Admire the beauty of Hue in the mist

In the foggy space, images of ancient relics suddenly appear and disappear, creating a poetic and romantic scene. Along with the rhythm of early morning life in the ancient capital, the foggy scene makes many people love this land even more.

In the foggy space, images of ancient relics suddenly appear and disappear, creating a poetic and romantic scene. Along with the rhythm of early morning life in the ancient capital, the foggy scene makes many people love this land even more.

In the early days of December, in Hue, there is a cold air mixed with a bit of warm sunlight, like Tet is coming.

For many days, people, especially those who love natural beauty and photography, are excited when a layer of fog appears in Hue in the early morning.

The scene is gentle and poetic.

The image of Hue engulfed in fog enhances its poetic and romantic beauty. The ancient moss-covered city walls, the historic Phu Van Lau, the famous Truong Tien Bridge... suddenly appear in the mist.

On tree branches and leaf tips, pure drops of water condensed into drops. From time to time, drops of clear water fall gently into the air, creating many emotions for those who witness this moment.

A new day full of energy in the foggy landscape, people of the ancient capital cycle, jog, exercise, and breathe fresh air.

On the roads, people rush to make a living in the early morning. The bustling stream of people moved slowly on the clean, beautiful road in the mist.

The scene of fog appearing for a few hours in the early morning has brought to Hue a poetic image on the eve of Tet...

Pure new day.

Dew drops linger on the grass.

The stream of people moved slowly on the streets.

New day Hue.

The mist enhances the beauty of Hue.

Fog spreads.

The beauty of the ruins is hidden in the mist.

Phu Van Lau in a foggy scene.

Hue heritage in mist.

The scene gives people many emotions.

The beauty of Da Vien Bridge and Perfume River in the mist.

According to authorities, air quality in Hue city is in very good condition, without pollution.

Hue 958 view

Nguyễn Hiệp

Source : Du lịch TP Hồ Chí Minh .vn

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