Cang Ba Van historical site

Cang Ba Van historical site

Ba Van Cang is located in Binh Son commune, Song Cong city, Thai Nguyen province - a countryside rich in revolutionary tradition. Before 1941, Ba Van Prison was part of Thai Nguyen province prison, built by the French on a remote area of ​​land in Ba Van village, with difficult traffic, sparse population, separated from the outside by the river. Labour. This prison was proposed to be built in 1902, but for many reasons, construction did not begin until 1913. Initially, Thai Nguyen province prison had a small scale, the cells were made of bamboo, wood, and simple thatched roofs to house common criminals. Realizing that this prison is located in a place of "sacred forest, poisonous water", being imprisoned here is the safest, the French government has renovated and expanded the prison, building it more solidly to be able to take over many prisoners. than. There are solid fences around the prison, four corners are guarded by four guard posts. The prison is the home of the warden and soldiers, with a separate guard post for the guard. On September 29, 1936, the French President issued a Decree on full amnesty for prisoners throughout Indochina. Many political prisoners - patriotic communist soldiers - after being acquitted, have returned to work, connecting with leaders of the patriotic movement from North to South to fight for freedom, democracy, food and clothing. and peace. Before the outbreak of strikes, demonstrations, market yards, lockouts, struggles for tax collection, against tyranny oppression,... taking place from urban to rural areas, January 21, 1940 , The French Government has issued a Decree on the house arrest or deportation from their places of residence or detention in concentration camps of "dangerous elements" for national defense and common security, essentially for house arrest. Former political prisoners were acquitted in previous periods. Implementing this Decree, the colonial government in Vietnam established "special labor" camps (camp spécial des travailleurs) to detain political prisoners who had been acquitted in previous years, including Ba Van camp. was established under the Decree of the Governor of Tonkin on October 28, 1941. Ba Van Camp was maintained until October 1944 and between 1941 and 1944, about 200 prisoners were brought here for detention. After Ba Van Cang was abolished, the French colonialists sent political prisoners to be detained at Nghia Lo canton, Yen Bai province, established in 1944. In December 1994, the Ministry of Culture and Information issued a Decision to recognize Cang Ba Van historical relic as a national relic. The traces of Cang Ba Van are no longer there anymore, because in the past the prison was just rows of houses made from bamboo, the 5 meter high fence was built from sharpened bamboo sticks. This place has become a center for research and development of mountainous livestock, with the largest horse farms in Vietnam today. The strong, smooth-haired horses ready to gallop will create a lot of excitement for visitors, especially children. It feels like visitors are in the remote Mongolian steppe, not in Thai Nguyen. Source: Thai Nguyen Electronic Newspaper

Thai Nguyen 422 view

Rating : National monument

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