Ba Ra Mountain (Binh Phuoc): The sacred mountain of the S'Tieng people

(CLO) Ba Ra Mountain is located in Son Giang and Thac Mo wards, Phuoc Long town, Binh Phuoc province. With a height of 732m, Ba Ra Mountain is considered the 3rd highest mountain in the South.

(CLO) Ba Ra Mountain is located in Son Giang and Thac Mo wards, Phuoc Long town, Binh Phuoc province. With a height of 732m, Ba Ra Mountain is considered the 3rd highest mountain in the South.

The S'Tieng people call this mountain with the respectful name "Bonom Brah" meaning "God mountain".

Legend has it that long ago, the founder of the S'Tieng people had two younger sisters. He built Ba Den mountain for his first sister and Ba Ra mountain for his second sister to protect the land of the S'Tieng people. The S'Tieng people call this mountain with the respectful name "Bônom Brah", meaning "God mountain" or "Yang Yumbra Mountain God", the god worshiped on the top of Ba Ra mountain. Khmer people call it "True Buddha" mountain.

Ba Ra Mountain (Binh Phuoc): The sacred mountain of the S'Tieng people

Ba Ra Mountain is considered a solid Revolutionary base because of its rugged terrain, up to 723m high, so our army relied on it to fight through two resistance wars against the French and the Americans.

From 1925 to 1941, the French colonialists built a large prison at the foot of the mountain including 3 camps: Camp A to imprison thieves and robbers; Camp B imprisons female prisoners, political criminals, and people suspected of being communists but not convicted; Camp C holds political prisoners.

They used many barbaric tricks to torture prisoners, but with the spirit of self-reliance, the communist soldiers turned this prison into a place of political struggle with the French colonialists. Ms. Nguyen Thi Dinh, a female soldier, a female general of the Vietnamese revolution was also imprisoned here in the years 1940-1941.

Also because it is associated with the resistance war of the people of Phuoc Long in particular and our people in general, a stele house and a temple were built on Bang Lang hill to commemorate the soldiers and compatriots who sacrificed their lives in the resistance. fight here.

Du lịch núi Bà Rá, bạn nên đi vào mùa khô từ tháng 11 đến tháng 4 năm sau là hợp lý nhất.

Mr. Ta Quoc Thuan, a tourist from Binh Thuan said: "I had the opportunity to visit Ba Ra Mountain, so I went to light incense sticks at the memorial stele to the previous generation of ancestors who fell to protect the country's independence. home. This is both a beautiful landscape and a place for future generations like us to remember the nation's heroic history."

Binh Phuoc is characterized by a hot and humid tropical monsoon climate. The climate here is divided into two distinct seasons: dry season and rainy season. Traveling to Ba Ra mountain, you should go in the dry season from November to April next year is most reasonable. At this time, the weather is dry, the sky is blue, the natural scenery is romantic, safe and suitable for you to explore here.

Ba Ra Mountain is beautiful and famous for its winding Be River, Me Waterfall, Mo Waterfall, and forests with a rich diversity of flora that are classified as special forest systems of the country.

Stepping up 1,767 stone steps from Bang Lang hill, visitors will reach the top of the mountain. The road up the mountain is quite beautiful covered with a green color of bamboo and bamboo, especially on both sides of the road there are many ancient trees with approximately a few trees. hundred years old.

From the top of Ba Ra mountain, visitors can see the center of Phuoc Long town, see Thac Mo town and the 12,000-hectare Thac Mo hydroelectric plant, and be immersed in the natural atmosphere, feeling the cool breeze from the lake. Thac Mo blew in. There is also a shrine here worshiping the Holy Mother Buddha Thien Hau and the goddess of the land (Ba Ra mountain), which is very sacred.

Đến núi Bà Rá, du khách có thể sử dụng hệ thống cáp treo với chiều dài 2.063m, gồm 32 cabin, chia làm 8 nhóm, mỗi nhóm 4 cabin làm bằng khung vỏ hợp kim nhôm.

Ba Ra Mountain also has Bat cave, Ba Bay Tuyet cave, deep and wide, very beautiful, which were shelters for our army and people during the two resistance wars against the French colonialists and the American imperialists. Now it has become an ideal tourist destination with cool air, clear blue spring water, and rays of sunlight filtering through the rocks into the cave, creating a magical, shimmering feeling...

Coming to Ba Ra Mountain, visitors can use the cable car system with a length of 2,063m, including 32 cabins, divided into 8 groups, each group has 4 cabins made of aluminum alloy frames.

Ba Ra - Thac Mo mountain relic, plays an important role in the development of Binh Phuoc province in general and Phuoc Long town in particular and is an attraction for tourists from all over.

Phuong Nga, a tourist from Ha Nam, said: "Binh Phuoc has many beautiful tourist destinations, typically like Ba Ra Mountain. This is a very new experience and has many beautiful and memorable memories for me. Sitting on the cable car slowly moving and admiring the surrounding scenery is quite wonderful. At mealtime, you can eat eel, grilled fish, etc., which are all traditional specialties of the local people here."

Eel, grilled fish,... are all popular specialties of the local people here.

Ba Ra Mountain - Thac Mo Relic was recognized and ranked as a historical relic and national landscape by the Ministry of Culture and Information on April 20, 1995.

Ba Ra Mountain is a tourist destination that not only impresses with its wild, poetic beauty blending with the majesty of the mountains and forests, but is also an interesting destination for trekking to conquer the mountain peak, immerse yourself in yourself in a fresh natural setting.

Binh Phuoc 565 view


Source : Công luận .VN

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