Di An Temple

Di An Temple

Di An Communal House is located in Nhi Dong 1 Quarter, Di An Ward, Di An Town, Binh Duong Province. The communal house was built in 1838. In 1853, King Tu Duc granted a decree to worship Thanh Hoang Bon Canh, an ancient communal house - a place to preserve the traditional historical and cultural values ​​of the nation. During the two resistance wars against the French colonialists and the spring invasion of the American imperialists, the communal house was the place where local revolutionary soldiers trained, molded their will, and organized their forces to destroy the enemy. The communal house is where the "Dao Son Tay soldiers" operate. In particular, during the resistance war against the American invasion, the communal house was also a stopping place and garrison for the armed forces of Thu Dau Mot province. In the communal house grounds, there are still a number of secret bunkers of the armed forces. At the same time, the communal house is also a place for cultural activities of the people in the area. Looking at the overall architecture, Di An communal house is designed in the form of the word "first", including: martial arts, martial arts, main hall, guest house, dormitory,... Vo ca is the place for the Xay adoration ceremony and boi singing. every Ky Yen holiday, built with steel concrete and corrugated iron roofing. The stage, built 0.8m high, has two ink paintings on both sides. Martial arts is the place where dignitaries worship, worship (when singing boi), meet, and also prepare for performances and for guests. This place is decorated with parallel sentences in Chinese characters. The main hall is the main place of worship of the communal house, with columns, rafters, rafters, rafters... all made of wood; The roof is covered with fish-scale tiles, with an oval and two dragons attached to the roof; brick walls; yellow ceramic tiled floor. The main hall is divided into 15 compartments, including 3 main worship compartments and 12 secondary worship compartments. The inside of the main hall is arranged according to the layout: The first room is where the altar of the Internal Council is located, decorated with exquisitely carved wooden panels and gilded lacquer. Next is the altar of Giang Son - the place to worship the god's ordination. Parallel to the altar of Giang Son are the altars of Ta Ban and Huu Ban. The main altar of the god is placed in a solemn position, on both sides are placed statues of two white horses, a dragon, and a hammock; In addition, the bag is also decorated with lacquered wood and gilded with parallel sentences in Chinese characters. Behind the main hall and southwest of the communal house are two rows of guest houses with many rooms decorated quite solemnly. The house is built with 80 precious wooden columns, a tiled roof, and the entire house is painted black to create an ancient look. This is a place used to live and welcome guests during family ceremonies. Every year, the communal house has two major worshiping ceremonies: the Cau Bong Ceremony (worshiping the Ancestors and Patriarchs) takes place on the 16th day of the 6th lunar month with the purpose of praying for favorable weather and good harvests, and the Ky Yen Ceremony is Held on the 15th and 16th of the lunar calendar (once every 3 years) to pray for peace and prosperity in the country. In addition, Di An communal house is also a place that fuses many beliefs: Worshiping Thanh Hoang, Goddess (Nguyen Nieu of Five Elements, Dieu Tri Dia Mau, Kim Hoa Nuong..); Temple of King Hung, temple of heroic martyrs and Vietnamese Heroic Mothers...represents the fine, generations-old tradition of Vietnamese people "when drinking water, remember its source". Di An communal house was ranked by the People's Committee of Binh Duong province as a provincial historical-cultural relic on March 18, 2011. On March 28, 2019, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism ranked Di An communal house as a national monument. Source: Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Binh Duong Province

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