Thanh Hoang Ancient Temple

Thanh Hoang Ancient Temple

Recognized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism as a national historical and cultural relic in 2001, the Imperial City Ancient Temple (also known as Vinh Trieu Minh Pagoda) is a relic expressing religious culture. The tutelary god of the Vietnamese people in Bac Lieu, a cultural feature that inherits the tutelary god belief of the Chinese people in Bac Lieu... Vinh Trieu Minh Pagoda is located on Dien Bien Phu Street in Ward 3 (Bac Lieu City) and was built in the year At Suu 1865. This is a place to worship the sages who have openly explored and expanded this land since then. many centuries ago. Although it is not a place to worship Buddha, people used to call it Vinh Huong Pagoda, founded by the Minh Huong people. Later, local people called it Minh Pagoda, and now the official name is Vinh Trieu Minh Ancient Temple. The origin of worshiping the tutelary god is also from the Minh Huong people, inheriting the tutelary god belief in China. According to customs here, the annual Imperial Wedding Ceremony usually lasts for 3 days and nights (24th, 25th and 26th of the 7th lunar month) with rituals such as: worshiping, worshiping ghosts and distributing rice. … The pagoda faces the Bac Lieu River, the main door to the pagoda is assembled from green stone pillars meticulously and delicately carved with images of dragons, cranes, clouds... The entire pagoda architecture is built in the shape of the word "National". ”, a model of royal architecture during the Ming Dynasty (China). The porch is covered with three-layer yin-yang tiles, the roof corners are decorated with curving wave patterns. In addition, in the pagoda there are also carved patterns such as animals, ornamental plants, leaves and fairies... In front of the altar to worship the Tutelary God is a long table made of precious wood, in the middle of the table is a bronze urn about 70 cm high. , this is a rare type of bamboo urn in Vietnam... The ancient tutelary god Vinh Trieu Minh temple is a priceless heritage that represents a unique cultural belief of the Chinese people in Bac Lieu. However, currently some items in the temple are degraded and damaged and need to be restored and renovated soon. Protecting and promoting the value of the ancient Thanh Hoang temple is also a way for Bac Lieu to have an attractive destination for tourists to stop by. Source: Bac Lieu Newspaper online

Bac Lieu 283 view

Rating : National monument

Open door

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