The magical sea of ​​clouds next to the tallest Buddha statue in Vietnam

On the new day, Minh Duc pagoda in Thien Ma spiritual cultural area (Quang Ngai city), where the tallest Buddha statue in Vietnam is located, seems to be lost in a sea of ​​mysterious clouds or creates a charming landscape next to the northern Co Luy bridge. across Tra Khuc river.

On the new day, Minh Duc pagoda in Thien Ma spiritual cultural area (Quang Ngai city), where the tallest Buddha statue in Vietnam is located, seems to be lost in a sea of ​​mysterious clouds or creates a charming landscape next to the northern Co Luy bridge. across Tra Khuc river.

At dawn in the middle of the changing seasons, Minh Duc Pagoda and the Guan Yin Buddha statue seemed to float among the sea of ​​clouds in a fairyland, a fairyland. Recently, people and tourists from all over the country come here to offer flowers and incense to worship the standing statue of Avalokiteshvara, considered the tallest in Vietnam.

In 2018, construction of Minh Duc Pagoda was started. Up to now, the project is in the completion stage but the exhibition area has opened to serve the spring travel needs of people and tourists.

Minh Duc Pagoda belongs to the 90-hectare Thien Ma Spiritual Cultural Area project in Tinh Khe and Tinh Long communes, Quang Ngai city. Buddhist spiritual cultural area includes items: Buddha statue, Square, Minh Duc Pagoda, Buddhist museum, stupa area, Long Hoa Vien, Bach Ma garden, Ten Dharma Realms, Zen Hall, Phuong Hospital and Internal Garden. Thien Ma spiritual cultural area, including Minh Duc pagoda, was completed to meet the religious and religious needs of people and tourists.

The highlight of this Buddhist spiritual cultural area is the 122 m high statue of Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara (the tallest Buddha statue in Vietnam). From Minh Duc Pagoda, visitors can admire the Tra Khuc River merging with the sea at Cua Dai and the boats traveling around create a poetic river picture next to Co Luy Bridge.

Dr. Nguyen Dang Vu, a cultural researcher in Quang Ngai, said that around the 15th century, Quang Ngai land was once called Co Luy Dong region. Now, Co Luy is just the name for a seaport: Co Luy Gate or Dai Co Luy Gate, where the Tra River and a branch of the Ve River flow together. The people of Quang Ngai still pass down the song: "Whoever comes to Co Luy, Cau hamlet/Remember to buy a pair of mats to welcome the bride back to the village", is talking about this Co Luy village.

And Co Luy Nam is the image of a lonely fishing village that Nguyen Cu Trinh - Quang Ngai Tuan Vu in 1750, wrote a poem: Co Luy, a lonely village. This is one of the 10 landscapes that Nguyen Cu Trinh praised (Cam Thanh ten landscapes). Later generations added two more scenes, Cam became twelve.

Quang Ngai 414 view

Minh Thu

Source : Du lịch TP Hồ Chí Minh .vn

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