Giac Linh Pagoda (Bat Pagoda)

Giac Linh Pagoda (Bat Pagoda)

Giac Linh Pagoda is located on a high sand cave in Nhut A hamlet, My Long Bac commune, Cau Ngang district, Tra Vinh province. Giac Linh Pagoda is also called Bat Pagoda because in the past there were many species of howling birds living on ancient trees, including crows and bats, in the temple grounds, so people took this feature to name the pagoda. Entering the temple gate, on the right is a large statue of Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva, opening his heart of compassion and compassion to bring miracles to save sentient beings. Going a few dozen meters further, we will see the temple. The pagoda is built on a high plot of land, covered with many types of trees: horseradish, tamanu, bamboo, etc., creating a quiet and sacred look. Entering the pagoda, you will notice the difference between Giac Linh Pagoda and other Buddhist pagodas. The Buddha altar does not have statues arranged in the following order: Tam The Buddha, Amitabha Tam Ton... as in Mahayana Buddhist temples. The pagoda not only worships Buddha and those related to Buddhism: Bodhisattva, Arhat... but also worships Confucius, Lao Tzu, and integrates folk beliefs: Ba Chua Xu, Tao Quan, Uncle Tai, Mr. Quy. It is from the way of thinking of monks that Buddhists not only focus on religious matters but also on worldly matters. Compared to other pagodas in terms of construction scale, architectural value, and sculpture, Giac Linh Pagoda is modest. The only thing worth mentioning about the pagoda is the set of wooden panels painted in vermilion and gilded with the theme of the four sacred animals. However, the temple is rich in revolutionary achievements. Since the early years of the 20th century, Linh Son Dien has been a meeting and activity center for patriots fighting against the French in the Thien Dia Hoi organization. In 1922, the province's Red Youth organization was established here, including comrade Duong Quang Dong. Then one of the first three Communist Party Cells of Tra Vinh - My Long Party Cell also chose this location to meet regularly in the early years of its establishment. And during the protest of 300 farmers in 1931 demanding "people's livelihood, democracy", banners, hammer and sickle flags flew on the temple fence. In 1934 - 1935, the pagoda was again chosen as the headquarters of the Vinh - Tra - Ben Joint Provincial Party Committee. In the period approaching the August 1945 Revolution, in order to seize the opportunity for the uprising to win, the pagoda witnessed a preparatory meeting to consolidate the Party Committee, convened by comrade Duong Quang Dong. During the resistance war against the French, nun Phung - a monk of the pagoda used the sound of gongs as a signal to summon or disperse revolutionary cadres when meeting or to hide during riots. During the period of resistance against the Americans to save the country, nun Phung became the head nun of the pagoda. Under her monk's robe, she blinded the enemies with pilgrimages and transported weapons to the revolutionary organization. In the years 1966 - 1967, the war was fierce, the southwest side of the temple grounds had a system of trenches over 300m long dug to resist enemy operations and raids. Also during this period, based on the quietness of the place of worship and the luxuriance of trees, dozens of secret tunnels were dug in the temple grounds for officials to hide. In particular, the temple also donated the large red bell to the construction site of making weapons to fight the enemy. In 1970, the enemy came and stationed a station next to the pagoda's fence, in order to control the revolution in the My Long area and also to monitor the monks. Even so, nun Phung still single-mindedly stayed at the pagoda, so that a year later we attacked them and had to abandon the post and flee. Giac Linh Pagoda was recognized by the Ministry of Culture and Information as a national historical and cultural relic on January 24, 1998. This place of "Zen, unforbidden, no visitors" is now always open to welcome us to reflect on religion and life. Source: Tra Vinh Tourism Promotion Center

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Rating : National monument

Open door

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