Co Vien Communal House and Pagoda

Co Vien Communal House and Pagoda

Co Vien communal house and pagoda are located in Hung Cong commune, Binh Luc district, Ha Nam province. Co Vien Communal House is a large-scale architectural work consisting of 4 buildings made in both domestic and foreign styles. Although it has been repaired and embellished many times, the monument still retains the artistic lines of the 17th and 18th centuries. In addition to creating solid durability, the architectural structures on the building are also carved. Many vivid themes bearing the sculptural style of the Later Le period such as flanking dragons, dancing phoenixes, leaves turning into dragons, dark clouds, and fire leaves. Along with the beauty of Co Vien communal house's architecture, a number of worship objects with artistic value are also preserved. It is a fairly large desk placed in the middle of the front hall with a unique appearance, reasonable pattern layout, decorated with many folk themes with coherent carved and embossed lines. At the main communal house, there is an altar that is a work of art from the Later Le period. In addition to being decorated with many themes and motifs with elaborate carving techniques, the altar is also covered with a splendid layer of gold, contributing to the solemn atmosphere of the place of worship. Co Vien Pagoda is located adjacent to Co Vien communal house, the literal name is "Linh Quang Tu" (Linh Quang Pagoda). The project consists of 2 main buildings, 8 rooms designed in a nail style, with a flat roof covered with male tiles. In addition, behind there is a 5-compartment ancestral house, in the west is a 5-compartment worship hall with the architecture of the front and back. According to local legend, the pagoda was built during the Ly Dynasty. However, due to time and the influence of natural conditions and war, Co Vien Pagoda has been repaired many times, and now the architecture of the building is completely in the artistic style of the Nguyen Dynasty. Based on the book, Geography of Binh Luc district, Co Vien communal house is the place to worship Nguyen Hoang, general of the Hung Due Vuong period. Nguyen Hoang was proficient in literature and martial arts from a young age, so when he reached adulthood, Nguyen Hoang was recommended to the court by Tan Vien Son saint. Appointed as General Dung, he often escorted the king as he traveled everywhere. Once he visited Co Vien site and saw that the people here were kind and generous, so he immediately built a palace as a place to travel and rest. When the Thuc invaders brought troops to attack, Nguyen Hoang mobilized 28 Co Vien people to follow him to fight the enemy. After successfully resisting the war, he was awarded the title "Hung Suc Cao Huan Hong Liet Dai Vuong" by the royal court, given him a hamlet in Thien Truong district and exemption for the villagers of Co Vien. After Nguyen Hoang passed away, to remember his merits, the people of Co Vien site set up a communal house to worship him as a tutelary god with incense and smoke to worship him forever. Also according to the jade genealogy currently kept at the relic, in addition to worshiping Buddha according to the Mahayana sect, Co Vien Pagoda also worships Princess Pham, the child of King Ly Thanh Tong and his wife Y Lan. Princess Pham was a talented and beautiful person, but when she reached full moon age, she did not think about marriage and only asked her father to set up her own palace in Gia Quat village to advise people to cultivate and do business and help the poor and hungry. , diseases. In addition to worshiping Co Vien pagoda, he also contributed many contributions to the revolution and resistance war to liberate his homeland. The relic site is a reliable base to nurture and protect officers of the Provincial Party Committee, Inter-Provincial Party Committee C, and Ha Nam Provincial Party Committee during the resistance war against the French. Co Vien pagoda is also a place to hide documents and a place to gather forces of local militia and guerrillas to fight back against enemy raids into villages. Source: Electronic Information Portal of Binh Luc District, Ha Nam Province

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