Uncle Ho Temple

Uncle Ho Temple

The Temple of President Ho Chi Minh in Long Duc (Tra Vinh) is located in Vinh Hoi hamlet, Long Duc commune, Tra Vinh city, Tra Vinh province (Vietnam); about 5 km north of Tra Vinh city center. The Temple of President Ho Chi Minh in Tra Vinh province was ranked a national historical-cultural relic by the Ministry of Culture and Information, now the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, in 1989. Uncle Ho's temple relic area is 5.4 hectares wide with main items such as: Uncle Ho's temple, a house displaying the life and career of President Ho Chi Minh, green campus, fish pond, camping amusement area. ...and especially the model of Uncle Ho's Stilt House was designed, printed and scientifically installed at a rate of 97% according to the original Uncle Ho's stilt house at the Presidential Palace in the capital Hanoi. The temple grounds are very large with rows of shady trees surrounding the rippling lake shore. The place is divided into many different areas, but the whole place holds the eternal gratitude of the people here to Uncle Ho - the beloved old father of the entire Vietnamese nation. The artifacts here are still as intact as the first day: the B52 plane that our army shot down, the tank of that year's war, the wooden stilt house where Uncle Ho used to live, just look at it, don't touch it. . The Exhibition House was built according to traditional national architecture. In it, many artifacts, images, and documents help visitors gain a general understanding of Uncle Ho's life and activities; the tradition of resilient and indomitable struggle in the resistance war and the achievements in the renovation work of the Party Committee and people of Tra Vinh province; The process of building and fighting to protect the Temple. When you come here, you should enter the temple and light a stick of incense, express your gratitude, and around it are also displayed black and white photos imbued with the love of soldiers and civilians, the cruel war scenes that the people here experienced and Tra Vinh, when the country had just become independent, was faced with difficulties and deprivation. We looked back and felt the resilience and indomitability of the Vietnamese people. The park with a large lotus pond in harmony with a system of green trees and ornamental flowers blooming all year round creates a diverse and attractive entertainment area. In particular, the ancient canopy and surrounding bamboo ramparts along with the system of trenches and fortifications are witnesses of the process of building and fighting to protect the Temple, which has been seriously and thoughtfully restored and preserved. Uncle Ho's temple has become a pride and a symbol of the heart of Tra Vinh people towards President Ho Chi Minh. Source: Tra Vinh Tourism

Tra Vinh 237 view

Rating : National monument

Open door

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