Peaceful Da Nang

Every visitor to Da Nang has their own way of looking and feeling when walking on the city streets. For some people, the city is attractive at night - when the bridges are in full bloom, but for others, the city is attractive in the late afternoon or early morning, others are impressed with the poetic landscape picture of this place. At the beginning of the sea and at the end of the river, the mountains and water create... On this September 2 holiday, we invite friends from far away to experience, to see with their own eyes the things that belong to Da Nang - a friendly and close city, bustling yet peaceful. …

Every visitor to Da Nang has their own way of looking and feeling when walking on the city streets. For some people, the city is attractive at night - when the bridges are in full bloom, but for others, the city is attractive in the late afternoon or early morning, others are impressed with the poetic landscape picture of this place. At the beginning of the sea and at the end of the river, the mountains and water create... On this September 2 holiday, we invite friends from far away to experience, to see with their own eyes the things that belong to Da Nang - a friendly and close city, bustling yet peaceful. …

Da Nang Newspaper sends readers a series of photos "Danang Peace" by author Lam Phuong (Da Nang).

Một góc thành phố nhìn từ biển Đông.

A corner of the city viewed from the East Sea.

Tàu thuyền vào bãi biển Mân Thái để bán hải sản sau một đêm đánh bắt trên biển.

Boats enter Man Thai beach to sell seafood after a night of fishing at sea.

Cánh diều mang màu cờ Tổ quốc tung bay trên bãi biển Phạm Văn Đồng.

A kite carrying the colors of the national flag flies on Pham Van Dong beach.

Hội Phụ nữ Công an thành phố trao cờ Tổ quốc cho ngư dân.

The City Police Women's Union presents the national flag to the fishermen.

Cầu Rồng - Biểu tượng của Đà Nẵng trong thời kỳ hội nhập và phát triển.

Dragon Bridge - A symbol of Da Nang in the period of integration and development.

Màu sắc bãi biển Đà Nẵng nhìn từ trên cao.

Colors of Da Nang beach seen from above.

Trung tâm Hành chính thành phố bên bờ Đông sông Hàn.

The city's Administrative Center is on the east bank of the Han River.

Một góc bình minh Ngũ Hành Sơn.

A corner of Ngu Hanh Son sunrise.

Thuyền về neo bến vịnh Mân Quang.

Thuyền về neo bến vịnh Mân Quang.

Đài Tưởng niệm thành phố - công trình thể hiện truyền thống tốt đẹp uống nước nhớ nguồn, tri ân các anh hùng liệt sĩ của dân tộc ta.

City Memorial - a work that shows the good tradition of drinking water, remembering its source, and paying tribute to our nation's heroes and martyrs.

Cầu Vàng giữa thiên nhiên.

Golden Bridge in the middle of nature.

Dòng sông Hàn về đêm.

Han River at night.

Da Nang 581 view

Lam Phương

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Bana hill

From January to December

476 view

Golden Bridge

March to August

539 view


March to August

460 view

Son Tra Peninsula


423 view

East Sea Park

March to August

473 view

Than Tai hot springs

From January to December

528 view

Love bridge

From January to August

438 view

Asia Park Asia Park

March to August

545 view

Fantasy Park

March to August

505 view

My Khe beach

March to October

509 view

Nam O Beach

March to October

487 view

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