Phno Om Pung Pagoda (Sirivansaràma), also known as Long Truong Pagoda, is located in Long Truong hamlet, Tan Hiep commune, Tra Cu district, Tra Vinh province. The pagoda was ranked as a provincial historical relic by the People's Committee of Tra Vinh province on March 15, 2016. In August 1945, the Youth Pioneer force, the people of Long Hiep commune and about 30 monks of Phno Om Pung pagoda, including the eldest monk, used rudimentary weapons such as sticks and spears. Sharp, fake guns rose up to demonstrate loudly. Under strong pressure from the masses and the active and enthusiastic campaign of the monks, the Te commune handed over the government to the revolution. In September 1946, the first Long Hiep Commune Party Cell was established, Phno Om Pung Bo Pagoda was chosen as a base to house and protect revolutionary forces. During the period from 1946 to 1950, the 310th battalion of the 9th military region fought the Nomen battle, with the participation of local guerrillas, Buddhists and monks of Phno Om Pung pagoda. In this battle, our forces won. In April 1953, relying on spies to inform them, the enemy ambushed and captured comrade Thach Ngoc Bien, who was hiding in a closet at Phno Om Pung pagoda. At this time, they tortured the comrade in front of the temple yard until he fainted. Seeing this, the monk mobilized the monks in the temple to protest to put pressure on the enemies. Because we captured our revolutionary forces hiding right at the pagoda, the enemies saw the pagoda as a thorn in their side, and they always tried every way to search, arrest, and bombard the pagoda. Also this year, the pagoda was completely burned down, 5 Buddhists and 2 monks of the pagoda were injured. After the Geneva Accords were signed, the revolutionary forces encountered many difficulties, the enemy arrested and imprisoned many officials, and tried every way to isolate resistance families. However, many families were not afraid of hardships and hardships, accepting sacrifices to feed and protect revolutionary cadres, including the monks of Phno Om Pung pagoda. The temple built a secret cellar to house revolutionary cadres. In particular, the main hall is the most sacred place, but the monks did not hesitate to shelter officials in the cellar under the Buddha statue. In 1960, Phno Om Pung Pagoda was chosen by the revolutionary forces as a place to print many types of leaflets and slogans and to house and protect revolutionary cadres stationed at the pagoda. From 1961 - 1968, the party cell campaigned to give food and clothes and distribute land to the people. Phno Om Pung pagoda also actively participated in contributing "Lac donation" to provide food for the revolutionary forces. During this time, the temple opened a school to teach catechism, pali and general classes. Through these classes, monks and grassroots officials propagated the Party's policies, explained the enemy's sinister plots, and educated patriotism and revolutionary spirit. From these classes, many people later became revolutionary soldiers. During the period 1969 - 1971, Phno Om Pung continued to house and protect many officials of the commune, district and province. Through two resistance wars, monks and Buddhists, despite difficulties and dangers, were willing to sacrifice their lives to feed and protect revolutionary cadres and participate in the resistance. Phno Om Pung Pagoda contributed a part to the liberation of the country. Source: Tra Vinh Province Electronic Information Portal

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Rating : Provincial level relics

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