Comrade Nguyen Duc Canh memorial area

Comrade Nguyen Duc Canh memorial area

Comrade Nguyen Duc Canh's memorial area is located in Diem Dien town, Thai Thuy district, Thai Binh province, this place records a deep impression on Nguyen Duc Canh, one of the first 7 party members who founded the Communist Party. , a first leader of the Vietnam Trade Union. The memorial area was built on the incense burner land of 8 relatives living together, with an area of ​​1,600m². The scene of the old house of Comrade Nguyen Duc Canh's family during his lifetime includes: The Ancestral Church (which was the teaching school of Comrade Nguyen Duc Canh's father), the house, and the kitchen were completely reconstructed. on old ground. The space is simple and humble, recalling the image of the order and family style of an ancient Confucian family. To pay tribute and commemorate Nguyen Duc Canh's great contributions to the Vietnamese revolutionary cause, Nguyen Duc Canh's memorial area was invested in repairing, upgrading, and expanding spaciously, worthy of a cultural and historical relic. National level. This is also the first cradle that molded and gave wings to the personality, soul, will and actions of loyal communist soldier Nguyen Duc Canh. Behind the house there is still a well preserved, this place more than 100 years ago marked a special moment. On the morning of the first day of Tet Mau Than (1908) (February 2, 1908), Mrs. Tran Thi Thuy went out to celebrate the well's birthday according to the custom of sprinkling coins into the well so that when the well is washed at the end of the year, the person who picks up the money will be the one who picks up the money. Lucky person, little boy Nguyen Duc Canh, was born here. People in the area call it Ngoc well, although in the coastal area, most well water is salty and cloudy, but this well has been full for hundreds of years, the water is still full, sweet and clear, visible to the bottom. Every day, visitors to the memorial area still come out to drink water and wash their faces to cool down. On the bank of the well is a stone stele about 3 meters wide, with the poem "Farewell" engraved on it - a letter from comrade Nguyen Duc Canh to his mother, written during the days of being detained by the enemy in a cell to be beheaded. Nguyen Duc Canh was beheaded by the French colonialists at dawn on July 31, 1932 at Hai Phong Prison. That year, he was only 24 years old, an age full of vitality. Before dying, he shouted: "Down with French imperialism and feudalism!", "Long live the Indochina Communist Party!". Every page of history here records profound impressions of Nguyen Duc Canh, a One of the first 7 members of the Party, he is one of the founders and an outstanding leader of the Vietnamese workers' movement. To pay tribute and engrave the great contributions of Nguyen Duc Canh to the Vietnamese revolutionary cause and to his hometown of Thai Binh, in Thai Binh city and Thai Thuy district, there are 2 roads named after Nguyen Duc Canh, 2 schools named after Nguyen Duc Canh. name Nguyen Duc Canh; The statue of comrade Nguyen Duc Canh is majestically placed at October 14 Square. The memorial was built on the land where he was born and raised, and is associated with the tradition of a family of studious, virtuous, patriotic, and people-loving people. This is also the first place that molded and gave wings to the personality, soul, will and actions of loyal communist soldier Nguyen Duc Canh. Source: Vietnam News Agency

Thai Binh 900 view

Rating : National monument

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