Nha Trang beach

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Nha Trang beach

Nha Trang Beach - one of the most beautiful beaches in Vietnam, located right in Nha Trang city, Khanh Hoa province. With a length of more than 10km, Nha Trang beach is likened to a crescent moon, curving to embrace the emerald green Nha Trang bay. Along the coast is Tran Phu Street, a beautiful and well-known street, which is also home to important architectural works of the city. Nha Trang beach with long, curving white sand beaches creates a city shape embracing the blue sea. Not only beautiful in terms of natural scenery, Nha Trang beach also attracts tourists because of its warm climate all year round, filled with sunlight. The wonder of nature bestows on the pure white sand beach The Tran Phu - Nha Trang route was discovered by the French more than 100 years ago. In the 1900s, the French began to pay attention to Nha Trang, which had great potential for developing resort tourism. Today, Nha Trang beach is welcomed by the whole world with special affection and is increasingly famous. Over the years, along with the speed of urban development, today, Tran Phu street has become the busiest and most vibrant in Vietnam. The beach along Tran Phu Street has many small beaches creating a diverse beach complex with a rich variety of tourist service activities. The coast of Nha Trang city with golden sand and blue sea in the sun has beautified Nha Trang city more splendidly like a beautiful watercolor painting and has become an attractive destination for tourists from near and far.

Khanh Hoa 968 view March October

Ngày cập nhật : 26/03/2023

Tourist destination in the same city

Suoi Do Pagoda

Suoi Do Pagoda is located west of Hoang Khuu mountain, and about 30 kilometers south of Nha Trang city center. Tourists need to follow National Highway 1A for about 10km, then turn left onto a village road. Here, the ancient Suoi Do Pagoda will gradually appear before your eyes. If it is the first time coming, visitors will certainly be impressed by the uniqueness and majesty, when Suoi Do Pagoda Nha Trang is located on a high mountain, with a stream flowing down, looking very majestic. great. Local people often consider this a "divine" source of spring water because it is very sacred. To get to Suoi Do Pagoda, the first thing you have to do is get to Nha Trang city. From here there will be 2 popular routes for you to choose from: Starting from Nha Trang city, you will go about 10km to reach Thanh, then move south to reach Chat Dot intersection. Here, you ask the locals about Ba Tung slope and turn onto that slope. From here, you continue going another 700m then turn right, follow the main road towards the mountain, move about 20 minutes and you will see the stream. Starting from Nha Trang city, moving towards Dien Khanh about 9km. At Hinh Nhu cafe, you will come across a large road and turn left. From here, go another 500m to the intersection near Thien Quang Pagoda, turn right there and go another 500m to see the large cement yard of Dien Toan commune. Finally, turn left towards the mountain and you will reach your destination. Suoi Do Pagoda Nha Trang also has another name: Ba Suoi Do Pagoda. The reason is because this ancient pagoda is located next to a large stream pouring water from above, flowing through mountain rapids and rocks of large sizes and all shapes, creating a scene that makes many tourists wonder. captivated" by the majestic beauty. Because of the mild climate, you can visit Suoi Do Pagoda Nha Trang at any time of the year. The ideal time to visit Suoi Do Pagoda in Nha Trang is in September and October, because this is the rainy season, so the water here flows white and there are many columns of water smoke rising high, bringing with it the cool breath of heaven and earth. , like a "fairyland". Note, according to MIA.vn's research, during the high water season, tourists should only visit Suoi Do Pagoda in Nha Trang, not bathe in the stream because the water flow at this time is very strong and swirling more than ever. , would be very dangerous. Every year on the 8th, 18th, 28th of the first lunar month (Ba's day), many people and visitors from all over come to Suoi Do Pagoda in Nha Trang to pray for peace and luck for the new year. Things to note when visiting Suoi Do Pagoda Nha Trang: Coming to Suoi Do Pagoda Nha Trang, visitors should choose modest clothing to show respect for local beliefs and religions. Note that visitors are not allowed to bathe in the stream during high water season. You should only go to the temple for pilgrimage and admire the beauty of the landscape here. You should choose shoes that are suitable, comfortable, and avoid being too tight because you have to walk on hundreds of stone steps from the stream to the temple. Because traveling to Suoi Do Pagoda Nha Trang will make you move and be active outdoors a lot, applying sunscreen is essential to help avoid harmful UV rays.

Khanh Hoa

From January to December

858 view

Dam Mon

Dam Mon Nha Trang belongs to Van Thanh commune, Van Ninh district, Khanh Hoa province. This peninsula is more than 80km from the city along National Highway 1A to the North. This place has a natural area of ​​up to 128km2, and is visited by many tourists every year. The World Tourism Organization conducted a survey and rated Dam Mon very highly. Here there are all conditions for the development of ecotourism. Typically, climate, coast, mountains, environment, seaport, landscape and seafood supply. You should come to Dam Mon peninsula in Nha Trang from March to August. At this time, the cool climate and bright sunshine will bring you wonderful experiences. Visitors will freely immerse themselves in the clear water and walk on the long stretch of white sand. Dam Mon Nha Trang includes 20 large and small islands, 30 beaches, and primeval forests. Besides, this peninsula has a rustic fishing village with 3 villages: Dam Mon Ha, Dam Mon Thuong and Xuan Dung. Traveling to Dam Mon is also the time when you can immerse yourself in the clear, calm blue water. The sea in this area is surrounded by a system of small bow-shaped islands, so it is quite calm. This is also one of the first places to welcome the sunrise in Nha Trang. Mui Doi is one of the tourist destinations in Nha Trang that brings many memorable experiences to visitors. To get here, you have to cross 2 large mountains, 2 long sandy beaches, and climb a 7m high rock. The journey to conquer Nha Trang's Double Cape is difficult but also full of excitement. Touching a milestone is the result of a long and difficult journey. Thereby, proving that you are courageous, persistent and possess good health. Best of all, Dam Mon also gathers many beautiful beaches surrounded by islands. The water here is clear and clean all year round thanks to the constant rising and falling tides. You can immerse yourself in Ong Hao, Xuan Dung, Ong Co, and Me beaches. Dam Mon Thuong stands out with high sand dunes that allow you to see the sea from afar. Coming here, visitors can also welcome the sun, welcome the wind, and freely check in to many beautiful places. At the same time, visit Xuan Don village to enjoy the cleanest beach of Nha Trang city. During the journey to Dam Mon, you should set foot on the rocky rapids of Khai Luong island village. This place has colorful coral reefs and a diverse ocean world. Believe me, all this is enough to bring you an unforgettable, eye-opening experience. You can rent a boat to cruise around the island, fish for squid at night and fish yourself. This is a Nha Trang travel experience shared by many people. In particular, go diving to immerse yourself in the cool water and admire the coral reefs on the ocean floor. Xuan Dung Beach Nha Trang is also a place in Dam Mon Nha Trang. This place has attracted tourists with its own unmistakable "quality". All thanks to the wild, peaceful character of a minority fishing village. Besides Xuan Dung beach, you can check in Nha Trang with many other beautiful places. Visitors will capture memorable moments in the romantic sky. At the same time, you can also satisfy your hobby of virtual living with each photo "as good as distilled water". Thien An Pagoda was built in the middle of a vast bay, on rocky mountains protruding into the sea. This is also a place in Dam Mon Nha Trang that "fascinates" all tourists with its beautiful scenery. Coming here, you feel like you are lost in a fairyland because the temple has a beautiful sea view, along with a garden planted with many flowers and green trees. Outside, there is a large cliff that allows visitors to pose for beautiful pictures with "no dead angles". Traveling to Dam Mon Nha Trang is not simply about sightseeing and sightseeing. The trip will be more exciting and full of energy when you participate in exciting activities, such as diving to see coral, camping in the forest and enjoying irresistible fresh seafood. The experience of going to Dam Mon Nha Trang for you is diving to see coral, renting a boat for excursions. You will be able to see firsthand the pristine coral reefs with many colors. Above all, fishing for squid at night and collecting "trophy" also brings an extremely wonderful feeling. And yet, camping in Dam Mon primeval forest will be the next activity you should experience. When night falls, tourists organize campfires, hold hands, and sing loudly. Looking far away, you can see the entire Dam Mon peninsula as well as Van Phong bay. It will be a big mistake if you don't enjoy delicious dishes when traveling to Dam Mon. This sea is full of fresh seafood such as shrimp, squid, crabs, crabs, snails, and fish. All are caught and prepared by the fishermen here themselves. They are delicious and delicious. Once you eat them, you will remember them forever.

Khanh Hoa

November to April

864 view

Double Nose

Located in Van Ninh district, Mui Doi and Extremely Eastern Cape will have the typical climate of Khanh Hoa with two distinct rainy and sunny seasons. The most ideal time to conquer Cape Doi and Extremely Eastern Cape is from January to May, because the weather at this time is dry, cool and has little rain. You will not be too tired and strenuous. The remaining time is too hot, the temperature can reach 34 - 38 degrees Celsius or from September to December is the rainy season, which will not guarantee a safe and comfortable journey when trekking on the road. This. If you are in Ho Chi Minh City or Hanoi, you need to get to one of two big cities: Tuy Hoa city of Phu Yen or Nha Trang city of Khanh Hoa. In case you only want to go to the Eastern Pole, you can go straight to Van Ninh and from there to Dam Mon. No matter what means of transport you take, it will take you a day to conquer Cape Doi, the Easternmost Cape. However, to see the earliest sunrise of the new day, you should set up a tent to sleep for 1 night, then the next morning after sunrise, you will depart for the mainland. From Dam Mon, visitors can choose to go to the Eastern Pole on their own feet or choose to rent a boat to go straight there. If you are healthy, try the experience of walking to Mui Doi. The distance from Dam Mon to Mui Doi, Eastern Cape is about 12km long, and with hot weather all year round, this is not a simple challenge at all. You need to ensure good physical condition, and meet all the skills. The first journey is white sand dunes, towering sand dunes in hot weather with little wind, a tough and difficult challenge. You have to overcome many different types of challenging terrain, but in return, you will be "overwhelmed" by the pristine, green natural scenery of mountains, forests, clouds, sky and sea. When going trekking, you need to set up a tent to sleep in order to be "proper". Most tourists choose to set up tents at Bai Rang to climb to the East Pole tomorrow morning to catch the first rays of the sun. When conquering Mui Doi you need to note the following points. You should bring a tent, sleeping bag, knife, flashlight and lighter. Prepare adequate food when arriving at Doi Cape, the Easternmost Cape. You must bring drinking water, very important in hot weather. If you stay overnight you need to bring 3 liters of water. Prepare suitable shoes, long pants, long-sleeved anti-ray shirt, wide-brimmed hat and sunscreen. You should bring medicine, including mosquito spray and insect repellant. Bring electronic devices such as phones, GPS locators,...

Khanh Hoa

From January to May

864 view

Hon Ong

Hon Ong, also known as Whale Island, is a small island located in Van Phong Bay, Van Ninh district, Khanh Hoa province. Nearly 100km from Nha Trang. Hon Ong is considered a resort paradise in Nha Trang. This is one of the 9 most beautiful resort paradises in the East Sea introduced by CNN news agency. One interesting thing is that during the breeding season of jellyfish and shrimp, a lot of whales gather here to look for food and they love to hunt near the shore, so visitors can see the whales swimming freely. wading, extremely enjoyable. It is for this reason that the island is also called Whale Island, because sea fishermen often call Whales Whales. Unlike other tourist islands, there are no households living on Hon Ong. On the island there is only one resort called Whale Island Resort, built by a French couple. All tourism services on the island are provided by this resort. Because of this, this place is considered a true resort paradise because of its wilderness and serenity, without the noise and hustle and bustle of many other entertainment areas. The island is suitable for those who want to find a quiet place to have relaxing moments in the soul, escaping from chaotic worries. Hon Ong was built by a French couple who "loved" this place so much that they invested in building Hon Ong Resort, also known as Whale Island Resort. This area has an area of ​​nearly 40,000 hectares, but only 2 hectares are used to build the resort, the rest is green forest all year round. "Natural fragrance", pristine nature has brought many international tourists, concentrated in some countries such as France, Netherlands, Germany. January to April and July to September every year are crowded times. Here, visitors truly have a vacation immersed in nature. Small motels are designed close to the sea, visitors only need a few steps to touch the sea. In particular, the water here is clear, clearly illuminating schools of small fish swimming boldly close to the water's edge. Strolling between two rows of poplar trees, in front is the blue sea, white sand beach, a few sails in the distance, a few small boats, behind is the forest... gives visitors a feeling of peace, friendliness, and getting rid of the worries. worries of life. The sea at Hon Ong is clear and calm. The pristine white sand beach and shaded coconut trees create a peaceful feeling for tourists who come here to rest and relax. In the distance behind the green trees are wooden houses built to resemble houses in the mountains, just a few steps from the sea. People have created a true resort paradise at Hon Ong. The harmonious combination of blue sea, windy sky, and floating white clouds will make any tourist forget the chaos. Take care to immerse yourself in beautiful nature. If you love nature, you should follow the walking trail into the primeval forest to see all the richness of tropical flora and fauna. There are many precious bird species here that attract visitors' attention such as: Shy Beak, Choi, Indian Te Te, White Eagle, Pink-necked Parrot, White-footed Stork... After going to the forest, visitors should go to the sea to try some sports such as catamaran sailing, windsurfing, and canoeing. If you stay at Hon Ong at night, why don't you try diving 3 - 12m deep to explore marine species: seahorses, squids, sea snails, crabs, shrimps, cap fish, stingrays... when they are just emerged from the coral reef after a long day of hiding. The peaceful scenery at Hon Ong will be extremely ideal for tourists who really want to find a feeling of complete relaxation after stressful and tiring working days.

Khanh Hoa

From January to December

851 view

Da Ban Lake

Although not as famous as many other places in Binh Duong such as Phu Cuong Cathedral, Phu An bamboo village... Da Ban Lake still has its own unique beauty, not to be confused with any other places. This is a natural freshwater lake located in Dat Cuoc commune, Bac Tan Uyen district, Binh Duong province. Sunrise on Da Ban Lake is a wonderful experience for you to find some peace, shake off the noise of the city and immerse yourself in the splendid, pristine nature. To watch the sunrise on Da Ban Lake, the first thing you need to do is get up early and perhaps this is difficult for night owls. Here is the itinerary that you can refer to: From Thu Duc city, you depart at 4:00 a.m. along Highway 13 and then follow Google Maps to get here. This journey takes about 2 hours, you can adjust the departure time to reach Da Ban Lake to fully enjoy the scenery. Some notes for you on the route to catch the sunrise on Da Ban Lake. First, because we started early, traveling without street lights was obvious. Occasionally, you should stop to check on Google Maps that you are on the right route. The road to catch the sunrise on Da Ban Lake has to go through many provincial roads with many trucks and containers moving, so remember to hold the steering wheel firmly and go slowly to ensure your safety. If you come from other provinces or cities, you can refer to the route to watch the sunrise on Da Ban Lake via Google Maps or simply go to Binh Duong and rent a car to go to the lake.

Khanh Hoa

From January to December

906 view

Bamboo island

Hon Tre Island is known as the pearl of Vietnam with beautiful natural scenery and vibrant green vegetation. It is the largest island in Nha Trang Bay with an area of ​​up to 32.50 km². Because this place is quite far from the mainland, many wild and extremely attractive landscapes are still preserved. The island has a cool climate all year round and attracts investment in many large and small projects from domestic and foreign contractors. Feel free to explore the landmarks Vinpearl Golf Course Project, Vinpearl Entertainment Complex, Dam Bay Ecological Area and Con Se Tre Tourist Area... Hon Tre Island is a tourist destination not to be missed when coming to Nha Trang. The appropriate time to come here is from January to August. Of these, the three summer months of June, July, and August are the most beautiful and also attract the most tourists. The months of October-November are the rainy and stormy season in Nha Trang. This season, the number of visitors to Hon Tre is quite low. However, the rain in Nha Trang is short and not drenching, so you can rest assured that you can still travel comfortably. Coming to Hon Tre Island, you will easily notice the bustle and crowd of residents on the island, most of whom are tourists and fishermen. The fisherman population on the island is also quite large, estimated at about 1,500 people concentrated in two large villages in Bich Dam and Vung Anh. Hon Tre Island in Nha Trang has small, beautiful pristine beaches and extremely diverse and rich natural vegetation, so the People's Committee of Khanh Hoa province is very interested in exploiting tourism on the island. If you look from above, you will easily realize that Hon Tre Island is being exploited and developed for tourism in many different areas. Most notably, famous tourist destinations such as: VinWonders (Vinpearl Land) Nha Trang, Con Se Tre tourist area, Bai Tru, Dam Bay, Truc Lam Pagoda Hon Tre Nha Trang,... Regarding cuisine at Hon Tre, you will enjoy dishes made from seafood and specialties such as: Jellyfish vermicelli, banh can, fish ball vermicelli, grilled spring rolls, pickled fish leaf vermicelli,... The picture of nature has mountains, the sea, soft sandy beaches, clear water, gentle waves lapping on the shore, and ocean-flavored winds gently caressing the skin. The vast, extremely romantic space of Hon Tre Island in Nha Trang has made many tourists' souls feel nostalgic and not want to leave.

Khanh Hoa

From June to August

1559 view

Diep Son Island

If you don't call it Diep Son Island, you can call it Vietnam's own version of Maldives. The reason is because here there is also beautiful clear blue sea water and is made up of three islands: Hon Bip, Hon Giua and Hon Duoc, suspended in the middle of the blue sea. And the most "expensive" point is the unique walking path to the sea. Diep Son Island is a complex of three small islands: Hon Bip, Hon Giua, Hon Duoc in Van Phong Bay - the largest bay in Nha Trang. This location is about 60km from Nha Trang city and is most famous for its nearly 1km long sand road so visitors can walk across the sea. One of the things you can get when traveling to Diep Son island is a wonderful background from magical nature. You will blend your soul in the middle of the vast blue sea and seductive clouds and sky. Surely, that alone is enough to fully refill your energy tank. Because it is an island floating in the heart of Van Phong bay, you have to go to Van Gia first and then experience taking a boat to the sea. Remember to save everything from enjoying nature, to any activity along the way. With the experiences of traveling to Diep Son Island passed down by many people, the first thing you need to do and must do is check-in at the white sand road across to the sea. If just looking at it is still not satisfying, then boldly immerse yourself in this clear blue sea and enjoy truly chill moments. This is also a quite effective way to recharge with positive energy and forget all the pressures of life, remember to try it. Moreover, if you go with relatives and friends, swimming together will be twice as fun. You've heard about the fun of kayaking but haven't had the chance to try it yet, this is the best opportunity. With the experience of traveling to Diep Son Island from many tourists, you can combine this form to both test yourself and watch the sea with such a different style, it will be great. As a beach resort in Nha Trang, this is definitely an opportunity for you to enjoy all the best dishes of this coastal city. And the experience of traveling to Diep Son Island for you is to write down the dishes you need to try such as: Seafood, snails, Diep Son Banh Can, Jellyfish Vermicelli, Squid and Shrimp Pancakes,...

Khanh Hoa

November to April

855 view

Binh Ba Island

An island belonging to Cam Ranh city, Khanh Hoa province, Binh Ba is 60 km south of Nha Trang City, 400 km from Ho Chi Minh City. The island has an area of ​​about 3 km2, with pristine sea, clear blue water, friendly people, affordable prices and quite convenient transportation. The best time to go to Binh Ba is from March to October. This is the season when the sea is calm, clear and sunny. Weekends and holidays in Binh Ba are often very crowded, you should go in the middle of the week to avoid overcrowding. After arriving at Nha Trang city center or Cam Ranh airport, visitors take a bus to Ba Ngoi port to go to Binh Ba island. If you ride a motorbike or car, you can park your car near the port. Boats to the island usually run at fixed times: 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. The opposite direction from Binh Ba to the mainland departs at: 5:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Travel time is about 30 - 60 minutes, ticket price is 25,000 - 40,000 VND per trip, depending on the type of train. Binh Ba Island is not too big, visitors can walk or rent a motorbike to explore around the island. If you want to go far to scuba dive or see coral, you just need to go to the marina to find a boat to join the tour, the ticket price per person is about 50,000 VND. In addition, you can rent a boat to go fishing or swimming for about 800,000 VND to 1,000,000 VND. Binh Ba is not too big and there are few roads so you can comfortably drive all over the island without fear of getting lost. The road to the top of the island is quite steep and winding. Most tourists follow this road to see the whole island from above, so there are a lot of vehicles going up and down, so you should be careful when coming here. If you have finished exploring the nooks and crannies of the main island, you can go to the pier to go to remote islands, dive to see coral, and swim. In the afternoon, you can walk around Binh Ba market to find some snacks or buy gifts for relatives. In the evening, you can follow the people to the beach to fish for shrimp and squid, fish for crabs, or walk to Nom beach to enjoy seafood and immerse yourself in the sea air at night. Bai Nom faces the south of the island so you cannot watch the sunset or sunrise here, but that doesn't mean this place has lost its irresistible charm. Bai Nom is hugged by two mountain ranges on both sides, forming an arc with smooth waves and fine sand all year round. At around 4:00 p.m., the sun is soft and tourists and locals come out to bathe in great numbers. The beach has many services on the beach for you to experience such as riding a motorbike or riding a banana float at affordable prices. Along the beach are seafood restaurants one after another. Nha Cu Beach has almost the clearest water compared to the beaches on Binh Ba Island, but there are quite a lot of rocks so you cannot bathe. In return, this place is a territory of colorful corals. Just sitting on the basket boat of the fishermen nearby, you will be able to see the coral until your eyes are tired without having to swim or dive. Note, you should not sit on, step on or touch corals and starfish to protect the natural ecosystem. Bai Chuong is beautiful, peaceful and poetic, where you can observe the daily life of fishermen. Welcoming the sunrise on Chuong beach is one of the most memorable experiences in Binh Ba. Early in the morning, the sea surface is often as calm as a mirror. The rising sun brings with it interesting changes in the scenery. Sa Huynh Beach is shaped like a crescent moon with fine white sand embracing the calm sea surface. Clean, smooth sandy beach, gentle slope. Both sides of the beach are protected by rows of ancient stones with magnificent and diverse shapes. The water is clear enough to see the bottom, convenient for viewing coral. Binh Ba's specialty is seafood, of which lobster is the most famous dish. Try steamed, grilled lobster, lobster porridge or lobster blood wine. Compared to other places, Binh Ba's lobsters are famous for their freshness but are cheaper because they are raised right on the island. Lobster prices are often divided into two types: live shrimp and shrimp that have just been dehydrated. Fresh lobster costs about 1,500,000 - 2,000,000 VND per kg, depending on the season and size. The price of suffocating shrimp is less than half the price. If you stay at a homestay, you can ask the host to buy it and prepare it to your liking. Mai fish salad is also a specialty of Binh Ba. Fish used in salad must be fresh, just caught. The process of processing apricot fish takes a long time because this fish is only as small as a finger, and each fish must be deboned. After cleaning and draining the apricot fish, it is mixed with spices and served with raw vegetables wrapped in rice paper. In addition, specialties in Binh Ba also include steamed crabs, fried squid, grilled rice paper with shrimp paste, grilled blood cockles with onion fat, Huynh De crab, sea urchins, fish noodle soup, pancakes, grilled tilefish... If you are a food lover, don't miss "Binh Ba Snack Street". Located near Binh Ba port, this place is a culinary paradise on the island. You can find specialties here without having to worry about being ripped off. In the evening, tourists often walk to Nom beach, sit by the beach to enjoy seafood and sip a few bottles of beer. Seafood restaurants serve from early afternoon to late night. The menu is full of famous dishes on the island, all fresh and prepared on the spot. You should shop around and check prices first. Binh Ba Market sells a lot of delicious, nutritious and cheap dishes, so visitors can freely choose dishes such as banh canh, banh can with shrimp and squid, banh can with eggs, snails, rice paper with shrimp paste, spring rolls..., knife rack. 3,000 - 20,000 VND. In addition, fresh seafood is always available, especially cobia and lobster (price about 900,000 to 1,200,000 VND per kg). Tourists should buy seafood at the market instead of choosing to buy it at the beaches. When traveling to Binh Ba Island, you need to note the following. Binh Ba is a military island, you should not go into areas with prohibited signs, foreign visitors are not allowed on the island. Vietnamese tourists must bring identification documents such as ID card, ID card, passport. If traveling in a large group, tourists should prepare a list with ID card number, address, and date of birth to submit to the border station when requested. There is no ATM on the island, visitors should prepare cash. Fresh water on the island is very rare and needs to be used sparingly. During the summer and holidays, tourists flock to Binh Ba in large numbers, visitors should book rooms in advance or avoid traveling during peak times. Binh Ba is facing the problem of waste and environmental pollution. Tourists should limit littering and negative impacts on the landscape.

Khanh Hoa

March to October

915 view

Binh Hung Island

Binh Hung Island is a small island in Cam Binh commune, Nha Trang City, Khanh Hoa. The island is also known as Hon Ty or Hon Chut. Coming here, you will see with your own eyes the fine white sand beaches and clear blue sea water. Binh Hung's coast is gentle, only about 10 meters away from the beach, you will see coral under the clear blue water. Binh Hung is an indispensable piece in the four-square picture that nature especially bestows on Nha Trang. Hidden at the foot of the pass on the Vinh Hy - Binh Tien sea route, the beautiful island appears with a very special freshwater rock cave, clear blue water with a clear view of the beautiful coral reefs below, and a gentle beach with Many rocks have different shapes, vivid colors, and rich designs. Some rocks are even covered with beautiful green moss. Visitors will enjoy the freshest seafood just caught from the sea, in addition to the famous lobster dish because this place is also famous for lobster farming. The simple small houses on Binh Hung island are close together, one side has mountains and forests, the other side is the clear blue sea, on the sea surface there are fishing boats of fishermen. Looking from above, the island looks like a picture with a harmonious structure drawn by the hands of a famous artist. With the natural beauty available, you can come here at any time of the year, but the ideal time is still in the summer months to swim and fully enjoy the scenery of this place with calm sea and white sand beaches. and shimmering golden sunshine, just note that if you go in September, October, November, you should avoid stormy days because these are the months with the most storms of the year on Binh Hung Island. When traveling to Binh Hung island, you can visit the following locations: Binh Tien Beach, Kinh Beach, Nuoc Ngot Beach, Chuoi Beach, Cay Tam Beach, Da Egg Beach, Hon Chut Lighthouse, Tau Cave, Da Bay Dach,... List of dishes not to be missed on Binh Hung Island. Since becoming known to many tourists, the island has had shops selling many types of seafood, so rest assured that you will be full and feel satisfied with the sea cuisine here including: Grilled lobster , snails such as garlic snails, hand snails, moon snails, cone snails, grilled squid with green chili, seafood porridge,... Above are the experiences of traveling to Binh Hung Island to make it more convenient for you when traveling. You will not only enjoy the fresh air of the pristine beach, but also experience traveling to many places during your trip to Binh Hung. This happiness and returning to a life close to people and nature, life will flow slowly, and those are the quiet moments in your life.

Khanh Hoa

November to April

856 view

Nha Trang beach

Nha Trang Beach - one of the most beautiful beaches in Vietnam, located right in Nha Trang city, Khanh Hoa province. With a length of more than 10km, Nha Trang beach is likened to a crescent moon, curving to embrace the emerald green Nha Trang bay. Along the coast is Tran Phu Street, a beautiful and well-known street, which is also home to important architectural works of the city. Nha Trang beach with long, curving white sand beaches creates a city shape embracing the blue sea. Not only beautiful in terms of natural scenery, Nha Trang beach also attracts tourists because of its warm climate all year round, filled with sunlight. The wonder of nature bestows on the pure white sand beach The Tran Phu - Nha Trang route was discovered by the French more than 100 years ago. In the 1900s, the French began to pay attention to Nha Trang, which had great potential for developing resort tourism. Today, Nha Trang beach is welcomed by the whole world with special affection and is increasingly famous. Over the years, along with the speed of urban development, today, Tran Phu street has become the busiest and most vibrant in Vietnam. The beach along Tran Phu Street has many small beaches creating a diverse beach complex with a rich variety of tourist service activities. The coast of Nha Trang city with golden sand and blue sea in the sun has beautified Nha Trang city more splendidly like a beautiful watercolor painting and has become an attractive destination for tourists from near and far.

Khanh Hoa

March October

969 view

Discover Khanh Hoa

The North: Van Ho - Moc Chau - Mai Chau - Where Northwest Identity Spreads (Experience 5-star Avana Retreat service)

Destination : Hanoi , Son La , Hoa Binh

Schedule : 3 days 2 nights

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North: Ha Long - Lan Ha Bay - Cat Ba - Sea Dance (Paradise Grand & M-Gallery Hotel Perle D'Orient class cruise experience)

Destination : Quang Ninh , Hai Phong

Schedule : 4 days 3 nights

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The North: Sapa - Lost in Europe (5-star luxury experience Hôtel de la Coupole - MGallery)| 30 Tet

Destination : Lao Cai

Schedule : 3 days 2 nights

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The North: Tu Le - Son La - Moc Chau - Mai Chau - Colorful touchpoints in the Northwest (Experience 5-star service)

Destination : Son La , Yen Bai

Schedule : 5 days 4 nights

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Combo Journey to Explore Saigon by Double Decker Bus and Enjoy the Evening on the Indochina Cruise

Destination : Ho Chi Minh City

Schedule : 1 day

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Book tour

Hanoi - Ha Long Bay - Bai Dinh Pagoda - Trang An - Tuyet Tinh Coc

Destination : Hanoi , Quang Ninh , Ninh Binh

Schedule : 4 days 3 nights

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Book tour

Flower and Sea Journey: Da Lat - Nha Trang

Destination :

Schedule : 5 days 4 nights

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Book tour

The West: Chau Doc - Tra Su Melaleuca Forest - Ha Tien - Rach Gia - Can Tho - Experience the West's Newest Expressway

Destination : Can Tho

Schedule : 4 days 3 nights

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Book tour

Phu Quoc: Truc Lam Ho Quoc Zen Monastery - Bai Sao (3-star hotel) | Stimulate tourism

Destination : Kien Giang

Schedule : 3 days 2 nights

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Book tour