Revealing 15+ unique historical sites in Can Tho that cannot be missed

Can Tho is a large city, considered the capital of the Southwest region. For a long time, this place has been famous for its gentle river beauty and hospitable people. In addition, this is also a place where many talented people and cultures converge, so there are many famous historical relics in Can Tho, containing special meanings.

Up to now, Can Tho has more than 352 historical relics and famous landscapes. Of these, a total of 36 relics are ranked with 14 national relics and 22 city relics. Join 63Stravel to learn about unique historical relics in Can Tho that cannot be missed when coming here.

Top 15+ historical sites in Can Tho that attract tourists

Below is a list of historical sites in Can Tho that attract tourists every time they have the opportunity to visit. Let's take a look and save it if you have the opportunity to come here!

Ancient Spirit Association

Also known as Hoi Linh Pagoda, is one of the historical relics in Can Tho recognized at the national level since June 21, 1993. Initially, the pagoda was built in 1904 with bamboo leaves and was named Hoi Long Tu. After restoration in 1914, the pagoda was renamed Hoi Linh Co Tu and has since been preserved and maintained for many generations.

Even though it was rebuilt with modern materials, the pagoda still retains the classic features of Vietnamese architecture. In addition to its religious role, the pagoda also has important historical significance in the resistance war against the French and protecting the revolutionary base. In 1946, to protect revolutionary officials, Venerable Thich Phap Than burned part of the main hall of the pagoda.

Chùa Hội Linh Cần Thơ - Di tích lịch sử văn hóa Quốc Gia

Hoi Linh Pagoda Can Tho - National historical and cultural relic

Currently, Hoi Linh Pagoda is not only a place of worship but also a gathering place for important meetings of the Can Tho Party Committee during the secret period. The architecture of the pagoda includes works such as the three-entrance gate, main hall, back hall and lecture hall. A series of bow-shaped fences surround the pagoda along with the main and secondary gates, creating a sacred and solemn space.

In addition to architectural works, the pagoda also stands out with beautiful ornamental trees and 17 ancient statues made from precious wood, bringing high artistic value. Other highlights are the semicircular lotus pond behind the main gate and the monuments in the temple grounds.

Can Tho Plum Garden base relic area

The Vuon Man Base relic site in Can Tho is not only one of the strategic bases in our army and people's resistance war against the US, but also a special historical and cultural site, worth exploring. This place used to be the plum garden of Mr. Le Van Tieu, then became an important base of the Commanding Committee of the General Offensive and Uprising in the Spring of Mau Than in 1968 in Can Tho.

Vuon Man relic site is located in Long Tuyen ward, Binh Thuy district, only about 5.5 km from the city center. With an area of ​​nearly 7,000 square meters, this place was once a strategic center with many secret bunkers and battle fortifications built from coconut trunks, boards, rice husks and hidden by peach plum trees.

Khu di tích căn cứ Vườn Mận - Di tích lịch sử văn hóa ý nghĩa ở Cần Thơ

Vuon Man base relic area - A meaningful historical and cultural relic in Can Tho

The center of the relic site is a simple three-room thatched house that was once an important place in planning a sudden attack on the enemy's base. Combat fortifications such as Z-shaped and L-shaped secret bunkers were built along the plum garden, forming a solid defense network on the Arc route to protect the inner city.

On May 19, 2011, the historical and cultural relic project of Vuon Man Base officially started construction with many items such as multi-functional house, relic stele, model of Vietnamese heroic mother Ta Ta's house. Thi Phi,... This is an investment to preserve and honor the nation's heroic past in the liberation struggle, and is also a deep gratitude to those who sacrificed for the country.

Pothisomron Temple

PothiSomron Pagoda is an ancient Khmer pagoda, prominent on the banks of the O Mon River in Can Tho City, and has been recognized as a city-level historical and cultural relic since 2006. Overcoming ups and downs and events, the pagoda has 20 generations of abbots, with famous people such as Venerable Duong Pau, Duong One, Ly Thoat and notably Venerable Thach Khieng in the period from 1950 to 1988.

Initially, the pagoda was built in 1735 with simple materials such as leaves and bamboo. In 1856, the pagoda was upgraded with precious wood such as cylindrical wood, bamboo poles and covered with fish-scale tiles. Notably, in the period 1950-1952, Venerable Thach Khieng went to Phnom Penh to get new designs from Cambodian architects, still retaining traditional features and perfecting the pagoda as it is today.

Chùa Pothisomron - Ngôi chùa Khmer cổ tại Cần Thơ

Pothisomron Pagoda - Ancient Khmer pagoda in Can Tho

The temple's architecture faces East, with the main hall being the prominent focus. The steps leading up to the main hall have exquisite Buddha statues and drawings on the walls vividly recreating the Buddha's life. The main hall's roof with three overlapping levels and the image of a dragon stretching along the corrugated iron roof, exudes majesty and delicate artistry.

Tourists visiting Pothi Somron Pagoda not only discover the unique architecture but also enjoy the peaceful atmosphere and shade of ancient trees and fragrant blooming sala trees. This is a holy space, imbued with the culture and spirituality of the Khmer people, contributing to the special beauty of Can Tho tourism.

Hiep Thien Cung relic

Hiep Thien Cung is a historical relic in Can Tho, recognized as a national relic by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism on April 14, 2017. After more than 160 years of existence, Hiep Thien Cung still retains its majestic, ancient beauty and typical Chinese architecture.

Hiệp Thiên Cung - Ngôi chùa độc đáo của người Hoa tại Cần Thơ

Hiep Thien Cung - Unique Chinese temple in Can Tho

Initially, Hiep Thien Cung was a small temple worshiping Quan Thanh De Quan (Quan Cong) and Thien Hau Thanh Mau, built by the Chinese to pray for family peace, good harvests and favorable trade. In 1856, the temple was newly built and expanded, named Quan Cong Temple. In 1904, the temple was restored and renamed Hiep Thien Cung.

Every year, Hiep Thien Cung organizes many major festivals such as: Chinese reunion ceremony, Nguyen Tieu ceremony, New Year's Eve, Vu Lan ceremony... attracting a large number of tourists and the Chinese community to worship.

>> Reference: Admire 18 hundred-year-old 'treasures' in an ancient temple in Can Tho

Thoi An Temple

Thoi An communal house in Can Tho was built in the late 19th - early 20th century, initially with simple architecture, made from natural materials. In 1852, King Tu Duc decreed Thoi An communal house as Thanh Hoang temple. After that, Can Tho people built a new communal house about 1km away from the old communal house, spacious as it is today.

Tham quan đình Thần Thới An Cần Thơ - ngôi đình cổ nhất tại xứ Tây Đô

Visit Than Thoi An Can Tho communal house - the oldest communal house in Tay Do

Thoi An Communal House has rectangular architecture, facing east, stands out with its characteristic yellow tones and spacious, cozy space. In front of the communal house, there is an old tree that provides shade for visitors.

Thoi An communal house worships Thanh Hoang Bon Canh and his predecessors who established the land, along with an altar to worship President Ho Chi Minh. The communal house also played an important role in the resistance war against the French, once being the headquarters of the Provisional Resistance Committee of O Mon district.

Binh Thuy communal house relic

Binh Thuy communal house relic, also known as Long Tuyen ancient temple, is an ancient and unique communal house, imbued with traditional national cultural imprints. The communal house was first built with bamboo leaves in 1844 and was awarded the title "Bon Canh Thanh Hoang" by King Tu Duc in 1852. After that, people happily rebuilt the communal house at Binh Thuy canal and visited it many times. restoration.

Binh Thuy Communal House consists of two areas: the main communal house area and the "six hamlets" area. The main communal area has 5 houses, including the vestibule and main hall, while the "six hamlets" area includes a theater and a house for preparing offerings. Inside the communal house, Bon Canh Thanh Hoang and national heroes such as Bui Huu Nghia, Nguyen Trung Truc and Dinh Cong Trang are worshiped. Outside the communal house, there are two large temples worshiping the Tiger God and the Agriculture God. Near the gate are two temples worshiping the Forest God and the Water Canal God.

Every year, Binh Thuy communal house organizes two major festivals: Ky Yen Thuong Dien festival on the 12-14th day of the 4th lunar month and Ha Dien festival on the 14th-15th day of the 12th lunar month. This is an opportunity to worship the Thanh Hoang Bon Canh, pray for peace, and receive blessings from the gods. The festival takes place with a bustling atmosphere, in addition to sacrificial rituals, there are also boi singing, ancient opera excerpts, folk games and an artistic fruit tray competition. Binh Thuy communal house festival is one of the largest communal festivals in the West, attracting a large number of participants and visitors from all over.

Binh Thuy Communal House was recognized as a national historical site on September 5, 1989, and is a special cultural heritage in the spiritual life of the people here. Although it has undergone many reconstructions in the 20th century, the communal house still retains its original architectural characteristics.

An Nam Communist Party Red Flag relic site

The founding site of the Annam Communist Party was recognized as a national historical site by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Vietnam on October 31, 2013. The Annam Communist Party Cell of the Red Flag Party has made great contributions in propagandizing and mobilizing revolution for a large number of farmers, guiding them to fight for their rights and selecting the masses to actively participate in revolutionary organizations. .

Đến Cờ Đỏ thăm nơi thành lập Chi bộ Đảng đầu tiên của TP Cần Thơ

Go to Red Flag to visit the place where the first Party Cell of Can Tho City was established

To preserve and promote this historical value, Can Tho city has invested in building the historical relic site of the establishment of the An Nam Communist Party Cell of the Red Flag Party, completed and put into use from 2019 immediately. on the land of the old plantation.

Binh Thuy ancient house

Binh Thuy ancient house is an outstanding architectural and artistic relic, belonging to the Duong family church, built by Mr. Duong Van Vi in 1870 with wood and tile roofing in the French architectural style to worship ancestors. The current house was rebuilt and restored in 1911. Through two wars, the Duong family church still exists and remains intact, being a rare remaining ancient house in Binh Thuy.

A special feature of the house is the harmonious architectural style between Eastern and Western cultures, preserving both the national soul and its own style, reflecting the transitional architecture between the 19th and 20th centuries of the residential class. wealthy people in the Mekong Delta and Can Tho. People often call the house Binh Thuy Orchid Garden or Orchid Garden Ancient House, because the fifth generation descendant, Mr. Duong Van Ngon, has a hobby of ornamental flowers and collects many precious orchids.

Nhà cổ Bình Thủy Cần Thơ - điểm du lịch nổi tiếng bậc nhất xứ Tây ĐôNhà cổ Bình Thủy Cần Thơ - điểm du lịch nổi tiếng bậc nhất xứ Tây Đô

The house is divided into many compartments, with the front yard being a rockery arranged in a regular manner, the right side being an orchid garden, the left side having an 8m high pillar cactus, about 40 years old, and a small house displaying flowers. self-drawn painting work. Behind is an orchard and the inside of the house is decorated in a typical Southern style but mixed with luxury with luxurious, delicately carved French items.

The solemn worship area has an altar, a gilded altar, an altar bed, a tea cabinet, and a sofa all covered with conch. This place attracts many tourists, especially foreign tourists and film crews.

Highway Arc

The troop transfer location, military medical station and weapons hiding place on Can Tho Arc Road were recognized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism as a national historical relic on February 7, 2013. This is an important place in the two resistance wars against the French colonialists and the American imperialists.

Lộ Vòng Cung - Chứng tích một thời hào hùng của quân dân Cần Thơ

Lo Vong Cung - Evidence of a heroic time of Can Tho's army and people

This place marks the sacrifices of many compatriots and comrades during the war, especially during the 1968 Mau Than General Offensive and Uprising and the 1975 Ho Chi Minh Campaign. This place has made an important contribution. focusing on the historic victory on April 30, 1975, when the South was completely liberated and the country was unified.

Nam Nha Pagoda

Nam Nha Pagoda is a national historical site, recognized on January 25, 1991. With its unique design, the pagoda is associated with the heroic history of the nation and the patriotic movements of Vietnamese scholars.

Nam Nha Pagoda was built in 1895, formerly known as Nam Nha Duong, a Chinese medicine store. The pagoda is a place of religious worship and the headquarters of the Dong Du movement initiated by Phan Boi Chau from 1907 to 1940. During the resistance war against the French, the pagoda was the place that nurtured and produced many patriotic scholars. and is a contact point between southern revolutionary organizations.

Chùa Nam Nhã - Ngôi chùa hơn 100 tuổi tại Cần Thơ

Nam Nha Pagoda - More than 100 years old pagoda in Can Tho

This is the contact place of patriots in the anti-French movement and of the Special Committee of the Annam Communist Party of Hau Giang. The pagoda is also the place where Mr. Phan Boi Chau often visited to build, propagate and mobilize money for the Dong Du movement.

Nam Nha Pagoda is located in a large, airy campus with many pine trees, cypress trees and ancient trees, stretching to the banks of the Binh Thuy River. The temple gate is special with two parallel sentences, the first letters being "Nam" and "Nha". On the right is "Southern Land Cause, Prajnaparamita Thinh Thinh Enlightenment", on the left is "Nha Dinh welcomes good guests, Bodhisattva receives the image of a Zen gate", teaching both religion and life, evoking patriotism and national sentiment.

The temple yard is lined with Chinese bricks, the main hall is a solid brick house with 5 compartments. Behind the main hall is a long hallway with two reception rooms. On both sides of the pagoda, there are two rows of tiled houses called Dong Lan Duong (Can Doan) for men and Tay Lan Duong (Khon Dao) for women, connected to the kitchen. Located next to the romantic Binh Thuy river, the pagoda also preserves many worship objects over a hundred years old and a very valuable set of woodblock sutras.

Duong Family Church

In 2009, the Duong Family Church in Can Tho was officially recognized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Vietnam as a national historical relic. The house was built with a combination of Eastern and Western architecture, with the living room decorated in European style, while the altar room has a traditional Vietnamese style and the interior is in Southern architectural style. Ancient.

Duong Family Church is where many precious items from China, France and Vietnam are kept. Despite going through two wars and many historical upheavals, Binh Thuy ancient church is still almost intact as before.

Thanh Hoa communal house relic

Thanh Hoa Communal House, was recognized as a national historical relic on November 9, 2020 by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. With pure Vietnamese architecture, the communal house also bears a strong cultural influence from the Chinese community.

Initially, the communal house was built with bamboo leaves when Thanh Hoa Trung village was first established. After that, because of the unfavorable geographical location, the communal house was moved to a new location about 1km away from the original location.

After many name changes, in 2006, the communal house was unified to be called Thanh Hoa. Every year, Thanh Hoa communal house organizes two major ceremonies, the Ha Dien ceremony (from the 19th to the 21st of the 4th lunar month) and the Thuong Dien ceremony (from the 19th to the 20th lunar month), attracting a large number of people to participate to pray. Hope for a good harvest and peace for your family.

Can Tho Grand Examination

Lon Lon - one of the special historical relics of Can Tho, was recognized as a national historical relic on June 28, 1996. Built from 1878 - 1886, Large Prison is considered the largest prison in the Southwest region, where patriotic prisoners were detained and tortured during the French colonial and American imperialist periods.

With a sturdy structure, walls 3.6 to 5 meters thick and spiked iron fences, Lon Lon was once the place where many brutal tortures took place, aiming to impose the colonial government on the Vietnamese people. From cutting down on food, providing moldy rice to prisoners, to other brutal forms of torture such as mentally depleting and extracting confessions by any means.

Di Tích Lịch Sử Khám Lớn Cần Thơ - Nhà tù lớn nhất Miền Tây

Can Tho Grand Prison Historical Relic - The largest prison in the West

Even though it has gone through many historical events, Large Temple still retains its original architecture and preserves many forms of torture, valuable documents and pictures recording the ups and downs of the nation. This is not only a tourist destination but also a sad memory of the past, a testament to the brave sacrifice of revolutionary soldiers.

Visiting the Lon Temple, visitors will hear historical stories as well as deeply feel the pain of the Vietnamese people in the struggle for independence and freedom. The sacrificial efforts of heroes have opened the path to peace and progress for the country today.

Bui Huu Nghia Valedictorian Memorial Area

The grave of Valedictorian Bui Huu Nghia is one of the important historical relics of Can Tho, recognized as a national historical relic since 1993. Valedictorian Bui Huu Nghia, born in 1807 and died in 1872, He was the valedictorian of the Nguyen prize and used to work as a district magistrate before retiring to work as a pharmacist. He is a person who lives with integrity and integrity and has made many contributions to the poor community in this locality.

His mausoleum was built in 1872 with laterite, a place to commemorate him as a national saint, bringing inspiration and deep respect to those who know of his merits.

Khu tưởng niệm thủ khoa Bùi Hữu Nghĩa - Cần Thơ

Bui Huu Nghia valedictorian memorial area - Can Tho

The Bui Huu Nghia Memorial Area was inaugurated on March 1, 2013, on the occasion of his 141st death anniversary. The main gate to the memorial area is built in the style of a three-entrance gate with a curved roof, elegant and sophisticated. Inside is a spacious, green garden, with a lotus pond and many buildings such as a memorial stele house, church, guest house and exhibition house.

Behind the buildings is the tomb of Mr. Bui Huu Nghia and his wife, restored from the original tomb, still retaining the classic architectural beauty. Inside the tomb there is a tunnel leading down and many steles engraved with his poetic works.

Every year on the 21st day of the first lunar month, the death anniversary of Valedictorian Bui Huu Nghia attracts a large number of people to offer incense, remember and praise his great merits, an opportunity for people to preserve and pass on these precious cultural and historical values.

Special Committee of the Annam Communist Party of Hau Giang

The Annam Communist Party Special Committee relic was recognized as a national historical relic on January 25, 1991. This agency was born in September 1929 in Hau Giang in a tense political context. The meeting to establish the Annam Communist Party Special Committee was chaired by comrade Chau Van Liem, including comrades such as Ung Van Khiem (Secretary), Ha Huy Giap, Nguyen Van Tay, Nguyen Van Tri,... This is An agency with historical value, laying the foundation for building and developing the Party as well as the revolutionary movement of 1930 - 1931.

Cơ quan đặc ủy An Nam Cộng Sản Đảng Hậu Giang

Special Committee of the Annam Communist Party of Hau Giang

Hau Giang Special Commissar was actively active in the resistance war against the French. Located in a row of 6 townhouses, the architecture of this agency is simple, nothing special. In 1995, the People's Committee of Can Tho city together with the people of Binh Thuy ward built a memorial stele to commemorate the Special Commissar of the An Nam Communist Party of Hau Giang. Currently, although the architecture has not changed, the house no longer holds any artifacts but is still a place associated with the revolutionary history of Can Tho.

Tomb of poet Phan Van Tri

The grave of poet Phan Van Tri has been recognized as a national historical site since 1991. Born in 1830 and passed away in 1910, Phan Van Tri was a poet famous for using poetry as a dance. spirit in the struggle. Initially, his grave was just a simple structure built of cement, located in the middle of a green lawn with a tombstone.

Di tích lịch sử Mộ Nhà Thơ Phan Văn Trị - Cần Thơ

Historical relic of Poet Phan Van Tri's Tomb - Can Tho

In 1990, thanks to the respectful contributions of the community, the poet's grave was restored with ground stone, the tomb was raised into steps with an epitaph carved on the ground stone. In particular, in 2005, Phong Dien District People's Committee continued to invest funds to restore the Monument on a larger scale, affirming the historical and cultural value of the grave of poet Phan Van Tri.

>> Learn more: List of 10+ historical sites in Vinh Long with the most outstanding architecture

Long Quang Pagoda

Also known as Long Quang Co Tu, is one of the famous historical relics of Can Tho, recognized as a national historical relic since June 21, 1993 with special architectural and artistic features. . The pagoda was founded in 1825 by monk Vo Van Quyen, initially just a small hut. After many repairs and restorations, in 1966 the pagoda was newly built and named Long Quang Co Tu as it is today.

Long Quang Pagoda once played an important role in the resistance war against the French, as a place to harbor secrets and revolutionary activities of soldiers in 1945. The pagoda also made a great contribution in dismantling assets and donating them. Bronze altarpieces for casting warheads, including an ancient bell.

The architecture of Long Quang Pagoda is very typical with a three-entrance gate made of bricks, two floors of tiled roofs with two white dragons raising their heads and turning to the Dharma wheel above. The pagoda has a main hall built in the "Upper Floor, Lower Porch" architectural style with many majestically arranged statues of Buddha and deities. In particular, the pagoda owns many Arhat statues and precious wood sculptures, which are still kept intact and have high artistic and religious value.

Long Quang Pagoda is not only a religious landmark but also one of the important historical and cultural symbols of Can Tho, attracting many tourists and believers to visit and learn about this monument.

Ong Pagoda Relics

Ong Pagoda, also known as Quang Trieu Hoi Quan, is a prominent historical relic of Can Tho, recognized as a national historical relic since June 21, 1993. The pagoda originated from the Cantonese - Chinese Chinese community who migrated to Vietnam in the 17th and 18th centuries. Today, the pagoda still retains its ancient appearance after more than 120 years of construction in 1894, with its unique architecture. The brilliant national letters and especially the unique skylight.

Khám phá Lễ hội chùa Ông Cần Thơ đặc sắc của người Hoa

Discover the unique Ong Can Tho Pagoda Festival of the Chinese people

Ong Pagoda is not only valuable in terms of architectural art but is also a place that became a secret shelter for revolutionary activities before 1975. Every year, Ong Pagoda organizes traditional festivals such as the day of the death of Quan Thanh De. Quan (June 24 of the lunar calendar), Thien Hau's Day (March 23 of the lunar calendar) and Ong Bon's death anniversary (March 15 of the lunar calendar), attracting a large number of people and tourists to attend and learn about Vietnamese culture. spiritualization of the Chinese community in Can Tho.

Above is a summary of 15+ famous historical sites in Can Tho that many tourists visit when they have the opportunity to come here. Hopefully, everyone will have a meaningful trip when coming to the West in Can Tho.

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