Admire the largest spiritual symbol in the North Central region

ANTD.VN - In Nghe An, there is the largest pagoda in the North Central region, made from many imported precious woods, possessing unique sculptures.

ANTD.VN - In Nghe An there is the largest pagoda in the North Central region, made from many imported precious woods, possessing unique sculptures.

In Nghe An, there is a pure wooden pagoda located in Quynh Yen commune, Quynh Luu district

Lam Son Pagoda is a symbol of local spirituality and belief, and is the largest purely wooden pagoda in the North Central region

Total planned area is 5,482.37m2 (of which 1,961.38m2 is land for pagoda construction)

This Lam Son pagoda was built with mostly precious woods such as ironwood and cedarwood

The Ancestral Church area is made entirely from Kien Kien wood. The largest wooden pillar here is 7.58m high, all pillars are 55cm in diameter

The Ancestral Church area is made entirely from Kien Kien wood. The largest wooden pillar here is 7.58m high, all pillars are 55cm in diameter

In the middle of the temple yard is a giant Maitreya Buddha stone statue, crafted from a block of Corundum sapphire stone weighing up to 120 tons.

After 6 months of being crafted, this statue was completed, weighs more than 60 tons, is 3.2 meters high and has a pedestal cast from 30 concrete blocks.

The pagoda also has a statue of Bodhidharma, which sets a record as the largest statue carved from crushed wood in Vietnam

The statue of Bodhidharma is 3.8 meters high, more than 2 meters wide, and weighs about 3.5 tons.

With items including: Ancestral Church, Dai Hung Bao Dien (also known as Tam Bao), drum tower, bell tower on both sides, left and right corridor, three-entrance gate and other auxiliary works...

This project has a total cost of about 50 billion VND

This pagoda dates back to the reign of Le Trung Hung in 1712

Lam Son Pagoda has become a place for spiritual and cultural activities as well as serving the spiritual spirit of people in the region as well as tourists from near and far.

Nghe An 979 view

Thanh Nga

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