with pepper, crab hotpot, eel stewed with lemongrass, crispy fried fish cakes, dried snakehead fish, catfish, grilled barramundi. If you have the opportunity to come here during the lotus blooming season, you will also have the opportunity to enjoy many attractive dishes made from lotus.

Dong Thap

September to December

797 view

Tan Lap floating village

Don't misunderstand Tan Lap floating village, there is a village inside, this place is a large primeval melaleuca forest and mysterious paths leading into the forest. This is considered a suitable place for those who like to return to wild nature and explore the river culture of the Southwest region. The reason for the name Tan Lap Floating Village is because in the past, when it was not planned, during the flood season around the 7th lunar month every year, people here often raised the floor to follow the water, looking from a distance like a floating village. The village floats on the vast water surface. Therefore, when planning this tourist area, the name floating village associated with the location of Tan Lap commune was given to the tourist area. With an area of ​​135 hectares, there is a buffer zone of 500 hectares planned to build a typical tourist area of ​​Long An in particular and Dong Thap Muoi wetlands in general. Traveling to Long An, visiting this floating village of Tan Lap, you will be immersed in a typical wetland with habitats of melaleuca forests, lotus - lily, water hyacinth, ghost rice typical of the area and the residence of many people. type of animal (bird, stork, fish...) The floating village is an eco-tourism area with a landscape that changes greatly with the seasons. If you wonder when Tan Lap floating village is most beautiful? The answer is to travel to the West during the flood season, which is from August to November of the lunar calendar every year. During the floating season, if you stand from above and look down, you will see Tan Lap floating village like a deep green island in the middle of a vast sea of ​​water. All create an extremely vivid natural picture. Coming to Tan Lap floating village eco-tourism area, visitors can walk on the path through the melaleuca forest, take a boat down the Rung canal, and immerse themselves in nature on a distance of more than 3km around the melaleuca forest by cable boat. . After buying tickets, visitors will start weaving along the canals by small canoes among the melaleuca forests. The main canal leading into the center of Tan Lap Floating Village is called Rung Rach. It will be very peaceful when tourists sit in canoes floating on the forest creek, smell the incense of cajuput, watch the lotuses and lilies blooming in a corner of the river, watch the birds fluttering in the blue sky, occasionally leaning along. a tide. Coming to Tan Lap Floating Village, the interesting thing is to walk on a 5km long road with many branches through the deep green cajuput forest. Melaleuca here is well protected, creating a vast green patch emerging in the middle of the plain. This route is elaborately built from small woven panels 1 meter wide connected together, distributed into many branches, nestled in the Melaleuca forest. If you love 'virtual living', you definitely cannot miss this unique frame. Following the winding road, visitors will go from one patch of forest to another. Along both sides of the road are tall cajuput trees that cast a cool shade on the road. The light seeping into the path makes us feel like we are lost in a garden in a fairy tale. In the dry season, melaleuca leaves fall all over the road, so the excursion will have the rustling sound of footsteps stepping on dry leaves echoing in the deserted forest. It is that romantic feature that makes some people compare this to the "love street" of Tan Lap floating village. Wandering in Tan Lap primeval cajuput forest, you will encounter many species of insects, somewhere the sound of birds singing, the sound of frogs calling, hearing the smell of mud and moss, feeling like you are lost in another world full of adventure. save, mysterious. After a long walk, we reached the 18m high watchtower lying in the middle of the sky. Up this watchtower, visitors can only see a part of the Melaleuca forest. If you want to see the whole scene, you have to go up to the 38 m high watchtower. These watchtowers are both a place to watch for fire and a place for visitors to zoom out and enjoy the natural beauty of the Melaleuca forest. Also from this location, every morning or afternoon, visitors will witness flocks of white storks and flocks of jet black gongs with up to several hundred birds flying back after a day of looking for food. The next destination is the X-shaped Bridge made up of two interwoven roads between a vast field of guns. This area possesses an extremely attractive landscape, especially from 7 to 9 a.m. when the water lilies bloom and birds begin to chirp together to search for food. All create a joyful, musical harmony. Following the path, visitors will come to the "Bird Taming Area", where Tan Lap floating village preserves and nurtures birds that come here to nest and live in the natural environment. This service is only for tourists staying overnight at the hotel, because the custom of storks is that they often gather to reside on the island in the evening, when dusk has just fallen. The scenery on both sides of the entrance is surrounded by shady cajuput trees and vines. In particular, this place has an extremely rare Ma rice variety that is also being preserved very successfully in the area around this place. Going deep into the forest, you will meet Crescent Lake - where lotus flowers and water lilies bloom brightly. In the middle of the lake, there is a dune of soil discolored by alum contamination, looking like a "mini-desert" amidst the surrounding green oasis. According to experience, visitors must have good physical strength to come here because the lake is located quite deep inside the Melaleuca forest. In Tan Lap Floating Village there is also a folk games area. This area is like a small oasis, surrounded by lotus and water lily ponds spread over an area of ​​100,000 m2, clear blue water, with many types of fish growing abundantly. This is not only a place to experience some folk games such as seesaw, monkey bridge climbing... but also an ideal sightseeing and fishing spot to process them into your favorite dishes. This rustic and rustic hobby will bring visitors comfortable moments of fun and relaxation. If you have come to Tan Lap floating village, you should not miss the honey bee farming area here. Here, you will be introduced to the beekeeping process and how to collect honey by the artist. In particular, you will also be invited to try a refreshing drink made from honey.

Long An

September to December

765 view

Lang Sen Wetland Reserve

Nature has gifted Long An province with Lang Sen land, which has been recognized as the world's Ramsar Wetland Reserve and has become a unique destination on the Long An tourist map. Lang Sen's full name is Lang Sen Wetland Nature Reserve located in the low-lying terrain of Dong Thap Muoi on the area of ​​Vinh Loi, Vinh Dai and Vinh Chau A communes in Tan Hung district, Long An. Lang Sen Wetland Reserve is a miniature, attractive Dong Thap Muoi, with an increasing number of domestic and foreign tourists and researchers coming to enjoy and learn. Natural lotus is the original species here, giving rise to the name Lang Sen, meaning the surrounding area has many wild lotuses growing. Being a large nature conservation area (more than 5,000 hectares), Lang Sen conservation area has a large number of natural landscapes such as: Melaleuca forests, islands, swamps, rivers, or even plains. grass (you have to come in the dry season to see the grasslands). Coming to Lang Sen Wetland Reserve, visitors can not only explore the rich and diverse ecosystem, see over 150 species of plants showing off their colors on vast grasslands flooded seasonally, with special images. characteristic of lung, chrysanthemum and especially melaleuca, lotus, water lily... but also have the opportunity to let your soul follow the fluttering paths of 148 species of water birds. There are over a dozen species listed in the Red Book. In addition to the storks, magpies, black ibises, red-headed cranes, etc., there is also the Red-crowned Crane, a bird listed in the World Red Book. Particularly, the core area of ​​Lang Sen conservation area has 12 sub-areas surrounded by Vam Co Tay river and separate from residential areas. Under Canal 79 of this conservation area is the habitat of more than 78 freshwater aquatic species, including 27 endemic species of the Mekong River such as: Catfish, snakehead fish, tilapia fish, flexible fish... With a diverse terrain that is characterized by a wetland ecosystem of international importance for biodiversity and conservation, Lang Sen has been recognized by the Ramsar Convention as one of nine land conservation areas. Ramsar flood in Vietnam and 2,227th in the world. From Tan An city (Long An), follow Highway 62 about 90 km toward Canal 79 to reach Lang Sen Wetland Conservation Area (Ramsar Lang Sen). In any season, the natural scenery here is beautiful. The most ideal time to travel to Lang Sen is the Melaleuca flowering season and floating water season. Taking a canoe along the small canals in the reserve with the gentle scent of decades-old melaleuca forests and fields of lotus and water lilies, visitors feel lost in the wild world. Every year, during the flood season, this place is home to hundreds of thousands of birds. Each season the birds come home to nest, it is estimated that they can cover an entire patch of forest about 50 hectares wide. For a long time, mentioning Dong Thap Muoi is referring to a region rich in resources and products of the Southern region, especially during flood season in the West, people often immediately think of Dong Thap province, or else An Giang. Giang, but few people usually think of Long An. But in reality, the lowest and most characteristic area with the most products of Dong Thap Muoi in the flood season is Lang Sen Wetland Conservation Area. This geographical indication will help tourists know and find more about Long An tourism, to experience and explore. The place contains fascinating and mysterious stories about birds and fish, and is also a place that preserves a famous wilderness area of ​​the Southwest since ancient times.

Long An

From January to December

730 view

Phuoc Loc Tho ancient village

Phuoc Loc Tho ancient village is located on provincial road 824, in hamlet 2, Huu Thanh commune, Duc Hoa district, Long An, where the region transitions from the Southeast to the Southwest, creating a unique identity. It has both the beauty of the Mekong Delta and the charm of the Southeast region. With 22 ancient wooden houses across three regions of Vietnam, and hundreds of precious antiques, in 2012, the Vietnam Book of Records established a record for owning the most ancient wooden houses with the richest carved patterns in Vietnam. Male. The main gate to the tourist destination "Phuoc Loc Tho ancient village" is stylized like an ancient city gate. Entering Phuoc Loc Tho village, the first impression visitors encounter is a large rockery and a gurgling stream day and night. Ancient houses ranging from 80 to 150 years old have been preserved and restored almost intact, keeping their ancient features. Harmonious arrangement, methodical planning in airy space in harmony with nature. The zigzag roads lined with rutted stones and green grass, on both sides are bamboo bushes, areca rows, and many flowers and landscapes... make visitors feel relaxed. The Hue houses in the ancient village have a royal style with gilded lacquer and carved dragons and phoenixes very delicately and meticulously in every small detail. The Western-style pillared houses are 5 rooms wide, 3 wings, and all are made of oak wood. Each beam, rafter, and column in the beam houses is elaborately carved with delicate carved lines. In Phuoc Loc Tho, there are 6 stilt houses of ethnic groups in the Southeast and Central Highlands regions such as wooden pillar bases in the shape of a familiar basket of ethnic people. This place also stores daily items of Central Highlands people. In the complex of Phuoc Loc Tho ancient village, the most famous is the "Cong" house with 104 columns, over 100 years old, very massive, designed according to the ancient architectural style of the North, the columns in the main room are inlaid with mother of pearl. Decorated with the four sacred dragons, unicorns, tortoises, phoenixes and the four precious apricot blossoms, orchids, chrysanthemums, and bamboos, the walls are elaborately carved with themes of fruits, birds, and animals, showing magnificence, splendor, and majesty. In addition to the collection of ancient houses, in Phuoc Loc Tho there are also antiques from the reign of Lord Nguyen and King Bao Dai such as dragon sieves painted with vermilion and gilded with gold or sets of ancient coins also displayed here. Besides, Phuoc Loc Tho is also a place to preserve daily life items of many ancient social groups from kings, military officers, landowners to people. Cultural spiritual objects of the Vietnamese people are made of a variety of materials such as wood, iron, bronze, and ceramics, diverse in age and rich in types. Including antique items with a modern style from the time when the French colonialists first came to colonize Vietnam, such as telephones, radios, gramophones, cameras, night lights, etc. At the octagonal quadrangular small house (the home of the great mandarins of the Nguyen Dynasty), there are a set of three bronze statues of the same age, vividly depicting Buddha Tathagata, Avalokiteshvara and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. There are seals engraved on the backs of these statues. Because of the ancient and unique features of Phuoc Loc Tho Ancient Village, this place has become the filming location of many historical films. Leaving the sightseeing area to the entertainment area of ​​Phuoc Loc Tho ancient village, visitors will admire nearly 300 different types of orchids. In the ancient village complex of Phuoc Loc Tho there is also a pagoda modeled after the One Pillar Pagoda in Hanoi. The Ancient Village also serves a variety of dishes in a charming space. In particular, Long An tourists coming here will enjoy Long An specialties and fresh fish caught directly from Vam Co River.

Long An

From January to December

740 view

Tan Lap seaport

Tan Lap seaport, also known by another name, Long An international seaport, is one of the great prides of Tan Lap people in particular and Long An in general. The address of Long An seaport is located at DT19, Tan Lap commune, Can Giuoc district, Long An province. This is a beautiful location not only in trade and travel but also in tourism. Tan Lap seaport is located right at the mouth of Soai Rap river. Soai Rap is a distributary of the Saigon - Dong Nai river system. This river is also the natural boundary separating Can Gio district from three other districts, including Can Giuoc district. In addition, Tan Lap seaport is also located opposite Nha Be district and Can Gio district of Ho Chi Minh City. This place is only 14km from the East Sea. With a strategic location at the hinge of the East and Southwest, Tan Lap seaport is only 38km from Ho Chi Minh City along Highway 50, visitors can move here very easily. There are two main directions from Ho Chi Minh City to Tan Lap seaport. The first direction is to follow Au Co, Highway 50, Can Giuoc bypass, then go to Highway 50 and finally follow Provincial Road 19 to Tan Lap seaport. The second direction is to follow Phan Van Hon, National Highway 1A, Doan Nguyen Tuan, Road 234, Provincial Road 826 and finally follow Provincial Road 19 to Tan Lap seaport. Looking at the tourism aspect, Tan Lap seaport does not have familiar entertainment spots or tourist activities that tourists still see and experience in other places. However, the tourist attractions of this place are the scenery and cuisine. Located opposite the banks of Soai Rap River, Tan Lap beach has a cool, airy atmosphere suitable for relaxation and rest. Coming here, visitors will find a quiet moment, slow down to feel everything around them. The landscape at Tan Lap seaport also has its own romantic and charming features. Rivers and clouds make people's souls peaceful. Furthermore, the sunrise and sunset at this place are also a scene worth enjoying and admiring. Tan Lap seaport is definitely a new and exciting check-in location suitable for young people's virtual life. Another great point of Tan Lap seaport is the fresh seafood sold here. Seafood is weighed and stored in plastic bags. The price of seafood is also reasonable, it can even be said to be quite cheap. If you want to enjoy it right away, visit the restaurants right there. Fresh seafood is grilled or dropped directly into the hot pot to retain its unmatched sweetness and freshness. Visitors cannot miss the famous delicacies here such as grilled shrimp, tamarind-roasted crab, octopus dipped in vinegar, snail dishes and steamed clams with lemongrass. Tan Lap Seaport is a suitable destination for tourists who love new experiences, love backpacking or are simply seafood lovers who want to enjoy the best quality seafood. Wishing you a smooth trip and many wonderful memories.

Long An

January to December

807 view

Cat Tuong Phu Sinh eco-tourism area

Traveling to Long An, you will see lush fruit orchards all year round, vast rice fields, enjoy the fresh air from the immense cajuput forests in Tan Lap floating village, and especially get to go Travel around the world at World Wonder Park in Cat Tuong Phu Sinh eco-tourism area. World Wonder Park is located at Cat Tuong Phu Sinh urban - eco-tourism area, Provincial Road 9, My Hanh commune, Duc Hoa, Long An. From the center of Saigon, if you want to come here, you go straight from Truong Chinh Street to Xuyen A Street. From here, you run past Gieng Nuoc Crossroads. At the next intersection, turn left onto Nguyen Van Bua Street, keep going straight until you reach DT9, then follow the signs on the road to get there. Cat Tuong Phu Sinh eco-tourism area is the first urban area combined with commercial tourism in Vietnam, attracting a large number of tourists, especially young people, to take virtual photos. You should go early in the morning, around 6-8am, or in the afternoon from 4-6pm to get the best pictures. Traveling to Long An, coming here you will feel like the world is shrinking at the wonder park and freely check-in with famous symbols from countries around the world such as: Opera house model Sydney, Italy's famous Pisa Tower, Taj Mahal Mausoleum - India, Eiffel Tower - France, Statue of Liberty - Symbol of New York, 9 onion-shaped spire towers of St. Basil's Cathedral in Russia,... similar just like the real thing. Just a few "divine shooting angles" and no one will think you are standing in Long An. The main material to create these wonders is fiberglass. They are arranged alternately, in the middle is a large lake with small fountains to create coolness. Admission is free, so you can take many extremely "European" photos at a very "bargain" price. The tourist area is more than 79 hectares wide, is a complex urban area with full internal amenities with an ecological lake of up to 7 hectares and many trees creating a peaceful scene that makes you feel comfortable, peaceful and happy. clarity. In addition to models simulating wonders around the world, at Cat Tuong Phu Sinh tourist area, there are many other attractions not to be missed such as the romantic An Tay Ho eco-tourism area or the Southern rural museum. With rustic scenery, ponds, lakes, and gardens are very close. Or you can visit the childhood park for children, where there are large dinosaurs and many cartoon characters.

Long An

From January to December

749 view

Binh Chau primeval forest

Binh Chau National Forest is a nature reserve located in Ba Ria - Vung Tau province, about 150 km southeast of Ho Chi Minh City. The national forest has a large area, with an area of ​​about 11,000 hectares, including land and sea areas. With pristine natural landscapes, this national forest is an ideal destination for those who love exploring nature and want to learn about the diverse tropical ecosystem. Binh Chau National Forest is famous for its rich flora and fauna. This is home to many rare animals and special plants, including primates, deer, monkeys and many rare plants. This creates a diverse and attractive living environment for researchers, scientists and nature-loving tourists. With a convenient location and impressive scale, this is an impressive natural tourist destination, where visitors can participate in a variety of activities such as walking, trekking, cycling, forest exploration and rafting. Immerse yourself in the peaceful beauty of nature. Binh Chau National Forest attracts a large number of tourists to visit because of its fresh, gentle air and diversity of animals. With a rich ecosystem, the National Forest is home to hundreds of diverse animal and plant species. Visitors have the opportunity to discover rare birds, see many primate species living here as well as learn about the diversity of insects. The forest is also the habitat of many rare and unique plants and trees, creating a beautiful natural landscape. Not only does it have biodiversity, Binh Chau National Forest also provides a peaceful space. When entering the forest, visitors will enjoy the fresh air, the sound of birds singing and the sound of gurgling water from streams and small rivers. This creates an ideal space for you to immerse yourself in the peace, greenness of nature and find balance in life. Exploring Binh Chau National Forest gives visitors an interesting and rewarding experience of biodiversity and natural beauty. This is a place to connect with nature, enjoy beautiful views and learn about the value of environmental conservation. Get ready to immerse yourself in the harmony between people and nature in this special forest. Visitors can refer to some of the most suitable and convenient times to visit this famous nature reserve: Spring (February - April): This is the time when forest plants and trees begin to grow green and flowers bloom, creating a lively, enchanting landscape. Temperatures range from 20°C - 30°C, cool and airy, making it the ideal season to explore the national forest. Summer (May - August): Summer in Binh Chau National Forest is quite hot and can be rainy. However, the rains increase the freshness and create a mysterious jungle scene. This is also a good time to participate in swimming and bathing activities. Fall (September - November): Fall brings cooler and cooler air, making it a great time to visit national forests. The trees turn bright yellow, creating a poetic and romantic scene. Choosing when to visit depends on personal preference, but visitors should monitor weather and climate conditions before planning for the best experience.

Ba Ria Vung Tau

From January to December

811 view

White Palace

Bach Dinh is called by the French name Villa Blanche meaning white villa, located on the side of a large mountain in Vung Tau city at 4 Tran Phu Street, Ward 1, City. Vung Tau. The front facing the sea and the back leaning against the mountain give Bach Dinh a solid position. Bach Dinh is a 3-storey building, 19m high, 25m long, the entire house is whitewashed, with domed doors and tiled roof. When visiting the villa, visitors can see French architecture from shape to decoration with very artistic decorative edges. White Palace was built from 1898 to 1902, used as a resort for the Governor General of Indochina, Emperor Bao Dai and many Vietnamese Presidents. This is also where the French colonial government imprisoned King Thanh Thai from September 12, 1907 to 1916. There are 2 ways to get to Bach Dinh. If you go by car, there is a winding road running under the forest of bamboo trees leading up to the lobby. There is also a walking path through 146 ancient, discreet steps between two rows of aged porcelain. Bach Dinh has a strong French breath, coming here you can see the characteristics of French architecture. The basement of the villa is used for cooking, the ground floor is used as a place to receive guests. The ground floor is also decorated with ancient artifacts used for interior decoration such as: Twin vase with adoring birds, Royal sofa set dated Khai Dinh year 1921, pair of African elephant tusks 170cm long, set of 5-piece triptych Thai Phuc – Loc – Tho. Because of the bold French architecture, the upstairs has many windows, each window has a different view, looking out at the surrounding scenery is very interesting, standing from here the cool wind blows through the window. The airy floor is suitable for a place to rest. The raw materials to decorate Bach Dinh are mainly enameled porcelain. When walking around, visitors will see on each wall are the faces of beautiful European women, a pair of peacocks spreading their wings to show off sparkling silver dots, a pair of carp winding as if they want to turn into dragons... Every detail is sharp. enhances the beauty of Bach Dinh. In particular, visitors cannot help but be surprised by the 8 porcelain busts, in the style of ancient Greek art, surrounding 3 walls of the mansion. At dawn or dusk, the sunlight shines in, making the statue even more sparkling and magnificent. Bach Dinh not only attracts tourists by its architecture but also by its poetic scenery. When arriving here, visitors cannot help but be surprised as if they are lost in an ancient castle in the middle of a mysterious forest. In the rainy season, the forest surrounding Bach Dinh is endlessly green, each branch of the pine tree spreads out an umbrella to cover the path. During the falling leaves season, you can see plumeria flowers everywhere, the entire road to Bach Dinh is filled with red, white, and bright pink, both the road and the garden. With a prime location, from Bach Dinh, you can see the Front Beach, have a panoramic view of the sea, and visitors can feel the breath of Vung Tau city. Currently, Bach Dinh is used as a museum to display a collection of rare ceramics of the Kangxi period salvaged from ancient ships that crashed in the Hon Cau - Con Dao area, cannons and many other valuable artifacts.

Ba Ria Vung Tau

From January to December

788 view

The Statue of Gautama Buddha

Shakyamuni Buddha Dai is located on a 28-hectare campus on the northern slope of Big Mountain, at 608 Tran Phu, Ward 5, Vung Tau. This is a famous religious tourist attraction in the coastal city of Vung Tau. The Sakyamuni Buddha Dai complex can be temporarily divided into the following areas: Pagodas and the Buddha Statue Garden. Thien Lam Pagoda is the main temple, located right at the main gate of the campus, facing Tran Phu Street. From Tran Phu Street up the mountainside, the campus is divided into 3 levels. The three gates and flower garden are at the lowest level, the second level includes a number of auxiliary works, the third level at the top includes the Thien Lam pagoda and the Buddha statue garden. Past the Tam Quan gate is a set of steps leading up to the level 2 ground on the hillside. After a small yard, continue to the quite steep set of stairs leading straight to the main temple of Thien Lam Pagoda - the lowest position of the level ground. 3. Thien Lam Pagoda is a fairly simple temple built around 1957, by a Vietnamese civil servant in the French colonial government to practice after retiring. In addition to Thien Lam Pagoda, in the Shakyamuni Buddha Temple campus, there are also a number of other pagodas, including Ho Phap Pagoda and Hoa Son Pagoda, both located in the area behind the Relics Worshiping Tower and the statue of Duc Phuc entering Nirvana. Ho Phap Pagoda was built in 1970, initially named Tinh That Thien Hue, and in 1972 it was changed to Ho Phap Meditation Hall. The new temple was completed in 2004 in a location next to the Dharma Protector Zen Hall. Located quite close to Ho Phap Pagoda is the lovely small Hoa Son Pagoda, but in a higher position on the mountainside, go from the area in front of the Buddha statue entering Nirvana, up a series of stairs of several dozen steps to reach it. Hoa Son pagoda gate Hoa Son Pagoda was opened in 1969 by the late Venerable Thich Hue Chon (1943 - 2019) - initially it was just a simple thatched hermitage - for practice, then gradually built up to its current form, basically still is a small, simple but elegant temple. A very important part of the Shakyamuni Buddha Dai complex is the garden of Buddha statues, recreating the main highlights in the life of Buddha Shakyamuni. From Thien Lam pagoda, go through a set of stairs to go up to the Buddha statue garden complex. The statue of Bodhisattva born is placed on the same level as the main temple of Thien Lam Pagoda, right next to the stairs leading to the clusters of statues above. The statue is shown as a boy pointing one hand to the sky. The cluster of statues representing the next stage of the Buddha's life is the cluster of Bodhisattvas who left home, arranged on a high slope to the left of the stairway leading from Thien Lam, to the right of this path, facing the cluster. The Bodhisattva statue of monkhood is a cluster of statues of Elephants and monkeys offering fruits. The cluster of Bodhisattva statues shows the image of the Buddha becoming a monk, in the image of Prince Siddhartha with his hair cut off, next to his servant and the white horse Kien Trac. The most important work of the entire complex: Shakyamuni Buddha Dai - used as the name for this entire architectural complex - represents the moment when Bodhisattva attained enlightenment. Going back in time to the 1940s of the last century, a Sri Lankan monk, Venerable Narada Maha Thera, during a lecture in Vung Tau, met and became acquainted with a Vietnamese civil servant (later is the person who built Thien Lam pagoda to practice). In 1960, he returned to Vung Tau and often stayed at Thien Lam Pagoda. He planted here a Bodhi tree, brought from the ancient capital of Anuradhapura of Sri Lanka (this tree was extracted from the original tree in Bodh Gaya - said to be the place where the Buddha attained enlightenment), and at the same time he raised the idea of The idea was to build a stupa here to worship the Buddha's relics. The idea of ​​building a Relics Worship Tower proposed by Venerable Narada was immediately responded to by Buddhists. Besides, they also proposed to build more Shakyamuni Buddha Dai - also known as the Golden Buddha statue - and many Buddhas. He contributed financially to build this statue. The statue's pedestal has an octagonal surface and is 5.6 meters high. The Buddha statue sitting on a lotus throne is 6 meters high, completed in 1962 and in the body of the statue are placed 3 jewels of the Buddha's relics. The cluster of statues of the Buddha turning the Dharma wheel is placed in an octagonal house, decorated with the statue of the Buddha turning the Dharma wheel sitting on a lotus flower, and the five brothers Kieu-Tran-Nhu sit and listen to sermons in the Deer Park garden. Venerable Kieu-Tran-Nhu was the first disciple of the Buddha to attain Arahantship, the first member of the Sangha. He and his brothers - known as "the five brothers Kieu-Tran-Nhu" - were the first to preach to the Buddha during the turning of the Dharma wheel of Buddhism. Deer Park is one of the sacred places of Buddhism in the city of Sarnath, Uttar Prades state, India - where Buddha Shakyamuni is said to have preached the first sermon (Dharma Wheel Sutra) to his disciples. first son (brothers Venerable Kieu-Tran-Nhu). The cluster of Elephant and Monkey offering fruit statues is placed in the area between the Bodhisattva cluster and the Buddha turning the wheel of Dharma. This cluster of statues tells the story of a white elephant and a white monkey who were both lords of their flock. When he was old, he was no longer respected by the group, so he became depressed and went away to hide in the deep forest. He happened to meet the Buddha practicing meditation. He was inspired by him and happily volunteered to serve the Buddha. The statue of Buddha entering Nirvana is placed at the highest position in the Buddha statue garden. From the area of ​​clusters of Buddha statues turning the Dharma wheel, elephants and monkeys offering fruit nearby, one must pass a number of stairs to reach the area where the Buddha statue enters Nirvana. From the front yard of this cluster of statues, there is a small path leading to Hoa Son Pagoda mentioned in the previous section. The Buddha statue lies facing west, more than 12 meters long, 2.4 meters high, around the pedestal there are statues of 9 Bhikkhus standing with their hands clasped. The last architectural cluster in the Buddhist garden is the tower worshiping the Buddha's relics, which was mentioned when Venerable Narada proposed the idea of ​​building it in 1960. After a period of fundraising, on June 4 /1961 took place the ceremony of laying the first stone to build the tower; The official construction groundbreaking ceremony was conducted on July 20, 1961. Construction was completed on January 30, 1962, and the inauguration ceremony was held more than a year later, on March 10, 1963.

Ba Ria Vung Tau

From January to December

780 view

Hai Dang Vung Tau

Vung Tau lighthouse is located at the top of Tao Phung mountain (ward 2, Vung Tau city, Ba Ria - Vung Tau province), open from 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. every day (depending on time). This is a tourist destination that many people tell each other that they must visit when traveling to Vung Tau. Vietnam has 79 lighthouses spread across the country, but Vung Tau lighthouse is the oldest lighthouse. Vung Tau Lighthouse is an architectural work in Ba Ria - Vung Tau province, built by the French in 1883 with the purpose of meeting the shipping needs of foreign merchant ships and the French military. Vung Tau lighthouse has an area of ​​more than 3400m2 including many areas such as the lighthouse, customs tower, bunker,... Vung Tau lighthouse column has white tones, designed in a cylindrical style with high height. about 18m, the road is about 3km. The lighthouse column is equipped with lights that turn on every night and can illuminate a distance of up to 63km. Currently, Vung Tau lighthouse is still operating to support ships and boats traveling at sea. To get to the top of Vung Tau lighthouse, you need to go through a solid tunnel, then conquer the spiral staircase with 55 steps. Inside the lighthouse, you will admire the beauty of a nostalgic, Western-style architecture. Standing on top of the lighthouse, you will enjoy the cool breeze coming from the sea. If you choose Vung Tau as a vacation destination after stressful working hours, remember to go to the top of the lighthouse, the winds here will definitely relax your spirit. Not only is it cool, this valuable location also gives you a panoramic view of the beautiful Vung Tau city. If you have a lot of time, take a tour around the Vung Tau lighthouse and you will discover a very large water tank providing domestic water for the people here and a garden of decades-old plumeria flowers blooming. The whole corner of Vung Tau lighthouse shines brightly. Vung Tau lighthouse is about 15km from Vung Tau city center (equivalent to a 30-minute drive). If you ride a motorbike, the following route to the lighthouse is the most popular route, you can refer to: From the center of Vung Tau city, go to Thirty Thang April street, then turn to Pham Hong Thai street. At the end of Pham Hong Thai street, turn left to enter Le Loi street. You continue to run to the intersection, then turn right to enter Hoang Dieu Street. Go to the end of Hoang Dieu street and turn left to see Bai Truoc park. From Bai Truoc Park, you head straight to Ha Long Street. You meet Vung Tau hydrofoil wharf, move a few dozen meters further to Duong Dong Cruise, then turn left Go another 240m, turn right and see Vung Tau Lighthouse Before reaching the lighthouse, you have to drive around Nui Nho to enter. The scenery here is highly praised by many tourists for being so beautiful. The road curves close to the edge of the mountain, surrounded by cool green trees that shade the entire corner of the road. You can drive slowly to enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of the scenery here or take a few photos to capture the beautiful scenery here.

Ba Ria Vung Tau

November to April every year

826 view

Long Phuoc Tunnels

Long Phuoc tunnel relic is about 7 km from Ba Ria city center. This is a creative work, a heroic testimony of our army and people during the two resistance wars against the French colonialists and the American imperialists. Formed right in the area temporarily occupied by the enemy, Long Phuoc Tunnels originated from people digging tunnels to avoid enemy bombs and terrorist attacks. The movement of all people to dig secret tunnels was then launched by Long Phuoc commune officials. In early 1946, Long Phuoc had more than 300m of tunnels 3 - 5m deep underground. From the tunnel system, the guerrillas and people of Long Phuoc continuously broke up many raids, including a major raid in October 1949, ensuring the safety of the Xuyen Phuoc Co base area, the resistance base of the province, and is also the focal point of communication between the central government and the Southeast. During the anti-American period, Long Phuoc tunnels expanded to most hamlets in the commune. The soldiers and people of Long Phuoc used the tunnels as a springboard to attack the enemy. The US imperialists had to use planes to spread bombs, artillery shells to plow, tanks, bulldozers and thousands of infantry to attack the tunnels. After that, the tunnel system was expanded deeper and longer. The tunnels have secret vaults to store food and weapons; There is a place to treat wounded soldiers; There are continuous fighting fortifications in all 5 hamlets of Long Phuoc commune. The tunnel under the tunnel spreads in the shape of a spine 2-3m above the ground, the tunnel is more than 1.5m high and more than 0.7m wide, people inside can walk and move easily. After liberation, Long Phuoc Tunnels were restored and renovated to become a tourist attraction, a place for the young generation to learn about the fighting traditions of their ancestors on the land of Long Phuoc. The Long Phuoc Tunnels revolutionary historical relic was ranked as a national relic in 1990. This relic is the pride and epic of the people of Long Phuoc and the entire Ba Ria city. Therefore, the investment and embellishment project of Long Phuoc Tunnels was approved in 2017. Accordingly, above the ground, a 3-storey traditional house will be built in the style of a pagoda, a tiled roof, walls covered with unburnt bricks and decorative tiles. New construction of the relic management board's house with an area of ​​115 square meters. Construction of 4 new wartime houses in the Dinh-style house, each with an area of ​​more than 100 square meters. Underground, more than 700m of tunnels were repaired using the method of reinforcing the walls of cement tunnels and covering them with clay. In addition, many other auxiliary items were also built. Currently, visitors can directly experience moving inside the tunnels to see the ingenuity as well as the hardships during wartime. In addition to attracting tourists, this monument is also very suitable for exploration trips to learn about history by experts, students and youth group tours of origin.

Ba Ria Vung Tau

From January to December

818 view

Hon Ba

Hon Ba in Vung Tau is a small oasis in the middle of the sea with an area of ​​about 5000m2. It is located quite close to the mainland so it is visited by many tourists. This is a very attractive spiritual tourist destination, on the island there is the famous sacred Ba Temple. In addition, visitors coming here can also admire the beautiful sea path connecting Hon Ba and the coast. In terms of location, Hon Ba is located in the Back Beach area of ​​Vung Tau city, only about 200m from Nghinh Phong Cape and the foot of Nho Mountain. If you want to see the whole panorama of Ba Island, you can try climbing on the shoulder of the Christ statue, from here you will have a panoramic view of the entire scenery of this island. To facilitate the exploration of religious culture at Hon Ba and travel to Vung Tau, you should go on worship occasions such as January, April, July, and October of the lunar calendar each year. For tourists who want to combine a visit to Vung Tau, the period from May to October will be the best, at this time there is little rain and mild sunshine, making it extremely ideal for sightseeing. In the period from November to April, Vung Tau will have quite hot weather. Ba Hon Ba Vung Tau Temple is definitely the first place that many tourists will want to visit. The name Mieu Ba was born in the late 18th century. The temple was built to worship the Water Dragon God to pray for good weather and wind so that fishermen can feel secure when going fishing. Ba in the word Mieu Ba means Thuy Long Than is a female deity. In order for Ba Temple to be as spacious as it is today, the people of Thang Tam village have donated money many times to restore the temple. Ba Temple is also associated with an extremely sacred event. In 1939, a French officer, Archinard, ordered 3 cannon shots to be fired at Ba Temple. Only one hit out of 3 shots. Just a few days later, this officer lost his life at the temple due to careless use of a gun. This made the French army feel that Ba Temple was very sacred and no longer dared to destroy it. In addition to spiritual tourism at Ba Vung Tau island, you will also have the opportunity to admire the natural scenery here. There is a source of fresh air here so the vegetation is very developed with the green colors of poplar trees, coconut trees, areca nuts and plumeria flowers. This place is also one of the few places untouched by human hands, the landscape still retains its natural wildness so it is very suitable for exploration. When visiting Hon Ba, you need to note the following. First, you need to move carefully, because there are many sharp rocks and broken barnacles along the way. Be careful because the rock surface is quite slippery, remember to wear shoes to better protect your feet. When traveling, there will certainly be many other tourists with you, so you should be careful of pushing and jostling. Because this is a spiritual place, remember to choose discreet clothing when visiting. The sea route to Ba Vung Tau island usually appears from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., so remember to prepare drinking water and snacks. Finally, do not throw trash into the sea or at tourist attractions to join hands to protect the marine environment.

Ba Ria Vung Tau

From May to October

792 view

Con Dao

Con Dao - voted one of the most beautiful islands in Asia, one of the most beautiful empty beaches in the world - is currently becoming an attractive tourist destination for many domestic and international tourists. Pristine nature, mysterious spiritual stories, a heroic revolutionary history... inspire many visitors to come here. Con Dao is an archipelago off the coast of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province, far from City. Vung Tau 97 nautical miles. Because it is located in the middle of the sea, visitors to Con Dao will have the opportunity to explore beautiful beaches and bays. Some famous beaches and bays in Con Dao include: Dam Trau Beach, An Hai Beach, Lo Voi Beach, Dam Tre Bay, Con Son Bay,... Con Dao is associated with the resilient, heroic and tragic revolutionary history of our nation. Tourists who do not know what Con Dao has to offer can visit relics, landmarks and historical evidence such as: Dao Lord's Palace, Con Dao Museum, Historic Pier 914, Con Dao prison, etc. Con Dao seafood you should try to enjoy is Nang's breast snail, cone snail, giant ear snail, hand snail, red lobster, shrimp, red grouper, sun squid... and other types of sea fish. Takeaway specialties are widely sold at Con Dao market, including fresh and dried seafood and souvenirs. Tourists like almond seed jam and earthen ginseng wine the most. The taste of Con Dao ginseng is mildly sweet, pungent and fragrant, quite similar to Korean ginseng. Folks often use ground ginseng roots to soak in wine, stew chicken, and stew duck for nourishment...

Ba Ria Vung Tau

From March to September

796 view

Vietnam bamboo tourism village

Tre Viet tourist village is also known by another name as The Bamboo eco-tourism village, one of the tourist areas near Saigon, only about 15km from the city center. This location has unique architecture, using bamboo trees to express the bold Vietnamese national spirit. The panorama in the Bamboo Viet Village tourist area is designed like a miniature model of the Southern river region. There are full services of entertainment, food, music and relaxation. All promise to bring an irresistible peaceful space to visitors from the first time they arrive. The ideal time to visit Tre Viet tourist village is the dry season from December to March or April of the following year (about 5 - 6 months), because at this time we can participate in experiencing full games. most complete. From the center of Saigon to move to Tre Viet tourist village, you need to run in the direction of District 2 via Cat Lai ferry, continue driving about 400m, then turn onto Phan Van Dang street for about 300m to arrive. Total driving time is only about 30 minutes, very reasonable for picnics or weekend trips. The first thing that people are most impressed with when entering Tre Viet tourist village is probably the super large swimming pool and many interesting games for children there. The clear blue water in the spacious space and separate play area for children are plus points so parents can feel somewhat secure when sending their children here. If you know about basket boat rowing in Bay Mau coconut forest in Hoi An, you definitely have to try it at Tre Viet tourist village. Basket boats have been a means of transportation for people on the sea and rivers since ancient times. The first time you experience rowing a basket boat, many of you will not be familiar with it, but we can rest assured that Tre Viet tourist village is fully equipped with life jackets and has staff on duty to ensure the safety of players. Regarding dining, the buffet counter design at Tre Viet tourist village is inspired by traditional Vietnamese culture. Furthermore, 60 traditional delicacies are also prepared and beautifully decorated, including: grilled chicken, roasted pork with rice paper, grilled shrimp, boiled meat wrapped in rice paper... Delicious dishes from salty to sweet make us overwhelmed and impressed. Like standing in front of a busy countryside market.

Dong Nai

From January to December

813 view

Buu Long tourist area

Buu Long scenic area is considered a precious gift of Dong Nai province and is only about 30km east of Saigon. This place has the beauty of mountains, rivers, lakes, caves,... built up by nature over the years, creating a charming and beautiful scene. That's why people call Buu Long tourist area a miniature Ha Long Bay. Besides natural structures, the tourist area also has a cluster of artificial lakes including two lakes, Long Van and Long An, located next to each other. Along with that are two mountain clusters, Binh Dien and Long Son cave. So when you come here, you can freely explore the most beautiful things similar to the beauty of the world's landscapes. Not only the beauty of nature, religious architectural works bearing the mark of many eras also contribute to the ultimate space of the tourist area. So when you come to Buu Long, you will explore all the different spaces, along with exciting fun activities and enjoy great culinary flavors. Because it is only about 30km from Ho Chi Minh City, you can get to the tourist area by personal vehicle or public transportation. Depending on the actual conditions and location, you choose the vehicle that is most convenient for you. If you depart from Saigon, you can refer to the transportation methods below. Traveling by motorbike or private car: Motorbike is the vehicle chosen by many people because it is both convenient and allows you to experience the feeling of traveling on the roads. Regarding the route, you don't need to worry because Google Maps is with you. By bus: If you take the bus from Ho Chi Minh City, to get to Buu Long tourist area, you need to go through 2 bus stops. Depending on your location, you will take bus number 601, 05 for 15,000 VND/trip. Then take bus number 07, number 09 from Bien Hoa bus station with ticket price 5,000 VND/trip. To get to the tourist area. Coming to Buu Long tourist area, you can go to Co Dau restaurant to experience a luxurious space with a European bias. Or if you love the simple, rustic atmosphere in traditional style, you can go to Du Long restaurant. With the skills of professional chefs, you will definitely enjoy the delicious specialties of Dong Nai. Furthermore, you can check-in and relax in the romantic space of coffee shops right in the tourist area. The tourist area is located at Quarter 4, on Huynh Van Nghe Street, in Buu Long Ward, City. Bien Hoa Dong Nai. Because it is not far from Ho Chi Minh City and operating hours are from 7:00 - 17:00, you can come have fun and return the same day. The weather here has two seasons: rainy and dry, and the most ideal time for you to visit Buu Long tourist area is on sunny days (from December to April of the following year). However, you can rest assured and come here any day because the space here will not deteriorate due to the weather.

Dong Nai

From December to April of the following year

781 view

Mai Waterfall

Mai Waterfall, also known as Bau Nuoc Soi eco-tourism area, is located in Gia Canh commune, Dinh Quan district, Dong Nai province. 130km from Ho Chi Minh City, Dong Nai Mai Waterfall is an ideal destination for travel enthusiasts. Pristine Mai Waterfall is located deep in the primeval forest. Since the beginning, when there was no human intervention, the waterfall area was filled with the white color of wild apricot blossoms, so people named the waterfall after the flower. At Thac Mai, there are large elephant-shaped rocks called "elephant bows" along with stories about the legend of the old elephant still living in the forest that has been passed down orally through many generations of people here. To really conquer the entire waterfall, you should stay overnight so you don't miss out on experiencing the scent of flowers, the wind and enjoying the sweet, fresh taste of forest fruits in the early morning. Mai Waterfall has its own unique beauty in each season, so the waterfall is very beautiful in every season. However, because Thac Mai is located deep in the primeval forest, the dry season is considered the best time to ensure safety during travel. During the period from May to November, the path to Mai Waterfall becomes simpler and easier. However, if you have the opportunity, you should visit Mai Waterfall in spring to see the apricot forest blooming. After arriving at Mai waterfall, you can easily park your car in the area near the restaurant and start your journey to explore this place. If the weather is favorable, don't forget to bring a tent or you can rent a tent to enjoy unique experiences in the forest. Tent rental prices here usually range from 150,000 to 250,000 VND per tent, serving a maximum of 4 people. The best place to camp is near a stream so you can enjoy the sound of running water and the cool feeling of fresh air. However, you can also set up your tent in any location you like, because there are many empty spaces in the forest suitable for setting up tents and holding barbecue parties. The special thing is that this area has never been touched by humans, you will find many interesting things in the forest that cannot be found anywhere else. At Thac Mai, visitors have the opportunity to experience the real life of a Robinson by participating in catching stream fish, catching wild chickens, picking wild fruits and wild mushrooms, then processing them into dishes. Delicious food to enjoy. Until now, the services here are gradually improving. Visitors will be able to walk through the forest and bathe in the stream while still ensuring safety and comfort. The equipment for trekking and cooking is fully prepared, such as a stone stove, forest firewood... so that visitors can experience cooking on their own. Traveling or picnicking at Mai Waterfall is a wonderful experience. To save money, you can prepare food, drinks and a camping tent in advance to organize an interesting BBQ in the evening. If you don't have time to prepare, there will be restaurants in the tourist area that will serve you delicious dishes such as braised fish, hot pot, roasted river beans, chicken dishes and many other specialties. Additionally, on the way back from Thac Mai, just a few hundred meters from La Nga bridge, there is a great wild meat restaurant. Here, you can enjoy specialties such as fish and wild meat at affordable prices. In addition to enjoying delicious dishes, you also have the opportunity to participate in special experiences such as grilling deer, drinking can wine and listening to Chau Ro ethnic music. All of these will create unforgettable memories on your journey. Thac Mai tourist area offers two forms of accommodation for you to rest: you can choose to rent a camping tent to experience the feeling of spending the night in the forest or rent one of the wooden homestays nearby. These homestays are fully furnished and equipped with amenities and are guaranteed to be clean and airy, creating ideal conditions for those who want a more comfortable experience.

Dong Nai

From May to November

756 view

Giang Dien waterfall tourist area

Dong Nai is not a tourist land, but it hides in itself an extremely romantic and beautiful natural scenery - Giang Dien waterfall tourist area. The tourist area in Trang Bom district, Dong Nai province, 45km from Ho Chi Minh City center, is a picnic destination chosen by many families and young people every weekend. Giang Dien ecological area complex has an area of ​​up to 67 hectares and is designed into many beautiful works and landscapes that attract tourists every year. In particular, this place is also associated with the legend of the couple's eternal love. Giang Dien Waterfall is formed by three waterfalls: Chang Waterfall, Nang Waterfall and the waterfall itself. Legend has it that, in the past, there was a man and a woman who loved each other but were forbidden and they vowed to die together to fully protect this love. The stream where the two people immersed themselves is Chang waterfall, Nang waterfall today, or people also call it Twin waterfall. Many couples traveling to Dong Nai often come here as if to pray for their love to always be strong. The best thing about coming here is immersing yourself in the cool water at the foot of Giang Dien waterfall. However, you should come here in the dry season to enjoy the cool and calm water because if it is the rainy season, the water flows very fast and carries a lot of silt. In addition to the waterfall, visitors can also visit many other interesting places such as: Hoang Hoa street, Tuyen Lam lake, winter garden, flower hill, love park, Rong house... Let's roam around together to the fullest. Enjoying fresh, relaxing air helps you forget life's troubles. And don't create unique photos for yourself amidst the charming scenery and many beautiful angles like this. With a large space and many attractive entertainment projects, Giang Dien waterfall is an ideal stopover every weekend. Here, you can not only immerse yourself in fresh nature but also experience extremely interesting games. In addition, visitors can also participate in cycling activities or ride a car to explore the eco-tourism area, which is also very interesting. Especially for families with small children, the children's play area here will definitely be a great place for them. The play area space is decorated with many cute and funny images that stimulate children's creativity. The large space is arranged with many games from physical to mental for children to develop comprehensively. If you are a nature lover and enjoy outdoor activities, you can choose to camp overnight at this eco-tourism area. When everything falls into darkness, the whole tent area lights a campfire to socialize, sing... This is a good opportunity to get acquainted and make friends with interesting people. If you are not used to staying in tents, you can also choose a hotel room here. There are many types of rooms with different quality standards for your reference. However, in case you plan to stay in Dong Nai for a long time to visit famous places, you should choose to rent motels or hotels outside to facilitate travel. If you don't know where to go to relax with friends or relatives this weekend, remember to come to Giang Dien waterfall tourist area. The fresh, cool air and beautiful, romantic scenery will make you excited.

Dong Nai

From January to December

798 view

Central base of the Southern Department

According to some documents, the relic site is also known by other names, such as: R (code name of the Central Department of the South); Chang Riec Base (named after the forest where the Base is located); Pham Hung Base (comrade Pham Hung once held the position of Secretary of the Central Bureau for a long time); Bac Tay Ninh base. During the two resistance wars against the French and the Americans, the Southeast region in general and Tay Ninh in particular were important strategic areas. The Northern Tay Ninh base area was the area of ​​the Southern revolutionary headquarters for a long time and directly directed and led the Southern revolution until the day the South was completely liberated. The historical site of the Central Base of the Southern Department includes three subdivisions: Central Base of the Southern Department, Base of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam and Base of the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Southern Republic. Vietnam. At the historical base of the Southern Department Central Base, all the houses, meeting rooms, and halls are roofed with military leaves. Those leaves have gone through the years, not only protecting us from the rain and sun, but also reminding us that we should live to the fullest, worthy of the previous generations of our ancestors for national independence and national unification. home. When we visit the historical base, we all feel more deeply about the years of fierce war and better understand the contributions of our ancestors. They lived and fought with admirable courage and example. for the next generation to follow and follow. We could not help but be moved, excited and impressed when we saw with our own eyes the food, accommodation, evidence, and memories of the extremely arduous, sacrificial, but very proud life of revolutionary activities. Many senior leaders of the Party and many officers and soldiers in the resistance war against the US to save the nation's holy country on the battlefields of the South, understand more and more the glorious revolutionary tradition of the army and people of the South. , the heroic fighting tradition of the nation. Returning to the land of the Central Bureau of the South, which preserves the heroic history of the land of the Eastern region through heroic hardships, reminds each employee of the Department of Information and Communications to continue studying, training and cultivating. Maintaining the qualities and revolutionary ideals and successfully completing assigned tasks.

Tay Ninh

From January to December

776 view

Dau Tieng Lake

Tay Ninh Dau Tieng Lake stretches across three provinces: Binh Duong, Binh Phuoc and Tay Ninh. The upstream of this lake belongs to Dau Tieng district, Tay Ninh province with a large area. Dau Tieng Lake is located about 25km east of the city center. Dau Tieng Tay Ninh Lake was started construction in 1981. After 4 years of construction, this artificial lake was completed on January 10, 1985. The capacity of Tay Ninh Dau Tieng Lake is estimated to contain about 1.58 billion cubic meters of water. Tay Ninh Dau Tieng Lake is the largest artificial lake in Vietnam. Not only does it play a role in coordinating water for the Saigon River, this lake is also a tourist destination that attracts many visitors. The space at Tay Ninh Dau Tieng Lake possesses charming landscape beauty and a cool atmosphere that will surely make you fascinated and forget the way home. There are many means of transportation for you to choose when moving to Dau Tieng Lake, Tay Ninh. You can ride a motorbike or taxi depending on your preferences and personal needs. Starting from the center of Tay Ninh city, you go along Cach Mang Thang Tam street and then turn to Ba Den Mountain. After arriving at Duong Minh Chau town, turn right and go straight about 2km along the dike road to reach your destination. Tay Ninh Dau Tieng Lake has long been famous for its poetic and romantic beauty. The clear blue lake surface, floating clouds combined with lush green grass promise to make you extremely fascinated. Watch sunrise and sunset at the lake. This is an interesting experience that you cannot miss when traveling to Dau Tieng Lake in Tay Ninh. In addition to exploring the natural landscape, watching the sunrise and sunset at the lake will bring you a feeling of extreme peace and relaxation. Tay Ninh Dau Tieng Lake appears like a poetic watercolor painting, making anyone lost in this place captivated with its beauty. When traveling to Dau Tieng Lake in Tay Ninh, you can take time to enjoy the delicious dishes below. Rice paper rolls dried in dew. This is a famous specialty of Tay Ninh Dau Tieng Lake that you must definitely try. The rice paper shell has a subtle rice flavor, the roll inside includes boiled meat, vermicelli, wild vegetables, bean sprouts, cucumber, pickled carrots... This rustic dish is loved by many locals. Trang Bang noodle soup is a memorable dish because of its rich, sweet flavor. Most local people know how to prepare this specialty dish. In addition, grilled fish with salt and chili is a dish that cannot be missed. The fish are marinated with spices to taste and will definitely make you pick up your chopsticks non-stop. This is a popular dish in Tay Ninh, making a strong impression with its naturally sweet, chewy fish flavor mixed with typical chili salt.

Tay Ninh

November to April

822 view

Ma Thien Lanh tourist area

Ma Thien Lanh Valley carries with it many mysterious stories and legends that make anyone who hears them shudder because of its sacredness and magic. One of the most prominent stories told by local people originates from the resistance war against the French and Americans. The enemy troops that invaded our country had to go through the valley and more than 70% of the troops died in this holy place. The number of people left was so small that they were all easily defeated by our army. In addition, some people who have lived in Ma Thien Lanh Valley for a long time said that they have faced giant snakes, even cobras nearly as big as an adult's calf. However, up to now no one has been in danger from the venom of that ferocious snake, so it is only considered one of the mysterious stories of this sacred mountain region. Departing from Ho Chi Minh City, you can travel by motorbike or choose reputable Tay Ninh bus companies to travel to Ma Thien Lanh Valley. You go along National Highway 22A until you see Trang Bang intersection, then turn right onto provincial road 782. Then, you continue about 50km to reach Tay Ninh town. Here, you just need to go straight along the 3km long asphalt road connecting Provincial Road 782 to Phung Mountain and then go through a small road to Ma Thien Lanh Valley. This road is considered quite difficult to travel, so if you travel by motorbike, you need to have a steady hand on the steering wheel. If you depart from Tay Ninh city, moving to Ma Thien Lanh Valley is very easy. With a distance of only about 11km, you can go by motorbike to be more proactive with your time. From the center of Tay Ninh city, you can choose to go in the direction of Tran Phu or Boi Loi street. If you do not know the route clearly, you can follow the directions of Google Maps and rest assured that this road is very easy to follow. To discover the full beauty of Ma Thien Lanh Valley, you will have to walk and trek through mountain climbing paths and forests. This is a challenging but also very interesting road for those who love to explore and adventure. Throughout the trekking route of Ma Thien Lanh Valley, you will encounter a series of giant rocks and overcome countless steep, dangerous slopes one after another. Although the road is full of difficulties and challenges, during the trekking journey, you will be very excited to see with your own eyes the endless mountain scenery, diverse vegetation with countless rare and precious forest species. Hearing the gurgling stream mixed with the chirping of birds is extremely pleasant. Ma Thien Lanh Valley possesses a wild, primitive and mysterious beauty that makes anyone captivated. This place is also likened to Da Lat of the Southeast region because of its extremely magnificent natural scenery. Looking down from above, Ma Thien Lanh Valley looks like a giant basin covered with vast old forests. Adorning the impressive beauty are countless precious wood trees hundreds of years old such as ancient trees, eucalyptus... In addition, people in the area also grow many fruit trees here such as mango, rambutan, banana, guava. , plums... to increase the richness of this land. The entire Ma Thien Lanh Valley is like a natural picture that is both vast, majestic, mysterious and magical.

Tay Ninh

November to April

813 view

Moc Bai

Moc Bai border gate located in Loi Thuan commune, Ben Cau district is one of the international land border gates that began operating in 2004. Located on the Trans-Asia road extending from Myanmar through Thailand, Laos, and Vietnam. South, Cambodia and ending in China, this place receives many special advantages both in economic - cultural exchanges and tourism development. Currently, Moc Bai is a border gate area and tourist destination that attracts thousands of visits each year in the "holy land" of Tay Ninh next to Lo Go - Xa Mat National Park, Binh Thanh Ancient Tower, Chang Riec Forest... Here are some notes that everyone needs to keep in mind when coming to Moc Bai Border Gate to have fun: You absolutely should not pawn items to help strangers when passing through the border gate to avoid getting into trouble with banned substances as well as breaking the law. At the border gate, there will be many motorbike taxis to entice you to cross the border for prices ranging from 400,000 VND to 500,000 VND without a passport. This is a serious violation of the law, so everyone should pay close attention. The group moved to Moc Bai and planned to visit Cambodia, so they proactively exchanged money for convenient shopping. The corresponding exchange rate for 20,000 VND will be 3,500 KHR. Moc Bai Border Gate Area is located about 80km from the center of Ho Chi Minh City and about 170km from Phnom Penh Capital (Cambodia). Departing from Saigon to the tourist destination, you can book a bus ticket, limousine, take a bus or go directly to Tay Ninh by motorbike or personal car depending on your preferences and financial needs. Normally, limousines from 10 to 31 seats running the Ho Chi Minh City - Moc Bai route will cost about 1,800,000 VND/person round trip. After buying tickets directly or booking online at reputable agents, you will depart the trip at 302, Cong Hoa Street, Ward 13, Tan Binh District and stop at Moc Bai Border Gate. Some bus companies going to Tay Ninh that you can consider if choosing this long-distance vehicle are Dong Phuoc (hotline: 1900 1152), Thai Duong Limousine (1900 9227), Le Khanh (1900 7070)... For tourists traveling by motorbike or personal car, from Saigon you can drive along Highway 22 to Trang Bang district first. After stopping here, you go towards Go Dau town through An Thanh Commune People's Committee about 7.4km to the famous border gate area. Besides the supermarket, it would be a huge mistake if you come to Moc Bai Border Gate and miss the opportunity to try your luck at famous casinos such as Moc Bai Bavet, New World, Le Macau, Chateau, Las Vegas Sun... located towards Bavet (Cambodia) takes less than 5 minutes to travel. To enter the casino, you need to prepare a certain amount of cash to participate in the games. Around the casino, there are also many large-scale cockfighting arenas that often use Vietnamese dong or US dollars to bet. Depending on your financial conditions, you can choose entertainment spots that suit your interests and needs when you have the opportunity to stop here. After having fun at Moc Bai Border Gate, you can go through quite simple entry and exit procedures to travel to Cambodia to explore this beautiful country. Just travel about 170km by car or motorbike from Bavet Border Gate road, you can check-in at Phnom Penh - a place famous for its impressive Buddhist architectural works. Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, Wat Phnom Temple, Central Market... are some attractions in the capital area that you definitely cannot miss.

Tay Ninh

From January to December

929 view

Binh Thanh ancient tower

Oc Eo culture is an ancient culture associated with the Southern region and the lower Mekong delta. Binh Thanh Ancient Tower is one of the rare remaining architectural masterpieces of this culture. Over the centuries, the ancient tower has still preserved its unique architecture almost intact and has become the most attractive tourist destination in Tay Ninh. Binh Thanh Ancient Tower was built in the 8th - 9th centuries and is now more than 1,000 years old. This is one of three typical architectural works of the Oc Eo culture remaining in the Southern region. The ancient tower is located on the right bank of Vam Co Dong river, in Binh Hoa commune, Trang Bang district, about 50km southeast of Tay Ninh city center. The Ancient Tower relic area has a total of 3 towers, but only the main tower is still intact, the main tower was restored in 1998. The remaining two towers have been destroyed, only the ruins remain. built on a square foundation. In the early twentieth century, Binh Thanh Tower and Tay Ninh Chop Mat Tower were discovered through archaeological reports at the Indochina archaeological research library. By 1993, these two towers were officially recognized as National Historical Monuments. Tay Ninh is in the Southeast region, the climate is temperate, divided into two distinct seasons: the dry season and the rainy season. The rainy season lasts from May to November, the dry season from December to April of the following year. The dry season in Tay Ninh is sunny but not too hot, suitable for outdoor tourism activities. If you want to visit Binh Thanh Ancient Tower, you should go in the dry season, so choose in the morning or late afternoon to avoid harsh sunlight. Binh Thanh Tay Ninh Ancient Tower is located on Provincial Road 786, in Binh Hoa commune, Trang Bang district. From the center of Tay Ninh city, you go along Highway 22B towards the center of Go Dau district, to the intersection of Voi hamlet (Ben Cau district), turn right to enter Provincial Road 786. From here, you run about 20km more. You will see a turn leading to the Ancient Tower. For convenience in visiting the Ancient Tower and famous tourist destinations in Tay Ninh, visitors should stay in the central area. In Tay Ninh, there are many types of resorts, with prices ranging from affordable to high-end. Depending on your needs, you can choose a suitable place to stay. Binh Thanh Ancient Tower was discovered in 1886 and is a rare architectural heritage of the Oc Eo culture that still retains its original construction design. Dating back centuries, this ancient tower has witnessed many ups and downs of Vietnamese history. Besides, Binh Thanh Tower also contains traditional cultural values, beliefs and religions of the ancient Funan people. The patterns and reliefs embossed on the tower are popular images in Hinduism, including stylized flowers and leaves, vitality, gods... These are symbols that Funan people worship and worship through. many centuries. The architecture, construction techniques and sculpture shown on the Stock Tower reflect the development to the pinnacle of Oc Eo culture at that time. These are valuable documents that help researchers learn and discover more unique historical and cultural values ​​in this ancient relic. Besides, Binh Thanh Tower also contains traditional cultural values, beliefs and religions of the ancient Funan people. The patterns and reliefs embossed on the tower are popular images in Hinduism, including stylized flowers and leaves, vitality, gods... These are symbols that Funan people worship and worship through. many centuries. The architecture, construction techniques and sculpture shown on the Stock Tower reflect the development to the pinnacle of Oc Eo culture at that time. These are valuable documents that help researchers learn and discover more unique historical and cultural values ​​in this ancient relic. With unique architecture, Binh Thanh Ancient Tower is a destination not to be missed for "virtual living" believers. The ancient tower has strange check-in corners, from mossy ancient walls to carved patterns on stone. Just lift the camera and you will have yourself an impressive set of photos. Besides, visitors coming here also have the opportunity to learn about historical stories and ancient Oc Eo culture.

Tay Ninh

December to April

852 view