Cang and Nghia Lo Fort

Cang and Nghia Lo Fort

Nghia Lo Cang and Fort relic area is located on the main road of Dien Bien road (National Highway 32). This is the center point of Nghia Lo town and the Muong Lo field basin. When mentioning the history of Cang and Nghia Lo Fort, we refer to the place Van Chan and the history of this place during the resistance war against the French in the 40s of the twentieth century. With the intention of extinguishing our revolutionary movement, the French colonialists set up "special labor" camps to capture patriots and put them in concentration camps. After Cang Ba Van (Thai Nguyen) was dissolved, the French colonialists brought imprisoned patriots to Nghia Lo. In the summer of 1944, governor Van Chan mobilized the governors and communes to arrest husbands and submit materials to build the Cang. The French colonialists also sent Dinh Van Dung and Lam - Be from the district secret police department to urgently inspect day and night. By January 1945, construction was completed. Looking at the overall scene at this time, Nghia Lo Cang looks like a vertical cabinet with three long rows of houses. "Two rows are where political prisoners are detained for men, the inside is where political prisoners are detained for women, the outside is a permanent place and the outside is a place to detain political prisoners. Next to it is the guard station of green loincloth soldiers. Surrounding the entire Cang - Don area is a barbed wire fence, outside the fence is a deep tunnel with spikes, the Cang corner tank has a towering hut, carefully guarded day and night. The fierce fighting of our army and people with the incident of destroying Cang - Nghia Lo Fort, liberating Van Chan for the first time in 1945, are truly extremely heroic pages in history. Van Chan is a large district, located in the west of Yen Bai province, the terrain is a mountainous and forested area, with many high mountains and caves, and is a strategically important military position. retreat and take a defensive position". Therefore, the French enemy set a goal to conquer Van Chan. To carry out that intention, on October 2, 1947, they led troops to retake Van Chan, with the intention of attacking quickly and using strong military force and advanced weapons. The French colonialists wanted to subjugate the people of the Van Chan ethnic groups by shooting and killing in an extremely barbaric manner. Capturing Van Chan, the enemy relied on his henchmen to establish a governing apparatus from district to commune; At the same time, Nghia Lo station was established as the strongest military subdivision among the four subdivisions in the Northwest region of Vietnam. After setting up posts and setting up a governing apparatus, the French enemy carried out a plot to divide and rule, using people from one ethnic group to kill people from another ethnic group, using war to feed war; They turned the puppet army and puppet government system into a tool to oppress and exploit people of all ethnicities. They beheaded, disemboweled, and gutted some of our officers and soldiers. Then they used the stone mound on Ngoi Lao as an execution ground to execute 76 officers and soldiers in the middle of the rushing water. During nearly 5 years (1947 - 1952) of occupying Van Chan, the French killed and injured more than 300 people, leaving about 56 people missing. Thousands of children from all ethnic groups were forced to work as mercenaries for them, holding guns to shoot back at their compatriots and burning down their homeland's forests and mountains. In addition to shooting and killing, they also burned houses, destroyed rice, stole cattle and thousands of tons of food, and raped women and children. They forced the people to live right at the foot of the post to cut off contact with the Viet Minh and get them used to barbaric shooting and killing. Even more cruel, they also made fences with the bones and flesh of their compatriots to block the attacks of our troops. Small things like potatoes, cassava roots, rice bowls, rice bowls, and the most precious human things, the soul and body, are all snatched away by them and belong to the police station. Faced with the carnage of guns and bullets, the people of the Van Chan ethnic groups aroused deep resentment against the enemy, arousing faith, affection and patriotism, believing in the Viet Minh, believing in the resistance. Our people rose up with the spirit of determination to fight, determination to win and achieved victory at 5:30 a.m. on October 18, 1952. It was the support of our compatriots and the determination to win independence and freedom for the Fatherland that urged our army and people to fight, achieving a resounding victory in the fall of 1952, liberating Nghia Lo. To commemorate the heroic battles, on July 25, 1992, the People's Committee of Van Chan district built "Nghia Lo Cang Memorial". Currently, the Nghia Lo Cang - Fort relic area includes: Nghia Lo Cang Monument, Nghia Lo Victory Monument bearing the image of Uncle Ho's soldiers and people of all ethnic groups in the campaign to liberate Nghia Lo in October. in 1952, along with the stele inscribed with the names of martyrs. On September 27, 1996, the Minister of Culture and Information recognized Nghia Lo Cang and Fort relics as a National Historical Relic Area. Source: Yen Bai province electronic information portal

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Rating : National monument

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