5 check-in points not to be missed when coming to Tam Duong

Tam Duong is a locality possessing rich natural and human resources to develop tourism with a fresh, cool climate all year round, average temperature. average year 20-22 degrees Celsius beautiful natural landscape with majestic mountains and beauty in the traditional culture of 12 ethnic groups living together... That is what makes this place a favorite destination of tourists. Tourists from all over the world, let's go to Lai Chau with 5 check-in points that should not be missed when you come to Tam Duong!

The top of the O Quy Ho pass.

The top of the "four great mountain passes" is the longest and most majestic pass in the North. The pass has a length of nearly 50km, the height and craziness of O Quy Ho makes the pass once known as the "King of the Northwest Pass". Located at an altitude of nearly 2000m on the 4D National Highway winding around the Hoang Lien Son mountain range, it is a bridge between the two provinces of Lao Cai and Lai Chau. The beauty of the pass always changes with the seasons, in winter there is snow and ice, in summer there are often clouds covered with shining sunbeams, is an interesting cloud hunting spot for tourists.

5 điểm checkin không thể bỏ lỡ khi đến Tam Đường

                                    Afternoon on O Quy Ho .

Dragon Cloud Glass Bridge.

Located about 16 km from Sa Pa town, located on the O Quy Ho pass road which is known as "the most beautiful pass of Vietnam". Coming to Dragon Cloud Glass Bridge, visitors will be overwhelmed by the beautiful scenery of the majestic nature seen at an altitude of more than 2,000m above sea level and experience the feeling of "heartbeat" when traveling across the world. The bridge deck is made of transparent tempered glass or challenge your courage when participating in thrilling games: speed Zipline, Doc Moc bridge, death swing, bicycle on rope, bridge through clouds, mountain climbing...


5 điểm checkin không thể bỏ lỡ khi đến Tam Đường

          Dragon Cloud Glass Bridge tourist area seen from above.

Ban Na Khuong.

Na Khuong (Ban Bo commune) is becoming an attractive destination for tourists inside and outside the province. by the beauty of the water. The ideal time to admire the beauty of Na Khuong water fountain is from October to April next year, coming here you will be delighted to check-in the water, swim in the stream or raft on the poetic Nam Mu river or you You can choose any shack to rest, enjoy the rustic dishes prepared by the indigenous people such as: hill chicken, stream fish, lam rice, wild vegetable salad... Those who are passionate about travel when Once set foot in this place, it is hard to resist the beautiful scenery of this place.

5 điểm checkin không thể bỏ lỡ khi đến Tam Đường

                   Thai girl by the Na Khuong waterfront.

Tac Tinh Waterfall.

Origating from the majestic Hoang Lien Son range, Tac Tinh waterfall is located In the middle of a mountainous area with a height of more than 100m, falling vertically, from a distance, the waterfall looks like a soft white silk, standing out in the vast space covered with green plants. To Tac Tinh waterfall, you can climb up the stone steps, it takes about 15 minutes to reach the beautiful waterfall viewing position, then next a small path will lead you down to the lake at the foot of the waterfall, if it is a sunny day. , you will have the opportunity to admire the magical rainbow appearing on the lake. With unspoiled natural landscape and intense love story, the waterfall has become an attractive destination of Tam Duong tourism today.

5 điểm checkin không thể bỏ lỡ khi đến Tam Đường

                                       Tac Tinh waterfall beauty.

Community tourism and paragliding destination Si Thau Chai.

Located nearly 30km from Lai Chau city, about 7km from the center of Tam Duong district. This is a small village of the Dao people located at an altitude of more than 1400m with a fresh and peaceful space with ancient old forest canopy, peach gardens or clean stone roads with ancient persimmon trees showing off their fragrance. soften…; About 2 km from the center of the village is a paragliding point, standing here visitors will fully enjoy the beauty of Tam Duong valley and if you love adventure tourism, you can contact us. before to experience paragliding. In addition, Si Thau Chai also attracts tourists because the cultural values ​​of the Dao ethnic people are preserved intact over time with costumes, voices, writing, house architecture and traditional festivals. (Fire Jump, Wardrobe…). This is a very ideal place for tourists to come back with lightness, peace, away from the hustle and bustle of modern life.

5 điểm checkin không thể bỏ lỡ khi đến Tam Đường

               Tourists watch the sunset at the paragliding spot.

Here are the top 5. The most beautiful check-in place in Tam Duong tourism, will definitely give visitors a completely different and complete experience.

Lai Chau 558 view

Thoa Đồng

Source : Petro Times

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Discover Lai Chau

O Quy Ho Pass

From January to December

461 view

Sin Ho Highlands

From January to December

488 view

Chu Va peak

September to March

453 view

Muong Than Field

From January to December

434 view

Nam Pu Ta Leng Mountain - Phong Tho

From January to December

453 view

Ta Lien peak - Phong Tho

From January to December

464 view

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