TOP 14+ extremely famous historical sites in Yen Bai that you should visit once

Not only is it home to majestic natural scenery of mountains and forests, historical relics in Yen Bai are destinations for many tourists to explore. So, on your journey to explore Yen Bai, which monuments should you visit?

Although the tourism sector has not yet developed strongly, Yen Bai is still a place with great potential with a variety of famous historical relics. During your Yen Bai travel journey, let's follow 63Stravel to explore the top 10+ historical sites in Yen Bai that you definitely cannot miss.

Explore the top 14+ famous historical sites in Yen Bai

Mu Cang Chai National Terraced Field Relic

Mu Cang Chai is a beautiful small town located at the foot of Hoang Lien Son mountain range, famous for the majestic beauty of terraced fields. On the way here, visitors will admire Khau Pha Pass - one of the most beautiful places in the world for paragliding pilots.

Ruộng bậc thang Mù Cang Chải - di tích đặc biệt của quốc gia

Mu Cang Chai terraced fields - a special national relic

The ideal time to come to Mu Cang Chai is from September to October, when the golden rice season is bright and the unique cultural festivals of the Mong people take place. The majestic natural scenery will bring you sparkling beautiful photos.

If departing from Hanoi, you should visit Muong Lo first. Spend the night here and continue your journey the next day to fully enjoy the beauty of Khau Pha Pass on the way to Mu Cang Chai.

Historical relic of Ben Au Lau

The historical relic of Ben Au Lau, ranked as a national monument in 2012, is an important place in the history of Vietnam's resistance war. With nearly six decades of operation, this place has become the only bridge between Viet Bac and the Northwest, a place to secretly transport cadres directing the resistance movement and support the people to seize power, contributing to creating The historic autumn of 1945.

Bến Âu Lâu được xếp hạng Di tích lịch sử quốc gia

Au Lau Wharf is ranked as a national historical relic

During the resistance war against the French, Ben Au Lau affirmed its important role in transporting officers, soldiers, civilians, weapons and food to the Northwest battlefield. In particular, this wharf made great contributions to campaigns such as Ly Thuong Kiet (1951), Tay Bac (1952) and Dien Bien Phu (1954), contributing decisively to the victory of the resistance war.

Currently, Au Lau Wharf is recognized as an important historical site. The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism is planning to preserve the original state to maximize the historical value of the monument in the future.

Black Y historical and archaeological site

Black Y historical-archaeological site is an important relic complex with many rare relics from different historical periods. Recognized as a national monument in 2001, Black Dress stands out with artifacts similar in shape and age to the terracotta architectural artifacts excavated in Thang Long Imperial Citadel. These artifacts include bricks, tiles, pillar stones, leaves, terracotta statues of mascots such as dragon heads, phoenixes, lovebirds, unicorns, elephants, garudas, along with altar items, ceramics and bronze coins, in the style of dynasty. Therefore, the Black Y relic complex is also called "Yen Bai Imperial Citadel."

Di tích lịch sử - khảo cổ học Hắc Y

Black Y historical and archaeological site

Historical scientists determined that this was a large-scale Buddhist architectural complex, like a Buddhist cultural center at that time. In particular, the excavation discovered two inscriptions in Chinese characters carved into the terracotta tower, providing very valuable information.

Not only has historical and cultural value, this relic complex is also located in a beautiful natural landscape with majestic Bach Ma Mountain and Dai Cai stream flowing into Chay River, the source of Thac Ba Lake. This area is also famous for the sacred Dai Cai temple, attracting many tourists to worship. Hac Y has great potential in developing cultural and spiritual tourism for Yen Bai province, promising to bring many opportunities for sustainable development in the future.

Where the Khau Pha guerrilla team was founded

On August 27, 2012, the place where the Khau Pha Guerrilla Team was founded was recognized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism as a national historical site. This recognition honors the heroic contributions and sacrifices of the Khau Pha Guerrilla Team during the resistance war.

Khau Pha guerrilla team was established in October 1946 at Trong Tong Khua village on top of Khau Pha pass. Previously, in 1944, the team was formed from the armed forces of the Hmong people to fight against the oppression of the rulers and then against the Nationalist Party. Initially, the team had only 7 members with rudimentary weapons such as flintlock guns, sharp knives and bows and crossbows. The first team leader was Mr. Giang Khua Ky - a reputable person in the community and revolutionary enlightenment. Other commanders included Ly Nu Chu, Giang Sinh Tu and Giang Sinh Cua, with the participation of two female guerrillas. After Mr. Giang Khua Ky was arrested, Mr. Giang Song Tu and Ly Nu Chu took turns taking on the role of captain.

Nơi thành lập đội du kích Khau Phạ Yên Bái

Place where Khau Pha Yen Bai guerrilla team was founded

During the years of operation from 1946 to 1952, the guerrilla team participated in many battles, causing many difficulties and losses to the French army. The team organized and coordinated with the army to fight the enemy in 41 battles, including 16 independent battles, destroying 120 enemies and seizing 150 guns and many military equipment and supplies.

In addition, the team also organized transportation and communication for revolutionary officials and established a base in Lai Chau. Although many members were captured and brutally tortured, they still showed an indomitable and heroic spirit, worthy of being beloved children of the H'mong people. Khau Pha relic not only has historical value but is also a symbol of patriotism and the resilient fighting spirit of the people of Mu Cang Chai.

Dai Cai Temple

Dai Cai temple relic complex is located about 80km from Yen Bai city. This complex includes Ben Lan communal house, Hac Y terracotta tower pagoda, Dai Cai temple and Bau citadel, surrounding the horse racing field for cavalry training. Located at the foot of Black King Mountain, next to the Chay River and Dai Cai Stream, this complex worships those who have publicly built rocks, expanded markets, and established villages.

Dai Cai Temple dates back to the Later Le Dynasty, built by the people of Lam Truong Ha to worship Mrs. Vu Ngoc Anh, the daughter of a Le Dynasty mandarin who was killed by the Mac Dynasty. She was instrumental in building the citadel and establishing the market. In addition, the temple also worships two brothers Vu Van Mat and Vu Van Uyen, who were instrumental in fighting the Mac dynasty.

Đền Đại Cại - Di tích lịch sử độc đáo tại Yên Bái

Dai Cai Temple - Unique historical site in Yen Bai

Dai Cai Temple and Ben Lan Communal House have beautiful architecture, complete with worshiping items such as bronze incense bowls, lacquered and gilded altar thrones, carved with four treasures from precious woods such as cho chi, golden heart, longevity core, and cloves. In particular, the stones that support the pillars of temples and communal houses are carved with the shape of the moon, lotus flowers, and leaves, each weighing more than 100 kg. The temple also has bronze gongs, bronze bells and ordinations of King Canh Phong and King Tu Duc.

The architecture of the temple is very massive, with large column bases, 45cm in diameter, small 32cm, supporting the armpit and lap columns. The base of the foundation all touches 16 lotus petals that surround it. Here you can also find a terracotta lotus Buddha pedestal, porcelain bowls, and cracked ivory enamel vases decorated with lotus petals, typical of Tran dynasty art. At the foot of the mountain, in the valley parallel to the Chay River, there are still traces of the temple and the earth wall of a surrounding citadel, along with a horse racing field for cavalry training located right in front of Ben Lan communal house.

>> Further reference: Collection of beautiful photos of Yen Bai tourist destinations

Thac Ba Lake

Thac Ba Lake - the largest artificial lake in Vietnam, was built to block the river and build a dam to build Thac Ba hydroelectric plant, the country's first hydroelectric project. With more than 1,300 large and small islands surrounding it, the lake creates a peaceful and poetic landscape. Visitors to Yen Bai can cruise around the lake, enjoy the fresh air and admire this beautiful natural picture.

Hồ Thác Bà - Chiêm ngưỡng vẻ đẹp bình yên tại Yên Bái

Thac Ba Lake - Admire the peaceful beauty in Yen Bai

Thac Ba Lake is not only an ideal check-in point but also a historical witness to the nation's glorious traditions. On the tour, visitors will experience the green and peaceful space amidst the vast water surface. In particular, before ending the trip, visitors can visit Thac Ba Mother Temple, a famous spiritual tourist destination, along with limestone mountains and caves with many long-standing legends.

Lung Lo Pass

Lung Lo Pass is also known as Dao Pass. This place is famous in our nation's anti-French history books, where poet To Huu wrote heroic verses, arousing national pride and terrifying the French colonialists.

Khám phá đèo Lũng Lô Yên Bái gắn liền với chiến thắng lẫy lừng Điện Biên Phủ

Explore Lung Lo Pass in Yen Bai, associated with the famous victory of Dien Bien Phu

Lung Lo Pass relic is located in Da village, Thuong Bang La commune (Van Chan district) and Bau village, Muong Coi commune (Phu Yen district, Son La province). This is an important historical highlight with human and material contributions to the historic victory of Dien Bien Phu. Among them, Thuong Bang La commune, located at the foot of the pass, is where military food and supplies are gathered to cross the pass to supply supplies for the campaign. For more than 200 days and nights, our army and people paved the way, protected and transported thousands of tons of food, weapons, and ammunition to safety, creating a historical miracle that terrified the French colonialists with a heroic spirit. feel our nation.

Road 13A, now National Highway 32A, through Lung Lo Pass, has become a symbol of the solidarity and brave fighting spirit of our army and people. Lung Lo Pass has been recognized as a national historical relic, forever preserving the historical and cultural value of a heroic period.

Tuan Quan Temple

Tuan Quan Temple is located on the banks of the peaceful Red River and surrounded by majestic hills and mountains. This temple retains its historical value from the resistance period. The temple is also known as Diep Lady Bach Lam Temple, dating back to the reign of Le Trung Hung, early 15th century. The temple worships mother Lieu Hanh and saint Tran Quoc Tuan, who helped the king fight the enemy to save the country.

Đền Tuần Quán - Nơi thờ Bà Lớn Tuần Lẫm Sơn Công Chúa

Tuan Quan Temple - Place to worship Lady Lon of Tuan Lam Son Princess

Before the 19th century, the temple was called "Temple of Quan Tuan" and officially named "Temple of Quan Tuan" from the end of the 19th century. Through time and historical events, the temple was destroyed many times but was respected. Re-created in 1992. In 2005, the temple was recognized as a provincial-level historical and cultural relic.

Tuan Quan Temple is not only a destination for Buddhists to pray for peace, but also a place for tourists from near and far to come on their spiritual journey to pray for fortune, especially in early spring. The blend of solemnity, respect and majestic nature further enhances the peaceful beauty of the temple, creating a cultural and historical highlight that cannot be missed when coming to Yen Bai.

Nghia Lo Cang Don Relic

On September 27, 1996, Nghia Lo Cang Don was recognized as a national historical relic by the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism. About 80km from Yen Bai city along Highway 32, in the west of Nghia Lo is the Cang Don relic area, built with Uncle Ho's stilt house.

During the nation's long resistance war, Nghia Lo Cang Don was the place where many fierce battles took place. In particular, in 1952, the people of Nghia Lo together liberated this land, creating a brilliant mark in history. From the main road, visitors can see from afar the statue of Nghia Lo soldiers waving the uprising flag, symbolizing the stubborn fighting spirit of the people of Yen Bai.

Di tích Căng Đồn Nghĩa Lộ và lịch sử hào hùng của vùng đất Yên Bái

Nghia Lo Cang Don relic and the heroic history of Yen Bai land

Nghia Lo Cang and Fort relics are places marking the fierce decisive battle of our army and people, contributing to liberating Nghia Lo and destroying the French Da River defense line in the Northwest, becoming a symbol of courage. and the spirit of national solidarity.

When visiting Nghia Lo Cang Don Relic, visitors can combine visiting Uncle Ho's memorial site, Muong Lo fields and Muong Lo market. In addition, Van Chan district has many other attractive attractions such as Lung Lo Pass, Khe Pass and Hang De Cho waterfall.

Northwest Party Committee

The Northwest Region Party Committee Relic was recognized as a national historical site in 2012. From the end of 1953 to the end of 1954, this was the headquarters of the Region Party Committee, where the military and people of Yen Bai and Laos provinces were led. Cai, Son La and Lai Chau during the resistance war against the French colonialists. 

Khu ủy Tây Bắc sống mãi trong lòng nhân dân

The Northwest Party Committee lives forever in the hearts of the people

Here, the Northwest Party Committee directed the building of forces, increased production and mobilized human and material resources for the Dien Bien Phu campaign, contributing to liberating the homeland. The Northwest Party Committee is also the origin of the bamboo dance, a vivid symbol of military-civilian solidarity, and this dance has become a cultural heritage, living forever.

Van war zone

When mentioning Yen Bai, many people often think of natural landscapes such as Mu Cang Chai terraced fields or Thac Ba Lake. However, Yen Bai also has special historical places worth exploring. One of them is the Van War Zone - one of seven important revolutionary bases in the country associated with the August Revolution.

Van War Zone was established on May 14, 1945 at Hien Luong Pagoda following the call of the Viet Minh Front. Before 1945, Van War Zone was located in Gioi Phien (Tran Yen), Dai Lich (Van Chan) and Luong Ca. Currently, the center of Van War Zone is in Tran Yen district and the south and southeast of Van Chan district, including three communes Viet Cuong, Viet Hong and Van Hoi. In particular, Van village (Viet Hong commune) and Dong Yen village (Van Hoi commune) are important historical sites, once the command and military training centers of the revolutionary base.

Chiến khu Vần - Chứng tích lịch sử hào hùng của Yên Bái

Van War Zone - Evidence of Yen Bai's heroic history

Van War Zone was also a safe place for revolutionary comrades to escape from Son La prison and for their revolutionary activities to be exposed in the lowlands. Historical places such as Lang Doc Communal House, Lang Van Communal House, Mr. Dinh Trung's rice tree, milk tree, lychee tree, and Mr. Tran Dinh Khanh's house are all preserved and respected by the people here, becoming historical landmarks. living testimony to a glorious historical period of the nation.

Yen Bai city stadium ceremony platform

Yen Bai city stadium stage in Hong Ha ward, used to be the old town stadium stage. Located about 600m west of Yen Bai station and about 1.2 km from Yen Bai bus station, this relic has a long history, from the French colonial period. Initially, the stadium was built to serve the spiritual life of French soldiers.

Lễ đài sân vận động thành phố Yên Bái

Yen Bai city stadium ceremony platform

On September 25, 1958, President Ho Chi Minh visited and talked to nearly 5,000 officials and people at this stadium, creating a memorable historical event. The ceremony platform became a place to preserve sacred memories of Uncle Ho in the hearts of Yen Bai people. 

Although damaged by American bombs in 1966 and repaired in 1977, the ceremony still retains its original architecture. This is the only relic that preserves the memory of the great leader Ho Chi Minh in Yen Bai, carrying great historical significance, educating the tradition of solidarity and hard work for future generations.

Nguyen Thai Hoc historical relic site

Located in Yen Hoa park, Nguyen Thai Hoc's relic site is a destination not to be missed when you arrive in Yen Bai city. This is not only the resting place of patriot Nguyen Thai Hoc and soldiers in the Yen Bai uprising in 1930, but also a solid symbol of patriotism and courage to die.

This relic is located in a convenient location for all means of transportation. Recognized as a national historical relic in 1990, Nguyen Thai Hoc relic site has undergone three renovations to preserve and deeply engrave its historical marks.

Thăm di tích mộ Nguyễn Thái Học và những chiến sĩ trẻ tuổi trong cuộc khởi nghĩa Yên Bái

Visit the graves of Nguyen Thai Hoc and young soldiers in the Yen Bai uprising

The monument at the relic site, with the presence of Nguyen Thai Hoc and other historical figures, is a symbol of courage and sacrifice for independence and freedom. Each monument is an emotional story, the pride of the Vietnamese people for the children who sacrificed for their homeland.

Through every detail at the relic site, visitors are not only exposed to history but also feel the resilient spirit and determination of the heroes. This is a sacred space, in the heart of Yen Bai city, where each person's soul can calm down after adventures and discoveries.

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Dong Cuong Temple

Dong Cuong Mau Temple, with other names such as Dong Temple, Dong Cuong Temple, Second Adoration Temple of Thuong Ngan... is located in Ben Den village, Dong Cuong commune, Van Yen district, Yen Bai, about approx. 55 km northwest. This is a place with beautiful feng shui position, located in the middle of a charming landscape of mountains and water, harmony of yin and yang, and is a bright spot in the list of historical and cultural relics of Yen Bai.

Đền Mẫu Đông Cuông - Cội nguồn tín ngưỡng thờ Mẫu tại Yên Bái

Dong Cuong Mother Temple - The origin of Mother Goddess worship in Yen Bai

Dong Cuong Mother Temple is considered the origin of the belief of Mother Goddess Thuong Ngan in Vietnamese Mother Goddess culture, with a particularly important position in the Mother Goddess worship system. The temple's architecture bears a strong impression of the Ly Tran Dynasty, with colorful wooden columns and solemn scrolling dragon images. Every detail is meticulous and sophisticated, showing the respect and belief of Vietnamese people in Mother Goddess worship.

In addition to maintaining the custom of worshiping the Mother Goddess, the temple also worships national heroes and generals such as Ha Dac, Ha Chuong, and Ha Bong, who made contributions in the resistance war against the Mongol army. Coming to Dong Cuong Mau Temple, visitors will not only experience the sacred space, but also feel immersed in the wonderful natural beauty of Yen Bai, a place to preserve and promote the value of heritage. Vietnamese culture.

All the top 14+ historical relics in Yen Bai are compiled and shared by for readers to follow and save for their journey of discovery. Hopefully, through this, everyone will have more complete information to make their trip to Yen Bai complete and enjoyable.

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Discover Yen Bai

Mu Cang Chai

May to June

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La Pan Tan commune

September to October

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Suoi Giang

From January to December

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Thac Ba Lake

From January to December

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Pu Nhu Waterfall

From January to December

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Lim Mong village

From September to October

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Muong Lo fields

From January to December

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Khau Pha Pass

September to October

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