Tourist destination

Ha Nam

Ksitigarbha Temple – Phi Lai Tu

No need to go far, right in Ha Nam there is a pure and beautiful temple loved by many people, which is Ksitigarbha Phi Lai Tu Pagoda. This pagoda also has other names such as Phi Lai Dia Tang Pagoda or the Nom name Dung Pagoda, with a history of more than 1000 years old. On both sides there are mountains shaped like a left dragon, a right white tiger and many ancient objects of sacred historical value, bearing the mark of the history of Vietnamese Buddhism. The pagoda's location is right on a small hill, behind a green pine forest and in Ninh Trung village. The space inside is extremely spacious and flat with a spacious entrance path. Those who come here for the first time will be somewhat surprised when the yard leading to the temple is covered with white gravel instead of red bricks like many other places. According to local people, Dung Pagoda was initially built around the 11th century with more than 100 compartments. There was a time when King Tran Nghe Tong chose this place as a hiding place and King Tu Duc also came to pray. After many years of being known as a place of worship, the pagoda's architecture gradually eroded over time, surrounding it with trees, making people forget it. In December 2015, the pagoda was received, renovated, rebuilt and renamed by Venerable Thich Minh Quang. The name of the temple refers to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva who always comes or may never come to this place. The place that transformed into Buddha's land is the place where Ksitigarbha does not return. Ksitigarbha Phi Lai Tu Pagoda has a charming mountain-like landscape and a small lotus pond on the premises. The whole ensemble seems to be hidden in a magnificent forest. Right in front of the Ancestral Hall are 12 circles drawn on the gravel floor symbolizing 12 human causes and conditions. Right in those 12 circles, there is a sign "Kho hai (sea of ​​suffering) because it is the sea, so please go ashore" is placed, carrying a gentle message reminding you to go on those smooth rocks, don't step on the pebbles. . Moon pebbles also have a meditative significance. That's also the reason why when walking around the yard, just looking at the pristine pebbles, people's hearts become peaceful. The image of Ksitigarbha statue exuding kindness and majesty is placed at Ksitigarbha Phi Lai Tu Pagoda with the main colors brown, yellow and white. On the campus you can also find gardens of fruits, herbs, wild vegetables... well taken care of by the people and monks. At the foot of the mountain, Dia Tang Phi Lai Tu Pagoda also built a mushroom growing house of about 20 square meters to provide clean food when cooking vegetarian hot pot or making vegetarian shrimp paste. For those of you who enjoy reading books, especially books that nourish the soul, Ksitigarbha Phi Lai Tu Pagoda is a paradise on earth with the number of books covering the walls. In addition, when you need to breathe fresh air, you can also admire the orchid pots located behind the Ancestral Church or go to the Zen garden to enjoy tea, lie in a hammock, or sit on a stone bench to watch the pagoda from above. Visiting here at the beginning of the year, you will see the image of Ksitigarbha Phi Lai Tu Pagoda decorated with many bright fresh flowers to celebrate the traditional New Year. In addition, from September to October of the lunar calendar, the pagoda will also recreate the countryside market scene with many familiar items to impress visitors. June - July is the time when Ksitigarbha Phi Lai Tu Pagoda organizes summer retreats that many Buddhist families love to enroll in. More specifically, on the 30th day of the 7th lunar month, the pagoda will hold the Vu Lan ceremony, the extremely solemn ceremony of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. Another ideal time to visit is the Mid-Autumn Festival on the 15th of the 8th lunar month when we can enjoy the full moon and enjoy the open space around.

Ha Nam

From January to December

985 view

Phat Quang Pagoda

Through many ups and downs, Phat Quang Pagoda, an ancient pagoda nearly a hundred years old in Du Nhan village, has experienced many difficulties. Initially it was just a small temple serving the spiritual needs of the local community. However, due to its long history, many buildings began to deteriorate and become damaged. Faced with this situation, Abbot Venerable Thich Thien An decided to restore the entire temple space. The restoration of Phat Quang Pagoda officially began in 2015 with many impressive architectural works such as fish pond, lecture hall, tea house, rockery, Patriarch's house, Tam Bao... on an area of ​​more than 6,000 m2. The brilliant new look of Phat Quang Pagoda is not only the result of restoration but also the dedicated contribution and support of many monks, nuns and Buddhists. Venerable Thich Thien An, with calligraphy, paintings, and landscape decoration of the pagoda, creates a unique and impressive artistic space that makes visitors amazed. Phat Quang Pagoda is an interesting destination with exquisite architecture, rockery, fish pond, and massive stone tables and chairs. The pagoda's airy space is characterized by Japanese design with attention to every small detail, from bonsai to calligraphy on stone. Exploring this temple, visitors will feel peace, forgetting all worries and pressures of life. Tourists not only enjoy tea and flowers, but also have the opportunity to listen to monks preach. The pagoda is open to visitors and is willing to answer any questions about the history and meaning of each landscape within the pagoda grounds. Not only admiring and sightseeing, tourists also have the opportunity to enjoy attractive specialties of Ha Nam. Delicious Dishes Like Banh Chung of Dam Village, Braised Fish of Vu Dai Village, Banh Cuon Phu Ly will enrich your trip

Ha Nam

From January to December

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Tam Chuc Pagoda

Tam Chuc Pagoda belongs to the newly formed super tourist complex project in Ha Nam. Tam Chuc Pagoda is also known as the largest pagoda in the world with a landscape system and many rare treasures. We invite you to join Vntrip to visit with your own eyes the special things of this majestic temple. Tam Chuc Pagoda is located in Ba Sao town, Kha Phong commune, Kim Bang district, Ha Nam province. From here it is about 60km from Hanoi center. This pagoda has a very special location that can be considered a bridge connecting Huong Pagoda and Bai Dinh Pagoda in Ninh Binh. Located in an extremely spiritually favorable location, behind the pagoda is That Tinh and in front is Luc Nhac Lake. In the lake there are 6 islands that according to legend represent 6 bells given by heaven. Currently, the transportation system connecting Hanoi and Ha Nam is very convenient. Tam Chuc Pagoda is about 30Km from Bai Dinh Pagoda and 4.5Km from Huong Pagoda, creating a "golden triangle" complex in spiritual tourism activities. The entire Tam Chuc tourist area complex project is up to 5,000 hectares wide, including many landscapes such as large lakes, rocky mountains, and valleys creating grandeur and splendor. Tam Chuc Pagoda project is still under construction and it is estimated that it will take another 30 years to complete this entire complex. Tam Chuc Pagoda was built on the foundation of a previous ancient pagoda, which according to archaeologists dates back more than 1,000 years ago. Through time and many historical events, this place only retains ancient traces such as stone pillars, stone beams, and many artifacts buried for thousands of years. Tam Chuc Pagoda was rebuilt with 12,000 stone paintings depicting the stories of Buddha, these works were carved by Indonesian Muslims from volcanic stone and brought to Vietnam. Outstanding works in this complex include: Jade Pagoda, Tam The Palace, Phap Chu Palace, Quan Am Palace, Tam Quan Gate, International Meeting Room. Tam Chuc Communal House is a place to worship the Queen of the Dinh Dynasty named Duong Thi Nguyet. According to historical legend, Dinh Bo Linh, during the war to quell the rebellion, 12 warlords came here to recruit troops until he won the battle and ascended the throne. He ordered the temple to be built here. The spiritual tourism relic complex of Tam Chuc Pagoda deserves to be an attractive destination for Buddhists around the world to make pilgrimages as well as domestic and foreign tourists to enjoy, worship and pray for the best luck and peace. is the occasion in the months following the Lunar New Year. The pagoda is a perfect combination of sacred ancient features of a thousand-year-old relic along with majestic and vast natural scenery. Tam Chuc Pagoda now and in the future will certainly be an attractive destination and is expected to create a driving force for breakthrough socio-economic development for Ha Nam province.

Ha Nam

From January to December

1124 view

Ba Danh Pagoda

Ba Danh Pagoda is located close to Ngoc Mountain and surrounded on three sides by the Day River. The outside of the pagoda is adjacent to the walking road, the three-entrance gate of the pagoda is near the river bank, so the three-entrance gate is five steps high and the two ends are closed. The three-door pagoda has three compartments, two floors, the upper floor has two layers of roof, roofed with male tiles, around the wooden floor are railings and convenient bars, this floor is used as a bell tower, the lower three compartments have wooden doors. lim. Outside the door are two bronze pillars, on the top of the three-door gate is a pair of flanking dragons. On both sides of the main gate is a small gate with eight roofs and a semicircular curving door. On weekdays, guests enter and exit through the small door, only when there is a ceremony at the temple does the main door open. Ba Danh Pagoda worships Buddha, in addition to Buddha, there are also statues of Thai Thuong Lao Quan, statues of Nam Tao, Bac Dau and worshiping the Four Palaces belief (Phap Van, Phap Vu, Phap Dien, Phap Phong). In particular, the pagoda worships the goddess Phap Vu, the goddess of wind. According to legend, the sacred goddess Phap Vu oversees the control of rain and wind, bringing favorable weather for good harvests and helping people's lives to be prosperous, so the pagoda is called Notre Dame de Danh village, or Pagoda for short. Mrs. Danh. In the central space of the pagoda is a statue of Ba Danh in a meditating position on a shiny black throne with a kind, gentle, feminine and close face. The harmony between the statue and the throne creates the appeal of sculpture art in the Northern Delta. Almost all of the temple's architectural and carving art is concentrated in the worship hall - the place for daily ceremonies. The pavilion has five ironwood compartments, gabled ends and two dragons embossed on it. Observing from the middle of the brick yard, visitors will see a system of embossed statues of "four dragons flanking the moon" on the roof of the street. All four dragons, from their designs to their bodies, are curvy, their eyes, antennae, claws, and fins are very lively, flexible, but also very fierce, looking like they are playing with each other, flying in the vast space. The dragon here carries the colors of the Nguyen Dynasty. At the beginning of the two corridors and adjacent to the worship house are two tall, majestic pillars. On each column are embossed images of four sacred animals: dragon, lyre, tortoise, and phoenix in a symmetrical, harmonious, and balanced position. Every line shows the talent of ancient artisans. Although beautiful and ancient, Ba Danh Pagoda is known for its desolation and desolation. There have been many theories to explain this, but the most convincing is that the pagoda is very sacred, if passersby or people coming to worship, if they laugh, talk loudly, or disrespect even a single sentence, they will be punished. Therefore, pilgrims visit the temple less and less. In addition, the pagoda is located far from residential areas, with few people living around it. Three sides of the pagoda are rivers, forests, and trees, so very few people come to the pagoda, except during major Buddhist festivals. The above reasons have made the already deserted temple even more deserted. Today, the pagoda has been invested and rebuilt to be quite spacious and spacious, with more visitors coming to the pagoda. Therefore, the old saying has now been changed to: "Once upon a time it was quiet and deserted/ Now it is as busy as Ba Danh pagoda." Ba Danh Pagoda currently preserves many rare antiques and ancient books, especially Buddha statues, Bodhisattva statues, great pagodas, stone carvings, parallel sentences and incense sticks...

Ha Nam

From January to December

855 view

Bat scene paint

Eight scenes in the mountainous area of ​​Tuong Linh commune (Kim Bang) were once the place where Lord Trinh Sam established his palace and were compared by the lord to eight famous beautiful scenes such as in Tieu Tuong (Yunnan, China). For a long time, the Bat Canh Son range (mountain range with 8 wings) has been considered a scenic spot of Son Nam town. According to Phan Huy Chu's Lich Trieu Chuong Chuong Loai Chi (Du Dia Chi section), in the 16th century, Trinh Doanh's Trinh Doanh came here to admire and likened Bat Canh Son to Tieu Tuong in China and established a palace to go there. about enjoyment. In the past, in Bat Canh Son, there were 8 pagodas and a temple worshiping the great earth spirit, arranged and built according to the theory of the eight trigrams and five elements. Attraction 1: Ong Chua Tien, also known as Ong Pagoda. Ong Chua Tien (Ong Pagoda) was built during the reign of King Tran Nhan Tong on Tuong mountain about 200m. The mountain is the first wall in the Bat Canh Son system in Ha Nam. The pagoda has an extremely sophisticated architectural style with eight battlements and four dragon corners, so this is the first and most important point in the Bat Canh Son landscape. Scenic spot 2: Ong Temple 2. This scenic spot has a large semicircular lake surrounded by rows of deep green trees. The lake has an area of ​​up to 320 acres with green water all year round with an average depth of about 5m. According to legend, this is the lake left by the temple after a flood. Currently in the lake there are countless species of fish that can be exploited. Ong Temple was built in a triangular structure with hundreds of majestic and magnificent Buddha statues. Coming here, you will find your soul more quiet and peaceful. Scenic spot 4: Kieu Pagoda. Kieu Pagoda is located at an altitude of 150m on the mountain of the same name. Kieu Pagoda is located in the Southeast with a large area. The pagoda currently has 3 stele carved into the cliff, which is one of the important features of this place. Besides, the pagoda is also associated with legends about moonlight. Scenic spot 5: Ba pagoda. The pagoda became sacred when the village organized a procession to worship Phap Vu Buddha. Phap Vu Buddha belongs to the Four Dharma system at Dau Pagoda (Bac Ninh) including: Phap Van, Phap Vu, Phap Loi, Phap Dien. History also records the inspiration every time the Ly Dynasty kings came to Dau Pagoda to pray, from then on, pagodas from all over asked to receive the Four Dharmas to worship.

Ha Nam

From January to December

858 view

Zinc Drum

If you don't know, zinc drum in Ha Nam is one of the poetic and majestic landscapes. This place includes rivers, mountains, fields, surrounding vegetation, in addition, people create more landscapes to have an overall scenic area as it is today.

Ha Nam


665 view

Truc Temple

Ha Nam Truc Temple is located in the Truc Temple - Ngu Dong Thi Son tourist area, in Quyen Son village, Thi Son commune, Kim Bang district, more than 7km from Phu Ly city along National Highway 21A. There are many stories about Ha Nam Truc Temple, but according to the old people who took care of the temple, in 1089, on the way to conquer the South through Quyen Son village, Ly Thuong Kiet's war fleet was caught by a sudden wind. blew the mast and swept the flag to the top of Cam Mountain. Feeling strange, he and his generals stopped, preparing to make offerings to heaven and earth, praying for the army's great victory. And that military victory was truly a great victory. Ly Thuong Kiet and his soldiers returned to pay their respects and allowed everyone to celebrate the victory. The festival lasts for months, the atmosphere is jubilant and bustling, and during that time he even taught the people here how to raise silkworms and weave cloth. Later, to commemorate the merits of Ly Thuong Kiet, the villagers built a temple right at the place where he held the festival, which is today's Truc Temple located deep inside the vast green bamboo forest. Truc Temple in Ha Nam is designed in the style of the letter "Dinh" including the temple gate, front hall and harem. The temple gate has 4 pillars: 2 central pillars over 6m high and 2 small pillars on both sides. Truc Temple's front hall is divided into 5 compartments and the harem has 3 compartments, all built in the traditional style of the 17th - 19th centuries: roofed with male tiles, built with interior bricks, exposed to the ceiling, and carved door system. following the themes of four sacred animals, four precious animals... with high artistic value. Not only can you admire the beautiful scenery and participate in the festival, coming to Truc Ha Nam Temple, visitors will also have the opportunity to see with their own eyes stone artifacts from the Ly Dynasty bearing the historical imprint of a heroic time. It is known that currently in Truc Temple, two unresearched antiques from the Ly Dynasty are kept: a pair of dragons and a stone aquarium. The pair of dragons are not very large, located symmetrically vertically, their heads facing the front hall but have different shapes. According to archaeologists who have been here, the dragon on the right, seen from the outside, is a Ly dynasty dragon with a soft, flexible shape; The dragon on the left is the dragon of the Tran Dynasty and has a bigger, stronger and fatter figure. The stone aquarium is made from monolithic stone, has a rectangular, square shape with sharp edges, the bottom of the tank is surrounded by a wave-shaped border, and the tank wall has a four-quarter pattern. Although the exact age of this ornamental tank is unknown, looking at the moss-covered details, one can tell that the tank dates back hundreds of years ago.

Ha Nam

From January to December

794 view

Tran Thuong Temple

Tran Thuong Temple is currently a place to honor the national hero Tiet Trung Hung Dao Dai Vuong Tran Quoc Tuan and the generals who fought against the Mongol army in the 13th century. With more than a century of existence, the temple still retains its original beauty and is a symbol of history and pride of the people of Ha Nam. The land of Tran Thuong is known for the saying "Personal Dao, Rice of Tran Thuong" and the poem engraved on the motto at the temple: "The land of Tran Thuong is immense in welfare, bustling with fruits every spring." Previously, Tran Thuong was the center of 6 water canals. From here, you can go up the Red River to Thang Long or down to the sea to the East. Only about 3km from here is where the Tran family's tomb is located. Tran Thuong Temple is one of three major temples worshiping Hung Dao Dai Vuong nationwide. Legend has it that, on his journey against the Mongol army, Tran Hung Dao realized that the terrain here was very dangerous, so he set up 6 food warehouses to serve the war. This place today has become a place to preserve the historical spirit and pride of the people of Ha Nam. Tran Thuong Temple, a majestic and ancient architectural work located on sacred land in the style of "Four water turtles". The overall landscape of the temple includes the outer gate, the inner gate, 5 buildings, 15 compartments, divided into 3 palaces: first, second, third and two hai vu, 5 wells... The architecture and natural landscape of the temple Tran Thuong Temple is like immersing yourself in religion in a sacred cultural space. The value of the temple is reflected in its delicate decoration with unique motifs: two dragons flanking the moon, flying dragons, dancing phoenixes, water waves, clouds and sky... Creating a vivid, ancient picture containing folk philosophy. . The temple's collection of altar objects and ancient books is also very diverse, especially the statue of Saint Tran with a serious face but still a nurturing smile. With traditional historical value, Tran Thuong Temple shines with unique culture. Every year, the temple organizes two major festivals: the Saint Tran food distribution ceremony takes place on the night of January 14 and early morning of January 15; The death anniversary celebration from the 18th to 20th of the 8th lunar month attracts a large number of people and tourists. During the festival, many folk cultural activities are held, from the water procession, the river swimming competition to the "Dong Dong performance" - a traditional ritual, all emphasizing the moral "Remember when drinking water". source". Tran Thuong Temple is not only a place to organize festivals, but also a place to preserve memories of culture, history and beliefs. This is a symbol of respect for the saintly figures who saved the country, the pride of a nation with endless filial piety.

Ha Nam

From January to December

850 view

Lanh Giang Temple

Lanh Giang Temple - a famous spiritual destination in Ha Nam, also known by the familiar name Lanh Giang Linh Tu. Specifically, this temple is located in Yen Lac village, Moc Nam commune, Duy Tien district, Ha Nam province. This tourist destination is located right next to the foot of the dike connecting the old Ha Tay, on the right bank of the Red River. Opposite Lanh Giang temple is Hung Yen province. Therefore, visitors can easily get here by many different means, from road to waterway. Because of this location, many people still mistakenly believe that Lanh Giang temple is located in Hung Yen. Ha Nam is a province without an airport, so to get to Lanh Giang temple, visitors can hunt for plane tickets to Hanoi at Traveloka. Traveloka's Fare Notification, Reschedule and Refund features will provide you with maximum support during the booking process. Currently, flights to Hanoi's Noi Bai airport are operated regularly. Therefore, visitors can easily book flight tickets for any period of time. After landing safely at Noi Bai airport, you need to choose the next suitable means of transportation to Ha Nam province. Most tourists often choose bus 206 or some typical bus companies such as Phuc Loc Tho, Viet Trung, Thoi Dai, Man Tinh,... After arriving in Dong Van town, Duy Tien district, tourists who want to visit Lanh Giang temple need to move another 8km along Highway 38 to Hoa Mac town. From here, go another 3 or 4 kilometers and you can reach Yen Lenh bridge. Next, just turn left and follow the road right next to the Red River dyke and you can reach Lanh Giang temple, Ha Nam. According to records from documents, until now, people have not been able to determine the time when Lanh Giang temple was built. According to the inscriptions left on the roof of the second building, it is likely that Lanh Giang temple was restored in 1944. Through historical ups and downs, this temple still retains its original grand scale. Many legends have told that Lanh Giang temple is associated with the Three Famous Gods - the children of the noble lady Hoa Giam. Not only were they instrumental in helping King Hung fight against Thuc Phan's army, but they also supported Princess Tien Dung and her husband. Therefore, Lanh Giang Temple was established to recognize and commemorate the gods who helped King Hung defend the country. Every year, Lanh Giang Temple will have two major festivals to express remembrance to the water gods and pray for good weather all year round so that people can settle down and settle down. The first festival will take place in the 6th lunar month, lasting from the 2nd to the 5th. The second festival will continue to take place in the 8th lunar month, specifically August 20. The festival at Lanh Giang temple not only brings together many extremely sacred and solemn sacrificial rituals and holy processions, but also brings together many interesting and exciting games. Coming to Ha Nam on this occasion, visitors can not only admire the unique landscapes and spiritual architectural works here but can also learn more about the customs and unique culture of Ha Nam. this land. In 1996, Lanh Giang Temple was officially ranked as a national historical and cultural relic by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Since then, the temple has become one of the works that need to be preserved, protected and developed. Lanh Giang Temple consists of 3 buildings with 14 compartments along with a guest house and altar surrounded by solid walls. In the temple there are many valuable items, many precious antiques and statues worshiping the three gods of the Hung King period. Standing in front of Lanh Giang temple, visitors will surely be extremely impressed with the massive and majestic architecture. The Tam Quan gate is designed in the style of a stack of matches with eight roofs, creating a feeling of airiness. The tip of the sword is a beautiful dragon shape interwoven with extremely harmonious motifs. In front of the Tam Quan gate is a calm, blue semicircular lake adorned with colorful and fragrant water lilies. Following the bridge from the temple gate to the middle of the lake, visitors will encounter a tower hidden in the shadow of an old sycamore tree, both majestic, ancient but also extremely poetic.

Ha Nam

From January to December

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