Memorial site for President Ton Duc Thang in Ba Son area

Memorial site for President Ton Duc Thang in Ba Son area

The memorial site for President Ton Duc Thang is located on the campus of Ba Son Enterprise Union, which today is a large shipbuilding and repair workshop, located at 2 Ton Duc Thang Street, Ben Nghe Ward, District 1, City. Ho Chi Minh. This is a historical site with many meanings. The mechanical workshop at number 323, Street 12 within the factory campus is where mechanic Ton Duc Thang (later President of Vietnam - from 1969 to August 30, 1980) worked and participated in revolutionary activities. in the years 1915 - 1928. In 1861, France defeated Chi Hoa Fort and occupied Saigon. On April 28, 1863, the French government signed a decree officially establishing the Ba Son Shipyard (Arsenal) under the French Ministry of the Navy. Because of that importance, in 1884 the French government built another large dry dock to serve as a ship repair base for the French fleet in the Far East. After the Geneva Agreement was signed, the French army withdrew from Indochina. On September 12, 1956, France transferred Ba Son to the Saigon government navy. Under the old Saigon regime, Ba Son Waterworks was renamed Navy Factory, placed directly under the Ministry of National Defense. After April 1975, the Navy factory was taken over by the Revolutionary government and was renamed Ba Son Enterprise Union, under the Ministry of National Defense to this day. Ba Son Waterworks is the largest factory in Saigon, one of the places with the largest concentration of workers in Vietnam in the early years of the century. In order to train native electricians and mechanics to supply French companies and factories in Saigon, on February 20, 1906, the French government signed a decision to establish the Asian mechanical school in Saigon (Eécole des mécaniciens). Asiatiques de SaiGon - today's Cao Thang Technical School). Ba Son ship repair workshop is a workshop that uses the school's students to practice at the workshop and directly recruits students who have completed their studies at the school. The Saigon Asian Mechanical School and the mechanical workshop of Ba Son Water Factory at that time were associated with the first revolutionary activities of revolutionary Ton Duc Thang. After finishing primary school in his hometown: An Hoa village, My Hoa Hung commune, Dinh Thanh district, Long Xuyen province (now My Hoa Hung commune, Long Xuyen town, An Giang province), young man Ton Duc Thang decided to intending to go to Saigon to find a job and orient his life to the working class. Uncle Ton took the entrance exam to the Asian Mechanical School for the course 1915 - 1917. Currently, at the Ho Chi Minh City Museum, there is still an original book registering students enrolled in courses at this school from 1906 to 1966. . In August 1920, he returned from France to Saigon to work as a worker for KROFF and CIE. Influenced by the Russian October Revolution and learning a lot from the struggle experiences of French workers, Uncle Ton campaigned to establish the first Red Union in the city. The secret union developed among workers of Ba Son factory, Faci company, Cho Quan lighting house... From 1920 to 1925, the number of members increased to 300 people with Uncle Ton as president. This is the first Trade Union organization in Vietnam with the purpose of supporting and fighting to defend the rights of workers and fight against capitalist imperialism. Under the leadership of the Red Congress, the struggle movement of city workers during this period exploded strongly. Typically, the strike demanding increased wages and half-day off on payday of Ba Son Waterworks workers broke out on August 4, 1925 and lasted until August 12, 1925. The strike was successful, but in order to support the struggle movement of Chinese workers and working people by "holding back" the battleship J. Mi-S-Le under orders from the French government, it needed urgent repairs to bring went to China to suppress the revolutionary movement. The strike of Ba Son workers continued in the form of a walkout, prolonging the repair of the warship for up to 4 months. Thus, this struggle, in addition to demanding economic rights and improving working conditions, also has a political nature, especially activating the sense of international solidarity of the Vietnamese working class. The strike of Ba Son workers under the leadership of the Red Trade Union organization opened a new period of struggle for the Vietnamese working class. The period of struggle was organized, led and supported by all workers and working people. The struggle movement has gone from spontaneity to a level of self-awareness, which is a good basis for accepting Marxism-Leninism. On November 19, 1975, as President, Uncle Ton visited Ba Son factory and recorded it in the factory's souvenir book. On August 12, 1993, the Ministry of Culture issued a decision to recognize Ba Son as a historical relic. Source: Ho Chi Minh City Youth Union

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