Lotus Village

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Lotus Village

About 16km from Vinh City, Sen village (Kim Lien) in Kim Lien commune, Nam Dan district, Nghe An province is Uncle Ho's paternal hometown. This is one of the four most important monuments in the country and is also the pride of the people of Nghe An. You can go to Sen village at any time of the year, but the most suitable time is in May. This is the occasion when the lotus ponds bloom, radiating a fragrant scent, bringing a pleasant feeling. dispel the sultry and stuffy heat and harsh wind in the Central region. Moving to Nghe An is very simple, you can easily travel by different means. From Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City there are direct flights to Vinh city. You can also travel by train to Vinh station or by bus and motorbike. From Vinh city, follow road 49 to kilometer 13, turn onto the red dirt road shaded with eucalyptus and rows of green casuarina trees to reach Sen village. At the beginning of the village there is a large lotus pond, passing through the lotus pond is Coc well. Here, as a child, Uncle Ho often went to fetch water, fish and have fun with friends in the village. Behind the shady green bamboo fence is the simple, simple, five-room thatched-roof house of the family of Deputy Bang Nguyen Sinh Sac, Uncle Ho's father. After passing the Vice Ranking in the exam in the year Tan Suu 1901, Mr. Nguyen Sinh Sac and his children left Chua village (Hoang Tru) to live in Sen village, his paternal hometown. This house was built by the people of Sen village using public funds to celebrate him passing Pho Bang, bringing honor to the whole village. In front of the house there are 2 small yards and a garden surrounded by a hibiscus fence. Next to the house is a horizontal house used as a kitchen. The two outer rooms are where the altar is placed and where guests are received. The third room is the residence of Mrs. Nguyen Thi Thanh - Uncle Ho's eldest sister. The remaining two rooms are the family's resting and living areas. The fifth room has only one counter and is also the resting place of Mr. Nguyen Sinh Khiem and Nguyen Sinh Cung (Uncle Ho). Even though he passed high scores, the items in the house are still very simple like many other rural houses: wooden counters, bamboo beds, clay jars for water, bamboo bowls, etc. Most of these items are made by donated by the villagers, these memorabilia are still kept today. Uncle Ho was attached to this house during his teenage years from late 1901 to mid-1906. The house witnessed Uncle Ho's learning and growth process; is the place where his first feelings of patriotism and his awareness of the times were marked. After 50 years away from his homeland, traveling to find a way to save the nation, making a revolution to free the country from French colonial rule, he returned to Sen village twice in 1957 and 1961. You can visit the houses that were close neighbors to Uncle Ho's family at that time such as the Co Dien smithy, the house of Mr. Vuong Thuc Quy, the house of the Confucian master, the house of Mr. Nguyen Sinh Nham - Uncle's grandfather,...

Nghe An 490 view May to October

Ngày cập nhật : 14/03/2023

Tourist destination in the same city

Khe Kem Waterfall

With its wild, poetic beauty, Khe Kem Waterfall is not only a favorite stopover for tourists but also a sightseeing place frequently visited by indigenous people. Khe Kem Waterfall is also known as Kem Waterfall or Bo Bo Waterfall, which according to the Thai people means white silk strip. Because the waterfall falls from a height of more than 500m, a slope of about 80°, through three levels, from afar it looks like a white silk strip floating on the deep green background of the mountains and forests. The road leading to Khe Kem waterfall is winding and winding, green in all four seasons because on both sides of the road are old trees. Visitors can choose to travel by motorbike to experience and immerse themselves in the natural scenery and admire the beautiful scenery on both sides of the road. Upon arriving, Khe Kem waterfall pours water with white foam that will make visitors admire. Above and on both sides of the waterfall is a rich vegetation with lush green grass and hundreds of flowers blooming all year round. Different types of trees bloom in each season, making visitors feel like they are lost in a garden of giant flowers. At the foot of the waterfall is a long stream, with flat stones like large tables as a resting place for visitors. Also at the foot of the waterfall, visitors will also see small lakes with different shallows and depths. The lake water is so clear that you can see the bottom, creating a wonderful natural landscape. In the summer, the temperature at the waterfall area is about 20°C, extremely cool, so Khe Kem waterfall is truly an ideal destination for tourists who want to avoid the hot summer heat and immerse themselves in nature. Nature, enjoy the spacious, cool atmosphere. In addition, visitors can also follow the trail to the top of the waterfall and enjoy the view of the mountains and forests. Or from here, go up Khe Bu valley or hike Pu Loong mountain - a high mountain in Pu Mat National Park (travel time takes about 6-8 hours). During the journey to explore Khe Kem waterfall, visitors will experience the unique cultural identity and cuisine of the Thai people. The specialties of the Thai ethnic people are prepared in a strange and attractive way, such as bamboo-tube rice, purple sticky rice, honey-grilled chicken, Giang river fish, shrimp slit, frog rolls, and frog rolls. forest, stone crab steamed with lemongrass... Khe Kem Waterfall promises to become an attractive eco-cultural tourist destination with majestic mountain and forest scenery, connecting the unique cultural space of ethnic minorities. So that every time visitors come here, they can immerse themselves in the natural scenery of pristine mountains and forests, regain mental relaxation and balance in life.

Nghe An

March to August

474 view

Truong Bon historical relic site

Truong Bon Nghe An is considered the "focal point of the war" with a particularly decisive position in the war to liberate the South. Every year, this place attracts a large number of domestic and foreign tourists to visit when they come to Nghe An. If you have the opportunity to travel to Nghe An, you definitely cannot miss the Truong Bon Nghe An relic site. Here, you will listen to ancient stories about the nation's heroic generation. Let's explore here what Truong Bon is called, how to get to Truong Bon, and the history of Truong Bon. Truong Bon relic site, about 22 hectares wide, is located on strategic route 15A, through My Son commune, Do Luong district, Nghe An province. This place is not only a famous tourist destination of Nghe An and Ha Tinh but also a legendary holy place, containing memories of the heroic fighting period of the Vietnamese army and people. Today, Truong Bon Nghe An has become an important center of education about revolutionary traditions, patriotism and pride of the Vietnamese generation. Truong Bon relic area began construction on October 27, 2010 and was completed at the end of 2014, officially put into operation, becoming a "red site" for revolutionary education. The total construction area is more than 217 thousand m2, including many works such as memorials, traditional houses, bell towers, Truong Bon Nghe An "fire coordinates" electronic board... and the highlight is the Truong Bon Nghe An area. graves of 13 heroic martyrs and young volunteers. The grave site is located deep in the old pine forest - previously a shelter for young volunteers. In front of the grave is the location where the American enemy attacked strongly and is also where 13 heroes died in the bombing on October 31, 1968. In addition, the relic site also recreates images of the life, labor and fighting process of officers, soldiers, and young volunteers through large, intricately carved reliefs. In the memorial area, there are 2 groups of statues and 6 legendary pillars symbolizing the resilient and courageous fighting spirit of the youth volunteer force in the journey to protect the Fatherland. Truong Bon Nghe An witnessed a time of fire and heroism of the nation. From 1964 to 1968, the US military dropped nearly 20,000 diverse bombs and tens of thousands of missiles here. That's why Truong Bon is often called the "bomb crater" of the North. In the early morning of October 31, 1968, American aircraft dropped more than 200 bombs on Company 317. At that time, the Nghe An Youth Volunteer Group was on duty to level bomb craters. Most of them have completed their missions and are about to be discharged. Some people will go to school, some people will get married all day, but the dreams of 13/14 soldiers, at a very young age, disappeared before the fierce rain of bombs. However, with the determination "the heart can stop beating but the road cannot be blocked", "live by the bridge, stick by the road; die resiliently, courageously"... the victory at Truong Bon has helped us maintain our blood vessels. traffic, covering millions of cubic meters of soil and rock, bringing 94,000 motor vehicles back and forth safely and transporting more than 1 million tons of goods. Also here, 1,240 heroes from the police force, army, youth volunteers, and frontline civilians sacrificed their lives and rested in the mother earth forever. To this day, Truong Bon - the immortal epic song has gone down in history as a legend about the sacred land, a mark of the resistance war against the US to save the country and has become the pride of the Vietnamese people. . This place will forever be a "red address" for educating the passionate patriotic tradition and the resilient revolutionary will of previous generations.

Nghe An

From January to December

533 view

Hoang Tru Village

Hoang Tru village is about 2km from Kim Lien village, in Kim Lien commune (Nam Dan district, Nghe An province), about 15km from Vinh city. There is a 3,500m2 Hoang Tru relic cluster here, including: The house of Mr. Hoang Duong - Uncle Ho's grandfather, the Hoang Xuan family branch church, the house of Mr. Nguyen Sinh Sac and Ms. Hoang Thi Loan - relatives giving birth to Uncle Ho. On the occasion of the Year of the Tiger in 1878, Mr. Hoang Duong, on his way to celebrate the New Year, met a little boy sitting on a buffalo's back, engrossed in reading a book. That boy's name is Nguyen Sinh Sac, he was orphaned when he was 4 years old. Feeling sorry for the situation and appreciating the virtue of studiousness, Mr. Hoang Duong asked the Nguyen Sinh family for permission to take Nguyen Sinh Sac home to raise and educate him. At that time, Nguyen Sinh Sac was 15 years old. Under the guidance of Mr. Hoang Duong, the more Nguyen Sinh Sac studied, the smarter he became, becoming famous throughout the region. When Nguyen Sinh Sac turned 18 years old, the couple chose him to be the son-in-law for their first daughter, Hoang Thi Loan. In 1883, the two got married and lived separately in a newly built small 3-room house. The house is the place to witness student Nguyen Sinh Sac diligently reading, witnessing the diligence and loyalty of his wife and the birth of his children. At the Huong exam in the year of Giap Ngo 1894, Mr. Nguyen Sinh Sac passed his bachelor's degree from Nghe An school. In 1895, he went to Hue capital to study and took his wife and children with him. After giving birth to her fourth child (in 1900), Ms. Hoang Thi Loan died in Hue at the age of 33 (February 1901). Mr. Nguyen Sinh Sac's father and son sadly left the imperial capital to return to Hoang Tru village to live. At the Tan Suu Faculty exam (1901), Mr. Nguyen Sinh Sac went to Hue to take the exam and passed the exam. King Thanh Thai gave him the plaque "An tu ninh gia" (Thanks to the king for his good family). According to tradition, Mr. Nguyen Sinh Sac and his children said goodbye to Hoang Tru village and returned to their paternal hometown - Kim Lien village to honor their ancestors. Hoang Tru relic area with a small three-room house is the place where President Ho Chi Minh was born, where the beautiful and difficult childhood years of him and his grandparents were attached. parents, brothers and sisters. It was also here that he received the love of his relatives and his homeland, and witnessed the devoted teaching of his grandfather and father. Those spiritual values ​​are the source of a great aspiration for young Nguyen Sinh Cung to become the great President Ho Chi Minh, a Hero of national liberation, a cultural celebrity of Vietnam and of Vietnam. mankind.

Nghe An

From January to December

464 view

Lotus Village

About 16km from Vinh City, Sen village (Kim Lien) in Kim Lien commune, Nam Dan district, Nghe An province is Uncle Ho's paternal hometown. This is one of the four most important monuments in the country and is also the pride of the people of Nghe An. You can go to Sen village at any time of the year, but the most suitable time is in May. This is the occasion when the lotus ponds bloom, radiating a fragrant scent, bringing a pleasant feeling. dispel the sultry and stuffy heat and harsh wind in the Central region. Moving to Nghe An is very simple, you can easily travel by different means. From Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City there are direct flights to Vinh city. You can also travel by train to Vinh station or by bus and motorbike. From Vinh city, follow road 49 to kilometer 13, turn onto the red dirt road shaded with eucalyptus and rows of green casuarina trees to reach Sen village. At the beginning of the village there is a large lotus pond, passing through the lotus pond is Coc well. Here, as a child, Uncle Ho often went to fetch water, fish and have fun with friends in the village. Behind the shady green bamboo fence is the simple, simple, five-room thatched-roof house of the family of Deputy Bang Nguyen Sinh Sac, Uncle Ho's father. After passing the Vice Ranking in the exam in the year Tan Suu 1901, Mr. Nguyen Sinh Sac and his children left Chua village (Hoang Tru) to live in Sen village, his paternal hometown. This house was built by the people of Sen village using public funds to celebrate him passing Pho Bang, bringing honor to the whole village. In front of the house there are 2 small yards and a garden surrounded by a hibiscus fence. Next to the house is a horizontal house used as a kitchen. The two outer rooms are where the altar is placed and where guests are received. The third room is the residence of Mrs. Nguyen Thi Thanh - Uncle Ho's eldest sister. The remaining two rooms are the family's resting and living areas. The fifth room has only one counter and is also the resting place of Mr. Nguyen Sinh Khiem and Nguyen Sinh Cung (Uncle Ho). Even though he passed high scores, the items in the house are still very simple like many other rural houses: wooden counters, bamboo beds, clay jars for water, bamboo bowls, etc. Most of these items are made by donated by the villagers, these memorabilia are still kept today. Uncle Ho was attached to this house during his teenage years from late 1901 to mid-1906. The house witnessed Uncle Ho's learning and growth process; is the place where his first feelings of patriotism and his awareness of the times were marked. After 50 years away from his homeland, traveling to find a way to save the nation, making a revolution to free the country from French colonial rule, he returned to Sen village twice in 1957 and 1961. You can visit the houses that were close neighbors to Uncle Ho's family at that time such as the Co Dien smithy, the house of Mr. Vuong Thuc Quy, the house of the Confucian master, the house of Mr. Nguyen Sinh Nham - Uncle's grandfather,...

Nghe An

May to October

491 view

Cua Lo Beach

One of the highlights of this beach is the long sandy coastline and gradually increasing depth, creating favorable conditions for swimming and relaxing on the clean sand beaches stretching along the coast. Cua Lo Nghe An Beach is also a gathering place for many entertainment and relaxation activities such as jet skiing, hot air balloon flying, walking along the beach, stargazing on the beach, squid fishing in basket boats at night and many other activities. This creates conditions for visitors to enjoy exciting moments of relaxation and entertainment at Cua Lo beach - Nghe An. Summer (from April to August) is the ideal time to visit Cua Lo Nghe An, especially for those who like swimming. At this time, the weather is dry and sunny, visitors can comfortably follow their schedules and capture wonderful moments. One of the new activities added to the tourism program at Cua Lo Nghe An beach is flying a hot air balloon to see the sea. For 200,000 VND per trip, visitors will be taken to a maximum height of 50m to see the beauty of Cua Lo beach. This activity takes place in the time frames from 6:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Note that the activity only takes place during one event period, so visitors need to follow the schedule to arrange a reasonable time for their trip. Early morning is the ideal time to swim and watch the sunrise at Cua Lo beach, Nghe An. Fresh air and cool sea water will help visitors relax and enjoy wonderful beautiful moments. In addition, you can also participate in many other activities such as riding a jet ski, kayaking, walking along the beach, and taking photos on the beach.

Nghe An

March to November

449 view

Hoang Tru Village

Hoang Tru village is about 2km from Kim Lien village, in Kim Lien commune (Nam Dan district, Nghe An province), about 15km from Vinh city. There is a 3,500m2 Hoang Tru relic cluster here, including: The house of Mr. Hoang Duong - Uncle Ho's grandfather, the Hoang Xuan family branch church, the house of Mr. Nguyen Sinh Sac and Ms. Hoang Thi Loan - relatives giving birth to Uncle Ho. On the occasion of the Year of the Tiger in 1878, Mr. Hoang Duong, on his way to celebrate the New Year, met a little boy sitting on a buffalo's back, engrossed in reading a book. That boy's name is Nguyen Sinh Sac, he was orphaned when he was 4 years old. Feeling sorry for the situation and appreciating the virtue of studiousness, Mr. Hoang Duong asked the Nguyen Sinh family for permission to take Nguyen Sinh Sac home to raise and educate him. At that time, Nguyen Sinh Sac was 15 years old. Under the guidance of Mr. Hoang Duong, the more Nguyen Sinh Sac studied, the smarter he became, becoming famous throughout the region. When Nguyen Sinh Sac turned 18 years old, the couple chose him to be the son-in-law for their first daughter, Hoang Thi Loan. In 1883, the two got married and lived separately in a newly built small 3-room house. The house is the place to witness student Nguyen Sinh Sac diligently reading, witnessing the diligence and loyalty of his wife and the birth of his children. At the Huong exam in the year of Giap Ngo 1894, Mr. Nguyen Sinh Sac passed his bachelor's degree from Nghe An school. In 1895, he went to Hue capital to study and took his wife and children with him. After giving birth to her fourth child (in 1900), Ms. Hoang Thi Loan died in Hue at the age of 33 (February 1901). Mr. Nguyen Sinh Sac's father and son sadly left the imperial capital to return to Hoang Tru village to live. At the Tan Suu Faculty exam (1901), Mr. Nguyen Sinh Sac went to Hue to take the exam and passed the exam. King Thanh Thai gave him the plaque "An tu ninh gia" (Thanks to the king for his good family). According to tradition, Mr. Nguyen Sinh Sac and his children said goodbye to Hoang Tru village and returned to their paternal hometown - Kim Lien village to honor their ancestors. Hoang Tru relic area with a small three-room house is the place where President Ho Chi Minh was born, where the beautiful and difficult childhood years of him and his grandparents were attached. parents, brothers and sisters. It was also here that he received the love of his relatives and his homeland, and witnessed the devoted teaching of his grandfather and father. Those spiritual values ​​are the source of a great aspiration for young Nguyen Sinh Cung to become the great President Ho Chi Minh, a Hero of national liberation, a cultural celebrity of Vietnam and of Vietnam. mankind.

Nghe An

From January to December

506 view

Tham Om Cave

Tham Om Cave is located at an altitude of 15m above sea level, the cave entrance is in the Northeast direction. This place is magnificent with fossils and mysteries that need to be discovered. Tham Om Cave is located in Quy Chau district, Nghe An province, about 7km from Road 48. This place is considered to contain many precious artifacts of ancient Vietnamese people, preserving a long-standing culture. Visiting Tham Om Cave is not only an opportunity to learn about history but also experience ancient culture. The cave is free and operates all day, so take the time to explore the interesting things at this location. In 1975, Tham Om Cave was discovered and excavated. Archaeologists have found many precious artifacts, from bronze, stone, to fossil animal bones and teeth, reflecting the life of ancient Vietnamese people. The Tham Om people are considered the first modern people in Vietnam. Transliterated in Thai, “Tham Om” means big cave. This place often attracts many tourists to visit every year. Tham Om Cave is considered a unique natural masterpiece of Nghe An. Take the time to come to this place to explore, experience and feel for yourself one day soon. When you arrive at Tham Om Cave, Quy Chau, Nghe An, you will immediately feel the wild and majestic beauty of mountain nature. The bustling sound of birds singing and the cool air will make your trip more attractive. Inside the cave is a special phenomenon of weathering due to water erosion on limestone mountains. With every step you take, you will encounter stalactites, large cliffs, along with diverse and unique shapes. All create the feeling of a special gift from the Creator. Coming to this cave, you will enjoy rustic culinary dishes such as banana flowers, yam fruit, green vegetables, bamboo shoots, wild bee pupae, and delicious grasshoppers. Don't forget to bring Nghe An specialty products as gifts for your loved ones after the trip.

Nghe An

From January to December

937 view

Cua Lo Beach

Cua Lo Beach belongs to Cua Lo town, Nghe An province. This place is about 16km east of Vinh city, and 340km from Hanoi capital. In the past, Cua Xa - Lach Lo was known as a dangerous area with a strategic military position. Through ups and downs, Cua Lo beach was officially designated and became a prominent highlight in the tourism industry in the North Central Coast. Cua Lo has many small mountains and peninsulas, but also has flat plain terrain. Surrounded by the beautiful Cam River and Lam River, creating a beautiful landscape painting. Traveling to Cua Lo beach is the ideal choice for every family to relax and cool off on hot summer days. Beach travel is always more attractive on hot days, because now you can enjoy the refreshment of immersing yourself in cool water. The most ideal time to come to Cua Lo beach is from May to the end of October. Because this is the time when Cua Lo enjoys full sunshine, the weather is warm, suitable for outdoor activities. If you want your trip to be comfortable and not too crowded, avoid going on major holidays or weekends. But no matter what time you come, Cua Lo beach is still worth experiencing thanks to its wonderful beauty and many interesting activities. Cua Lo Beach is known as one of the most beautiful places in the North Central region. This place attracts many tourists not only because of its poetic natural scenery with blue sea, white sand, and golden sunshine. But also impressed by many unique folk cultural activities and eye-catching fireworks displays at the end of the tourist season (around the end of September). Coming to Cua Lo, you can enjoy the following delicious dishes. Crab sprouts: This dish not only awakens the sense of smell and taste of all diners but also contains high nutritional content. Crab sprouts are meticulously prepared from crab meat and many accompanying spices, guaranteed to be unforgettable once eaten. Steamed crab with tamarind: Although it is a popular seafood dish, steamed crab with tamarind in Cua Lo attracts everyone because of its unique flavor. The viscous tamarind juice fragrant with spices and the fried and then steamed crab create an attractive flavor, ready to please all diners. Clam porridge: Although it is a quite simple dish, to cook a delicious pot of porridge, it is necessary to go through many complicated steps. When eaten, clam porridge is mixed with herbs to stimulate the taste buds. Jumping squid: This is a specialty dish of Cua Lo because of the freshness of the squid when it has just been caught and processed right on the spot. Squid can be steamed, grilled... served with extremely attractive dipping sauce.

Nghe An

May to October

1132 view

Discover Nghe An

The North: Van Ho - Moc Chau - Mai Chau - Where Northwest Identity Spreads (Experience 5-star Avana Retreat service)

Destination : Hanoi , Son La , Hoa Binh

Schedule : 3 days 2 nights

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North: Ha Long - Lan Ha Bay - Cat Ba - Sea Dance (Paradise Grand & M-Gallery Hotel Perle D'Orient class cruise experience)

Destination : Quang Ninh , Hai Phong

Schedule : 4 days 3 nights

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The North: Sapa - Lost in Europe (5-star luxury experience Hôtel de la Coupole - MGallery)| 30 Tet

Destination : Lao Cai

Schedule : 3 days 2 nights

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The North: Tu Le - Son La - Moc Chau - Mai Chau - Colorful touchpoints in the Northwest (Experience 5-star service)

Destination : Son La , Yen Bai

Schedule : 5 days 4 nights

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Combo Journey to Explore Saigon by Double Decker Bus and Enjoy the Evening on the Indochina Cruise

Destination : Ho Chi Minh City

Schedule : 1 day

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Hanoi - Ha Long Bay - Bai Dinh Pagoda - Trang An - Tuyet Tinh Coc

Destination : Hanoi , Quang Ninh , Ninh Binh

Schedule : 4 days 3 nights

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Flower and Sea Journey: Da Lat - Nha Trang

Destination :

Schedule : 5 days 4 nights

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The West: Chau Doc - Tra Su Melaleuca Forest - Ha Tien - Rach Gia - Can Tho - Experience the West's Newest Expressway

Destination : Can Tho

Schedule : 4 days 3 nights

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Phu Quoc: Truc Lam Ho Quoc Zen Monastery - Bai Sao (3-star hotel) | Stimulate tourism

Destination : Kien Giang

Schedule : 3 days 2 nights

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