Hoa Ban Festival 2024 in Dien Bien province will have many special activities

Hoa Ban Festival 2024 in Dien Bien province will have many special activities

Dien Bien City

Hoa Ban Festival 2024 will take place from March 13 - 18, 2024 in Dien Bien Phu city, Dien Bien province. The festival is held in association with the opening of the National Tourism Year - Dien Bien Phu with the theme "Returning to Hoa Ban region".

This is a major event to promote tourist destinations in Vietnam in general and Dien Bien province in particular, attract international tourists and promote domestic tourism, contributing to the goal of building Dien Bien into a tourist destination. attractive tourist destination of the Northern Midlands and Mountains region by 2025, practically celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu Victory; 115 years since the founding of Dien Bien province and 75 years since the establishment of the Party Committee of Dien Bien province.

At the festival, there will be many cultural - artistic, physical training - sports activities, bringing a colorful cultural space, bearing the mark of ethnic minorities in Dien Bien province. The highlight of this year's festival is that for the first time the Xoe Thai and Khen Mong Arts Festival is held on an expanded provincial scale.

This year's Hoa Ban Festival is held in conjunction with the opening of the National Tourism Year - Dien Bien Phu with the theme "returning to Hoa Ban region" and will be a major event to promote Vietnam's tourist destination in general and Dien Bien province. Bien in particular, attracts international tourists and promotes domestic tourism, contributing to the goal of building Dien Bien into an attractive tourist destination of the Northern Midlands and Mountains region by 2025, establishing food to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu Victory (May 7, 1954 - May 7, 2024); 115 years since the founding of Dien Bien province (June 28, 1909 - June 28, 2024) and 75 years since the founding of the Party Committee of Dien Bien province (October 10, 1949 - October 10, 2024).

Through rich and diverse cultural, sports and tourism activities, containing the national cultural identity and historical characteristics of the heroic and sacred land of Dien Bien Phu, the festival promises to bring to the colorful cultural space, bearing the mark of ethnic minorities in Dien Bien province.

Main activities within the framework of the festival from March 13-18, 2024 in Dien Bien Phu city

Incense offering ceremony at the Martyrs' Temple at Dien Bien Phu Battlefield; The opening ceremony of the National Tourism Year - Dien Bien Phu 2024 with the theme: "returning to Hoa Ban region" with a special art program and a brilliant fireworks display is scheduled to take place at 7:30 p.m. on September 16. 3 at 7-5 Square, Dien Bien Phu city.

Activities within the framework of Hoa Ban Festival in 2024 include: Photo contest "Sparkling Hoa Ban region", traditional costumes performance of ethnic groups, Xoe Thai Art Festival and Mong Khen Art, exhibition introduce traditional local culture; exchange activities and sports competitions.

Display and introduction activities of cultural and tourist products; highland cultural space. In particular, the Thai Xoe Arts and Mong Khen Arts festivals were organized for the first time on an expanded provincial scale by artisans and actors of Dien Bien province and invited the Northwest provinces: Lai Chau, Son La, Yen. Bai, Ha Giang... has the art of Thai Xoe dancing and Mong Khen dancing participating.

Besides, many other activities are also held in districts such as: Thanh Ban Phu Festival in Dien Bien district (April), Water Festival (Bun Huot Nam) in Dien Bien district (April), Ga Festival Ghost Animals in Muong Nhe district (April)...

Highlight at the festival

The opening art program will be staged with high artistic quality, demonstrating Vietnam's tangible and intangible cultural values ​​and unique tourism products; At the same time, spread the message to domestic and international friends and tourists about the history, culture, tourism of Vietnam and the land and people of Dien Bien - Northwest.

From the materials of various performing arts, the opening night will bring delegates, audiences and visitors wonderful impressions and feelings about the heroic, sacred and beautiful land of Dien Bien Phu. , rich in cultural identity and full of friendliness and hospitality. In addition to performing arts, the Organizing Committee also spreads the festive atmosphere through community activities, including solidarity rings, community experience spaces created by artisans, and enjoying fireworks displays. The flowers explode majestically and brilliantly.

Performing real-life shows and introducing legends, history and unique folk dances, Thai ethnic folk culture. This is the first time Dien Bien province has organized a real-life show and introduced legends, history and unique folk dances, Thai ethnic folk culture, associated with tourist destinations to serve the needs of tourists. visitors' need to learn and experience.

The highland cultural space introduces the local traditional cultural space; highland market space, typical and unique agricultural products of districts, towns and cities in the province; experience traditional cuisine; Organize folk and traditional games of ethnic groups including: seesaw, toss, toss, toss, beat the drum blindfolded, walk on stilts, throw pounds... Organize cultural programs, introducing folk songs, folk dance, traditional folk music, performing the Then and Xoe heritage of the Thai ethnic group and ethnic groups: Mong, Ha Nhi, Kho Mu, Mong, Si La, Cong, Lao and Xa Phang. Display and introduce images and artifacts about the residence, productive labor activities, culinary culture, costumes, traditional crafts, and folk performing arts of the province's ethnic minorities Dien Bien. Perform and experience folk dance of some ethnic groups in the province.

Joining the atmosphere of historical years, the festival organizes many activities recalling unforgettable years, typically such as a bicycle pushing contest and an ammunition loading contest. The image of bicycles carrying bicycles and civilians loading ammunition during the campaign has become a symbol of the strength of the entire people, making an important contribution to the victory of the campaign and will be recreated through competitions. Not only are athletes participating in the competition, but they also create space for people and tourists to participate in the experience. This will be an interesting and impressive experience corner of the festival with the meaning of connecting history and the present./.

From 13/03/2024 - 18/03/2024

Discover Dien Bien

Dien Bien Phu victory relic site

The Dien Bien Phu Battlefield relic site includes 45 component relics. This is a historical space and also an outstanding tourism product, contributing to traditional education for the young generation, reminding Vietnamese people of the heroic memory of the Dien Bien Phu victory "illustrious in five continents, earth-shattering" while bringing economic value to the locality. During these historic days of May, many delegations flocked to Dien Bien Phu city (Dien Bien province) to visit the old battlefield on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu Victory (May 7, 1954 - May 7, 2019). 2019). There have been a lot of changes in the land that was once a fierce battlefield in the past, with the 56 day and night campaign of "cutting mountains, sleeping in cellars, pouring rain, squeezing rice" by our army and people, successfully ending the battlefield resistance. period against the French colonial invasion. The Dien Bien Phu Battlefield relic complex is now one of more than 100 special national monuments in the country and plays an important role in the tourism development of Dien Bien province. The Dien Bien Battlefield relic complex includes outstanding relics such as: A1 Hill, Doc Lap Hill, Hong Cum base, Him Lam, Muong Thanh bridge, Dien Bien Phu base group command tunnel (or Do tunnel). Sand), Victory Monument, Cannon Monument, Dien Bien Phu Campaign Headquarters... These relics have left a deep impression, attracting many tourists to visit when coming to Dien Bien. Located east of the center of Dien Bien Phu stronghold group, A1 hill has the most important position in the system of 5 hills protecting the center of Muong Thanh. Here, on the night of May 6, 1954, our troops dug a tunnel, placed an explosive weighing nearly 1,000kg and set it on fire. By the morning of May 7, 1954, our troops had complete control of A1 hill, paving the way for the final general attack on the stronghold group headquarters and achieving complete victory. Hill A1 is now a tourist attraction for domestic and international tourists with tunnels, trenches, blockhouses, and tanks preserved almost intact. Here, tourists can experience pushing bicycles, cooking with Hoang Cam stoves, listening to veterans tell stories... General De Cat's command bunker is located in the center of the Dien Bien basin. This is the basement with the working and resting rooms of General De Cat and the Dien Bien Phu base group command. This is also the place that marks the tragic defeat of an expeditionary army with the image of the commanding general and all officers under his command raising their hands to surrender and our soldiers raising the flag of determination to win and ending the war. Translating the history of Dien Bien Phu. Another relic that cannot be ignored along with the epic poems about Dien Bien soldiers is the artillery pulling Duong relic. This legendary route has entered the nation's history and become legendary. Using only human strength and rudimentary tools, but with patriotism and heroic spirit, our army and people opened routes on winding and dangerous mountain slopes to pull artillery into the battlefield. 20km from the center of Dien Bien Phu city is the campaign headquarters located deep in the Muong Phang forest. This was the headquarters of the Dien Bien Phu Campaign Command from January 31 to May 15, 1954. During the days here, General Vo Nguyen Giap made many important and historic decisions. Muong Phang Forest has become a symbol of the strength of the Vietnam People's Army and is called "General's Forest" by the people. In the complex of Dien Bien Phu Battlefield relics, a project that was born in peacetime but plays a very important role is the Dien Bien Phu Historical Victory Museum. This project was completed in 2014, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu Victory. The museum has a shape that simulates the helmet of our soldiers in the past. This is where artifacts from the historical Dien Bien Phu campaign are kept, including 2 display areas: Outside, there are 112 artifacts that are weapons used by the Vietnam People's Army and the French army, inside. Displaying 274 artifacts and 202 documentary photos. The museum has contributed to promoting the value of the historical complex of Dien Bien Phu battlefield and is a highlight attracting tourists to Dien Bien.

From January to December

Hang Tom Bridge

The old Hang Tom Bridge was previously famous as the most beautiful cable-stayed bridge in the Northwest, connecting Muong Lay (Dien Bien) and Phong Tho, Sin Ho of Lai Chau. The reason the bridge is called Hang Tom is because this part of the river used to have too many shrimp. About 50m from the bridge, there is a "pool" of very cool water, shrimp from the Da River flock there to lay eggs, the whole stretch of the river is densely packed with shrimp. Every day, people take turns going up there to catch them and eat them. But the people around this area have an unwritten custom: each family can only arrest for about an hour before the other family continues. In the late 1960s, Hang Tom Bridge began to be built. That day, Chinese experts and workers also came to help us build the bridge. However, in 1968, China had a cultural revolution, and all its experts and workers withdrew home. Fortunately, the item considered to be the most difficult, the cable car, had been pulled, leaving only the finishing stages remaining. But it was not until 1973 that Hang Tom Bridge was inaugurated. That day was truly a big festival for tens of thousands of Northwest people. Thousands of people came from all over to eat, eat rice balls, and walk for several days to see with their own eyes and once cross the dream bridge. Tom Cave is a highlight for the Northwest region. Because of the majestic and wild beauty of Hang Tom Bridge, in recent years, tourists, Westerners as well as ours, have flocked here, especially since the emergence of the backpacking tourism movement. In November 2012, Son La hydroelectric power station flooded, the entire old Muong Lay town, including Hang Tom bridge, sank deep under Song Da lake, ending 40 years of operation of the historic bridge. Right near the old Hang Tom bridge location, a new bridge was built to replace the task, 70m higher than the old bridge.

From January to December

Pha Din Pass

Pha Din in Thai is called "Pha Din", in which "Pha" is heaven, Din is "earth". The name of this pass means the place where earth and sky intersect - the name is enough to help people imagine the remoteness and danger here. Pha Din Pass is about 100km from Dien Bien Phu city. This is considered the boundary between Dien Bien and Son La provinces. Pha Din is located at an altitude of 1000m above sea level, with a total length of about 32km. The starting point of the pass is 66km from Son La City, and the end point is about 84km from Dien Bien Phu City. Pha Din, along with O Quy Ho, Khau Pha, and Ma Pi Leng, make up the four legendary passes of the Northwest highlands. Tourists from far away who want to conquer this great pass need to come to Hanoi by bus, train or it is best to book a plane ticket to Hanoi. From Noi Bai airport, visitors can book an airport shuttle on Traveloka to get to the city center. From Hanoi, to Son La - the starting point of Pha Din Pass by sleeper bus, limousine or motorbike. This pass is located on Highway 6, connecting the two provinces of Son La and Dien Bien. Backpackers starting from Hanoi will travel along Highway 6 through Moc Chau - Yen Chau - Mai Son - Thuan Chau plateau to reach the starting point of Pha Din pass. If you depart from Dien Bien Phu City, you will follow Highway 279 towards Tuan Giao district. Each season, Pha Din Pass has a different beauty. But the most beautiful seasons in Pha Din are spring and summer. Spring is the season when wild flowers bloom. There are pink peach blossoms, pure white plum blossoms, and banyan flowers filling the sky. March is the season when ban flowers bloom - a typical flower of Dien Bien province and is also considered the most beautiful season by backpackers. Summer in the delta provinces is scorching hot, but the climate in Pha Din is cool and pleasant. Winter with drizzle, cold weather and more dangerous roads is not the ideal season to conquer Pha Din. In addition, from May to August is the rainy season in Dien Bien. Before starting your journey, you should closely monitor weather developments. Because the Pha Din area is a red soil mountain, not a limestone mountain. When there is a lot of rain, extremely dangerous landslides can occur. Most tourists and backpackers come here to satisfy their adventurous spirit. The rugged mountain pass and majestic nature here seem to have a strange hypnotic power. Looking back from afar, the long pass road curves like a rope suspended between mountains and hills. The terrain here is extremely dangerous with a cliff on one side and a deep abyss on the other. The highest point of Pha Din pass is 1,648m above sea level. The slope of the pass ranges from 10% to 19%. The mountain pass is zigzag with 125 dangerous curves, A-shaped and Z-shaped curves with a curve radius of less than 15m. Going from the starting point to the top of the pass, each natural picture slowly opens, both majestic, breathtaking and poetic. At the foot of the pass are scattered villages. Halfway up the pass, clouds covered it. Looking down from the slope of the pass is the vast Muong Quai valley. Approaching the top of the pass, there is only the deep sky and majestic, vast mountains and forests. When conquering Pha Din, don't forget to stop to admire the scenery at Ang Nua valley or check in at Pha Din Pass - a 50ha tourist area built by Pha Din cooperative. Vitality is present throughout Pha Din pass. On the conquering route, visitors will encounter images of highland markets when passing through Phong Lai commune, Thuan Chau district, Son La province or Toa Tinh commune, Tuan Giao district, Dien Bien province. People gather at the market to buy and sell agricultural products, medicinal herbs, and mountain and forest products. Tourists can also stop to buy some to take home as gifts. What makes Pha Din Pass more special than the other three great Northwest passes is that this pass is associated with the famous Dien Bien Phu campaign in five continents, shaking the earth. During the resistance war against the French, Pha Din was the route to supply and transport artillery to Dien Bien Phu and became a symbol of the brave spirit of 8,000 young volunteers. To block this supply route, the French army sent planes to bomb Route 6 continuously for 48 days and nights. Among them, Pha Din Pass was one of the two places that suffered the most from bombs and bullets. Now, Pha Din Pass has been recognized as a National Monument, a testament to the nation's history.

From January to December

Pa Khoang Lake

Pa Khoang Lake is located in Pa Khoang commune, City. Dien Bien Phu; About 8km from Highway 279 and from the city center. Dien Bien Phu is nearly 20km to the Northeast. In the language of the Thai people, Pa Khoang means "bamboo forest". Mr. Quang Van Viet, Chairman of the People's Committee of Pa Khoang commune, said: In the past, countless bamboo trees grew around the lake. Thai people here have a funny saying that "look up and see the sky, look down and see bamboo". Local people often use bamboo to make fishing rods and some household items. In addition to ensuring irrigation for 5,000 hectares of Muong Thanh fields with 2 rice crops, Pa Khoang lake also regulates the climate, limits the harmful effects of floods, and stores water for two hydroelectric projects: Thac Bay and Na Loi. . With the advantage of diverse vegetation, the forests around the lake are rich in all kinds of animals; Many species of plants and animals floating and under the lake bed. In 2004, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu victory, the road leading to Pa Khoang Lake was paved. Also at this time, 4 motels, both luxurious and rustic, with nearly 100 rooms were opened; Cultural villages of the Thai and Kho Mu ethnic groups were also deployed with a total area of ​​over 1,000 hectares. To get to Pa Khoang Lake, visitors can move from Highway 279 along Highway 279b into Muong Phang commune. Or you can follow the road southeast of the city. Dien Bien Phu passes through Ta Leng commune. These two routes lead visitors through winding roads along the lake, occasionally appearing behind the forest canopy on the clear blue surface of Pa Khoang Lake... Visiting Pa Khoang Lake, visitors can row a boat on the rolling waves, creep into every corner of the islands, and discover the magic of the natural world. Visitors can also walk through the forest to enjoy the scenery and visit villages of the Thai ethnic group. The people here are very friendly and hospitable; Visitors will be invited to attend cultural exchanges, enjoy art and culinary dishes, such as sticky rice, bamboo-tube rice, grilled fish, smoked meat... In winter, mist covers the lake surface, creating a magical watercolor painting. Summer comes, the lake surface is clear and gentle, reflecting the mountains, clouds, sky and dark green forests. In 2015, the Prime Minister approved the "Master plan for development of Dien Bien Phu - Pa Khoang National Tourist Area, Dien Bien province until 2020, vision to 2030". The general goal of the planning is to develop the Dien Bien Phu - Pa Khoang Tourist Area by 2020 to basically meet the criteria of the National Tourist Area; By 2030, it will truly become a National Tourism Area with a system of synchronous and modern technical facilities; is a highlight and milestone on the tourist route through the Northwest region, creating a driving force to promote tourism and socio-economic development in Dien Bien province.

From January to December

The westernmost point of A Pa Chai

A Pa Chai is located in Sin Thau commune, Muong Nhe district, 250 km from Dien Bien Phu city, is the westernmost point of the country, where there is a landmark dividing the boundary between the three countries Vietnam - Laos - China. This is called the border junction located on the top of Khoang La San mountain, 1,864m above sea level, welcoming many tourists every year, especially young people from all over the country to visit. , conquer. Previously, A Pa Chai was considered a difficult landmark to conquer because the road to the landmark was difficult, having to cross three head-high thatched grass hills, cross forests, wade streams, and climb high mountains, which took four to five hours from The border guard station has just arrived. It's different now. In 2018, Dien Bien province completed the concrete road along the cliffs and built steps, making it easier for visitors to conquer the milestone even though they still have to walk a few kilometers of small, steep and climbing concrete roads. 500 steps to reach the landmark. The border junction marker placed on the top of the mountain is triangular in shape, with three sides facing three directions, each side has the country's name engraved in its own national language and the national emblems of the three countries of Vietnam, Laos and China. From the high point of the westernmost point of the country, looking into the distance is a vast space, majestic mountains and forests. The three-sided landmark dividing the boundary of the three countries Vietnam - Laos - China shimmers in the sunlight. Emotion and national pride surged.

From January to December