The 6th Sam Ngoc Linh Festival in 2024

The 6th Sam Ngoc Linh Festival in 2024

Nam Tra My district, Quang Nam province

From August 1 - 3, in Nam Tra My district, Quang Nam province, the 6th Ngoc Linh Ginseng Festival in 2024 will take place. Localities are actively preparing to participate in the district's annual festival of major medicinal herbs. .

This coming August, Ngoc Linh ginseng growing households in Tak Hrâng (Tra Linh commune, Nam Tra My) are preparing to choose the most beautiful ginseng plants and participate in the "preliminary" selection round at the commune to compete in the beauty ginseng contest. of Nam Tra My district.

Mr. Ho Van Dau - Head of Tak Hrâng said, there are 44 households participating in growing ginseng, so choosing beautiful ginseng to participate in the contest is not difficult. Every household is eagerly waiting for the festival to participate in many meaningful activities organized by the district, so all preparations are very thoughtful.

Tra Linh commune - the capital of Ngoc Linh ginseng has carefully prepared for this district's Ngoc Linh ginseng festival. Tra Linh Commune People's Committee met and assigned detailed tasks to members and departments to carry out.

Tra Linh commune participates in many activities during the festival such as worshiping Ngoc Linh ginseng temple in Con Pin village (village 2, Tra Linh commune), procession of Ngoc Linh ginseng symbol at the festival, participating in all other activities in the festival. the day of the festival.

Mr. Ho Van Dang - Vice Chairman of Tra Linh Commune People's Committee said: "The annual festival is an opportunity for the people of Tra Linh commune to promote Ngoc Linh ginseng to people in domestic regions and international friends. This is a tree with high economic value, helping people in the commune escape poverty and are now gradually becoming rich.

Through participating in festival activities, the commune also calls on the community to join hands to preserve and develop the rare endemic genetic resources of Ngoc Linh ginseng.

At the same time, promote the traditional cultural values ​​of the Xe Dang ethnic group, promote economic development, and develop community tourism to create on-site jobs for the people and create additional sources of income for the people."

Mr. Tran Van Man - Vice Chairman of Nam Tra My District People's Committee said that through 5 times of organization, the annual Ngoc Linh Ginseng Festival has become an attractive meeting place for tourists from near and far.

Participating in the festival, visitors not only have the opportunity to admire the most beautiful and quality ginseng plants and roots, but also enjoy the unique culture of the Nam Tra My ethnic minority people.

Activities at the festival related to Ngoc Linh ginseng have made an important contribution to building the brand, promoting trade, introducing and promoting products from Ngoc Linh ginseng on domestic and foreign markets, step by step. towards export, improving value and economic efficiency.

“Ngoc Linh ginseng in particular and medicinal herbs in general have helped the people of Nam Tra My escape poverty sustainably and get rich in their own homeland. The district will continue to implement conservation policies and promote the value of Ngoc Linh ginseng with the cooperation of support policies from the Central and province for Nam Tra My" - Mr. Man said.

Ngoc Linh Ginseng Festival in 2024 will take place a market of Ngoc Linh ginseng and mountainous medicinal herbs with a scale of 60 booths attracting businesses, business households, and ginseng growing households in the district to participate throughout the festival to serve tourists' need to buy ginseng on the spot.

At the same time, cultural activities will also take place at the festival such as a tree performance competition in the traditional buffalo-eating ritual of ethnic minorities in Nam Tra My district.

On the occasion of the festival, the district organized the announcement of the Nam Tra My district logo and the Decision to recognize the National Intangible Cultural Heritage "Folk knowledge about exploiting, growing and processing Ngoc Linh ginseng - Nam Tra district My - Quang Nam province".

At the festival, a beautiful Ngoc Linh ginseng contest will also take place with the participation of individuals, households, household groups, Ngoc Linh ginseng growing stations and businesses in the district.

Through the contest, we aim to promote and introduce to those who love and care about Ngoc Linh ginseng the most beautiful and valuable ginseng works of Nam Tra My district.




From 01/08/2024 - 03/08/2024

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