Quan Lan Communal House Festival

Quan Lan Communal House Festival

Ben Dinh is located in Quan Lan commune, Van Don district, Ha Long, Quang Ninh province

Every year, from the 10th to the 20th of the 6th lunar month, the Quan Lan festival takes place at Van Don port, bringing a vibrant atmosphere and rich local culture. Local people say the festival is an occasion to commemorate Tran Khanh Du's victory over the Mongol army in 1288. At the same time, this is also an important time of the year, when people hope for the good fortune of the future. weather for the upcoming harvest.

Tourists coming to Quan Lan tourism and participating in the Quan Lan beach experience during the festival will have the opportunity to participate in special activities such as boat racing, a traditional cultural feature of the people Van Don. On the 18th day of the 6th lunar month every year, the village festival takes place at Quan Lan communal house, one of the ancient communal houses built around 1890-1900. This is the place to worship Ly Anh Tong and the gods who are considered protectors of the village and the island.

According to the traditional customs of Quan Lan people, June 10 is considered the village lock day, meaning that on this day people are not allowed to leave the island, except in special cases such as people working far away from home and returning to visit the island. or tourists participating in the Quan Lan beach program to attend the festival. During the festival at Quan Lan communal house, one of the important rituals is boat racing. The boats participating in the race usually have a tonnage of 5 to 6 tons and are decorated with the image of a dragon's head at the bow. People in the village will divide into two factions to compete in this boat race. The 10th day of the 6th lunar month is known as village lock-down day, when the village lock-up spirit flag is hung and the military collection drum is sounded, signaling solidarity against foreign invaders. From this day on, islanders are not allowed to leave the village, creating a spirit of solidarity and protecting security for Quan Lan village. The days from 12 to 15 of the 6th lunar month are exciting days with activities such as military training and sacrificial ceremonies at Gieng village pagoda.

On the 16th day of the 6th lunar month, the palanquin procession took place at the temple of Nhan Hue Vuong Tran Khanh Du, attracting the participation of martial artists, generals and Buddhist monks and nuns everywhere. Everyone paid their respects when bringing the sacred tablet of General Tran Khanh Du to the communal house. On the 17th day of the 6th lunar month, the generals set up camp and made battle plans. In the evening, many cultural and artistic exchange activities will take place.

On the 18th day of the 6th lunar month, from 2:00 a.m., the whole village gathered to listen to the sound of the drums. In the morning, cultural activities and folk games took place enthusiastically under the guidance of generals. The afternoon of the 18th day of the 6th lunar month is the swimming competition, considered the focus of the festival. Two teams compete to find the winner, bringing joy and applause to the villagers.

Quan Lan Communal House Festival is not only an opportunity to remember and honor the nation's tradition of fighting foreign invaders, but also an opportunity to explore the unique culture of the people of Van Don Island. This is an important occasion for people to gather, bond and share joy in their homeland. 

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