Hang Sa Khao

Hang Sa Khao

Sa Khao Cave is a famous archaeological site located in the northwest limestone mountain range of Na Khao pine, Phu Thuong commune, Vo Nhai district, Thai Nguyen province. Sa Khao Cave is approximately 30km long, passes through 5-6 mountains, located about 2km from the center of Dinh Ca town, Vo Nhai district. Entering Sa Khao cave, visitors will be overwhelmed by the beauty of the multi-shaped stalactites, with traces carved by the flow of time. The cave's dome is high and wide, below is a clear stream gurgling with gurgling water, creating a watercolor painting with thousands of stone fibers clinging to the cave walls hanging down below, the rock patterns curling due to erosion. of water stacked down from the ceiling of the cave. The cave ceiling is about 20m high, below is a vast sand floor. The special thing here is that there are tree-shaped mushrooms and palm mushrooms growing all over the path along with many strange animals. Throughout history, experiencing two fierce wars of resistance against the French and the Americans, Hang Sa Khao was the place where important meetings of revolutionary cadres took place. Comrades Vo Nguyen Giap, Tran Dang Ninh, Hoang Van Thu, Hoang Quoc Viet, Le Duc Ton, Chu Quoc Hung... once sheltered and worked in this place. Sa Khao Cave is also a safe evacuation place for officials and people of Vo Nhai District. From 1965 to 1972, many generations of primary school students in Phu Thuong commune studied at Sa Khao cave. Vo Nhai District agencies evacuated here and set up tents next to the cave entrance to work. Not only that, in Hang Sa Khao there is also a hall for meetings and a stage for musical performances. During the years of the fiercest anti-American resistance war, in this place, the people of Vo Nhai District also enjoyed famous revolutionary songs with the spirit of "Singing over the sound of bombs" by singers Thu Hien and Quoc Huong. .. With majestic beauty and poetic mountains, it is associated with historical events of the revolutionary struggle of revolutionary comrades, as well as of the people of Vo Nhai district through the two resistance wars against the French and the Vietnamese. In the United States, in 2010, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism ranked Sa Khao cave as a national historical relic, an indispensable discovery point in ecotourism, cave exploration and also is a journey to the source, the place of educating the revolutionary tradition of Thai Nguyen province. Source: Thai Nguyen Tourism

Thai Nguyen 223 view

Rating : National monument

Open door

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