Nga Ba Giong relic is a revolutionary historical relic located in Hamlet 5, Xuan Thoi Thuong commune, Hoc Mon district. Surrounded by three roads: Phan Van Hon, Nguyen Van Bua and Provincial Road 19. Nga Ba Giong relic site is a memorial site for historical events in two wars against foreign invaders. Recognized as a national historical site in 2002. Giong Junction (also fully known as Giong Bang Lang Junction) is located in Xuan Thoi Tay village, part of 18 old betel garden villages formed from 1698 to 1731. For a long time, Giong Junction is a place with a folk name that has entered the history of the hometown of 18 betel garden villages of Hoc Mon - Ba Diem. Legend has it that in the past, this place was a relatively high land and a place where many linden trees grew, so this place got its name from there. After the Southern Uprising (November 23, 1940) failed, the French colonialists increased their repression and fierce terror against the revolutionary movement in the Hoc Mon - Ba Diem region. They set up three shooting ranges in Hoc Mon to kill Party leaders and patriotic comrades from their hometown of Hoc Mon and surrounding areas. Giong intersection is the third shooting range to record the heinous crimes of the French enemy and his henchmen against the people of Hoc Mon. Learning from the experience of 2 previous shooting ranges (1 at the old theater in the center of Hoc Mon District, 1 next to the well behind Hoc Mon Hospital today), they executed public shootings, forcing people to come and watch for the purpose of intimidation. revolutionary spirit of Hoc Mon people. But that firing squad backfired. The Hoc Mon people witnessed with their own eyes the cruelty of the French colonialists and the noble sacrifices of the communist soldiers, so their patriotic fire flared up even more fiercely. . For this third shooting range, they did not dare to build it near the center of the District anymore, but moved it to the Giong Junction area as a desolate, sparsely populated area to avoid people's resistance. Here, they built a shooting range with a solid mound of land 12m long, 2.2m high, in front of which were planted 6 shooting posts, each 1.7m high, the shooting direction facing the field (Ba Tram Lac). In 1941, here they secretly executed many times without letting the people see, hundreds of communist soldiers and patriots were killed by them. With the extremely sacred historical significance of Giong Junction, the place that marked the barbaric crimes of the French invaders, the place that demonstrated the indomitable fighting will and noble sacrifices of our comrades and compatriots later on. the Southern Uprising (November 23, 1940); After the complete liberation of the South (April 30, 1975), Hoc Mon district quickly restored and embellished the Nga Giong Junction revolutionary historical relic site to educate traditional generations of youth. This place has become a tourist attraction and a place to organize traditional festivals during major annual holidays of Hoc Mon district and the city, especially the anniversary of Southern Uprising Day (November 23). Currently, with the consent of the city, the district is renovating and building Giong Junction into "Giong Junction Martyrs' Memorial Area". Source: Hoc Mon electronic information portal

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Rating : National monument

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