Specialties of Huot Nam Bun Festival in Dien Bien

Specialties of Huot Nam Bun Festival in Dien Bien

At Na Sang 1 village, Nua Ngam commune, Dien Bien district, Dien Bien province

GD&TD - On April 14, the People's Committee of Dien Bien district, Dien Bien province organized the Water Festival (Bun Huot Nam) at Na Sang 1 village, Nua Ngam commune.

Bun Huot Nam Festival of Lao people is a traditional New Year, and is also one of the main festivals held to pray for good rain and wind for a good harvest; All things grow and develop; Wash away the bad luck of the old year and enter the new year with lots of joy for members, families and the community.

Bun Huot Nam is also an opportunity for villagers to be creative and demonstrate folk games, traditional folk dances and especially the water splashing custom of Lao people.

This year's festival includes activities such as: Worshiping, praying, tying wrist threads to pray for good luck; dancing five volts; have fun; going door to door asking for water; worshiping river and stream gods; go to the stream to bathe...

At Bun Huot Nam festival, there is also space to display and promote cultural and tourism products, handicraft products, and ethnic cuisine; local agricultural and OCOP products. Along with that, items associated with the cultural life and community activities of the Lao people in Nua Ngam commune are displayed.

Huot Nam Bun Festival 2024 takes place over 2 days April 13-14. At the festival, a cultural exchange program took place with unique performances, imbued with national culture with the participation of mass performance teams of Dien Bien district; Villages and hamlets in Nua Ngam commune, sister units and many communes in Dien Bien district have Lao ethnic residents.

Mr. Nong Quang Thang, Vice Chairman of Dien Bien District People's Committee, said: Bun Huot Nam Festival is one of two events organized by the district in response to the National Tourism Year - Dien Bien 2024; towards the 70th Anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu Victory; 115 years of establishment of Dien Bien province and 75 years of establishment of Dien Bien province Party Committee.

From 13/04/2024 - 14/04/2024

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