What is special about Queen Beach in Quy Nhon?

(VTC News) - Hoang Hau Beach is blessed with poetic beauty by nature, with a favorable location, near resorts.

(VTC News) - Hoang Hau Beach is blessed with poetic beauty by nature, with a favorable location, near resorts.

Located in the area of ​​Rang rapids - an interesting tourist destination of Binh Dinh, Hoang Hau beach is considered one of the most famous beautiful beaches in Quy Nhon. Compared to other beaches such as Nha Trang, Vung Tau or Phu Quoc, Hoang Hau beach may still be quite strange to many people. However, this is a beautiful beach and still retains its majestic wildness.

Hoang Hau Beach is blessed with poetic beauty by nature, with a favorable location, near resorts, so it has become one of the places that attracts domestic and foreign tourists.

Beauty called "Queen"

Queen Beach is also known as the white bird beach, because there are large, round, smooth rocks that look like giant bird eggs from a distance. There's nothing more enjoyable than stepping on those rocks with your bare feet. Although it's a bit risky, it will really be an interesting experience for you.

The beauty of Queen's beach.

Queen Beach seems to be nestled between steep mountain cliffs, like the bare back of a gorgeous fairy with two giant, strong bodyguards standing to protect and shield her.

The beach is associated with the name of poet Han Mac Tu

Queen Beach is also famous because this place is associated with the name of poet Han Mac Tu. In the last years of his life, he lived here. Due to a serious illness, he passed away at a very young age.

The beach is associated with the name of poet Han Mac Tu.

With his sad mood when he learned he was sick, combined with the wild beauty of the landscape, he left behind immortal poems that are still being passed down and exist until now.

Visitors coming here will have the opportunity to visit Han Mac Tu's grave or visit the flower garden named after him. This place is not only beautiful, with thousands of colors of flowers giving off a sweet scent, but it also has the faintest scent of Han Mac Tu's poems that still linger here.

Cuisine at Queen beach

Coming to Hoang Hau beach, you will also enjoy fresh Quy Nhon specialties.

Coming to Hoang Hau beach, you will also enjoy fresh Quy Nhon specialties.

Seafood here is very fresh and is processed immediately after catching so it always retains the taste of the sea. Once enjoying dishes such as bun cha, sea urchin fish sauce, Dieu Tri banh hoi, banh xeo, shrimp vermicelli... visitors will have to admire and praise them forever.

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HÀ MY(tổng hợp)

Source : VTC News

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