Binh Dinh Sea Essence Festival 2024

Binh Dinh Sea Essence Festival 2024

Nguyen Tat Thanh Square, Quy Nhon city, Binh Dinh province.

Binh Dinh Essence of Sea and Land Festival 2024 with the theme "Binh Dinh - Desire for the Sea" is a series of SPECIAL, ATTRACTIVE, IMPRESSIVE entertainment, cultural, tourism, and culinary events held for the first time. in Quy Nhon City from July 11 to 15, 2024.

The Opening Ceremony took place at 20:00 on July 11, at Nguyen Tat Thanh Square, broadcast live on VTV8 channel and BTV channel. The opening art program is a performance with many levels of DEEP, SUBLIFYING, VIBRANT and COLORFUL emotions of the vast ocean world, blending into the beautiful scenes of Quy Nhon City - Thanh Hoa. ASEAN clean tourist city. Professional performances by Quang Dung, MIN, Kyo York, Pham Anh Duy, rapper Phuc Bo, rapper Rick, rapper 9Fire, GIVI VIET dance company, VIETNAMESE MELODY singing group, SAC VIET singing group, PHUONG NAM Theater, Trung Binh Dinh Provincial Cultural Center, Binh Dinh Provincial Traditional Arts Theater, Binh Dinh Traditional Martial Arts Center, Ba Trao artisan group, Chich Choe Bong Children's Club will perform with all their might with the audience. The eye-catching ending performance combines artistic fireworks with carnival dancers and sparkling, magical stage lighting effects on the beach. WEAK MOON will be an impressive opening night during the summer days in the city. Quy Nhon street is poetic.

At the Festival there will be many activities taking place, such as:

Opening of the 2024 Binh Dinh Essence of Land and Sea Festival at Nguyen Tat Thanh Square at 8pm on July 11 with a special art program performed by famous singers, with fireworks at the end. programme.

Workshop on developing exploitation, processing and trade promotion of ocean tuna in Binh Dinh province took place on the morning of July 11 at the Provincial Convention Center.

Binh Dinh tuna filleting performance, introducing Binh Dinh ocean tuna culinary art (European, Japanese and Vietnamese tastes) on the afternoon of July 11 and serving 1,500 free meals/festival for residents and tourists to visit and enjoy this event at the Children's Park during the 5 days of the Festival.

Binh Dinh Essence of Land and Sea Festival 2024 will bring tourists and the local community an interesting experience; spreading beautiful images of the land and people of Binh Dinh, contributing to promoting and enhancing the position of Binh Dinh tourism with domestic and international tourists. 

At the same time, through the Festival, the image and brand of Binh Dinh tuna are promoted and approached to domestic and export consumers; contributing to the development of exploitation, processing and trade promotion of ocean tuna in Binh Dinh province.

From 11/07/2024 - 15/07/2024

Discover Binh Dinh

Cu Lao Xanh

Cu Lao Xanh is beautiful all year round, but you should avoid the end of July and August because this is the time when many storms will endanger your trip to Quy Nhon. Also, you should not go in the winter. The remaining ideal time to explore the island is February to June, September to October. Cu Lao Xanh is located in Nhon Chau island commune, Quy Nhon city, Binh Dinh province, only about 12 nautical miles from the mainland, equivalent to about half an hour by speedboat. But if you want to have an interesting experience, you can spend 2 hours traveling by wooden boat with local people to the island. In the bright yellow sunlight, Green Island appears with a clear blue color, the The boat anchored near the shore waiting for time to set sail. The first time you set foot on the island, visitors will be extremely surprised and delighted by the wild and peaceful beauty of the island. The island appears with endless green mountain ranges, majestic rocks in front of countless ocean waves, clear sea water, clearly revealing colorful coral reefs; fresh seafood dishes... With what nature bestows, Cu Lao Xanh is an ideal destination for tourists who love to explore amazing natural tourism. Once you arrive at Cu Lao Xanh, don't forget to go to the Harbor Bridge to watch the sunrise and see the bustling market scene every morning, or immerse yourself in the clear water, go snorkeling to see coral at Nho beach and Bon beach. .. In particular, coming to Cu Lao Xanh, many people cannot help but enjoy being introduced, visiting and exploring the lighthouse that is more than a hundred years old. History also records that in 1890, after a ship sank because it hit a reef in the Quy Nhon sea area, the French decided to build a lighthouse on Cu Lao Xanh, named Plogam Bir. . The purpose of the French building a lighthouse on Cu Lao Xanh was to guide ships and boats into and out of Quy Nhon port conveniently and safely. The lighthouse is located on the highest mountain on the island, 119m above sea level. Cu Lao Xanh Lighthouse is a wonderful blend of East and West architectural styles; It has both the "breath" of Gothic architecture and the appearance of Eastern architecture. The lighthouse consists of 4 parts, harmoniously distributed: The base of the tower has 32 steps made of bricks; cylindrical tower body, 19m high; Inside there is a 58-step spiral staircase and headlights that illuminate 27 nautical miles (nearly 50km). The entire lighthouse architecture is built of large boulders, with walls more than 1 meter thick. This is one of the earliest and most modern lighthouses built in Vietnam Those who have the opportunity to go to Cu Lao Xanh lighthouse once cannot help but be ecstatic about the morning dew, sunrise on the sea, or the red sunset at dusk. If you don't mind the night sea, experience fishing with fishermen in the nearby waters. It will be great to follow the rhythm of pulling fresh fish into the boat, to see with your own eyes, to handle the fresh fish that have just left the sea. The experience of working with fishermen is a wonderful experience. In addition, Cu Lao Xanh has many rocky beaches such as Thao Nguyen beach and Dong beach. There are large blocks of stone, of various shapes and colors, and arranged next to each other in a very orderly manner. All create a harmonious landscape picture combining rocks and sea and sky.

From February to June

Hon Kho

Hon Kho Island, also known as Hon Kho Island, is located in a complex of 32 islands near the shore of Binh Dinh province, about 19km from Quy Nhon city. Hon Kho is beautiful, peaceful, soft, not dry like its name. How to go to Hon Kho is also extremely simple. From City. From Ho Chi Minh City, you can take a plane, bus or train straight to Quy Nhon. Then rent a car to go all the way to the end of Thi Nai bridge, through Nhon Hoi Economic Zone, along Mai Huong Bay to reach the fishing village of Nhon Hai commune. Then you continue to rent a boat to get to this beautiful island. There are many boats with different services and prices for you to choose from. The price of a dry island ticket from the mainland to the island by boat ranges from 100K - 1200K. The biggest highlight of this island is probably the beautiful wilderness that has been preserved until now, with almost no human intervention. Not only that, this island also has many rocks and stones scattered throughout the island in many different shapes and sizes. Hon Kho is peaceful and pristine without too much human intervention. Therefore, when you come here, you can feel freedom, generosity, and simplicity. Around the island there are not many tall shady trees, but only green grass mixed with rocks, creating a very special wild scene. The most impressive thing about Hon Kho is the beautiful sea road. When the tide recedes, a cliff mixed with sand gradually reveals itself, creating a more than 500m long sea path leading from Nhon Hai fishing village to the island. This is a unique sea route that only exists in fairy tales but cannot be found anywhere else. However, it is not always possible to see this mysterious sea route because the water level fluctuates depending on the season. The wooden bridge around the strait is also a favorite place for many young people. Standing on the bridge, you can see the extremely impressive blue sea. On one side are majestic rocky mountains, on the other side is a romantic blue sea, creating a charming and unforgettable scenery. Hon Kho also has a clear blue sea on a white sand beach like any other beach in Quy Nhon, but what makes visitors excited is the feeling of freedom and generosity because they are separated from the city and immersed in nature. nature that this island offers. This is considered an ideal day trip destination for groups of friends who love to explore, or for those who want to have a relaxing day after all the fatigue of work. Not only that, you can also rent fishing boats from fishermen here to take them around the island or visit places with coral beaches at extremely affordable prices. For those who rent a boat from the mainland to the island and want this service, the price will range from 200,000 - 300,000 VND depending on the boat owner, for groups of about 5 - 10 people. The time to go from Quy Nhon to Hon Kho is only about 15-20 minutes, very fast. If you travel to dry islands on your own, you can rent a taxi from Quy Nhon city center for comfort and coolness. If you want to join a boat to the dry island, you should go early between 8 and 10 am because this is the most crowded time, making it easier to find people to join the boat. Going on a wooden boat costs about 100k/1 round-trip ticket, renting a private boat (10 seats) is about 500k/boat/1 round-trip ticket, joining a canoe costs about 200k/1 round-trip ticket, renting a private canoe (15 seats) is about 1200k/canoe/ 1 round trip ticket. Hon Kho has very few trees and almost no trees are taller than your head so it is extremely sunny. So if you don't want to come home from going out with tanned skin, you should be fully equipped with hats, hats, and sunscreen! The cafes here are just small temporary huts, so you can proactively prepare some drinks and snacks to bring along.

From January to December

Ky Co

Ky Co is located more than 20 km southeast of Quy Nhon city center. This is considered the most interesting tourist destination in Quy Nhon with two sides facing the mountains and one side facing the sea. Very suitable for motorbike travelers. You can travel by car, but traveling by motorbike will be more convenient for visiting and exploring this place. Quy Nhon has a temperate climate, so you can come here at any time of the year, but for the most convenience, you should go from February to August. At this time, the weather is cool, with little rain. Rain makes it easier to travel and visit. Coming here, you will be overwhelmed by the majestic wild beauty and harmony of nature. Standing from afar, you will see the majestic mountains, the shady green trees, the air is clear, the wind blows strongly on you, bringing with it the typical salty and acrid breath of the sea. Ky co has an arc like the crescent moon of everyday days. You will feel the interesting thing when coming to Ky Co beach: the water here is very cool and shallow. You can freely immerse yourself in the jade water, swim 100m away and the water is only up to your neck. White, soft sand strips, cool green trees, green coconut trees hanging down on the sand. What's more interesting than when you're bored of playing around in the clear blue water, you can walk barefoot next to the coconut trees and idly sing a few love songs to the sea. The whole scene becomes sparklingly beautiful under the sunlight. Ky Co beach is sparklingly beautiful like a treasure chest filled with precious stones. The sunlight shines on the sparkling blue sea surface, making it look like it's silver from afar, and the grains of sand sparkle like tiny diamonds. The rocks here are linked together. When the tide rises, water rushes in between the rocks, creating beautiful artificial swimming pools. The water does not flow down, but seems to want to hold and settle into the rocks, playfully playing and caressing the foot of the mountain like naughty children. The artificial swimming pool is very cool, the water is so clear you can clearly see the bottom of the pool. An artificial swimming pool can accommodate 5-7 people. Very suitable for family exploration. It's very safe for children to swim in it. In the morning, when the sun just rises, the water in Ky Co sea is as clear as a mirror reflecting the sky. You can go to the beach early to watch the romantic sunset. The drops of morning dew that remained on the fallen leaves dripped drop by drop into the smooth sand. So quiet, so peaceful and pleasant. The red sunlight gradually appeared behind the mist and clouds. The boats float on the sea with peaceful songs for a bright and bountiful day. Not only that, there are also cliffs and large rocks, the higher the square base, the sharper they become, rising in the middle of the sea, looking like small towers or spikes poking into the sky. When the tide recedes, a path along the cliff will appear. You can also walk along the mountain range near the shore to visit the sea. Wading in the cool water, playing with the ocean waves, turning over seaweed stalks to catch small sea animals. In particular, you should schedule to fully enjoy Ky Co Quy Nhon beach by watching coral at Bai Dua. Going by boat to Bai Dua is very popular, you can ask and make an appointment with the boat owners in the beach area on the first day of arrival to plan to go to Bai Dua on a sunny day, avoiding cloudy and gloomy days. . If you come here, you must definitely immerse yourself in the clear blue water to clearly feel the excitement and wonderfulness of Ky Co beach. Dubbed the Maldives of Vietnam, Ky Co has a wild beauty that captivates people's hearts. For those who love to experience and explore, camping overnight in Ky Co will definitely be a memorable experience. You can bring a tent, some snacks and choose specialties of Nhon Ly beach to BBQ right on the beach. In addition to swimming, visitors here can also comfortably participate in activities and games held on Ky Co beach such as parachutes, water motorbikes, banana floats, etc. And if you go in a large group, Can also organize interesting team building games for everyone.

November to April

Eo Gio

Located in Nhon Ly commune, only about 20km from Quy Nhon city, Binh Dinh province, Eo Gio is a famous tourist destination that attracts tourists because of the wild and harmonious natural beauty of the river. Water, clouds and mountains converge. As one of the ideal backpacking destinations, Eo Gio still has a wild beauty with a blue strait, surrounded by high rocky mountains with many strange shapes, creating a curved position as if to hug the waist. This beautiful inlet sea. Is that why this place is called Eo Gio? Located in the east of Phuong Mai peninsula, surrounded by Quy Nhon city with a long coastal rocky mountain range and a number of high peaks such as Den Mountain, Hon Mai, Hon Yen, Hon Chop The highest area is about 200-300 and At the farthest point of the arc is Eo Gio. Right from the road to Eo Gio, you will admire the magnificent natural scenery through rows of casuarinas along both sides of the long asphalt road, in the distance are majestic mountains, towering in the sea space. Blue, white sand is wonderfully beautiful. Coming closer, Eo Gio Quy Nhon looks like a small strait surrounded by high, graceful rocky mountains, "hugging" the beach. Not inferior to any beach in the Central region, Eo Gio possesses clear blue water on the shore of sparkling golden sand, whispering and rushing waves crashing against the rugged rocky shores, emitting cool white foam. . Under the clear blue water are schools of small fish swimming freely among beautiful and colorful coral reefs. At the foot of the mountain is De rock beach with bumpy roads and countless rocks covered with rocks eroded by sea water over the years. The stones here come in many sizes and interesting shapes, creating an extremely unique masterpiece of stone and water. The unique and attractive feature of Eo Gio is created from rocks and water. Over the years, water has eroded the rock, and the weathering process of the sea breeze has created 19 bird's nest caves with very funny names such as Ky Co cave, Ba Nghe cave, Bat cave, Suc Khoe cave... Thanks to that. Phuong Mai peninsula has become the locality with the second most bird nest caves in our country after Nha Trang. Coming here in the early morning, you can lie down comfortably on the large, flat rocks and watch the beautiful sunrise amidst the poetic and splendid natural space of sea, sky, mountains and water. In the morning light, the sound of ocean waves crashing against the shore mixed with the gentle sound of the wind creates a wonderful harmony, dispelling many worries of everyday life. Coming to Eo Gio, don't forget to experience walking on the coastal walking path halfway up the majestic mountains. The road is made up of thousands of long steps, built with white and red handrails, both safe and beautiful so you can freely admire the scenery and take "shimmering" pictures. From here, looking out into the distance, you will feel overwhelmed by the wild, majestic and "picturesque" natural scenery of Eo Gio. In addition, you can also travel by canoe to explore Ky Co beach or visit the fishing village not far away and enjoy extremely fresh seafood caught by the people here. . Located right near Eo Gio is an ancient fishing village famous for its majestic pagoda named Tinh Xa Ngoc Hoa, a majestic pagoda located peacefully on Eo Gio. This place is also known for the largest two-faced Guan Yin Buddha statue in Vietnam, facing the ocean, carrying the wish of peace, prosperity and happiness for the honest fishermen here. Every year, Tinh Xa Ngoc Hoa Pagoda always attracts many tourists from all over to make pilgrimages to worship Buddha and admire the peaceful and sacred pagoda. With the majestic natural beauty of rolling mountains, vast blue sea and white sand, Eo Gio will certainly be a destination that brings many unforgettable impressions to visitors. Especially for young people who love to explore and adventure, this place is truly an interesting check-in place with friends.

March to August

Vi Rong Cape

Cape Vi Rong, also briefly known as Cape Dragon, legend has it that in the past, this mountain was still intact, shaped like a carp's fin, so it made people think of a rocky mountain with dragon scales and called it a mountain with dragon scales. is "Dragon Scale Stone". Cao Bien - a general at that time - saw that the mountain had a lot of spiritual energy condensed, so he cast a spell to cut off the dragon's scales to eliminate bad things - while he was looking for a land of prosperity. When slashed, the dragon's blood poured down, condensing into many small red rocks mixed in the nearby sandbanks. If you walk on the sand, there will be times when you accidentally see vermillion stones, which are the dragon's blood as the legend says. When viewed from afar or from above, you will see that Quy Nhon Vi Rong Cape jutting out into the sea is a very proud, indomitable rock amidst the vast ocean waves. A dragon seemed to want to break out of its confinement, leaning towards the sea. The silver waves crashed into the rapids, releasing white foam like the dragon's mouth was spraying water. You will feel fascinated when looking at that scene and want to have a camera to capture the beautiful moments that nature has carved and sculpted very skillfully. And that's just the outside, in the heart of the mountain there is a cave that goes out to the sea. If you like to experience it, you can go inside to explore, but it's still very difficult. You can admire the extremely vivid natural scenery. You can also climb to the highest point of the mountain, have a panoramic view of the sea, you will see fishing boats coming in and out, undulating rocky mountains, mountains one after another, you will see the beach. White sand stretches as far as the eye can see with cool green trees planted along the shore,... just standing and looking at it will give you a feeling of relaxation, comfort, being immersed in nature, hearing the sound of crashing waves. rocky rapids, the sound of the wind blowing from afar brings with it the characteristic taste of the sea. In addition to conquering the mountain and admiring the majestic scenery of Mui Vi Rong Binh Dinh, don't forget that you can swim right at the foot of the mountain. This place has long stretches of pure white sand dunes and beaches with cool, clear blue water that you can see through to the bottom for you to have fun with. There are also small rocks near the shore so you can sit on them to rest, splash in the water or check in for beautiful sparkling photos with relatives and friends. In addition, in winter, this is an extremely ideal surfing location for those who love this adventure sport. Swim in the sea and then enjoy rich seafood dishes such as squid, shrimp, fish,... right into the village you can explore and visit Tan Phung market with the most delicious and fresh seafood caught. from the sea every day. If you have delicious bait, you must definitely drink My Tho wine, a specialty of this place that you cannot help but try. Sip a few cups of wine and grilled dried squid with friends, sit around for a while and see how happy life can be. The road to Mui Vi Rong is like the road to a fairyland. You can climb mountains to see nature, swim, have fun and eat delicious food, but it doesn't stop there, if you come in April. Every year in the lunar calendar (from the 11th to 14th day of the 4th lunar month), you can also have fun and explore the "Fishing Festival" to pray for favorable weather and good business with many activities taking place during the lunar calendar. Festivals such as racing, boi singing, cheo mau at Ong Nam Hai mausoleum,... to experience the culture rich in national identity.

November to April