MoSo Historic Sites and Attractions

MoSo Historic Sites and Attractions

Mo So historical relic and landscape is located in Ba Nui hamlet, Binh An commune, Kien Luong district (Kien Giang). Mo So in Khmer means limestone mountain, or white rock. This mountain has an area of ​​23.5 hectares. Mo So was ranked a national historical relic and landscape by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism on February 13, 1995. During the war against the French, Mo So was the station of Military Region 9's Engineering Workshop and 18th Engineering Workshop to manufacture and repair weapons and supply our troops in the Southwest battlefield. In the 1950s, the enemy launched many raids into the rear of the liberated area, including Mo So, to cut off logistics sources and weaken the offensive power of our army and people. On the morning of March 4, 1951, the enemy attacked Mo So. Cannons were fired from the sea, weapons were rained down from planes. Mo So roared in the rain of bullets, the space was covered in a gloomy color. Our force only has 60 comrades, fighting heroically. At noon on the same day, his comrades bowed and said goodbye to Mr. Thach Xiem, a Khmer who heroically sacrificed his life to protect his comrades and Engineer Workshop 18. During the war against America, Mo So continued to be a solid base for the Ha Tien District Party Committee. This is also an important key point on route 1C to supply weapons from north to south, through Kampot province (Kingdom of Cambodia) to U Minh Thuong region. In mid-July 1969, Ha Tien's agencies moved to Mo So. In July 1970, the enemy surrounded Mo So mountain mouth. They sprayed chemicals, Mo So from the green color of the mountains and forests remained only stone. Many soldiers who sacrificed their lives had to be brought to the foot of Mo So mountain to bury them. Not backing down before the enemy, the will of our forces at that time was like Mo So mountain, standing tall and proud. From July 1969 to April 1970, at the Mo So battlefield, our troops destroyed more than 4,000 enemies, destroyed 80 tanks, and shot down 10 aircraft. The Mo So victory contributed to the victory of our army and people in the resistance war against the US and to save the country. According to Vietnamese archaeologists, Mo So Mountain has more than 20 large and small caves, some very large caves containing thousands of people. According to Vietnamese archaeological data, Mo So and many other limestone mountains in Kien Luong district were formed about 240 million years ago. The foot of the mountain also left a mark of sea water sunken deep into the cliff, a mark dating back to about 4,000-5,000 years BC. Mo So is beautiful and poetic. Protecting, embellishing and developing tourism at Mo So historical relics and landscapes is not only protecting the natural scenery and sustainable development of a limestone mountain and cave ecosystem, but also preserving Defend your father's achievements. The place that once surrounded and protected the heroic children who contributed to making history. Source: Kien Giang Tourism

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Rating : National monument

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