An Trach Communal House

An Trach Communal House

An Trach communal house is located in An Trach hamlet, Vinh Loi commune, Thanh Hoa district (now in group 2, ward 5, Bac Lieu town - Bac Lieu province). The communal house was built by Tri Pham Thanh Mau district on April 6, 1877 (year of Dinh Suu) on a land area of ​​4,000 square meters and personally served as the chief worshiper; Tri Ho Van Thanh district made offerings. Because construction conditions at that time were still limited, An Trach communal house simply looked like a three-compartment roof, and the materials used were also very primitive. Later, through many stages, the communal house was built larger, more solid and majestic with multilateral and multi-directional architecture following Hue communal house architecture. The architectural works of the communal house include: The main communal house, the front communal house yard, the rear communal house yard, the rear communal house, four corners with small shrines, two rows of houses Dong Lang and Tay Lang. The main communal house has a 0.75m high foundation, 4 porches, 8 roofs, and the top of the roof has "Four dragons painting pearls". The communal house's porch has 4 roofs: the front, back, Dong Lang and Tay Lang are all covered with tubular tiles. The top of the flowing roof has blue ceramic tiles with jagged and patterned patterns. Each porch has 4 square load-bearing columns, built of card bricks and covered with moldings in the shape of a bowl. The front porch's four columns have a chrysanthemum leaf pattern painted in light green at the top, and a parallel sentence is written on each column. During the reign of King Khai Dinh (1916 - 1925), An Trach communal house was awarded the title "Bon Canh Thanh Hoang". According to folk legend, in the past, An Trach communal house worshiped the famous scholar Nguyen Cong Tru, a mandarin during the reign of King Tu Duc, who had a spirit of patriotism, love for the people, and openly restored and expanded the territory. Every year, on the 14th day of the 11th lunar month, the communal house holds his death anniversary. In the main holidays, such as: Ky Yen and Vu Lan, there are memorial services to Nguyen Cong Tru, praying for him to help the people, praying for good weather, peace and prosperity... That respect has entered the heart. The spirit of the local people is like a natural flow. This is also an expression of good morality from thousands of generations of our nation. During the years of resisting the French and expelling the Americans, the communal house was the place to organize revolutionary meetings and events, harbor communists... Recognizing its cultural and historical value, in 2000, An Trach communal house was recognized Recognized as a national historical, architectural and artistic relic. Currently, the People's Committee of Bac Lieu province is having an architectural project to restore the communal house to be more spacious and solid, in order to enhance the role and significance of the communal house in the spiritual life of the people, not only in the province. Source: Bac Lieu Tourism

Bac Lieu 592 view

Rating : National monument

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