Relic point Vietnam

Hai Phong

Kien Bai communal house

Kien Bai communal house is located in Kien Bai commune, Thuy Nguyen district, Hai Phong. In the past, Kien Bai was also called Ho Bai Trang, located in Thuy Duong district, Kinh Mon district, Hai Duong town. Trang Ho Bai is located right in Dong hamlet. The gods worshiped at the communal house are: - Chinese Induction Superior God. - Loi Cong Uy Dieu is a supreme god. According to "The Magical District of Thuy Nguyen" currently archived at the Han Nom Research Institute - Hanoi, Kien Bai communal house worships the two tutelary gods Ngoc and Bich, who are twin brothers. Legend has it that when they were born, both of them were handsome and handsome, but they both died early. They were very sacred and had many times blessed the people of Kien village to have a peaceful life and prosperous business. When the Yuan army invaded our country (1287 - 1288), the two kings of Tran fought the enemy. The king built a temple and conferred the gods' names: Chinese Touch Superior God and Loi Cong Uy Dieu Superior God. Kien Bai Communal House was built in the second half of the 17th century. The communal house has a nail-style structure including 5 front rooms and 2 back rooms. The front hall, except for the middle compartment (boat compartment), all 4 compartments have wood and floorboards. On the main pillar and main beam, the year of creation (1681) and the names of those who contributed meritorious deeds are written. This is a typical sculptural architectural work of the architectural art of the Le Dynasty currently remaining in Hai Phong. The highlight of the decoration theme on this artistic architectural work is that besides the images of dragons, phoenixes, stylized flowers, sparks, spears... there are also many very natural scenes of folk activities. , lively. It is a picture of dragons following one another, in front of the dragon are many four-legged animals climbing among the dragon's fins; There are dragon-shaped patches interwoven with four-legged animals such as lizards, elephants, horses, and pigs that eat the leaves; There is an animated scene of a baby herding a buffalo sitting on top of a buffalo... Kien village festival is held from the 10th to the 13th of the first lunar month every year. On these days, villagers go to the communal house to celebrate and participate in festivals: Dum singing festival, banh chung cooking festival... Among them, the highlight is the folk game: robbing cotton trees. To have the cotton tree robbery festival, the whole village must choose the two tallest bamboo trees. Any family that chooses bamboo must bring a cake to the altar. He strongly chose 10 young men from 18 years old or older who were unmarried or were firstborn sons to cut branches from 2 bamboo trees, then each person chose 2 bamboo eyes to make 2 sticks (sticks) 5 meters long and worshiped in the communal house. . Those same two bamboo trees are cut into two pieces into two cotton trees. Out of 10 young men, choose 2 people to sharpen cotton plants. The person who sharpens the cotton tree must first scrape off all the green bark from the bamboo, then along the bamboo, shape it into a flower shape at both ends. To make the cotton tree beautiful, people use glitter paper to wrap each bamboo tassel, then tie five-colored thread... Two cotton trees are brought into the communal house. The cotton tree robbery takes place in 2 phases: first is the altar robbery ceremony (no prize), then the prize robbery ceremony. At the altar robbery ceremony, when he vigorously worshiped and threw up the cotton tree, 10 young men with red pants, scarlet scarves, and green belts rushed in to rob him under the cheers of the villagers. Next was the award winning ceremony, everyone participated. The robbery of cotton plants was very fun, sometimes lasting until morning. Whoever wins the prize for robbing the cotton tree gets to eat the cake of the first prize winner of the banh chung contest. Usually, those who win first prize in cotton tree robbing contests or banh chung cooking contests, if they are unmarried or unmarried, are groomed by villagers to become husbands and wives. The person who wins the prize for robbing the cotton tree is often respected by the villagers because they have been blessed by the gods. Because stealing cotton plants is the most fun in the village festival, people also made a song to remind each other: Ken village (Kien) has a cotton tree ceremony Procession to the Vertical Morning Glory meeting Eleven played cards to exchange officials After twelve feasts, he must go to... During singing, young men and women often delicately express their feelings for each other: - Twelve women competed Why are you still in the courtyard? Looking sideways and vertically at love If I lose here, I'll blame myself - Hey, don't blame me This mortar makes pounding the cake more delicious. - If anyone wins the spring prize I would like to have a picture of the cotton tree. Kien Bai Communal House is a historical and cultural relic with high artistic value, ranked at national level by the State in 1986.

Hai Phong 157 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Nghe Temple relic site

Located in the center of Hai Phong city, Me Linh ward (now An Bien ward, Le Chan district), Nghe temple is a cultural and historical relic worshiping female general Le Chan. She was from An Bien village (Dong Trieu, Quang Ninh) and came to the land where the Tam Bac River confluence flows into the Cam River, established the hamlet of Ven, later changed to An Bien Trang, in response to the uprising of Hai Ba Trung ( 40 - 43) against the invading Eastern Han army. She was a talented and heroic female general who accomplished many resounding victories during the uprising of the Trung Sisters and was appointed by Trung Vuong to the position of internal military authority, assigned the responsibility of guarding the Hai Tan region. To commemorate the merits of the female general, who founded the ancient An Bien village and laid the foundation for today's Hai Phong city, the people built An Bien temple to worship her. At first, it was just a small thatched temple. By 1919, it was built spaciously. Nghe Temple is currently an architectural style project of the Nguyen Dynasty, early 20th century including: three gates, worship hall, incense burner, harem, dance ceremony, stele house, where stone elephant and stone horse statues are placed. . Later, we built a four palace building. The hall consists of 5 compartments supported by 16 iron columns, resting on 16 elaborately and meticulously carved boulders. In the middle of the roof of the worshiping hall is embossed with large Chinese characters An Bien ancient temple. The harem consists of 3 rooms, built higher than the worship house with a 2-storey roof design, increasing the grandeur and majesty of the building. The unique feature of Nghe Temple architecture is the art of carving on wood and stone. With themes of dragon - ly - turtle - phoenix; pine - chrysanthemum - bamboo - apricot... Demonstrating the technique of carving bubbles, embossing, and sinking to a sophisticated level. Currently, Nghe Temple still preserves many valuable stone sculptures. A typical example is the large stone stele carved in the Nguyen Dynasty, recording the biography of female general Le Chan. The stone altar is embossed with the dragon and cloud dance theme, with delicate, soft, and flexible lines. At the incense burner, there is a massive stone trap, made of solid blocks of stone, elaborately embossed with images of birds, animals, flowers, and leaves. At the harem, the Nu Tuong sat on an altar throne, placed in a large red-painted, gilded coffin with a majestic, kind, and beautiful appearance. Nghe Temple Festival is held from the 8th to the 10th day of the second lunar month, attracting a large number of tourists to visit the monument and commemorate female general Le Chan. It is a national historical relic classified by the State. ranked in 1975. Source: Hai Phong city electronic information portal.

Hai Phong 144 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Mo Temple historical site

Mo Temple, Ngu Phuc Commune, Kien Thuy District, Hai Phong City - Place to worship Princess Quynh Tran of the Tran Dynasty - Recognized by the State as a national historical and cultural relic in 1992. (Recognized as a Historical - Cultural Relic National level in 1992) Tran Dynasty genealogy notes that Princess Quynh Tran was the daughter of King Tran Thanh Tong - a king who was filial, benevolent, respected gentle people, devoted to and understood Buddhism. When the Princess was born, she heard the sound of sweet music in the air, the scent of incense spreading... When she grew up, the Princess was born as beautiful as a crane, her face like a precious mirror, her body like a flower blooming in the moonlight. Being rich in the virtues of compassion and noble kindness, not wanting to be stained with the dust of the world, the Princess asked her father to become a monk to worship Buddha. In the Year of the Goat - 1283, while passing through Nghi Duong commune, Nghi Duong district, Kinh Mon prefecture, I saw this terrain like a bird in flight, vast mountains and rivers, peaceful and blissful landscape... This place She has a strange attraction that makes her leave the royal family, jade leaves, and golden branches to "Devot compassion and practice wisely to achieve blessed results." The princess established a manor estate, provided food and money, taught the people to clear fields, sow seeds, nurse seedlings, and grow mulberries to use silk to weave cloth. Everyone was happy as if living in spring. To run the daily work of the community, the Princess devised a way to use the Mo language as a signal to run the work. Originating from the above incident, the names "Tong Mo, Mo Market, Mo Temple and Mo Pagoda" originated from there and have entered the legend associated with the land and people here. During the years when the country was in danger when the Yuan and Mongol invaders invaded, the Princess proved to be a perfect strategist. With love for her homeland and country, she recruited soldiers to train military equipment, accumulated food and provisions to provide for her father King to expel the invaders, contributing to adding to the nation's golden history. After the Princess passed away, grateful to her, local people built a temple and passed down incense and smoke. The temple is a lively complex, still preserving 11 decrees of feudal dynasties recognizing the Princess' virtues (from the reign of King Tran Anh Tong in 1314 to Khai Dinh in 1924). In particular, the Temple also has a giant Rice tree planted by the Princess herself in 1284, with bright red flowers and luxuriant branches, which is one of the sacred symbols of the Princess still preserved today. (The giant rice tree planted by the Princess in 1284 - Recognized by the Vietnam Record Book Center as the oldest Rice Tree in Vietnam) Promoting that good communication, in the resistance wars against the French colonialists, the American imperialist invasion, the war to protect the border... This place is also the red address of generations of Ngu Phuc people before leaving. maintain the belief in defeating the enemy with the oath: "Stand by Mo temple and swear - If you don't defeat the enemy, you won't return to your homeland." Every year on the day of the traditional festival, good men and women dress up in festive clothes, along with men, women, and guests from all over, reviewing an extremely precious tradition, which is the tradition When drinking water, remember the source, and together burn incense to commemorate the talented and beautiful Princess. Source Hai Phong Youth Union.

Hai Phong 129 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Ba De Temple

Hai Phong is a land associated with many famous and sacred historical relics. Among them, it is impossible not to mention Ba De Temple - a spiritual tourist destination that attracts many tourists from all over the country to visit and worship every year. Ba De Temple not only possesses a charming mountain and water landscape but also tells the story of the tragic life of the beautiful and unfortunate girl who is worshiped here, that is Mrs. Dao Thi Huong (also known as Mrs. De) - his wife. Lord Trinh Giang, Ba Temple was once visited by King Tu Duc and bestowed the title "Dong Nhac De Ba - Lady Trinh". Legend has it that in 1718 in the southeast of Ngoc Do Son region, a couple named Dao gave birth to a daughter named Dao Thi Huong. But strangely, from the moment she was born until she grew up, that girl always exuded a fragrant scent, radiated aura, and wherever she went, clouds covered her. One day, Lord Trinh Giang went on a tour of Do Son. While walking around the beautiful landscape, he was moved by her inspiring singing and the beauty of the city. He loved and was inseparably attached to her. Some time later, she became pregnant, Hang Tong found out and forced her parents to pay a fine. But because the family was poor and had no money to pay the fine, Hang Tong took her and drowned her in the sea. Before dying, she cried and mourned her parents as well as her own fate. She raised her face to the sky and cried: "As a woman and an aunt, when I see God's love, I don't dare to resist. Looking at my parents and neighbors, I don't dare to forget. May God bless my heart. When I am submerged in water, if I am wronged, God will let me float up three times." Sure enough, she appeared three times, everyone was scared. Later, people in the area still heard her wailing in the sea breeze: "When the ropes rot and the mortars melt, this hatred will be removed." After a month, the lord's flower boat came to take her back to the capital. Knowing the story, Lord Trinh was extremely sad and sorry for her. Lord Trinh Giang built a temple and established an altar to exonerate her. The temple's sanctity protects the village from pirates and bad people. Ba De Temple has a simple but elegant structure, built at the foot of Doc Mountain, facing the vast sea, creating a unique construction. The main hall of the Temple is the place to worship Ba De and her parents. To the left of the main hall is the altar of the Sea King. Next to it is the place to worship the Earth King, the Mountain King and sentient beings. On the right side of the main room is the altar of the Three Holy Mothers - three goddesses who govern heaven, earth, rivers and mountains. Opposite the altar of the Three Holy Mother Goddesses is the altar of Buddha and the Great King (Tran Quoc Tuan) - a famous general of the Tran Dynasty. Right in front of the Temple yard is an image of a boat with a Bodhisattva statue on it, surrounded by dragon images, adding to the solemnity of this place. Every afternoon, when the sun has disappeared behind Doc Mountain, visitors can stand under the temple's bell tower and look at the rolling sea. Admiring the moment of sunset will feel strangely peaceful. From the temple yard, turning to the right, visitors will come to a beautiful and long rocky beach. On the right side of the road leading to the rocky beach is a cliff with rows of green trees. Source

Hai Phong 122 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Temple of Trang Trinh Nguyen Binh Khiem

The Temple of Trang Trinh Nguyen Binh Khiem is located in Trung Am village, Ly Hoc commune, Vinh Bao district, Hai Phong city, associated with the life and career of Mac Dynasty poinsettia Nguyen Binh Khiem. Trang Trinh Nguyen Binh Khiem (name Van Dat, self name Hanh Phu, nickname Bach Van layperson), was born in the year of Tan Hoi (1491), from Trung Am village, Vinh Lai district, Hai Duong town (now Trung Am village , Ly Hoc commune, Vinh Bao district, Hai Phong city). Taking the exam in the year of At Mui, Mac Dang Doanh's reign (1535), he passed the first doctorate (ie Poinsettia), was awarded the position of Eastern Scholar, and gradually promoted to the rank of Huu Thi Lang and Eastern Scholar. He was listed as the first official, and was given the title Trinh Tuyen Marquis, Minister of Lai, Thai Bao, title Trinh Quoc Cong. In 1542, after submitting a request to behead 18 idolaters who were not approved, he hung up his mandarin hat and returned to his hometown to live in hiding, built Trung Tan restaurant, established Bach Van hermitage as a teaching school, composed poetry, and took the title is a layperson named Bach Van. Am became a talent training center for the country, with many famous names in history books, such as: Phung Khac Khoan, Luong Huu Khanh, Giap Hai... Nguyen Binh Khiem no longer participated in state politics, but the Mac dynasty still respected the country. looked up to him, often asking for his opinion on important matters. He died on November 28, At Dau year (January 17, 1586), at the age of 95. His students worshiped him as Master Tuyet Giang. Trang Trinh Nguyen Binh Khiem was a patriotic Confucian, a talented theorist who was admired by scholars, recorded in history books and passed down in the world for his talent in predicting future destiny (oracle)... He was also a genius. Great poet, left behind over 1,000 poems (620 Chinese poems, 153 Nom poems), typically the poetry collections "Bach Van am thi tap" (in Chinese) and Bach Van quoc ngu thi tap (Nom script). Nguyen Binh Khiem's ​​poetry has high artistic value, profound penmanship, and addresses many issues of life, such as: love for homeland and country, satirical attacks on corrupt people. ... According to some sources, the temple to Nguyen Binh Khiem was built after his death and completed at the end of 1586. According to "Tu Vu bi ky..." founded in the second year of Vinh Huu (1736) is currently preserved at the monument. The temple was built after his death. In 1735, the villagers of Trung Am and Thuong Am contributed to restoring and renovating the temple for worship. In 1928, the temple continued to be restored with architecture the word "nail", imbued with the artistic style of the Nguyen Dynasty. In 1991, on the occasion of the 500th birth anniversary of Nguyen Binh Khiem, the monument was repaired, restored, expanded, a monument was built, a square was established, and a lake was built for sale. moon, with the current scale and landscape. Nguyen Binh Khiem Temple is located in the middle of a large space, facing East, in front is a lake; To the north is the dyke and the Tuyet Giang stream; The East side overlooks the vast ocean; The south is the village; the West with green rice and tobacco fields. Nguyen Binh Khiem Temple has a total area of ​​91,500.7m2 (area I: 3,137.5m2, area II: 88,327.2m2), including the following items: Nguyen Binh Khiem Temple; Temple to worship Father and Mother Nguyen Binh Khiem; Bach Van Am; Trung Tan restaurant; Kinh Thien Pen Tower; Mr. Nguyen Van Dinh's grave; squares, monuments. With special and typical values, the historical relic Nguyen Binh Khiem Temple (Vinh Bao district, Hai Phong city) was ranked by the Prime Minister as a special national relic on December 23, 2015. Source: Department of Cultural Heritage

Hai Phong 668 view

Rating : Special national monument Open door

Tu Luong Xam

Tu Luong Xam is one of the "Four sacred words" of the ancient district of An Duong and is now one of the three sacred "words" of Hai An district (Tu Luong Xam, Phu Thuong Doan, Phu Xa Temple). The temple worships King Ngo Quyen - the man who defeated the Southern Han army on the Bach Dang River in 938. Tu Luong Xam is a historical and cultural relic of special significance for Hai Phong, because it contains content related to the first Bach Dang victory of our army and people under the talented leadership of Ngo Quyen. That victory paved the way for us to defeat the Southern Han invaders, bringing our nation to a new era of independence and self-reliance. Luong Xam was formerly the name of a commune in An Duong district, Kinh Mon district, Hai Duong town (now Nam Hai ward, Hai An district, Hai Phong city). Tu Luong Xam is located in the Northeast of Nam Hai commune, the main architecture faces East. According to historical books, Luong Xam was built magnificently in the Later Le period and restored in the Nguyen dynasty. Therefore, all current architecture has the artistic style of the Nguyen Dynasty, only some architecture has the artistic style of the Le Dynasty. Looking at the whole picture, the temple has a closed, continuous "internal and foreign" layout. That is, enter the main door, exit the main door. Located on a large, tall land with many ancient trees, on the base of Ngo Quyen's headquarters and warehouse to fight against the Nam Han invaders in the past. The stationing in the Luong Xam area where Ngo Quyen returned many times to command combat is mentioned in the genealogies of the communal houses and temples worshiping him in this Northeast region. Not only the architecture, the antiques in the word every time you admire them will give visitors a different feeling. In the still preserved words, there are 3 Bach Dang stakes as evidence of the Bach Dang battle in 938. Up to now, Tu Luong Xam still preserves 25 main ordinations and more than 20 copied ordinations dating from 1522 to in 1924. Among those ordinations, many dynasties honored King Ngo Quyen as "The Most Highest Great King", "Ngo Vuong Thien Son" and many beautiful names. With all that value and meaning, On December 12, 1986, Tu Luong Xam was ranked a national historical relic by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Besides the long history and unique architecture, the Tu Luong Xam festival held from January 16 to 18 every year commemorating the Bach Dang victory and the death of King Ngo Quyen) is a collection of customs. society, beliefs, and folk knowledge. This has been done since ancient times. After conducting the national ceremony at Tu Luong Xam, it was the turn of the governors and surrounding villages to organize the ceremony to worship Ngo Vuong; In terms of levels, Ngo Quyen sacrifices are conducted at three levels: by the state (the Ngo, Dinh, Early Le, Ly, Tran dynasties) later by the district level, by the general level and by the local villagers. During the Tu Luong Xam festival, the ceremony of dozens of villages carrying palanquins from their communal houses to worship created a strong spiritual emotion towards their roots. All palanquins are placed in the large area in front of Linh Tu Luong Xam gate for judging. Whichever palanquin is the best will next time have the honor of standing on behalf of the entire palanquin group to pay homage to the Holy King in front of the royal bed. The ritual of worshiping Ngo Vuong in Tu Luong Xam is quite special, the offerings must include a cow, a pig, and a goat, slaughtered alive (Cà thai lao). After the sacrifice, the meat must be eaten as a feast at the temple and distributed to the people. nail; In the years of " Phong Dang Hoa Coc " in Tu Luong Xam, there was also a ritual for district-level ceremonies and general-level ceremonies. During the festival, there are many cultural performances, traditional music and dance performances recreating the Bach Dang victory, folk games: blindfolded pot beating, blindfolded goat catching, spring swing, Chinese chess, human chess, Organize football, volleyball tournaments... With many great historical and cultural values ​​left to posterity, Tu Luong Xam is not only a place of worship to commemorate the merits of King Ngo Quyen, but also the pride of Hai Phong people in particular and the whole country. water in general. Source: Multilingual Foreign Affairs Information Portal of Hai Phong City

Hai Phong 547 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Trang Kenh Monuments and Scenic Landscape Complex

Trang Kenh historical and scenic area in Minh Duc town, Thuy Nguyen district, Hai Phong city has a rich cultural history, and is also a scenic spot with beautiful natural landscapes due to its system of natural beauty. Limestone mountains and rivers are created. Trang Kenh, an ancient land known for its famous archaeological sites, is still preserved underground. According to researchers, Trang Kenh is an archaeological site, the largest stone jewelry factory in the Northeast region of the country, dating back nearly 4,000 years ago, in the early Golden Age. gas. From the time of opening mountains, breaking rocks, and creating life, Trang Kenh people with skillful hands have crafted sophisticated stone jewelry, with diverse and rich bracelets, earrings, and beads. colorful. Through excavations and research, archaeologists have concluded that: Trang Kenh nearly 4,000 years ago was actually a large-scale stone workshop, its products were not only exchange inland, but also across the sea to Northeast Asian and Southeast Asian countries. In the history of the struggle to build and defend the country, this land was considered a barrier against foreign invaders. The historical mark left until now shows that Trang Kenh was a land battle in the Bach Dang naval battle in 1288, commanded by the moderate Duke Tran Hung Dao, defeating the Yuan-Mongol invasion army in the 13th century. With places that have entered national history books such as U Bo mountain, Hoang Ton, Phuong Hoang or Bach Dang gate, the confluence of three rivers, along with traces of stake battles or places like Ang Ho and Ang Lac said that this land marked a battlefield where the Tran Dynasty's troops and people fought against the enemy. Today, at the foot of Hoang Ton mountain in the mountain and hill system in Trang Kenh, there is a temple worshiping a general of the Tran dynasty. That is Tran Quoc Bao temple. He belonged to the Tran dynasty's royal family and had meritorious service in the Bach Dang battle in 1288. When he died, local people built a temple. According to the content of the stele erected in the 8th year of Vinh To (1626) under the reign of King Le Than Tong, the temple was built in a place with first-class beautiful landscapes in Hai Duong. Trang Kenh - Bach Dang, a historical place has long entered the subconscious of the people of Hai Phong city as an unforgettable memory of a great victory against foreign invaders of our nation a long time ago. 7 centuries. Along with many heritage sites with valuable historical and cultural content, Trang Kenh - the land of Minh Duc town, Thuy Nguyen district, Hai Phong city has been ranked by the state as a historical and cultural relic. scenic spot in 1962. Source: Hai Phong City Electronic Information Portal

Hai Phong 889 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Mac Dynasty Memorial Area

The Mac Dynasty Memorial Area is a complex of historical and archaeological relics alongside newly built architectural works, located in Ngu Doan commune, Kien Thuy district, Hai Phong city. This place is considered the first capital of the coastal people built by the Mac Dynasty. According to historical records, Mac Dang Dung (1483 - 1541), from Co Trai village, Nghi Duong district, Hai Duong town (now Co Trai village, Ngu Doan commune, Kien Thuy district, Hai Phong) was a man of great intelligence and courage. More than others, he was an athlete with a background - Vo Trang Nguyen, and was drafted into the Tuc Guard army. During the period when the Le Dynasty was weak, the generals divided into factions, outside farmers rose up in rebellion, Mac Dang Dung was assigned defending Hai Duong. King Le Chieu Thong in Thang Long capital was rebelled by Nguyen Kinh's rebel army. Mac Dang Dung brought troops back to the capital to save the people, single-handedly quelled the rebellion, and was promoted to the position of Binh Chuong Quan Quoc Duc Nhan Quoc Cong. In June 1527, he was ceded the throne by Le Cung Hoang, founding the Mac Dynasty with the reign name Minh Duc. In 1529, he ceded the throne to his eldest son, Mac Dang Doanh - also known as Mac Thai Tong, retired as Thai Emperor, built the Mac dynasty in Hai Phong today, and ended when King Mac Mau Hop (d. 5th king) was defeated by the Le - Trinh army at the end of 1592. However, the descendants of the Mac dynasty still had a stronghold in the Cao Bang area to fight against the Later Le dynasty until 1677 before completely losing it. The Mac dynasty existed for 65 years and experienced 5 kings: Mac Dang Dung (1527 - 1529), Mac Dang Doanh (1530 - 1540), Mac Phuc Hai (1541 - 1546), Mac Phuc Nguyen (1547 - 1561) and Mac Mau Hop (1562 - 1592). Under the Mac dynasty, Vietnam's economy, culture, and society had many achievements recorded in history. That was the prosperous time of markets, bustling ports, and flourishing folk culture. Security and order, strict discipline. Regarding the economy, the Mac dynasty did not follow the policy of "respecting agriculture and inhibiting trade" like the early Le period, but had a very open policy with domestic and foreign trade, developing commodity production, and trading the domestic market with other countries. foreign. Blue and white ceramic products of the Mac Dynasty in Bat Trang and Nam Sach are unique and sophisticated, exported to many countries in the region. Regarding culture, the Mac dynasty always focused on examination policy, training talented people for the country (including for women), opening an Association exam every 3 years. To remember the gratitude of the Mac family as well as preserve the cultural and historical values ​​of the Mac dynasty, in 2009, the Mac Dynasty Memorial Area was started to be built in Co Trai village. Accordingly, correctly assessing the position of the Mac and Duong Kinh dynasties, the Ministry of Culture and Sports decided to rank the monument, recognizing "The Mac family street in Co Trai, Kien Thuy district, Hai Phong as a historical relic". History, National Culture” in 2004. The Mac Dynasty Memorial Area has a quite typical and unique artistic style for a Vietnamese feudal dynasty. The common point that is easy to see in the architecture of the relic site is the wooden architecture, including the main Dien house, the Ta Vu and Huu Vu houses, the large gate, the images of Nghe, Lan, and Dragon decorated quite sophisticatedly, using stone materials. Monolithic. Although most of the statues no longer have as much wooden architecture as before, the core inside has not changed. The altar statue is made of jackfruit wood, painted in gold, simple with soft but very strong features creating solemnity. The art of stone stele is also extremely unique like the stele at Tra Phuong Pagoda. The large dragon statue of the Main Palace is made of monolithic green stone, with an evenly curved body. The dragon statue has the soft appearance of a Ly Dynasty dragon. The main hall of Tu Duong includes the front hall (7 compartments), incense burner (bloom tube), and the harem (5 compartments). Next is the bridge across the semicircular lake to Ngu Tien Mon, considered the "door" of the Mac dynasty. The five front gates include the outer gate and the inner gate with a structure of 4 pillars, 3 compartments, 2 floors, and 4 roofs, creating a sacred and solemn space. The two memorial buildings are located parallel to each other, this is where tourists from all over stop to rest and prepare to pay their respects before going to offer incense in the main hall. According to Eastern concept, the dance house is also a place to shelter people from rain and sun, referring to the protection of the Mac family for generations of descendants and tourists. Decorated on the statue's robes, on the statue's pedestals are countless variations of Dragon, Snake, Crocodile, Turtle and other themes such as images of the sun, wine gourd, moon face... Those images are decorated on bricks and stones, into steps, but most often on stele and worship statues. In the main hall there are many worship objects and antiques. From the vase with the image of a one-pillar pagoda and the familiar crane in folk songs to the giant bell weighing 1,527kg, the bronze gong with the image of two dragons engraved in relief. All are solemnly placed in the main hall. Especially the Dinh Nam Dao, the sword that once accompanied King Mac Dang Dung into battle and "won hundreds of battles". Up to now, the age of this treasure is 500 years old. On January 15, 2020, Dinh Nam Dao bar was recognized by the Prime Minister as a national treasure and brought to the Mac Dynasty relic site. Besides the historical values ​​and unique architecture here, the Mac Dynasty Memorial Area has great humanistic value to educate the younger generation about national pride. Every year, at the beginning of the new year, the Spring Opening Festival is solemnly held here. Attending the Festival were the Vietnam Mac Clan Council, the Hai Phong Mac Clan Council, the Mac Family Liaison Committee of Hanoi City, the Co Trai Family Council and descendants of the Mac family branches, of Mac origin in the city and thousands of people. Thousands of domestic and international tourists and thousands of excellent students from the city's schools, to commemorate and pay tribute to the Emperors of the Mac Dynasty, and at the same time educate the young generation about love of learning. Thereby fostering historical knowledge, awareness of preserving and promoting thousands of years of historical culture and educating patriotic traditions for today's children and grandchildren. Source: Multilingual Foreign Affairs Information Portal of Hai Phong City

Hai Phong 1113 view

Rating : National monument Open door

An Lu Temple

An Lu Temple, located in An Lu commune, Thuy Nguyen district, Hai Phong city, worships famous physician Tue Tinh. The temple is located on the alluvial strip of the Cam River system, flowing through the ancient land of Thuy Nguyen, where land exploration and the creation of villages of people engaged in wet rice agriculture and fishing very early on. Old historical data collected in the locality shows that: during the reign of Tran Due Tong (1370-1377), the great-grandfather of the Pham family named Viet Trinh, who was a merchant, led 5 people from the last names: Bui, Nguyen, Vu, Hoang. Through the eastern land of Thuy Duong district (the old name of today's Thuy Nguyen), we found that the land here is spacious but the population is still very sparse. They immediately discussed and agreed to establish a new area to live in. After that, from their old hometown in Cam Giang, many people continued to come and explore the land, establish hamlets, and the village became more and more crowded. The genealogies of these migrating families have been passed down by generations of descendants, honoring the great-grandfather Pham Viet Trinh as the person who made the first contributions in exploring and organizing land exploration to establish the An Lu village today. After 7 years of moving the population to the land along the Cam River, many villagers continuously suffered from epidemics, were constantly sick, were confused, and intended to return to the old place to do business and live. When you calm down and remember your hometown, there is a medicine made from herbs that are ground yellow, ground, then boiled and drunk. The good medicine was passed down by the great physician Tue Tinh. Everyone told each other to follow the instructions. Indeed, the epidemic was repelled and the population was at peace. That year, in the Dong Sim area, the villagers built a small temple to worship the famous doctor, and named the village An Lu, meaning peaceful village, and the common name was Xua. Rebuild the Xua market, build a 7-span bridge made of ironwood for people to travel across the stream flowing to the Cam River to remind the image of the old homeland. In the past, in An Lu land, there were many other relics such as Tiger Temple, But wharf, and Chung communal house where villagers many times held ceremonies related to propagandizing and disseminating healing methods using plants. , herbs, passed down the good remedies of the great physician Tue Tinh. Over time, war, and harsh nature have completely destroyed the original relics of the village worshiping the famous physician Tue Tinh. In early 1948, An Lu villagers welcomed the famous tutelary physician Tue Tinh to worship at An Bach temple, where villagers worshiped national hero Tran Quoc Tuan and his sons at the current relic site. now. The statue of the great physician Tue Tinh was created by folk artists with skillful hands, rich in traditional Vietnamese art. The statue is made to resemble a real person in the style of a round, solemn statue in official uniform of the late 19th century. The annual An Lu village festival takes place from the 11th day of the 11th lunar month. Depending on conditions, the festival can last from 3 to 5 days. What is special for both Thuy Nguyen district and An Lu village in particular is that in addition to the festival commemorating the great physician taking place at his temple, cultural traditions imbued with local identity are also preserved such as: holding the Xua market in the morning. On the first day of the Lunar New Year, there are many local products and many other rich countryside. Here, people meet each other in the new spring, wish each other good things, and hope for a new year with lots of luck and prosperity throughout the year. An Lu Temple was ranked as a historical and cultural relic by the State in 1990. Source: Department of Culture and Sports of Hai Phong City

Hai Phong 1039 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Phu Xa Temple

Phu Xa Temple (Dong Hai ward, Hai An district, Hai Phong city) worships Hung Dao Vuong Tran Quoc Tuan, a famous general of the Tran dynasty who made great contributions in the resistance war against the Yuan-Mongol invaders, 13th century. When he died, the people honored him as "Holy King". Local folk legends say: here, Tran Quoc Tuan set up many food warehouses, preparing for the Bach Dang campaign in 1288, and at the same time, a reward ceremony for soldiers with meritorious service took place before pulling the troops back. Van Kiep base. At the location of the ancient temple today, people also worship a local woman named Bui Thi Tu Nhien, who was responsible for taking care of military food and providing logistics for the Tran Dynasty's army at that time. Legend here also says that when the enemy was defeated, Ms. Bui Thi Tu Nhien and the villagers took care of production and building the village. As a result of the flood in the year of Canh Than (1320), the village was destroyed and people had to leave for other places to make a living. When the water receded, the villagers returned and began to restore the village. Ms. Bui Thi Tu Nhien mobilized people to repair the temple worshiping Tran Quoc Tuan. Phu Xa village was originally called Phu Luong, but during Tu Duc's reign (1848-1882), to avoid the name of her husband Bui Thi Tu Nhien, it was changed to Phu Xa. From the original small temple made of bamboo, thatch, and cork leaves, after many renovations, Phu Xa temple today has become a majestic architectural work of domestic and foreign style, with decorative artistic touches. The engravings and drawings bear the mark of the Nguyen Dynasty style of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. According to folk tradition, "The August anniversary of my father's death" is the 20th day of the 8th lunar month every year. The villagers prepare offerings and guard Saint Tran and Mrs. Bui Thi Tu Nhien solemnly to welcome people from all over. attend. Phu Xa Temple was ranked as a national monument in 1990. Source: Hai Phong Youth Union

Hai Phong 956 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Kim Son Communal House

Kim Son communal house in Tan Trao commune, Kien Thuy district is a revolutionary historical relic of Hai Phong city that has been ranked at the national level. This place marks the establishment of the National Liberation Committee of the Viet Minh - the first revolutionary government organization of the ancient Northern Coastal region. The launching ceremony of the National Liberation Committee at Kim Son communal house on July 12, 1945 was welcomed by a large number of people. On the afternoon of July 12, 1945, the Kim Son Revolutionary Committee and self-defense forces went to Co Trai commune school to suppress the meeting of the Dai Viet Youth group. The governor and the counter-revolutionaries had to surrender and ask for forgiveness. The Que Ly flag of the pro-Japanese government was taken down. Their meeting became a forum for revolutionary propaganda, exposing traitors. The birth of the Kim Son revolutionary government made the Japanese enemy fear an unstoppable chain explosion. Therefore, the Japanese enemy actively prepared to suppress the Kim Son revolutionary movement. Judging that the enemy would terrorize Kim Son, the leaders of the self-defense organization and the people actively fenced the village, practiced combat, increased guarding, prevention, strengthened the base, and raised the spirit of vigilance. . In the north of the village, a large fortification was established. The self-defense forces prepared rudimentary weapons such as bricks and stones, bottled tobacco water, jars, sharp hammers, spears, machetes, flintlock guns, sharpened bamboo spears, ash traps mixed with chili powder... everything. Anything used for self-defense is used. All directions to the village were arranged, ready to fight and destroy the enemy. At six o'clock in the morning on August 4, 1945, the Japanese enemy, consisting of 50 security soldiers, led by 2 Japanese officers, rode 2 Camion vehicles from Kien An to Kim Son. Detecting the enemy's arrival at Ngoc Communal House, the sound of bells, gongs, horns and bells continuously rang throughout the village, urging everyone's fighting spirit and also signaling self-defense forces from everywhere to come to the rescue. . Self-defense forces in the region such as Doan Xa, Lao Phong, Kinh Truc, Sam Linh, Coc Lien and from Vinh Quang (Tien Lang) also enthusiastically headed to Kim Son to contribute to the fight against the Japanese fascists and protect the government. Revolution. With their indomitable will, Kim Son's army and people fought bravely for 5 hours, forcing the enemy to retreat. After that resounding resistance, the people and self-defense of Kim Son quickly returned to seize power in the capital city of Kien Thuy and in Kien An province, together with the whole country to make the great August Revolution. Source: Department of Culture and Sports of Hai Phong City

Hai Phong 841 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Du Hang Pagoda

Du Hang Pagoda (literally called Phuc Lam Tu), belongs to Du Hang Kenh commune (An Duong district), now belongs to Ho Nam ward, Le Chan district. If based on the inscription records of Du Hang Pagoda, the pagoda originated from the Early Le Dynasty (980-1009). At the end of King Le Dai Hanh's reign, a monk came here to preach and enlighten Buddhist teachings. During the Tran dynasty (1225-1400), the monks of the Truc Lam sect founded by Tran Nhan Tong in Yen Tu Son had a relationship with Du Hang pagoda. Therefore, from ancient times until now, Du Hang Pagoda still has the tradition of celebrating the birthday of the first monk, "Dua Giac Hoang Tinh Hiep Zen Master Temple", King Tran Nhan Tong, on the 2nd day of the 11th lunar month. The third patriarch of the Truc Lam sect was Zen master Huyen Quang Ly Dao Lai on the 3rd day of the 11th lunar month. During the reign of King Le Gia Tong (1672), monk Nguyen Dinh Sach (self-named Chan Huyen) had money to buy land, build a large pagoda, complete with bell towers, ancestral temples, monks' houses... From From then on, despite having to go through many historical ups and downs, the pagoda was joined by generations of local monks, monks, nuns, and Buddhists to repair the pagoda to make it more spacious and beautiful. Compared to many Buddhist temples in Hai Phong, Du Hang Pagoda has a majestic architecture, a complete campus, including a 7-compartment Buddha hall, a 3-storey bell tower, a soaring peacock roof, a large bronze bell, and inscriptions. : “Phuc Lam tu chung”, meaning bell of Phuc Lam pagoda. At the Buddha hall, there are still many valuable ancient Buddha statues with precise shapes such as the Three Worlds, the Nine Dragons - Newborn Sakyamuni, the guardian of good, the evil, and the "Minh Vuong Buddha Palace" statues. ...the interior of the Buddha's Palace is decorated with many horizontal panels, parallel sentences, and bright gold-painted hammock doors, soft lines, sophisticated techniques, expressed through the themes of flowers, leaves, and grass. trees, animals, artistic style of the Nguyen Dynasty in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The front hall of the Buddha's palace is decorated with many embossed carvings on the hammock doors, many with familiar themes: apricot blossoms. Birds, five blessings, cloud dragons...represent the wishes of all people for "good rain, peaceful winds, lush grass and trees", the wood-carved box depicts the scene of Tang monks and disciples on the way to Tay Truc to request sutras. Currently, Du Hang Pagoda still preserves many precious relics such as bells, gongs, copper tops, artistic decorations made of ceramics, blue stones, and the ancient "A Ham" scriptures passed down from many generations of monks. maintain. In the quiet tower garden, shaded by ancient green trees, in addition to the group of tower tombs of the monks who passed away at the pagoda, there are also tower tombs containing the relics of the ancestors of the Truc Lam Yen Tu Zen sect, and a tower of monks. Chan Huyen and many monks once lived at Du Hang Pagoda. In 1926, an important event took place at the pagoda, associated with the patriotic movement for civil rights and democracy of monks, nuns, Buddhists, and a large number of students, teachers, and workers. dynamic. They gathered at Du Hang Pagoda for a memorial service for patriot Phan Chu Trinh, when the whole country learned that he had passed away in Saigon. After the August Revolution (1945), the Hai Phong Sangha Association for National Salvation held a housewarming ceremony at the pagoda, the venue for the "Golden Week", and at the same time, revolutionary mass organizations met to discuss welcoming President Ho. Chi Minh on the way back to Vietnam from Phat, visiting compatriots and soldiers in Hai Phong. During 9 years of resistance, Du Hang pagoda opened its doors to meditate and raise troops. There were many monks at the temple who enthusiastically joined the army to save the country, notably the late monk Dinh Quang Lac who was awarded the Third Class Resistance Medal by the Government. Du Hang Pagoda was ranked as a historical and cultural relic by the state in 1986. Source: Department of Culture and Sports of Hai Phong City

Hai Phong 863 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Vinh Khe Communal House

Vinh Khe communal house is located in Vinh Khe village, An Dong commune, An Duong district, suburban Hai Phong. Vinh Khe Communal House has a Cong-shaped layout including: 5 altars, 2 bridge rooms, 3 harem rooms. The main face of the communal house faces south, where the Lach Tray river meanders through the territory of Kien An and An Lao. The communal house worships the three blessed gods, Vu Giao, Vu Trong (two brothers born in the land of Vinh Khe) and Pham Tu Nghi, who have contributed to the people and the country, and were awarded beautiful titles by feudal dynasties. to honor their intelligence, strategy, courage, and bravery. Visiting Vinh Khe Communal House, the things that remain in the minds of visitors who have the opportunity to admire its beauty for the first time are the wooden frame whose architecture is entirely of four-iron wood, rich in color over time. The decorations and carvings here are not as many and dense as the Hang Kenh Communal House and the Du Hang Communal House, but the familiar themes are expressed quite creatively and flexibly by the artisans in the countryside in the set of four sacred animals: Dragon, Ly. , Quy, Phuong; and fragrant flowers and strange fruits, containing many desires for a peaceful life in the village. The rendering artists also successfully showed off themes with typical features of the river region: rolling water waves, next to the majestic shadows of pine and cypress trees. It can be said that folk carvings on wood along with many relics made of stone, metal, wooden sacrificial objects covered with lacquer and silver... have created the grandeur of the communal house today. Vinh Khe Communal Festival opens every year on the 7th of the first lunar month, commemorating the birth anniversary of two tutelary gods named Vu. The village festival is associated with the wrestling competition, which only lasts one day but also attracts many wrestlers from many famous wrestling studios in Vinh Bao and Tien Lang to compete. One detail that needs to be clarified is why Vinh Khe Communal House worshiped Pham Tu Nghi, a famous general of the Mac Dynasty who was from Vinh Niem (An Duong). Because he once passed through Vinh village and met him at a festival, he asked to attend and won a high prize, after he lost the villagers who worshiped him. According to the elders, the Vinh Khe village festival in the past was very crowded, because in addition to the procession of the tutelary god, there were also wrestling and boating competitions on the river flowing from the Sai River (Lai Vu - Hai Duong) through Re district town all the way to the bridge. An Duong now. Vinh Khe Communal House was ranked as a historical and cultural relic by the State in 1991. Source: Department of Culture and Sports of Hai Phong City

Hai Phong 859 view

Rating : National monument Open door

Thuy Tu Temple

Thuy Tu Temple belongs to Thuy Tu village, formerly known as Ngoc Phuong village, Thuy Duong commune, Thuy Nguyen district, Hai Phong city. Thuy Tu Temple and other relics of Thuy Duong such as: Thuong communal house, Ha communal house, Luong Duong temple, Chim Phuong communal house (Hoa Binh commune) form a cluster of historical relics to remember the achievements of the four sons of the Pham family. Participated in fighting the Tong invaders in the 10th century (981) under the leadership of Le Dai Hanh. At that time, Thuy Duong commune had a family named Pham, who had four children. They are Pham Quang, Pham Nghiem, Pham Huan, and Pham Thi Cuc Nuong. They are two pairs of twins. When Mr. Quang and Mr. Nghiem were 18 years old; Mr. Huan and his 15-year-old sister Cuc Nuong lost both their parents. The four Pham brothers buried their parents in Ma Thuyen field, east of the site. When the Song army followed the Bach Dang River to invade our country, the king sent troops to defeat the enemy. The imperial army arrived at a high mound in Thuy Duong district and was warmly welcomed by the villagers. Especially the old people in the village told the king that there were 4 brothers and sisters of the Pham family who were all respectful and talented in martial arts. The king called all four Pham brothers to fight the enemy. Obeying the king's command, all four brothers happily paid homage to their ancestors and parents and then came to pay their respects to the king. Seeing that all four Pham brothers had unusual appearances and were good at martial arts, the king was happy, gave them titles and sent them to fight the enemy. After the victory, the four Pham brothers were all awarded titles and asked the king to let them visit their parents' and ancestors' graves and reward officers and villagers. The four invited the elders to the party and gave 300 denarii in money to show their gratitude. After the four Pham brothers died, the people of the villages built temples. Ngoc Phuong site (now Thuy Tu village, Thuy Duong commune) worships his eldest brother Pham Quang, Chiem Phuong site worships Pham Nguyen, Truong Son site worships Pham Huan and Cuc Nuong. The people of 3 pages all organize traditional festivals every year from the 9th to the 12th of the third lunar month. Thuy Tu Temple was ranked by the state as a historical and cultural relic in 1991. Source: Department of Culture and Sports of Hai Phong City

Hai Phong 940 view

Rating : National monument Open door


Hang Temple at the foot of Voi Mountain, An Lao district, Hai Phong city has long been a place to worship Female General Le Chan - who had meritorious contributions with people in the area to establish An Bien village during the Eastern Han Dynasty. After leaving her hometown of Quang Ninh to avoid being forced to become a concubine of the governor To Dinh. Le Chan set foot in the land of Hai An, Hai Phong, recruited soldiers to join them in farming, building a hamlet named An Bien site (today's inner city). Great ambition did not stop there. Disgruntled over the crimes committed by the enemy, causing the people's lives to be miserable and miserable, Le Chan silently prepared his forces, waiting for the day of the uprising. She went to the present-day Elephant Mountain area, gathered soldiers, actively practiced, stored food and herbs, and took advantage of the rugged terrain of the mountains and forests to hide from the enemy. Afterwards, receiving news of Hai Ba Trung's uprising, from the mountains and forests of An Lao, Le Chan contacted and officially brought his army to join the uprising. Due to its good fortified terrain, along with the commanding talent of a talented female general, the Elephant Mountain base quickly developed its forces, in a short time becoming an important base in the Northeast region. During that time, the surrounding area also had many insurgent troops, typically the insurgent army of Mrs. Tran Thi Trinh and her son Ngu Dao in Dai Dien, Tong Thuong Cau, An Lao district, (6km from Elephant Mountain), heard News of Le Chan's reputation contacted the Elephant Mountain base and became a general under her command. Although the uprising later failed and female general Le Chan had to commit suicide to preserve her reputation in the mountainous areas of Lat Son - Ha Nam, An Lao people still remembered her merits and kindness, so after hearing News of the female general's death, people in the area took her to worship in Hang Pagoda. Therefore, Hang Pagoda is also known as Hang Temple - which represents a wonderful combination of Buddhist religion and national hero worship. In the temple, King Thanh Thai still retains the title of female general as "Hoang Ba Long Hoi, Great King, Middle-Class Minister". On the basis of the old Hang Temple, in 2011 the government restored a new temple commemorating the Female General. The Temple of Female General Le Chan is located in the Hang Temple area, where the Buddha, the Holy Mother, the Monsignor and the Princess Thanh Chan were formerly worshiped in An Tien commune, An Lao district, on a large closed campus. more than 4000m2. The main temple has a Dinh-shaped structure with an area of ​​190 square meters, including five pre-sacrificing rooms and one back room. The front of the temple faces south, looking straight at Highway No. 10, beyond are undulating hills and mountains, the back side is based on a cliff creating a sustainable position. The temple is surrounded by city walls. The ritual gate is made up of 4 large pillars, the 2 tall central pillars at the top are converging purple phoenixes, the 2 slightly lower columns on both sides and at the top are 2 unicorns facing the center. The outside of the ritual wall is embossed with a white horse on the left and a large statue on the right. The renovation and embellishment of the Temple of General Le Chan was completed and put into use, not only meeting the visiting needs of people and tourists while also contributing to preserving the values ​​of the monument for generations to come. next system. Source: Hai Phong Youth Union

Hai Phong 1209 view

Rating : National monument Not open yet

Outstanding relic site