Explore the Ponagar Tower Festival: A unique folk festival of the Cham people

Explore the Ponagar Tower Festival: A unique folk festival of the Cham people

Vinh Phuoc Ward, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa

Ponagar Tower Festival is a festival of the Cham ethnic group in Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa, Vietnam. This is the largest folk festival of the year in Khanh Hoa province to commemorate the goddess Yang Po Inu Nagar - who has made many contributions to help the people, bringing good things and happiness to everyone.

PoNagar Nha Trang Thap Ba Festival takes place every year from March 20 to 23 of the lunar calendar, at PoNagar Thap Ba relic, in Vinh Phuoc ward, Nha Trang city, Khanh Hoa province.

Clothing changing ceremony: The ceremony is conducted on the 20th day of the 3rd lunar month. The celebrant offers agarwood, incense, flowers, fruits and prays. After that, the members of the Ceremony Committee changed their clothes and crowns to bathe the statue. The water used to bathe the statue is made from wine with water and fragrant flower petals (5 types). Nowadays, the robe changing ceremony is no longer a ceremony where the young women in Bong village change Mau's robes, instead it is performed by some older women. After bathing the statue, the Holy Mother was dressed in new clothes and a crown offered by the people.

Lantern releasing ceremony: The ceremony takes place on the 20th day of the 3rd lunar month. The procession from the tower down to Bong hamlet and to the altar next to the Cai river. After the Requiem, the boats on the river light candles and release lanterns, making a section of the river become sparkling and magical.

Ceremony to pray for national peace and prosperity: takes place on the morning of the 21st day of the third lunar month, presided over by the Executive Committee of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha of Khanh Hoa province.

Ceremony of completing the capital and offering alms: The ceremony takes place at noon on the 21st day of the third lunar month.

Offering offerings to the Mother Goddess: The ceremony takes place at the hour of the Rat on the 22nd day of the third lunar month to offer incense to the Mother Goddess.

Traditional ceremonies, Khai Dien ceremony and Ton Vuong ceremony: taking place on the 23rd day of the third lunar month, the ceremony group includes elders and people of Cu Lao (Xom Bong) offering ceremonies according to traditional rituals; The Tuong troupe performs the Khai Dien and Ton Vuong ceremony on stage.

Shadow Dance and Literature Singing: Take place throughout the festival days. Because the area in the tower is small and narrow, the number of people entering the tower is limited. The remaining members of the group stand to worship the Mother Goddess in the main tower yard. Then the troupes performed Shadow dance and Literature singing on the stage in front of Mandapa. In addition, during the days of the festival, there are also performances of ancient operas related to Thien Y A Na Thanh Mau... always attracting people to watch during the festival.

All the activities taking place during the festival at Po Nagar Ba Tower relics with a solemn atmosphere, showing respect, along with a bustling and exhilarating atmosphere, increase the "sacredness" of the Ba Tower festival. PoNagar Nha Trang – Khanh Hoa.

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