Pac Bo relic

Pac Bo relic

Pac Bo relic

Pac Bo relic

Cao Bang 356 view

Pac Bo relic site is a national revolutionary historical relic site - especially of Vietnam, belonging to Pac Bo village, Truong Ha commune, Ha Quang district, Cao Bang province, 52 km from Cao Bang city center. North, is the starting point (km 0) of Ho Chi Minh road [1][2]. Pac Bo historical relic site was ranked as a special national monument by the Prime Minister in Decision No. 548/QD-TTg dated May 10, 2012.[3]. The relic area includes: Uncle Ho's memorial house, Coc Bo cave (local name means "watershed"), Lung Lan cave, Nguom Vai cave (both on the Mac mountain), Lenin stream, stone table where Uncle Ho worked, Mr. Ly Quoc Gun's house, Mr. La Thanh's house, etc.