Tu Luong Xam

Tu Luong Xam

Tu Luong Xam is one of the "Four sacred words" of the ancient district of An Duong and is now one of the three sacred "words" of Hai An district (Tu Luong Xam, Phu Thuong Doan, Phu Xa Temple). The temple worships King Ngo Quyen - the man who defeated the Southern Han army on the Bach Dang River in 938. Tu Luong Xam is a historical and cultural relic of special significance for Hai Phong, because it contains content related to the first Bach Dang victory of our army and people under the talented leadership of Ngo Quyen. That victory paved the way for us to defeat the Southern Han invaders, bringing our nation to a new era of independence and self-reliance. Luong Xam was formerly the name of a commune in An Duong district, Kinh Mon district, Hai Duong town (now Nam Hai ward, Hai An district, Hai Phong city). Tu Luong Xam is located in the Northeast of Nam Hai commune, the main architecture faces East. According to historical books, Luong Xam was built magnificently in the Later Le period and restored in the Nguyen dynasty. Therefore, all current architecture has the artistic style of the Nguyen Dynasty, only some architecture has the artistic style of the Le Dynasty. Looking at the whole picture, the temple has a closed, continuous "internal and foreign" layout. That is, enter the main door, exit the main door. Located on a large, tall land with many ancient trees, on the base of Ngo Quyen's headquarters and warehouse to fight against the Nam Han invaders in the past. The stationing in the Luong Xam area where Ngo Quyen returned many times to command combat is mentioned in the genealogies of the communal houses and temples worshiping him in this Northeast region. Not only the architecture, the antiques in the word every time you admire them will give visitors a different feeling. In the still preserved words, there are 3 Bach Dang stakes as evidence of the Bach Dang battle in 938. Up to now, Tu Luong Xam still preserves 25 main ordinations and more than 20 copied ordinations dating from 1522 to in 1924. Among those ordinations, many dynasties honored King Ngo Quyen as "The Most Highest Great King", "Ngo Vuong Thien Son" and many beautiful names. With all that value and meaning, On December 12, 1986, Tu Luong Xam was ranked a national historical relic by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Besides the long history and unique architecture, the Tu Luong Xam festival held from January 16 to 18 every year commemorating the Bach Dang victory and the death of King Ngo Quyen) is a collection of customs. society, beliefs, and folk knowledge. This has been done since ancient times. After conducting the national ceremony at Tu Luong Xam, it was the turn of the governors and surrounding villages to organize the ceremony to worship Ngo Vuong; In terms of levels, Ngo Quyen sacrifices are conducted at three levels: by the state (the Ngo, Dinh, Early Le, Ly, Tran dynasties) later by the district level, by the general level and by the local villagers. During the Tu Luong Xam festival, the ceremony of dozens of villages carrying palanquins from their communal houses to worship created a strong spiritual emotion towards their roots. All palanquins are placed in the large area in front of Linh Tu Luong Xam gate for judging. Whichever palanquin is the best will next time have the honor of standing on behalf of the entire palanquin group to pay homage to the Holy King in front of the royal bed. The ritual of worshiping Ngo Vuong in Tu Luong Xam is quite special, the offerings must include a cow, a pig, and a goat, slaughtered alive (Cà thai lao). After the sacrifice, the meat must be eaten as a feast at the temple and distributed to the people. nail; In the years of " Phong Dang Hoa Coc " in Tu Luong Xam, there was also a ritual for district-level ceremonies and general-level ceremonies. During the festival, there are many cultural performances, traditional music and dance performances recreating the Bach Dang victory, folk games: blindfolded pot beating, blindfolded goat catching, spring swing, Chinese chess, human chess, Organize football, volleyball tournaments... With many great historical and cultural values ​​left to posterity, Tu Luong Xam is not only a place of worship to commemorate the merits of King Ngo Quyen, but also the pride of Hai Phong people in particular and the whole country. water in general. Source: Multilingual Foreign Affairs Information Portal of Hai Phong City

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