Tam Bao Pagoda

Tam Bao Pagoda

Tam Bao Pagoda relic is located on Su Thien An Street, Rach Gia City, Kien Giang Province, Tam Bao Pagoda is recognized as a cultural historical relic by the Ministry of Culture and Information (now the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism). national level in 1998. At first, Tam Bao Pagoda was built of wood and thatched with leaves. In 1917, monk Tri Thien rebuilt the temple. The development history of Sac Tu Tam Bao Pagoda is associated with the Dharma preaching career of monk Thich Tri Thien, whose name is Nguyen Van Dong, so the pagoda is called Ong Dong Pagoda. Since 1940, monk Tri Thien, monk Thien Chieu, and monk Thien An used Tam Bao Pagoda as a contact location and a place to hide homemade weapons, documents, and leaflets in preparation for the Cochinchina uprising. In June 1941, due to a tip-off, the French searched the pagoda, monk Tri Thien and monk Thien An were arrested by the French. Going to the Criminal Court, monk Tri Thien was sentenced to 5 years of exile in Con Dao, monk Thien An was sentenced to death. In Con Dao, in 1943, monk Tri Thien went on a hunger strike to protest the harsh prison regime and death. Legend has it that Tam Bao Pagoda was awarded the title "Sac Tu Tam Bao Pagoda" by King Gia Long. The ordination plate was said to have been lost during the period of repression by the French invaders in the 30s and 40s of the 20th century. Tam Bao Pagoda has a unique overall architecture, neat layout, harmonious combination of brick, wood, and stone materials. Quiet and solemn space. The pagoda has three floors of tiled roofs, covered with tube tiles. Rows of large black wooden pillars with bulging pillars carved into an octagonal shape look solid. The main hall is divided into three compartments, each compartment has an altar. The wooden panels are embossed, lacquered and gilded with artistic images of dragons, phoenixes, flowers, and birds, creating a sacred impression on viewers. Tam Bao Pagoda has many beautiful statues and demonstrates a high level of sculpting techniques. Today, the pagoda is visited by many people and tourists to worship and admire the scenery every time they have the opportunity to come to Rach Gia City. Source: Kien Giang Online Newspaper

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Rating : National monument

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