Red River Festival 2024

Red River Festival 2024

Lao Cai city, Bat Xat district, Lao Cai province

On June 10, Lao Cai Provincial People's Committee announced that it had issued Plan No. 269/KH-UBND on organizing the Red River Festival in 2024.

Accordingly, the 2024 Red River Festival has the theme ""Where the Red River flows into Vietnam" organized by Lao Cai province, with the participation of Chau Hong Ha (Yunnan province - China) and provinces along the river. Hong of Vietnam.

Festival activities are organized from September to November 2024 in Lao Cai city, Bat Xat district and localities with potential and advantages in tourism such as Sa Pa and Bac Ha.

Red River Festival 2024 will have 8 main activities, including:

1) Opening ceremony and art show, fireworks display;

2) Experience the cultural and culinary space of ethnic groups in Lao Cai province, provinces along the Red River (Vietnam) and Hong Ha, Yunnan (China);

3) Display beautiful photos, publications, documents, and artifacts about Lao Cai and Red River culture;

4) Campaign to compose theme songs about Lao Cai and Red River;

5) Marathon "Friendship Road" Lao Cai, Vietnam Hong Ha, China;

6) International bicycle racing tournament "One track - Two countries";

7) Lao Cai Provincial Open Golf Championship; International conference "Solutions to promote cooperation and development between the Red River basin provinces - Vietnam and Yunnan province - China";

8) Campaign to compose theme songs about Lao Cai and Red River.

In addition, localities in the province also organize cultural, sports and tourism activities in response to Festival 2024.

The 2024 Red River Festival is organized to strengthen links, exchanges and cooperation in economics, culture and tourism of the Northwest provinces and provinces along the Red River of Vietnam with Yunnan province - China; At the same time, promote international cooperation in the field of culture and tourism of Lao Cai province.

The organization of the Red River Festival in 2024 is expected to be a premise towards becoming a large-scale, unique and unique annual cultural event of Lao Cai province.


From 01/09/2024 - 30/11/2024

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