Archaeological relic of Hon Hai Co Tien

Archaeological relic of Hon Hai Co Tien

Historical and archaeological relic Hon Hai Co Tien belongs to group 65, Bach Dang ward, Ha Long city. From 2001 to present, Quang Ninh Museum has cooperated with the Vietnam Institute of Archeology and the Vietnam Museum of History to survey, excavate and discover many relics bearing typical marks of the late period of Vietnamese culture. Ha Long culture (Late Neolithic period) to the Dong Son Culture period (Metal Age) dating from 4,000 to 2,000 years ago. Here, scientists have unearthed 91 artifacts, 1,000 scientific specimens including production tools, daily utensils, jewelry, beliefs... with ceramic, bone, and stone materials; a burial site with 46 ancient human remains, some of which are relatively complete. The remains were buried bundled with burial items. Quang Ninh Museum also surveyed 4 locations in the valley and foothills, and collected 294 artifacts and over 20,000 scientific specimens including bronze, stone, bone, and ceramic materials such as fish hooks, axes, chisels, jewelry. Here, scientists discovered many pieces of bronze molds of the Dong Son Culture along with pieces of bronze slag used to cast axes, spears, spears... In Area I, Quang Ninh Museum also discovered a population of fossil corals that may belong to the Devonian - Carboniferous period (about 400 million years ago today). Along with archaeological value, Hon Hai Co Tien Relic also has primeval rocky forest with many precious primates and reptiles such as golden-haired monkeys, salamanders, geckos... and a rich flora system. Natural resources of rocky mountain forests such as tea tree, Phat Du mountain, Ha Long orchid, Golden flower Venus, Ha Long Thien Tue... The recognition of the Hon Hai Co Tien relic as a National Monument has contributed to enhancing the cultural value of the World Heritage Site of Ha Long Bay and the important historical position of Quang Ninh with the ancient culture of Ha Long, in Northeast region of Vietnam. At the same time, the monument also creates a unique cultural tourism product right in Ha Long city. Source: Department of Culture and Sports of Quang Ninh province

Quang Ninh 799 view

Rating : National monument

Open door

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