Ong Mat Pagoda

Ong Mat Pagoda

Ong Mat Pagoda is located in Ward 1, Tra Vinh city. The Sanskrit name of this temple is Bodhisàlaraja, Khmer people still call it Wat Kompong, which translates to Ben Temple. Ong Mat Pagoda is the provincial Khmer Buddhist center and was chosen to house the Mahanikay Khmer Buddhist Administration Office. In the early 20th century, when the Catholic Cathedral was invested in and built by the colonial government, the Khmer community also joined forces to build the solemn and majestic Ong Mat pagoda as a form of honoring cultural values. nationalization. The pagoda consists of many harmonious structures surrounding the main hall, in a campus of nearly 1.3 hectares, surrounded by a closed wall. The gate of Ong Mat pagoda is a beautiful architecture with 8 pillars supporting the gate roof and dividing the gate into a wide main walkway in the middle and two smaller walkways on both sides. At the top of each column is decorated with the two-faced Keyno Angel Bird, always smiling to welcome guests. On both sides of the gate are two walls that are both gradually lowering and expanding, decorated with a pair of seven-headed snakes in the style of traditional Khmer art. The main hall of Ong Mat Pagoda faces east and is built on a three-step foundation. The 1.35 m high blue stone foundation is surrounded by an iron fence nearly 2 m high and on each end of the fence post is a four-sided Bhrama image. On the altar inside the main hall is a majestic statue of Sakyamuni Buddha on a 4.4 m high lotus throne; 5 m long and 4.3 m wide. Around this large statue, there are many smaller Buddha statues made of many materials such as stone, cement, bronze, wood... with many different sizes and positions. Behind the main hall is the Library with the unique architecture of a traditional wooden stilt house of the ancient Southern Khmer people. All 24 column heads, central and longitudinal... are elaborately carved and painted with gilded vermilion. The library has three compartments, the middle compartment is where books are stored, including many ancient bibliographies; The two rooms on both sides are reading and studying places for monks and relatives in Phum Soc. In the campus of Ong Mat Pagoda, there are also a number of structures such as the monks' monastery, Mahanikay Buddhist Administration Office, lecture hall, Neakta worship sala, memorial tower... Originating from Ong Mat Pagoda, the movement demanding the teaching and learning of Sanskrit and Khmer scripts spread throughout the pagodas and villages in the province, against the "ignorant" policy of the French colonialists. After that, not only teaching and learning the Khmer language but also the national language was included in teaching, creating more favorable conditions for ethnic minority children to learn, and better realizing equal rights between ethnic groups. nation. Not only learning literacy and knowledge, generations of Khmer monks at Ong Mat Pagoda also focused on enhancing patriotism and the will to hate invaders. Therefore, this pagoda is the starting point of the political struggle movement of monks and Khmer people in the province and is a place that shelters many young people of all ethnic groups in the province from having to serve as soldiers for the enemy during the resistance. war against America. That's why, when the Spring Mau Than offensive was taking place, the enemy sent bombers to cause heavy damage. Ong Mat Pagoda was ranked a national historical and cultural relic by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in 2009. Source: Tra Vinh Province Electronic Information Portal

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Rating : National monument

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