Be amazed by the wild and mysterious beauty of Nguom Ngao Cave

SKĐS - With its mysterious wild beauty, Nguom Ngao cave becomes more and more attractive to those who love to explore and experience, this place is considered a rare natural masterpiece in Cao Bang.

SKĐS - With mysterious wild beauty, Nguom Ngao cave becomes more and more attractive to those who love to explore and experience, this place is considered a rare natural masterpiece in Cao Bang.

Ngỡ ngàng trước vẻ đẹp hoang sơ kỳ bí của động Ngườm Ngao - Ảnh 2.

Cao Bang mountainous province is located in Cao Bang. in the Northeast of our country, with rugged terrain with many hills and forests. But also because of that, the natural landscape is extremely beautiful. Cao Bang contributes to the tourist map many attractive destinations such as Pac Bo cave, Ban Gioc waterfall, Khuoi Ky stone village… Especially Nguom Ngao cave, a rare natural masterpiece.

Ngỡ ngàng trước vẻ đẹp hoang sơ kỳ bí của động Ngườm Ngao - Ảnh 3.

The cave is hidden in the heart. A mountain in Gun village, Dam Thuy commune, Trung Khanh district, is an invaluable gift that nature bestows on Cao Bang province.

Ngỡ ngàng trước vẻ đẹp hoang sơ kỳ bí của động Ngườm Ngao - Ảnh 4.

Nguom Ngao cave, also known as Ngao cave, was discovered in 1921 and exploited. Tourism in 1996, is a limestone cave formed about 400 million years ago and was recognized as a national scenic spot in 1998. The cave has three caves, Nguom Ngao, Nguom Lom and Gun. Most tourists choose to go in from Nguom Lom gate and go out Nguom Ngao gate to carry out their tour.

Ngỡ ngàng trước vẻ đẹp hoang sơ kỳ bí của động Ngườm Ngao - Ảnh 5.

Steps into Nguom Ngao cave, before our eyes appear a natural landscape with many stalactite blocks. fancy, making visitors feel overwhelmed. Countless stalagmites grow from the bottom up, stalactites hang down from high arches with many shapes, reflecting shimmering and fanciful light.

Ngỡ ngàng trước vẻ đẹp hoang sơ kỳ bí của động Ngườm Ngao - Ảnh 6.
Ngỡ ngàng trước vẻ đẹp hoang sơ kỳ bí của động Ngườm Ngao - Ảnh 7.

Especially, stalactites in the cave have different colors from other caves. in other localities by the amount of calcium mixed with many impurities. The stone blocks are inanimate but allow people's imagination to soar freely, adventure with stone blocks resembling human figures, forest trees, animals, fairies combing their hair, lotus buds... All are created by nature brings a unique and wonderful landscape.

Ngỡ ngàng trước vẻ đẹp hoang sơ kỳ bí của động Ngườm Ngao - Ảnh 8.
Ngỡ ngàng trước vẻ đẹp hoang sơ kỳ bí của động Ngườm Ngao - Ảnh 9.

     Ngỡ ngàng trước vẻ đẹp hoang sơ kỳ bí của động Ngườm Ngao - Ảnh 10.

  Many strange stalactites make visitors feel overwhelmed.

Ngỡ ngàng trước vẻ đẹp hoang sơ kỳ bí của động Ngườm Ngao - Ảnh 11.

The cave is divided into 3 zones, the first area is the Four Pillars of Heaven. family thanks to the drops of water from above and deposited at the bottom to create interconnected stalactites. The second area is a prominent center with stony coral trees, dragon boat trees, terraced fields and images of stone lotus flowers. The third area is called the treasure area thanks to the quartz part when there is a very beautiful light like gold and silver.

Ngỡ ngàng trước vẻ đẹp hoang sơ kỳ bí của động Ngườm Ngao - Ảnh 12.

Many fancy stalactites make visitors feel overwhelmed.

Ngỡ ngàng trước vẻ đẹp hoang sơ kỳ bí của động Ngườm Ngao - Ảnh 12.

The deeper you go, no The space in Nguom Ngao cave is more open and airy. The stalactites and limestone columns reflected in the colored lights are more shimmering and fanciful, feeling like being lost in a palace. Admire the amazing stalactites, the imagination of visitors is free to fly... the stalactites forming the shape of the Buddha, the statue of grandparents together, the fairy in a fairy tale, or the king's dragon boat, or simply human figures, forest trees, animals, mammoths, gold and silver trees ....

Ngỡ ngàng trước vẻ đẹp hoang sơ kỳ bí của động Ngườm Ngao - Ảnh 13.

Not only the beauty of stalactites, in the heart of Nguom Ngao cave there are also many small streams. , the water murmurs day and night, emitting a murmur, as if bringing visitors to a magical fairyland. During the period from May to September, the streams in the cave have the most flowing water, so visitors can travel by boat in the cave.

Ngỡ ngàng trước vẻ đẹp hoang sơ kỳ bí của động Ngườm Ngao - Ảnh 14.

A walk by boat in the middle of the cave will give visitors a feeling. enjoy, experience the full range of emotions that the magic of nature bestows.

Ngỡ ngàng trước vẻ đẹp hoang sơ kỳ bí của động Ngườm Ngao - Ảnh 15.

The mysterious and spectacular Nguom Ngao cave scene is very suitable for those who love to explore the experience.

Ngỡ ngàng trước vẻ đẹp hoang sơ kỳ bí của động Ngườm Ngao - Ảnh 16.

With the beauty of nature. Unspoiled beauty is completely created by nature, without human impact, Nguom Ngao cave becomes more and more attractive, bringing majestic and magnificent beauty. Exploring Nguom Ngao cave is a great experience for every visitor when coming to Cao Bang.

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Tuấn Anh

Source : Sức khỏe & đời sống

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