Relic point Vietnam

Ha Nam

Long Doi Pagoda (Doi Son)

Doi Son pagoda relic complex, Doi Son commune, Duy Tien district, Ha Nam province, ancient Son Nam town. The pagoda was built on top of Doi mountain, within 2 hectares of forest garden. According to written historical records and related legends, Doi Son Pagoda was originally a small temple that existed from the 10th to 11th centuries. During this period, the pagoda was associated with the name of the monk Dam Cuu Chi, who was the master of the temple. Replace the bamboo and thatch architecture of the past to build pagodas with bricks and tiles, a more sustainable material. In the 12th century, King Ly Nhan Tong, on his way through here, saw that the scenery was still there but the pagoda was in ruins, so he rebuilt the pagoda and erected the Sung Thien Dien Linh tower. Construction began in 1118 and was completed in 1121. From then on, Doi Son Pagoda became a great landscape and palace, one of the important Buddhist centers of the Ly Dynasty with the meaning of guarding the south of Thang Long citadel. Doi Son Pagoda has stood firm for more than 300 years. In the early 15th century, when the Ming invaders invaded our country, the pagoda and tower were completely destroyed. During the late Le, Mac, and Nguyen dynasties, Doi Son pagoda was continuously built and renovated, gradually restored with 125 compartments, built in the foreign internal style, including a hall of worship and heavenly incense. and the upper palace, two rows of corridors on both sides worshiping the Eighteen Arhats. During the resistance war against the French, this ancient pagoda was once again destroyed. After peace was restored in the North, the government and local people actively restored the temple. A major repair in 1958 completed the main works here. Through many ups and downs of history, the pagoda still retains its ancient and sacred features, imbued with the architectural and artistic style of the Ly Dynasty. This is a temple with a long history, reflecting a flourishing period of Buddhism in the nation's history and is the pride of the people here. One of the artifacts with outstanding historical and cultural value kept at Doi Son Pagoda today is the Sung Thien Dien Linh stele. The stele with unique carving art contains a lot of rare information for studying the history and culture of the Ly Dynasty. In particular, the Sung Thien Dien Linh stele is also the only stele that provides rare information about the Quang Chieu Light Festival in Thang Long citadel, the art of water puppetry, Buddhist rituals, and the repair of Dien Huu pagoda. (One Pillar Pagoda), the construction process of Sung Thien Dien Linh tower. Doi Son Pagoda is also one of the few pagodas today that still preserves many valuable Ly Dynasty art artifacts such as: Statue of Da Bao Tathagata, Vajra statue, statue of a human head and bird body (kinari) - works The product demonstrates the cultural interference between the two artistic architectures of Champa and Dai Viet during the Ly dynasty. Along with architectural items and a system of artifacts and worship objects, Doi Son Pagoda also preserves a rich, diverse and very valuable treasure of Han Nom heritage. This is a valuable source of material that has summarized the cultural quintessence of many dynasties, from folk knowledge to scholarly knowledge, and is a very unique asset with priceless value that few places can find. With a long history and many events, the pagoda also has strong archaeological value. In the excavation pit located between the pagoda's harem and the back house, the foundation, architectural materials and many Ly Dynasty artifacts such as decorative specimens, ceramics, crockery, and metal were found. The historical relic of Doi Son pagoda demonstrates the creativity in construction science, construction material production as well as exploitation techniques and taking advantage of natural conditions of generations of ancestors in feudal dynasties. with skillful construction techniques of wood, stone, and brick materials, creating architectural works of high artistic value. With the above typical historical and cultural values, on December 23, 2017, Doi Son Pagoda relic, Duy Tien district, Ha Nam province was signed by the Prime Minister and ranked as a special national monument. special. Source: Ha Nam Electronic Newspaper

Ha Nam 379 view

Rating : Special national monument Open door

Ba Danh Pagoda

Ba Danh Pagoda - Ngoc Mountain is located in Danh Xa village, Ngoc Son commune, Kim Bang district, Ha Nam province. Ba Danh Pagoda is also known as Bao Son Pagoda. In addition to worshiping Buddha, Ba Danh Pagoda also worships the Four Dharmas (Phap Van, Phap Vu, Phap Dien, Phap Phong which are Cloud God, Rain God, Thunder God, Lightning God) a worship of nature very close to life. agriculture in our country. As for the name of Ba Danh pagoda, according to local legend, the pagoda worships the sacred goddess who oversees the control of rain and wind, helps people eliminate floods, brings good rain and good harvests, so it is called Ba Danh pagoda. Notre Dame Pagoda in Danh village, abbreviated as Ba Danh Pagoda as it is called today. Passing the rather majestic Cam Son suspension bridge over the Day River, going up a deserted dike road, you will see a stone sign that reads "Cultural and historical relics of Ba Danh Pagoda and Ngoc Mountain". Three-entrance gate. The pagoda's construction is quite majestic and majestic. The gate has three compartments, two floors, above is a bell tower, below is a system of wooden doors with simple patterns. However, this gate only opens when the pagoda has a grand ceremony. On normal days, visitors have to go through two small gates on both sides with curved tiled roofs like a semicircle. Stepping through the half-closed gate is a spacious campus, tiled very cleanly. In the temple grounds, there are many places. Bonsai pots, orchid baskets and especially tall rows of spindly areca palms. Similar to the architecture of many pagodas in the Northern Delta, Ba Danh Pagoda is a continuous architectural complex including the worshiping house, the upper house, the middle house, the Mausoleum worshiping house, the ancestral house..., and the temple belongs to the sect. This Mahayana Buddhism has its own unique features. In the pagoda, there are not only Buddha statues but also Taoist statues such as Thai Thuong Lao Quan, Nam Tao, Bac Dau, statues of Tam Phu, Tu Phu, and Phap Vu. If you come to visit and admire the pagoda, you should take the time to admire the statue of Ba Danh, carved in a meditating position on a shiny black throne with a beautiful, gentle, feminine, close and friendly face. set. The harmony between the statue and the throne creates the attractiveness of Ba Danh pagoda's sculpture art. In 1994, Ba Danh Pagoda was recognized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism as a national historical site. For many years now, people have no longer seen the deserted and lonely scene at this pagoda. The previous sentence "as deserted as Ba Danh Pagoda" has now been changed to: "In the past, it was deserted and desolate. Now it is bustling." like Ba Danh pagoda"... Connecting Ba Danh Pagoda and Ngoc Mountain is a large field planted with perennial trees, mainly lychee and longan, but also corn and rice depending on the season. Located completely isolated from residential areas, on mountains, under rivers, near temples, near pagodas, Ngoc Mountain is truly a scenic spot of Kim Bang land, an attractive tourist destination. Ba Danh Pagoda is widely known not because this pagoda is crowded with pilgrims or tourists, but this relic is known by the simile "As empty as Ba Danh Pagoda". Source: Electronic Information Portal of Kim Bang District, Ha Nam Province

Ha Nam 712 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Lung Xuyen Communal House

Lung Xuyen communal house is located in Lung Xuyen village, Yen Bac commune, Duy Tien district, Ha Nam province. Lung Xuyen communal house worships national hero Ly Thuong Kiet. According to local legend, the Chau River flowing through Lung Xuyen is the waterway that Ly Thuong Kiet and his warriors often traveled back and forth when stationed in the lower Thinh Chau and An Xa regions. During past patrols, he and his soldiers once rested here. Around Lung Xuyen village, there are also many mounds. Legend has it that this is the place to tie war boats and store supplies of the armies led by Ly Thuong Kiet. Local people believe that Ly Thuong Kiet came from Thang Long, followed the Red River, entered the Chau River (with a stay at Lung Xuyen), and then went to the Day River. Currently, at the communal house there are still many eulogies praising the merits and virtues of the Captain. In the two palaces, there are also words engraved on the crossbeam of the first rafter adjacent to the front hall "Phat Tong Binh Chiem, peace of the people". forever", is to praise his great contributions to the country. The communal house was built on a large, high, airy piece of land. The communal house faces south and is built in the style of "Ding" with 5 compartments in the front hall and 3 compartments in the back palace. The front hall is 17 meters 20 meters long, 8 meters 80 meters wide, curved roof, male tile roof, lined up, straight, dragon claw style roof tiles. The front of the front hall is a row of table doors, the frame is made of thread edges, and in the middle is a panel-style board. Both sides are built with brick walls, in the middle of the wall there are two windows. The two rows of columns in the front hall are made of buds, with a large middle and two small ends, placed on a square green stone, with a round mirror floating on the stone surface corresponding to the diameter of the column's base. The roof still retains a number of round diaphragms with a diameter of 12cm. Later restorations added many square diaphragms with sides of 12cm. The 3-compartment harem connects the roof with the middle compartment of the front hall. The middle door of the harem has a plaque carved with two flanking dragon horses, tiger faces with feet holding the heads of two dragon horses. Below the carving is a great painting engraved with four large Chinese characters: "Son Xuyen Chung Tu" (Beautiful light with rivers and mountains). In the communal house's yard, there is also a system of bronze pillars, including a base built in a high-necked style, the pillar body is embossed on four sides, above is a lantern and on top is a shaft supporting two large gardenias. Next is the left gate and the right gate, each gate has 4 curved roofs with knife heads and pipe tiles. In the yard are two rows of algae houses, each row has 3 rooms used to welcome guests during festivals. Here, on the night of August 19, 1945, the main force of the revolutionary army to seize power of the district gathered to wait for the order to depart. Early in the morning of August 20, 1945, at Lung Xuyen communal house, 3 armed squads of the district took an oath before the national flag, then marched according to the planned plan. Previously, Lung Xuyen communal house had many beautiful worship objects. Through the years of war, many artifacts were lost. Currently in the harem, only the throne worshiping Emperor Ly Thuong Kiet is typical, the throne is 1.1m high, carved on the body and arms of the throne. In the harem, there is also a small bell 50cm high, 30cm bottom, the handle of the bell shaped like two dragon heads and one body. In addition, Lung Xuyen communal house also has a bronze three-piece set including incense burners and two candles. The incense burner is 50cm high, has a gourd-shaped body, has two handles attached, 3 legs shaped like a cup, and the lid is shaped like a smiling calf. The above artifacts contribute to the cultural value of Lung Xuyen communal house. Source: Ha Nam Province Electronic Information Portal

Ha Nam 772 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Lang Dau Communal House

Dau village is also called My Doi village, located in An My commune, Binh Luc district, Ha Nam province. Located in an area with a rich history. Here, three sisters A Dao, Nguyen Phuong, and Nguyen Que are worshiped, who commanded the insurgents to fight the Ming invaders in the early 15th century. According to Ngoc Dinh Dau family tree and local legend, the father of the A Dao sisters came from Tien Lu area, Hung Yen, to Bo Xa Binh Luc commune, married a concubine, Thi Huong, and gave birth to A Dao, Nguyen Phuong, and Nguyen Que. At that time, the Ming invaders invaded our country, killed lives, looted property, and caused many tragedies in Trang Co Tho (now An My commune). Faced with the tyrannical actions of the Ming enemy, A Dao discussed with the two children and the villagers to find a way to fight the enemy and eliminate harm to the people. The insurgents of Bo Xa and Co Tho villages decided to attack the Minh enemy base. At midnight on February 14, A Dao divided his army into three groups, coordinating with the villagers of Co Tho to attack and destroy the enemy post. Before departure, the insurgents used banh day as food, used sugarcane as water and absolutely did not use fire. The raid successfully destroyed the enemy post. The people of ancient Tho were liberated and regained peace in their villages. To remember the gratitude to the heroes who saved the people and the country, local people set up temples on the marching routes. Therefore, Dau village has three small temples on three sides, each temple worships a general such as Princess A Dao, King Nguyen Phuong, King Nguyen Que. The people of Dau village also built a large communal house with a curved roof, with elaborate sculptural work, to serve as a place for the community to worship the deities who, over the ages, were all ordained with good words. The special thing is that the village takes February 15 to perform, "Destroying the Minh Binh post, revealing the legend" (opening the demonstration of the legend of attacking the Ming enemy's post). In addition to the above legend, Dau village communal house also worships two Doctors, Bui Cong Bang and Bui Cong Minh. The two doctors of the Le Dynasty made a name for themselves and were symbols of the studiousness of the people of Dau village. During the Ho Chi Minh era, Dau village was also a "red address", where heroic pages of history of the Party Committee and people of Binh Luc district were written. In 1930, the Party cell of My Tho commune was officially established at the temple area in the relic complex of Dau village; started the stubborn struggle movement against French colonial domination. Dau village communal house and elite party members of the homeland protected and protected many senior revolutionary soldiers such as comrade Hoang Quoc Viet (Northern Party Committee), comrades Tran Tu Binh, Pham Mong Sach, and Ca. All... when these comrades returned to lead the revolutionary movement in Ha Nam. In the years 1950-1954, many times Dau village guerrillas surrounded and attacked enemy positions on Route 21, as well as surrounding posts. In March 1954, Company 37 of Ha Nam province and Company 60 of Binh Luc district raided the 9th French battalion, causing them many losses. With the historical and cultural values ​​of Dau communal house and its spread to the heroic revolutionary struggle tradition of the local people, the State has decided to recognize Dau communal house as a historical relic. national level culture; Source: Electronic Information Portal of Binh Luc District, Ha Nam Province

Ha Nam 803 view

Rating : National monument Open door

The temple worships National Cong Tran Nhu Lan

From Luong street (church) of Cong Tran Nhu Lan in Thuong Lang village, Ngoc Lu commune, Binh Luc, Ha Nam. This church was built by the family's children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren in the 2nd year of Chinh Hoa (1681) 46 years after Cong Tran Nhu Lan passed away. The 5-compartment house is made entirely of ironwood, each truss has 4 columns, the main column has a diameter of over 30cm, all column bodies are placed on green stone bases, 3 sides of the church are built with brick walls, in front is a system of ironwood doors running through 5 compartments that can be easily assembled and disassembled. The outer surface of the two upper gables is covered with tiger balm, in front, close to the gable ends, are two copper pillars, making the house more spacious and grand. . All are roofed with male tiles. The roof edge on both gables is covered with 2 needles. These symbols easily show people that the characters worshiped here are more martial than civil. At the Church of the Duke, there are also many diverse worship objects including many types of materials such as wood, precious metals, ceramics, stone, fabric... All wooden altar objects are painted with gilded vermilion, brilliant color. In particular, 15 ordinations from the Later Le Dynasty are still preserved here. The earliest religious record was on December 5, 1769 (the 5th year of Vinh To). Appointed the Duke of Left Admiral Tieu Bao, the most outstanding minister of the country, Tran Nhu Lan. The last ordination was given to Tran Nhu Tiep (7th generation of the Tran Nhu Lan family on July 19, 1769) in the 30th year of Canh Hung). At the church, there are also epitaphs and genealogies from more than 300 years ago, which help a lot in researching the past history of our homeland. Through preserved documents and legends in the area, it is recounted: Tran Nhu Lan was born in 1563 in Kim Lu village (now Ngoc Lu commune, Binh Luc district) into a poor farmer family. His biological father died early and living in a widowed and orphaned situation, he soon had a sense of autonomy to shoulder all the family chores left by his father. From herding buffaloes to collecting firewood to work for hire, he did not hesitate. He was also passionate about practicing martial arts and learning, which helped him have great intelligence and extraordinary health. At this time, the country's situation was chaotic, divided, people were divided, and the people were miserable because of the constant civil war. Tran Nhu Lan, who had a strong and heroic personality, wholeheartedly supported the king and helped the country and its people. Whatever is assigned is completed. For his homeland, Tran Nhu Lan and his descendants always wished for their homeland to change for the better. He and everyone helped repair village communal houses and Buddhist pagodas, renovate and expand Kim Lu market (Chu Chu market). He also built roads, built bridges and culverts, set up ferry wharves for people to travel easily, and encouraged people to declare. destroy waste land to improve lives, buy more land for villagers to cultivate to take care of common matters. Name some hamlets and fields of the village. Organize some annual village activities. From his practical contributions to his homeland, he was respected and worshiped by local people as a village god while he was still alive. After his death, every year in spring and autumn, when the village held festivals, he also enjoyed offerings at the village communal house. Currently, Ngoc Lu pagoda also has many statues of queens who are the wives of the Tran Nhu family. Due to many contributions of money and land during the temple's renovation, they were carved to worship (There are 6 statues). female). From Luong Street, Tran Nhu Lan District was ranked as a national historical relic on January 16, 1995. Source: History of Tran Nhu Family

Ha Nam 782 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Co Vien Communal House and Pagoda

Co Vien communal house and pagoda are located in Hung Cong commune, Binh Luc district, Ha Nam province. Co Vien Communal House is a large-scale architectural work consisting of 4 buildings made in both domestic and foreign styles. Although it has been repaired and embellished many times, the monument still retains the artistic lines of the 17th and 18th centuries. In addition to creating solid durability, the architectural structures on the building are also carved. Many vivid themes bearing the sculptural style of the Later Le period such as flanking dragons, dancing phoenixes, leaves turning into dragons, dark clouds, and fire leaves. Along with the beauty of Co Vien communal house's architecture, a number of worship objects with artistic value are also preserved. It is a fairly large desk placed in the middle of the front hall with a unique appearance, reasonable pattern layout, decorated with many folk themes with coherent carved and embossed lines. At the main communal house, there is an altar that is a work of art from the Later Le period. In addition to being decorated with many themes and motifs with elaborate carving techniques, the altar is also covered with a splendid layer of gold, contributing to the solemn atmosphere of the place of worship. Co Vien Pagoda is located adjacent to Co Vien communal house, the literal name is "Linh Quang Tu" (Linh Quang Pagoda). The project consists of 2 main buildings, 8 rooms designed in a nail style, with a flat roof covered with male tiles. In addition, behind there is a 5-compartment ancestral house, in the west is a 5-compartment worship hall with the architecture of the front and back. According to local legend, the pagoda was built during the Ly Dynasty. However, due to time and the influence of natural conditions and war, Co Vien Pagoda has been repaired many times, and now the architecture of the building is completely in the artistic style of the Nguyen Dynasty. Based on the book, Geography of Binh Luc district, Co Vien communal house is the place to worship Nguyen Hoang, general of the Hung Due Vuong period. Nguyen Hoang was proficient in literature and martial arts from a young age, so when he reached adulthood, Nguyen Hoang was recommended to the court by Tan Vien Son saint. Appointed as General Dung, he often escorted the king as he traveled everywhere. Once he visited Co Vien site and saw that the people here were kind and generous, so he immediately built a palace as a place to travel and rest. When the Thuc invaders brought troops to attack, Nguyen Hoang mobilized 28 Co Vien people to follow him to fight the enemy. After successfully resisting the war, he was awarded the title "Hung Suc Cao Huan Hong Liet Dai Vuong" by the royal court, given him a hamlet in Thien Truong district and exemption for the villagers of Co Vien. After Nguyen Hoang passed away, to remember his merits, the people of Co Vien site set up a communal house to worship him as a tutelary god with incense and smoke to worship him forever. Also according to the jade genealogy currently kept at the relic, in addition to worshiping Buddha according to the Mahayana sect, Co Vien Pagoda also worships Princess Pham, the child of King Ly Thanh Tong and his wife Y Lan. Princess Pham was a talented and beautiful person, but when she reached full moon age, she did not think about marriage and only asked her father to set up her own palace in Gia Quat village to advise people to cultivate and do business and help the poor and hungry. , diseases. In addition to worshiping Co Vien pagoda, he also contributed many contributions to the revolution and resistance war to liberate his homeland. The relic site is a reliable base to nurture and protect officers of the Provincial Party Committee, Inter-Provincial Party Committee C, and Ha Nam Provincial Party Committee during the resistance war against the French. Co Vien pagoda is also a place to hide documents and a place to gather forces of local militia and guerrillas to fight back against enemy raids into villages. Source: Electronic Information Portal of Binh Luc District, Ha Nam Province

Ha Nam 774 view

Rating : National monument Open door

From the street of poet Nguyen Khuyen

From Nguyen Khuyen street is located in Vi Ha village, Trung Luong commune (formerly Yen Do commune), Binh Luc district, Ha Nam province. Nguyen Khuyen Street Tu Area was recognized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism as a National Historical Site in 1991. Poet Nguyen Khuyen (1835 - 1909), real name Nguyen Thang, nickname Que Son, pseudonym Mieu Chi, was born on February 15, 1835, in his maternal hometown, Van Khe village, Hoang Xa commune, Y Yen district, Nam province. Dinh. His paternal hometown was in Vi Ha village (customarily called Va village), Yen Do commune, now Trung Luong commune, Binh Luc district. In 1864, Nguyen Khuyen passed first in the Huong exam, and in 1871 he consecutively passed first in the Hoi and Dinh exams. Because he passed first in all three exams, he was called "Tam Nguyen Yen Do" at that time. In 1873, he was appointed Superintendent of Thanh Hoa and then promoted to Thanh Hoa Provincial Police Department. In 1883, he was appointed deputy envoy to the Qing dynasty. Working as an official from 1871 to 1884, he retired to his hometown at the age of 50. With more than 800 works written in Nom and Chinese in many genres such as: Poetry, prose, couplets... Especially the series of 3 poems: Thu Dieu, Thu Am, Thu Vinh, imbued with Vietnamese soul, bringing him up. top position "Vietnamese Village Scene Poet". This is an old house - where the poet lived during his examination period and in his old age after retiring from office. Not only is it a place of worship, the temple also preserves many memorabilia closely associated with the poet's life: 2 book boxes, 2 shins, 2 "Grace of honor" signs that the king gave to Mr. Nguyen Khuyen, a plaque. Photos he took during his lifetime, couplets of Governor Ninh - Thai Bui Uoc celebrating in the fall of 1872; poem given by Dr. Duong Khue in 1871, engraved on the letter... The entrance gate to Tu Duong is built of small bricks (repainted) with three large words "Mon Tu Mon" (students' entrance) above. On both sides of the gate are a pair of embossed parallel sentences, with Chinese characters pressed into the stucco. The steps are built in three levels with a height of 0.40m. The almshouse area has 7 rooms. There are seven compartments in this house, three in the middle to receive guests, two compartments at each gable end are divided by wood to make rooms. These houses are made in the style of gong trusses, columns with a diameter of 0.35m, and simple Nguyen Dynasty-style sculptures. Through a 0.35m wide brick yard with brick walls on both gables, you will reach the second house. In the yard, towards the wall, there are a number of tubs built to grow flowers and ornamental plants. The second house is currently Tu Nguyen Khuyen Street. The house consists of three compartments, four rows of columns, the diameter of the columns is 0.25m, and is styled as a row of gongs stacked on top of beams. The two gables and the back wall are built with brick walls, while the front is a row of wooden doors, each with four doors. This door can be completely removed when there is work to do, making the house airy, bright, and the space expanded. The engraving in the house is not elaborate. In addition to a few leaf shapes and a few simple seal letters, the technique here is mainly diaphragm, horizontal and vertical, and closely structured together. The photo of Nguyen Khuyen wearing a turban and wearing an ao dai, holding a bowl of jackfruit seeds, taken during his lifetime, is solemnly placed in Tu Duong. Source: Ha Nam Electronic Newspaper

Ha Nam 849 view

Rating : National monument Open door


Cong Dong communal house in An Thai village, Binh My town, Binh Luc district, Ha Nam province. According to historical records, An Thai village has 3 ancient communal houses worshiping 3 brothers Hoang Cong, Huy Cong and Do Cong. During their lifetime, the three brothers were on their way to fight Ngo Hoang's enemy. When passing through An Thai, they saw that the land had a dangerous terrain and the people were kind, so they ordered troops to station and build trenches and ramparts. Not only did they defeat Ngo Hoang's enemy, but the three of them also achieved many famous victories, chasing away An enemy. Together with Thanh Giong, they escaped the world and flew to the sky on clouds. To commemorate the merits of the Saints, people worshiped and established a village tutelary god, worshiping with incense and smoke all year round. Every year, a festival is held to honor the merits of the saints, reminding children and grandchildren in the village to preserve patriotic traditions, fight against foreign invaders, unite and share together to build a sustainable society. The festival officially takes place from the 10th day of the 2nd lunar month, ending on the 12th day of the 2nd month with traditional sacrificial rituals and holy procession from Cong Dong communal house to Thanh Ca communal house. One of the important rituals and imbued with cultural identity at the Cong Dong communal house festival of An Thai village is the holy palanquin procession. The dragon dancing and lion dancing troupes, the ritual teams, the palanquin carrying force, and the pagoda are all in neat costumes according to regulations to process the palanquin from the Cong Dong communal house to the Third communal house, to the Thanh Ca communal house for the announcement ceremony. . In the procession, the palanquin support force is the force that absolutely obeys the village's regulations. Although anyone can be a palanquin bearer, even those living far away from home, they must meet the following standards: Men from 20 to 50 years old, women from 18 to 25 years old, healthy, clean, and free of trouble. All must fast for 10 days before the festival. Costumes are affordable and people buy them themselves, but they must be of the right style. Men wear white pants, colored shirts, red belts, shoes, and a turban. Women have neat hair, colored ao dai, white pants, pink belt, and shoes. Even men and women holding eight symbols, swordsmen, and palanquin bearers all dress as above. For each palanquin, the person holding the flag is wearing sacrificial clothes. Everyone participating in the procession both incarnates and reincarnates, praying for good weather, good crops, prosperity, and good fortune. On March 2, 1990, Dong Cong communal house in An Thai village, Binh Luc district, Ha Nam province was ranked as a national historical relic. Source: Ha Nam Electronic Newspaper

Ha Nam 742 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Dinh Trieu Hoi

Trieu Hoi communal house in Bo De commune, Binh Luc district, Ha Nam province is a place to worship two village tutelary gods. One was Cao Mang, a talented general of the Tran Dynasty, and the other was Tran Xuan Vinh, who passed the second doctoral degree and became a mandarin under the reign of King Le Thanh Tong, in the reign of Hong Duc. The genealogies of the two gods are now lost, but the villagers still tell the strange story about the doctor of Le Dynasty Tran Xuan Vinh. Legend has it that, after passing his doctorate, on the way back to visit his hometown by Chau River, his and his parents' boats capsized, the whole family drowned, and his body floated to Bai Nhot. People built a small temple to worship him. The temple is very sacred, so the villagers asked for incense sticks to build a temple to worship him as the tutelary god. Thus, according to legend and logical reasoning, the god Cao Mang of the Tran dynasty must have been worshiped before, and after having a temple to worship the doctor of the Le dynasty, a communal house was established to concubine these two gods. Trieu Hoi Communal House is built in a three-compartment style: the front hall has five rooms, the second palace has five rooms, and the main palace has three rooms. The communal house has been renovated many times and on the upper salary, there is a record of one renovation in the sixth Thieu Tri era. The front hall has five compartments, roofed with male tiles, and the roof is covered with two dragons flanking the moon. The communal house's door frame is made of ironwood. The floor is paved with silk thread tiles, true to the ancient style of Vietnamese communal houses. The door set is made in the style of a table, with sliding bars on top and bottom. The second palace was repaired many times, the carvings remaining only on the first verses, 4-line armpit beams with simple stylized motifs. The three main rooms are designed with ironwood like the front hall, although the carvings here are not as elaborate. Trieu Hoi Communal House is classified as a historical relic because it was here that a demonstration march to demonstrate the prestige of farmers in the area took place on October 20, 1930. This march aimed to mobilize the masses to fight for the abolition of the Cai Luong council, for a reduction in tax collection, to support the Nghe Tinh Soviet and the struggle of farmers in Tien Hai and Thai Binh. Bo De commune was chosen as the location of that protest because the Ha Nam Provincial Party Committee determined that not only was the movement stable, but it was also adjacent to three districts of Binh Luc, Ly Nhan, and My Loc, so it could focus on promoting prestige. The time of the protest was set for October 20 because that was the main session of 3 markets: Bo De, Thanh Thi and An Ninh. At exactly 7 a.m., the drums at the Trieu Hoi communal house rang out, the red hammer and sickle flag flew, and protesters posing as market goers began to stand in line. Under the direction of the Ha Nam Provincial Party Committee and Binh Luc District Party Committee, the protest group went to designated locations such as Diem Tong, Don market (An Ninh), Ba Hang (Thanh Thi), speaking and broadcasting while walking. A petition calling on people to rise up and fight against feudalism, against terrorist attacks, and to support the Nghe Tinh Soviet Union. The protest group is increasingly crowded, starting from Bo De market with 300 people and reaching Vac market (An Ninh) to thousands of people. Faced with the overwhelming revolutionary spirit of the protest, the landowners, tycoons, and lackeys of the French colonialists were very frightened. At 12 noon, the leaders decided to hold a rally at Voc market and then disperse. The demonstration was a complete victory. The victory of the protest is an important political victory, having a great influence on the political struggle movement in the province and the whole country. This event was taken by leader Nguyen Ai Quoc as a proof of the spirit and revolutionary ability of Vietnamese farmers in his report to the International Farmers on November 5, 1931. Source: Ha Nam Province Electronic Information Portal

Ha Nam 716 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Temple to worship female general Le Chan

According to historical records, Female General Le Chan was born on February 8, 20 early AD. She was born in the coastal region of Quang Ninh; established a hamlet and trained soldiers in the coastal city of Hai Phong, but committed suicide in the mountainous region of Lat Son (now Hong Son village, Kim Bang, Ha Nam). Bearing a grudge against the family, owing money to the country, and listening to Queen Trung's message to save the country, Le Chan brought insurgent troops to follow Hai Ba Trung and set up an uprising flag to expel the Han invaders. Giat Dau Mountain is the highest mountain in the Lat Son region, where on July 13, 43, when unable to defeat the Han enemy, the female general committed suicide and threw herself from the top of the mountain into the valley. People in the area commemorated her by setting up an altar at the foot of the mountain and building a pagoda and temple to worship her. This place still has traces in the Lat Son forest. Le Chan Temple is currently located on Le Chan Street, Hong Son village, the main hall faces south. In front of the temple gate in the past was the Ngan River - a tributary of the Day River, behind the temple was Ong Tuong Hill. The overall architecture of the temple area includes: Main temple, shadow, Son Trang cave, guest house and auxiliary works forming a closed complex with an area of ​​over 4,000m2. On the yard, in front of the temple door, the statue of a female general stands majestically, drawing her sword and facing the old base. The statue was built before the temple was rebuilt (in 2006) and was modeled after the statue of a female general in Thuy An temple (Quang Ninh), her birthplace. The biggest festival taking place at the temple is on the 13th day of the 7th lunar month every year (the day of female transformation). People will organize a festival to commemorate the merits of the female general, and at the same time pray for people to go to the forest and farm smoothly... From July 11, the villagers began preparing to hold the announcement ceremony at the temple, asking for permission to open the festival. During festivals, the temple welcomes many groups of visitors from inside and outside the province to the temple to worship. The main festival day is July 13. Early in the morning, villagers and tourists gathered at the temple to carry out the palanquin procession into the village communal house. Source: Ha Nam Electronic Newspaper

Ha Nam 759 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Historical Relic of Lat Son Base

Lat Son base - where Female General Le Chan established a base and died during the uprising of Hai Ba Trung in the Spring of Canh Ty in the year 40 (AD). This was the first uprising of the Au Lac people against the Northern Eastern Han feudal force. The uprising won, Trung Trac proclaimed himself king, named Le Chan "Princess Thanh Chan" and assigned the task: "In charge of internal military authority" stationed at the center of Giao Chi to guard the East Sea. North of our country). Some time later, the Eastern Han Dynasty sent Ma Vien to return with troops to invade us. The Hai Ba Trung uprising failed. Le Chan secretly sent his army to operate in the Hai Phong area (Kien An). ) - Hai Duong - Thai Binh - Ha Nam today. When the war against the Eastern Han invaders fell into a dangerous situation, Female General Le Chan continued to sail with her navy to the south of the Red River Delta and chose the rugged mountainous area of ​​La Son (Kim Bang, Ha Nam) as a base. Keep defending to block the Eastern Han army. The reason Le Chan chose Lat Son as his base is because this place has a dangerous location, its back leans against the bow-shaped mountain range in the West running from North to South; In front, to the East are the Day River and the Ngan River like two moats. The terrain of the base can be attacked when advancing, retreating can be held, and the ends can respond to each other. The defensive battle was built in the valleys in front of the mountain, in caves and rocky hills stretching about 7 km from North to South. The head of the base is in the North, placing an outpost in Moc Bai valley, where the vanguard army is arranged to block the first attack of the enemy... behind Moc Bai is Doc Voi Truot hill where the soldiers are arranged. . Next to the South, Hoc Bac valley has food warehouses and logistics; Be valley (also known as Mo valley), Dau valley where the army is stationed. Diem Cave on the southern slopes of Be Valley is where the headquarters is located. To the west of Dau Valley is Thuoi Mountain (about 225m high), where the watchtower is located, observing the entire base. Near Thuoi Mountain, there is Troop Point Hill, probably a gathering place to count the number of soldiers. Behind Thung Dau are two valleys, Doi Nhat and Doi Nhi, where the two armies are stationed, and Dong Loan valley near Giat Dau, where the fiercest battle took place between the insurgents and the invaders. Ong Tuong Hill, the starting point of the base, is not far from the Ngan River to the west. Some places in the base area such as Don hill, Non Tien, Thung Cha valley, especially Egg Lake, which is several dozen acres wide. When Ma Vien sent troops to besiege and launch many attacks. Female general Le Chan organized resistance both in the valleys and on the Ngan River. Fierce battles took place, our troops fought tenaciously. The enemy quickly destroyed the Moc Bai outpost, poured into Hien valley and Be valley, and drove the insurgents to Dong Go. The final fierce battle took place in Dong Loan valley. Due to not having enough force to defeat the enemy, female general Le Chan and her confidant retreated to Giat Dau mountain. From the top of a high mountain, on a steep slope, Female General Le Chan committed suicide to avoid falling into the hands of the enemy. The confidant General buried Female General Le Chan in a cave in the Lat Son base. Later, to engrave and commemorate the great contributions of Female General Le Chan, Thanh Son people respectfully honored her with the noble title: "Holy Mother", and also sculpted a statue and built a temple in forest gate, on Ong Tuong hill. Nearly 2,000 years have passed, but the land names, mountain names, river names, relics, and relics that exist here are still there, reminding today's generations of historical places associated with the tradition of building the country and protect the country of the nation. With the historical and cultural values ​​mentioned above, the Lat Son base area (with 3 typical locations: Le Chan Temple, Thanh Chan Cave, Giat Dau Mountain) - is both a place that marks historical events. , both a place of worship and honoring the contributions of Female General Le Chan to this land, has been ranked a national monument in 2023 by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Source: Ha Nam Electronic Newspaper

Ha Nam 924 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Outstanding relic site