Vo Thi Sau Memorial House

Vo Thi Sau Memorial House

The memorial house and monument to hero Vo Thi Sau is located at Dat Do intersection, in Phuoc Long Tho commune - Dat Do District. The ancient wooden-walled, tile-roofed house where she lived as a teenager with her family has memorabilia, simple items, an ancestral altar, and an altar she placed in the outer space. In 1980, the house was renovated by the People's Committee of Dat Do district to be as spacious as it is today. Vo Thi Sau was a female guerrilla during the French-Vietnamese War in Vietnam, who repeatedly carried out assassination attempts on French officers and Vietnamese people collaborating with the French colonial government in South Vietnam. . The Vietnamese government views her as a symbol of a typical Heroic Martyr in the resistance war against the French and posthumously awarded her the title of Hero of the People's Armed Forces in 1993. Vo Thi Sau was born in 1933, the daughter of Mr. Vo Van Hoi and Mrs. Nguyen Thi Dau. Regarding the place of origin, the tombstone only records Dat Do district, Ba Ria - Vung Tau province. She was born into a poor family, her father worked as a horse-drawn carriage driver to transport passengers to Long Dien and Phuoc Hai, and her mother sold vermicelli noodles at Dat Do market. From a young age, she had to help her parents to make a living. After the French army recaptured the Dat Do region, at the end of 1945, Ms. Sau's brothers left their family and joined the resistance movement for the Viet Minh movement. She gave up her studies, stayed home to help her parents make a living and secretly provided supplies for her brothers, who worked in the Liberation Army Detachment of Ba Ria province. In 1946, she followed her brother, Vo Van Me, into the resistance zone, and became a liaison with the French Army Volunteer Police Team; In particular, the grenade attack at the French National Day celebration on July 14, 1949 in Dat Do, caused great resonance in the Dat Do region. In 1947, she officially became a member of the Dat Do Volunteer Police at the age of 14. Since then, she participated in many grenade raids and assassinated French and Vietnamese officers who collaborated with the French colonialists, creating a reputation and support from the people in the region. In December 1949, during a business trip to Dat Do, Ms. Vo Thi Sau was captured by the French army. Some other documents record that she was arrested in February 1950, after she and her comrades used grenades to kill Ca Suot and Ca Day, Vietnamese officials who collaborated effectively with the French army, at the trial. Canh Dan Tet market at Dat Do market. In the prison of those sentenced to death, she was still innocent, cheerful, and confident in the day of victory for the Fatherland. Even though her defense lawyers argued that she was under 18 years old, the French colonialists still stubbornly imposed the death penalty. Before being sentenced, she was exiled to Chi Hoa, Ba Ria and Con Dao prisons. Because the French army did not dare to publicly execute the sentence against her, they secretly murdered her. The story is still told that, when the group of executioners told her to kneel, she shouted back at them with a legendary sentence, I only know how to stand, not how to kneel. She was executed by firing squad in 1952 in Con Dao when she was under 18 years old. About 100 meters away is the monument park and the temple of hero Vo Thi Sau. Her statue is placed there, in a cool, four-season place fragrant with porcelain flowers, magnolia flowers, and lekima flowers. A beautiful, peaceful and quiet place. The statue is cast in bronze, 7m high, in the manner of Ms. Sau leisurely walking to the execution ground, her shirt still fluttering in the wind. A person who is brave, indomitable, resilient, and never gives up in the face of hardship and danger. The temple is a place for people to pay their respects, commemorate heroes and is a place to display artifacts, introducing images of the life and activities of heroic martyr Vo Thi Sau and some images of his homeland Dat Do. . Source: Electronic Information Portal of Ba Ria - Vung Tau Province

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Rating : National monument

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