Close-up of the majestic Ban Gioc Waterfall seen from across the border

After the pilot operation ceremony of the Ban Gioc (Vietnam) - De Thien (China) Waterfall Landscape Area on September 15, 2023, tourists from both countries will be able to see Ban Gioc Waterfall from many viewing angles.

After the pilot operation ceremony of the Ban Gioc (Vietnam) - De Thien (China) Waterfall Landscape Area on September 15, 2023, tourists from both countries will be able to see Ban Gioc Waterfall from many viewing angles.

After the pilot operation ceremony of the Ban Gioc (Vietnam) - De Thien (China) Waterfall Landscape Area on September 15, 2023, tourists from both countries will be able to see Ban Gioc Waterfall from many viewing angles. (Photo: Chu Hieu/VNA)

Ban Gioc Waterfall seen from the water appears both majestic and poetic, making visitors overwhelmed by the scenery created by nature. (Photo: Chu Hieu/VNA)

The poetic beauty of Ban Gioc Waterfall seen from across the border. (Photo: Chu Hieu/VNA)

The poetic beauty of Ban Gioc Waterfall seen from across the border. (Photo: Chu Hieu/VNA)

Ban Gioc Waterfall seen from the water appears both majestic and poetic. (Photo: Chu Hieu/VNA)

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